July 17, 2013, - 1:25 pm
Angry Black Man Trayvon Martin Racist E-Mail of the Day: Calls Schlussel “Creepy Ass Cracker,” Sexual Comments, “Y’all Europeans”
By Debbie Schlussel, “European Cracker”
The photo below is that of Raymond Woods, yet another Angry Black Man, who sent me angry, racist comments in response to my postings about Trayvon Martin and the George Zimmerman trial and verdict. Below are his comments. Note the sexual references. Since the Martin/Zimmerman matter had nothing to do with sex (other than Rachel Jeantel a/k/a “Precious” claiming that she told Martin that Zimmerman might be a child molester), why was sex brought up? Because this guy is obviously the usual depraved, oversexed hate-mailer. I assure him (and you) that I–and especially my ass–do not look like Nancy Grace. Not even close. But it’s funny–and disturbing–to read:

From: raymond woods r84woods@gmail.com
Date: Tue, Jul 16, 2013 at 8:30 PM
Subject: Creep ass cracker
To: Debbie Schlussel writedebbie@gmail.comHow would you like if someone killed your kid(s). If you were ever lucky to even get a man to screw your Nancy Grace looking ass…I see you racist just like the white juror…If TRAYVON was really a thug he would’ve had a gun with a 30 round clip and nailed ZIMMERMAN to the grass..if he was a thug as yall europeans call him…Yall might have more power..but face to face…hand to hand..yall will lose…creepy ass crackers…p.s…..please make sure my email gets delivered to that cracker!!!!!!!
He forgot a couple things:
You know datz right! And no, you di’in’t!
Remember, this guy and people like him are America’s future, especially if amnesty happens. We are losing America to racist, anti-Western, anti-“European” scumbags like him. After all, his attack on “yall europeans” [sic] is not just a racist attack on White people.
It’s an attack on Western culture. Make no mistake.
Tags: Angry Black man, angry Black men, Black hate, Black racism, George Zimmerman, hate-mail, hatemail, Racism, Raymond Woods, Trayvon Martin, Zimmerman Trial
Typical blabber mouth dred lock wearing Obama voting schvartza…go figure
Habib Akbarovich on July 17, 2013 at 1:43 pm