July 17, 2013, - 1:25 pm

Angry Black Man Trayvon Martin Racist E-Mail of the Day: Calls Schlussel “Creepy Ass Cracker,” Sexual Comments, “Y’all Europeans”

By Debbie Schlussel, “European Cracker”

The photo below is that of Raymond Woods, yet another Angry Black Man, who sent me angry, racist comments in response to my postings about Trayvon Martin and the George Zimmerman trial and verdict. Below are his comments. Note the sexual references. Since the Martin/Zimmerman matter had nothing to do with sex (other than Rachel Jeantel a/k/a “Precious” claiming that she told Martin that Zimmerman might be a child molester), why was sex brought up? Because this guy is obviously the usual depraved, oversexed hate-mailer. I assure him (and you) that I–and especially my ass–do not look like Nancy Grace. Not even close. But it’s funny–and disturbing–to read:


Raymond Woods & Trayvon Martin

From: raymond woods r84woods@gmail.com
Date: Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 8:30 PM
Subject: Creep ass cracker
To: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.com

How would you like if someone killed your kid(s). If you were ever lucky to even get a man to screw your Nancy Grace looking ass…I see you racist just like the white juror…If TRAYVON was really a thug he would’ve had a gun with a 30 round clip and nailed ZIMMERMAN to the grass..if he was a thug as yall europeans call him…Yall might have more power..but face to face…hand to hand..yall will lose…creepy ass crackers…p.s…..please make sure my email gets delivered to that cracker!!!!!!!

He forgot a couple things:

You know datz right! And no, you di’in’t!

Remember, this guy and people like him are America’s future, especially if amnesty happens. We are losing America to racist, anti-Western, anti-“European” scumbags like him. After all, his attack on “yall europeans” [sic] is not just a racist attack on White people.

It’s an attack on Western culture. Make no mistake.

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60 Responses

Typical blabber mouth dred lock wearing Obama voting schvartza…go figure

Habib Akbarovich on July 17, 2013 at 1:43 pm

    Habib Akbarovich. FYI, this Raymond Wood POS is the True Nigga [sic] who should be ground up and fed to the wild animals at the local zoo. Trayvon Martin is made of the same cloth. My sympathy goes out to all the honest hard working Black people who we never hear from. DS is correct is stating that this is America’s future. My America no longer exists.

    Robert A. on July 18, 2013 at 12:30 pm

    Is it “shvartza” or “shvatzah”? Others say “shvartzer”. I can never get this straight.

    (The word plays havoc with my spell checker.)

    BethesdaDog on July 24, 2013 at 5:34 am


And the equally dumbass liberal Attorney General Eric Holder tell us he thinks Stand Your Ground laws are “senseless.”

He wants to take away our away our right of self defense to appease the street mobs. This is a guy who has armed bodyguards for protection but the plebes should have no right of self defense at all.

This is exactly where the anti-white racist (and anti-American) street grievance theater are leading us – to turn this country into a Third World killing field. Many of our inner cities have looked like that for decades now.

Baby, the future of America!

NormanF on July 17, 2013 at 1:49 pm

    stand your ground
    is not something permissively granted
    by the beneficence of gov’t

    it is a g-d given right

    it is gov’t that tries to
    take it from you
    under the guise that they are
    better than you are
    and thru statute that they put up
    as superior to the 10 commandments

    prestigio on July 17, 2013 at 7:33 pm

      If had a choice to read Yeats or prestigio, surely I would choose the latter.

      skzion on July 17, 2013 at 9:42 pm

        Yeah, but at least Yeats rhymed.

        DS_ROCKS! on July 18, 2013 at 8:47 am

    Yep, Holder and all those politicians that make laws for everyone else to abide by, and the Supreme Court fellas, especially the gun laws, are all very well protected by security/bodyguards, metal detectors, and layers of security measures; and they send they kids to private schools with the same layers of security. Yet they pass laws for everyone else to follow and be at great risk of violence.

    The future of America is certainly bleak with the likes of this dread locked, punk-ass, mo-fo, spewing how he hate the white man. My question to him is “what you doing here mo-fo??”

