July 26, 2013, - 3:58 pm
Moron of the Week: Bette Midler Says GOP Rooted for Nazis (She Married One, Though–Nazi, Not GOP)
One of the most annoying songs America has suffered is “Wind Beneath My Wings.” One of the most annoying anti-male chick flicks America has suffered through is “Beaches” a/k/a High Quality Gitmo Torture Material. And, now, it’s official that one of the most annoying “entertainers” (and I use that term loosely) that America has suffered through is the beast associated with both the song and the movie–Bette Midler. I cannot stand this woman, never have. She oozes arrogance and conceit and acts as if she’s America’s sexiest, smartest property. Now sentenced to a retirement gig in Vegas, Midler has taken to comparing Republicans to Nazis and pointing out that they rooted for America to lose World War II, which ain’t exactly true.

Yes, it’s true that the GOP of old was isolationist in a way that Pat Buchanan and the Rand Paulistinians and Palestinian Congressman Justin Amash wish America was today. But the mainstream Republican Party today is completely different, just as the Democrats of today are different than the Dems of Truman and Scoop Jackson and Daniel Patrick Moynihan times. If anything–and frankly, it’s an apt description–the party of Nazism today is the Democratic Party, which embraces Jew-hatred in a way that makes the worm entrails that is now Hitler jealous. So her attempt at comparing Republicans to Nazis and saying they rooted for Jews to perish is an epic failure. We know which party, today, is more likely to take up the cause of Jews and their safety and security, and it isn’t the party of donkeys and jackasses (who embrace every Jew-hating group in the rainbow).
By the way, as reader Jon Grant points out, Ms. Midler is married to a German national, probably the son of Nazis, so that would make her a Nazi sperm receptacle, not something I’d brag about if I were she. Go back to singing about your broken wings, Bette. For the record, Midler does not speak for me as a Jewish American. She’s what I call a Va-JINO (my name for female Jews In Name Only).
Outspoken actress Bette Midler took to Twitter on Wednesday to tell her 450,000 followers that Republicans actually rooted for a loss in World War II.
“GOP treats Mr. Obama the way they treated FDR in WWII. They did everything they could to ensure an Allied loss,” she said, gaining 60 retweets.
But a lot of people didn’t find her comment amusing.
“You should explain that to all the dead Republicans buried at Arlington National Cemetery,” one user replied.
“Lets be real here Midler knows as much about history as she knows about meteorology, not much, nothing,” another person said.
Earlier this month the award-winning actress docu-tweeted the weather in New York, urging people to call their elected officials about global warming.
Well, she oughta know something about “global warming,” since the globe atop her neck is full of hot air. But that’s about all she knows of that or anything else of substance.
Bette Midler, STFU juice drink candidate of the week.
Cue the theme song . . .
Tags: Bette Midler
Sadly, that kind of “celebrity” does have followers. In a same world, the career of a has-been celebrity vomiting Antisemitism, global warming hot air would hit rock bottom instantly. However, being a self-hating Jew with no knowledge of how climate works is a sure way to reach some “celebrity” status.
So, Mrs. Midler, STFU for the rest of your decaying career. Mankind had enough of your lousy music, your Antisemitism, and your crappy scholarship of climate sciences.
Rodrigo Veleda on July 26, 2013 at 4:27 pm