July 15, 2013, - 9:29 am
Angry Trayvon Martin E-Mailer to Schlussel: I’m Gonna “Beat the F–k Out of Your Ass!!!!”
By Debbie Schlussel, “White Jew” & “Creepy Ass Crackeress”
As you probably know, angry, almost universally Black protesters have rioted and otherwise engaged in violence over the acquittal of George Zimmerman in the self-defense killing of Trayvon Martin. This was all predicted beforehand and just entirely soooo predictable, including the dumbass comments from pro athletes and celebrities, etc. I’ve gotten quite a few threatening hate e-mails from some of the Trayvonist racists, such as the one below, from someone purporting to be named Terra Simpson, who is upset that I “went in on” Rachel Jeantel, Trayvon Martin’s arrogant, racist girlfriend who cannot read the cursive handwriting she allegedly wrote and has, therefore, threatened to “beat the f–k out of [my] ass!!!!”

From: Terra Simpson terraj.simpson@gmail.com
Date: Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 12:05 PM
Subject: Can we say RACIST???
To: writedebbie@gmail.comHi Debbie by you going in on Rachel….What does that make you??? I consider you racist as well as Zimmerman and his defense!!! Its sad that we are still living in Black and White!! Bet you mad Obama’s black huh!!! Well Honey God doesnt sleep and by all means you guys are intimidated by what the BLACK community is bringing to the table!!! Excuse me while I stoop to your level if I was to ever see you in person I promise I would beat the fuck out of your ass!!!!
[Emphasis added.]
In fairness, four hours later I got a sort of “apology,” though something tells me the threats of violence are definitely in her character and that this was sent to avoid any kind of law enforcement action against her for her threats. Hmmm . . . if she saw me in person, then “beat the f–k out of [my] ass” at the time she wrote this e-mail, her apology four hours later wouldn’t make it better.
From: Terra Simpson terraj.simpson@gmail.com
Date: Sun, Jul 14, 2013 at 4:08 PM
Subject: Re: Can we say RACIST???
To: writedebbie@gmail.comSorry for this message its way outta my character…I apologize
By the way, none of the other violent e-mails and tweets I got were followed up by an apology. She said what she really thought and meant in the first e-mail.
Sadly, the U.S. is populated by millions of similarly violent bigots.
Good luck, America.
Tags: death threats, George Zimmerman, Trayvon Martin, Trayvon Martin supporters threats, Trayvon Martin supporters violence, Zimmerman Trial
In some peoples eyes, the only requirement to be qualified as a “Thug” is having a hue darker than blue. Thats it, thats all.
The travesty is that people actually believe in the b.s that spews from their fingers. Enjoy your victory bigots, Im sure they will be another miscarriage of justice. Blacks will prob win that one, and On and ON and ON, the cycle will continue, no progress, back and forth, until a meteor blows this place, and we start anew.
Big D on July 15, 2013 at 7:00 pm