    MF Jones on July 18, 2013 at 1:42 pm

Dear Rick James wanna be,

Face to face hand to hand in a sport like MMA fighting white people (or Europeans) dominate the sport. African Americans are no where to be found. Most American special forces are predominately white. African Americans usually are the ones carrying guns and know nothing about hand to hand fighting.You forms gangs for a reason, man to man you are weak. You also suck so badly at fighting you have to have dogs do it for you.

The way to spot a racist is to see who calls someone a racist. Trey von was a punk (not yet a thug) and that is why he is dead. If black people didn’t screw every fat disguising white person then some girls would have a problem finding a man. White people are lucky to have one kid, let alone kid(s) because we have enough pride to take care of our own kids after we get married and graduate college and are in a career. You and your high school GED, 5 kid(s) and 4 baby mammas collecting welfare would not know anything about that. Go back to caring about a dead black teenager because he was shot in self defense in Florida by a Hispanic and stop worrying about white people and fix the black on black crime then we might care about the isolated incident that did not involve an African shooting another African. Or not- just sit around and smoke weed all day and braid your dirty hair and collect welfare.
PS- When are you going back to jail? Have seen your PO lately?

Randal on July 17, 2013 at 1:51 pm

    This is primitive and embarrassingly racist. And it’s just plain bad–I mean, you are not a good person. Full stop. Even you, I am sure, would be too ashamed to put your full name to this.

    Henderson Claude on July 18, 2013 at 12:16 pm


Most young black men wind up in prison, dead or get sidelined in their own communities where “acting white” is seen as not being cool.

Neither Jesse Jackson nor Al Sharpton or the leaders of Black America care about the fate of young black men. Black America is losing entire generation.

Its auto-cide but that’s no one’s fault if it can’t be blamed on “Da Man.”

NormanF on July 17, 2013 at 1:56 pm

Treyvon had posted pictures on Facebook possessing 2 handguns. Were these guns registered to him? Any thoughts? I haven’t seen this question posted anywhere.

Dee on July 17, 2013 at 2:04 pm

    There was also a picture on his phone of a hand holding a gun (unknown whose hand), as well as pictures of underage girls nude (felony in every state, and federally as well).

    As someone else said– he told Rachel that he was in his father’s back yard, yet Martin never got closer to Trayvon’s father’s home than a block away– why didn’t Treyvon just go inside and tell his father some “creepy ass cracker” was following him?

    No, he had to be a big shot and confront Zimmerman, who also thought he was a big shot cause he was carrying a gun. We also know from Treyvon’s own Facebook and friends that he was into drinking “lean” or “drank”, a concoction often made from Arizon brand Watermelon drink (which is what Treyvon purchased that night- NOT NOT NOT ice tea), Skittles candy (which Treyvon purchased that night), and codeine (which Treyvon asked friends on Facebook if they could get for him)… known effects of drinking this mess are: paranoia, fear, confusion, and worse– several rappers have gotten sick and/or died from use. Treyvon would most likely be alive right now if both he and Zimmerman listened to their brains, and not their balls.

    SDF on July 17, 2013 at 2:20 pm

there’s logic that helped build up civilizations and humanity… and then there’s black anti-logic which is making quick work of deconstructing it all here in the states.

kirche on July 17, 2013 at 2:13 pm

And then there’s the old standby- if white people and racism are the cause of the Black condition in the USA, how do you explain the entire continent of Africa? If that’s too much for ya, let’s talk about, oh, Zimbabwe– which used to be an exporter of agricultural products… but they murdered and ran off the white interlopers, took back the farmland… and are now starving to death.

C.A.C. on July 17, 2013 at 2:26 pm

    CAC reminds me of a great book I read during my evolution from Libtard to Conservative. Keith Richburg’s book “Out Of America”.

    It was a very scary book (no hyperbole) and I delighted in having read it (in late 90s or very early Aughts) because it told a truth I had never heard a Black Man (Journalist) say before.

    I should read it again. It helped me skip ahead years in my conversion. Of all places, I heard him interviewed on NPR (way back when) and I guess I am not shocked that after I read it, I never heard much about him again. At the time I was clueless to what happens to those who drop the Libtard, Donk dogma and storyline but now, it’s all pretty clear.

    Skunky on July 17, 2013 at 5:06 pm

Need a CWC ow!

Congressional White Caucus

tom on July 17, 2013 at 2:31 pm

Finally Eepublicans can get the Hispanic vote if they play their cards rifgt.

tom on July 17, 2013 at 2:35 pm

Sounds like he’s a good candidate for the new Harvard fellowship.

Little Al on July 17, 2013 at 2:51 pm

It looks like a fake letter. Balding young bloods in dreads don’t write like that. It is likely a white man, communist no doubt, who suffers from white liberal guilt that sent the e-mail. If you asked 100,000 African-Americans if they know who Nancy Grace is, 100,000 would not know.

AR on July 17, 2013 at 2:57 pm

When you get responses like that you know you must be doing something right, telling it like it is, and being honest. And you are a gorgeous woman Debbie.

Jerry on July 17, 2013 at 3:11 pm

To you Raymond Woods, I would like to give you some old literature for your uneducated sorry ass buddy, and this quote is from the late “George Washington Carver”:

“Ninety-nine percent of the failures come from people who have the habit of making excuses.”

I bet you don’t know who George Washington Carver was, eh Raymond? If you don’t know who he was, that is because the school system FAILED you where you live and did NOT get a real and legit education, but nothing propaganda and revisionism. Also Raymond, I would like to also quote “Booker T Washington” with a great quote:

“There is another class of coloured people who make a business of keeping the troubles, the wrongs, and the hardships of the Negro race before the public. Having learned that they are able to make a living out of their troubles, they have grown into the settled habit of advertising their wrongs, partly because they want sympathy and partly because it pays. Some of these people do not want the Negro to lose his/her grievances, because they do not want to lose their jobs.”

Raymond Woods, you know why not only some white women, some latina women, some asian women, some middle eastern women, BUT also some black women are not into black men, it because of behavior and throw-back thinking such as yours pals. Your giving the average black male like myself a horrible image with your stupidity, idiocy, demagoguery, racism, bigotry, etc. It’s time to evolve in your thinking and at least go back to school to enhance and further your education dude, because your unintelligence is completely astounding and sad!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on July 17, 2013 at 3:18 pm

    AMEN, BROTHER!!! And THANK YOU for bringing up George Washington Carver. I was educated for a while in the NYC public school system BEFORE it went to hell. It started going to hell about the time I reached 9th grade or thereabouts. The rumblings existed prior to that, because The Cultural Pancake Flip was well underway.

    But for a good while, NYC had a great public school system. And we were educated about everything from the Founding Fathers to penmanship, the various sounds of letters, and also about great Americans of all colors.

    George Washington Carver was one of the greatest minds this nation has ever had, right up there with anyone from Ben Franklin to Einstein. Many people today who have George Washington Carver’s legacy popping up in their lives every day, have no idea of it. To anyone who is not aware of how this great American continues to affect and shape American lives every day, look him up. A fascinating man.

    Great post all around, Sean R. I grew up in mostly ghetto neighborhoods during the 60’s and 70’s. I knew blacks of all stripes, from geek to gangster. Unfortunately, the historic admonitions of people like Carver and Washington today fall on deaf ears.

    I was afraid that the black community would fall in to this kind of morass when King was assassinated. That was a frightening time for me, in more ways than one. My worst fears have come true, about everyone throughout the nation, regardless of color.

    Alfredo from Puerto Rico on July 18, 2013 at 10:10 am

Absolutely know that you are right in showing us these fools.
What makes that group so violent? When is the last time white people rioted? over anything? White folks are getting beat up in the name of trayvon lately, where is the white rage and riots?
it is called being cvilized. as opposed to savagery.

ZL on July 17, 2013 at 3:20 pm

    White rioted during OWS you half wit

    AR on July 17, 2013 at 5:27 pm

It is always so obvious the total lack of upbringing and schooling these ghetto dwellers suffer and enjoy. Twisted world they live in. Colonel West would cringe to have his kid act like this scum bag.

samurai on July 17, 2013 at 3:28 pm

The worst move the white man EVER made was bring slaves to America from Africa. If we didn’t bring them here they would still be over there throwing spears, with absolutely no knowledge of building a boat or the concept of wheels etc. They would have no idea of how to explore other lands or move to other places in the world. Unfortunately we brought them here and can’t undo it. If they don’t like it here…LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go back to Africa and stay there.

Greg Pychel on July 17, 2013 at 3:29 pm

    Greg Pychel if black people were not brought from Africa where else would the US have gotten all that free labour which contributed in no small way to the country’s wealth.

    Pierre Sobers on February 24, 2016 at 8:25 pm

Another illiterate lemming jive-ass turkey who thinks he’s so smart when he B being PLAYED by nasty, hypocritical white Libtards.

How can you respect someone like that? You. Can’t.

Get the message, Gee.

I have zero respect for idiots like this cretin who is illiterate, prolly didn’t have a daddy, prolly didn’t live wit his birff mama and prolly don’t have a job but has a few bastards here and there.

I don’t respect this vermin because he knows NOTHING about the Zimmerman trial. He’s just B goin’ wit da flo’. What a brainless, human stain.

All these profound retards should check themselves and see they are being played as the dumbest of the dumb, the most slave of the slaves. Stuck on the yucky, stinky, nasty Democrat gulag bandwagon ever created. To empower (mostly) white Libtards.

And you don’t have to look like ghetto trash to be stupidly tricked. Some of the most non-ghetto looking dopes (Marc Lamont Hill) are the most dumbest and the most played. Suckas!

I happen to really like what Limbaugh has hi-lighted these last two days. That Zimmerman got “bash” because Trayvon thought he was gay. We know how bigoted Blacks can be when it comes to the gays and Limbaugh played an audio part of the pukey Piers interview that he should have zoomed in on more…when “Precious” alluded to (the perception) of “that kind” (meaning gay).

If this wasn’t such a serious disgrace I’d laugh what a twisty joke this has all become.

If you’re on the side of skin colour and going-with-the-crowd, you’re doing it WRONG. And you’re a dumb ass!

Skunky on July 17, 2013 at 4:50 pm

    Great post, Skunky, and thanks for mentioning Marc Lamont Hill in the context you did. He has been disappointing through the years. At first I thought this guy was pretty cool, but he’s proven to be nothing more than a Sharpton with an extremely erudite manner.

    Alfredo from Puerto Rico on July 18, 2013 at 10:15 am

Raymond this is as good as it gets and it won’t ever get this good for you again.
There ain’t no room for yard boys in the game you’re getting played in. Never were. Never will be.
Want to find that out the hard way? Be my guest.

knowitall on July 17, 2013 at 5:18 pm

Most of you do not have a clue about African-Americans. What you do know, your knowledge is limited to what you Google or have seen on You Tube. I have extensive experience with this ethnic group, and I can tell you that they are far worse than what is actually reported.

I have spent a lot of time in HUD housing projects in the worse cities in the country and can tell you their behavior is perplexing. In these projects, which the government builds, and then they, the tenants, who pay as low as 25 bucks per month, destroy them in a very short time, in which they are re-built again and again.

They typically live in abject squalor, simply sit at home at day in and day out, watch cable tv, consume large quantities of drugs and alcohol, that is after they wake up at around 4 or 5 pm, throw trash from their 3rd story balcony, defecate in the washing machines, engage in all sorts of vandalism, make it a habit to get confrontational when they are confronted with a violation instituted by HUD and are generally lawless animals.

To make it worse, HUD allowed these renters to formulate tenant associations which are similar to HOA boards only they are on section 8, collect welfare and do not work. So no matter how vial or lawless the tenant is, they cannot be displaced from their public housing and if they ever are evicted, which is rate, they are simply moved to another housing project, at tax payers’ expense, by professional movers. Moreover, these tenant associations can dictate actual policy and create laws to benefit tenants, to HUD.

The interesting thing is that poverty pimps [ Sharpton, Jackson, etc] personally benefit by millions of dollars by perpetuating the misery of their people. Often, when slums are demolished, a lot of corruption takes place for construction contracts and money passes hands from the contractors, to housing workers, to section 8 tenants. It is really sickening to see our tax money go to this scam.

AR on July 17, 2013 at 5:24 pm

It’s interesting to see that the ‘Attorney General’ has found a sideshow to detract from his actual scandals! Notice how there’s been an absence of news related to James Rosen and related stuff in much of the media? How inventive!

Not Ovenready on July 17, 2013 at 5:50 pm

Debbie, you being a lawyer will appreciate this. Prosecutors withheld evidence about Trayvon’s phone texts and pictures and now fired their IT guy who told the defense that the evidence existed. http://theconservativetreehouse.com/ This Raymond Woods guy is a credit to his gangsta image. Ray, drink some purple drank like Trayvon did and chill. Don’t go out with your coward black mob friends playing ” Knockout King game”

bobby99 on July 17, 2013 at 6:19 pm

Woods is a racist moron. But I am sure he had a 3.0 in school. Anything to get this fool graduated by the time he was 21.

pat on July 18, 2013 at 12:11 am

Raymond, you do know Debbie is a competent and well known Attorney and she gives disturbing emails to the proper Authorities, who keep a list?

You do know that don’t you, sir?

Jack on July 18, 2013 at 12:17 am

Couldn’t bear to read more than the beginning of the email Debbie – and sorry you have had to. But it did remind me of an interesting article by Fred (of “Fred on Everything”). In an article on the Zimmerman case he says: “The crucial fact to come out of the whole adventure—crucial, and therefore utterly overlooked–was that Rachel Jeantel, a prosecution witness and black girl aged nineteen years, can´t read. The grim implication of this fact is confirmed by the illiteracy of tweets… Here we see as neatly displayed as if in a jewelry box why so many young blacks will go nowhere in the remaining fifty years of their lives. They can´t read, or barely can. In a fading techno-industrial civilization—I use the latter word frivolously—this consigns them to a life on charity. Is this not of more note than who started what?”

I think this is vitally important because – and this is just my opinion, so please take it or leave it – but, in my opinion, given that our Creator, the God of Abraham, gave us his written word, he meant us to be able to read and write.

Therefore, if we are not taught to, can our brains develop properly?

I don’t know – I am not a brain surgeon (to put it mildly) – but I have to wonder.

And the problem is not just confined to America. I think I notice an increasing illiteracy and innumeracy here, among all groups, even though children must, by law, spend many years in the school system. Spelling and grammar are no longer thought of as important, yet aren’t they the very building blocks of literacy.

The gift of language is a treasure beyond price. And has language ever been as dumbed down as it is now – in and by the media, for a start?

What is happening? Is it in the interests of the powers-that-be that we should not be literate, not learn to think? The Inspired Scriptures warn us that, for the moment, the whole world lies in the power of “the wicked one”, and he certainly does not want us to be able to read the Hebrew and Christian Greek Scriptures and think about what they say.

sue on July 18, 2013 at 3:12 am

    Sue The Pom, do you have the guts to do ANYTHING?

    Other than knock on people’s doors and proselytize them to the JW religion?

    You’re not brave, have no guts and I will remind others one more time that you openly copped to NOT going to help Jews (or any others) against the Mooooslim scourge.

    The same you who lied and said the relationship in UK between others and Mooooooslims is a symbiotic one and easy one.

    You have no guts or credibility.

    Skunky on July 18, 2013 at 10:20 am

      Thanks for taking down Sue again, Skunky. I didn’t realize immediately who was writing and got the full, yucky experience.

      Sue sez:

      “Therefore, if we are not taught to [read and write], can our brains develop properly?”

      Sue, do you realize that Homer could neither read nor write — because there was no written Greek language at the time?

      Look, wrap elastic bandages around your knees and get back to pounding the pavement.

      skzion on July 18, 2013 at 11:10 am


      Henderson Claude on July 18, 2013 at 2:01 pm

    I am extremely blessed and happy that my mother insisted I get a good primary education. She particularly stressed reading. I came to understand why as life went on. In any society, the ability to read, express oneself in writing at least to a fair degree, and handle at least basic arithmetic, is actual power.

    I am an excellent reader, very good writer (the words of others) and very adept at mental arithmetic, as well on paper. I was taught long division and multiplication on paper. All these tools, despite my having only a GED, have been invaluable in my life, to this day.

    Literacy and being at least somewhat adept at addition, subtraction, multiplication and division are a MUST in any society, even the jungle. No lie.

    Alfredo from Puerto Rico on July 18, 2013 at 10:25 am

      Alfredo, you are definitely an excellent writer. If those who are not learned from your style they would go from blah to being compelling and readable.

      That you’re also adroit at math is a true gift. Most who can write well don’t have that ability. I know I wish I did!

      Skunky on July 18, 2013 at 10:43 am

      Yes, Alfredo, I too use the long division I was taught at school to this day. And am so grateful that I as taught basic literacy and numeracy.

      But what is going on in schools now that children are not learning? And why?

      That is real deprivation.

      sue on July 18, 2013 at 1:08 pm

Raymond, are you too dense to realize that you have just proven yourself to be a thug? Perhaps the crack pipe has you a bit addled?

Worry01 on July 18, 2013 at 4:54 am

Those who do not wish to abide by the Rule of Law are more than welcome to move out of the U.S.

Gracie on July 18, 2013 at 6:41 am

Debbie,I red you column everyday and I found it very interesting. What you say about the West is an ABSOLUTE TRUTH. And if we pass the infamous immigration law we the westerner will become a dead breed.Good for you cousin. I have been to Masada. An unforgivable place.

bonnie loranger on July 18, 2013 at 9:42 am

In my experience guys like Raymond Woods are real tough when emailing and/or when in a crowd where they outnumber others.

OrlandoRican on July 18, 2013 at 9:49 am

With his attitude I would watch the obits for his name up in lights. Killed by another black racist of course.

Jonathan Gartner on July 18, 2013 at 9:52 am

And they wonder why we can’t stand them and are always on the defensive. Oh, well. Next.

Pray Hard on July 18, 2013 at 10:00 am

Face to face, hand to hand we lose?

Until you run into an older white guy like me who’s a fifth degree black belt. Then you wonder WTF happened.

Pray Hard on July 18, 2013 at 10:05 am

He’s not racist. He is black. Want to know why Jews are more hated than Christians? The Black belief that you have to have power to be a racist, and Jews have more power in their minds.

FYI – Trayvon was trying to get a gun the week before he was shot….evidence witheld by the prosecution and not allowed into the trial because it came from his cell phone and COULD have been put there by someone else.

Visteo on July 18, 2013 at 10:41 am

What a wonderful example of a ‘sheeple’ who is all “WEE-WE’d-UP”** by the #BlackGrievanceIndustry~

Would someone tell little Raymond that us “crackers” are 70% the population –
Oh sorry, Raymond probably cannot grasp percentages – all his ‘quality time’ spent in the ‘big house’~

Try this Raymond – if the population of the US is represented by 100 pieces of FRIED chicken, us “Crackers” are 70 of those pieces -and- all those “white Hispanics” are another 14-15 pieces of that chicken.

That is 85 pieces of your FRIED chicken, vs. the 13 pieces made up by your ‘demographic’.

To bad — So sad~

** -a colorful adjective used by our “historic” 44th POTUS

Steve on July 18, 2013 at 10:49 am

Raymond’s lips look like what I can imagine Aretha Franklin’s Vajayjay would look like. Punk-ass future striped jumpsuit wearer. They always end up in a cage or a box. Either one is fine with me.

FIRECAPT on July 18, 2013 at 11:15 am

He’s your typical, racist, angry black who supports his slave masters like Obama and Holder. The asshat doesn’t even realize he’s being USED as a tool to facilitate his and his peeps’ own destruction. He belongs on the Democrats’ plantation.

Ron on July 18, 2013 at 11:26 am

Quintricious must be having a bad hair day. Which is pretty much every day.

Alisia S on July 18, 2013 at 1:41 pm

“but face to face…hand to hand..yall will lose”

You mean if we play by the white man – Marquess of Queensberry’s – rules?

Because there are other white man’s rules, like having a job, paying your way, taking responsibility for your children and obeying the law. How ya doin’ with those?

Guest on July 18, 2013 at 5:29 pm

Will that Angry Black Man join Piers Morgan & Chris Matthews to assasinate Bill Cosby:

Bill Cosby: TV dad says no way of proving George Zimmerman is racist

hutchrun on July 19, 2013 at 3:50 am

When the coming race war finally comes and people get cleansed then the victors will say, “is that it, we should have done it a lot sooner.”

The Chosen One on July 19, 2013 at 10:34 am

Raymond is typical “anacracka”.” What an intelligent face he possesses.

LuLu on July 19, 2013 at 5:55 pm

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