September 25, 2005, - 11:26 am

Flight Attendants Cite Schlussel in “Flight Plan” Boycott

The Association of Professional Flight Attendants (APFA), one of two unions of America’s flight attendants, is boycotting “Flight Plan,” and cited my in their message to all flight attendants.
Friday, September 23, APFA Hotline:
“Syndicated columnist Debbie Schlussel published a scathing review of the latest airline movie, “Flight Plan,” this week, berating the portrayals of a Flight Attendant and Federal Air Marshall as terrorists. She called this an outrage in the face of the heroism of Betty Ong and Amy Sweeney, whom she called heroes for calling ground crews, identifying hijackers rather than calling their own families to say good-bye. She also decried the portrayal of the other non-terrorist Flight Attendants as arrogant, cold, uncaring, lazy and rude.
APFA’s PR specialist, Lori Bassani, is quoted in the article saying, “The portrayal of flight attendants in this movie demonstrates an insensitive and flagrant disregard for the very real challenges facing the front line of defense (the flight attendants) on any aircraft in an emergency situation. Should there be another 9/11, it would be critical for the cabin crew to have the support of their passengers, not the distrust that this movie may engender. Our fellow crewmembers who perished in the line of duty deserve more respect.”
Schlussel calls for a boycott of this movie. We couldn’t agree more – boycott this film!”

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7 Responses

Good job Deb!

KOAJaps on September 25, 2005 at 11:40 am

Round The Reader – Better Late Than Never Edition

Sorry folks for the tardiness of this Round The Reader Edition. See post below for explanation. And let’s hope I am quick about THIS post before I lose power, storms are a brewing down here in the south.

The Gray Tie on September 25, 2005 at 7:16 pm

Jodie Foster film attacks/insults the heroes…

I’d often suspected that there was something wrong with Jodie Foster, and her new “movie” called Flight Plan certainly does indicate that.

Tel-Chai Nation on September 26, 2005 at 6:51 am

This probably won’t get posted since I disagree but it is something I feel strongly about. First off, the flight attendants of 911 were heroes but I feel this is a separate issue. I think all Americans would now pull together to subdue a terrorist during a flight as they did with the shoe bomber. There are numerous flight attendants that seem to be looking to get someone thrown off the plane. AA is the worse. One AA attendant continued to harass my mother and me on the way to my wife’s funeral because we put my two year old next to the window instead of between us, even though we moved my daugther between us. She harassed us during the flight and stood there and harassed us while we were trying to get off. She wouldn’t stop until we asked her to please leave us alone and that my wife had just passed away and we were on our way to her funeral. I will NEVER fly American Airlines again! I have seen others bring passengers to tears for being overweight. I dare not get a flight attendant upset with me during a flight for fear of getting thrown in jail. This is not the majority of flight attendants that I have run into but the disposition of far too many!

steve on September 29, 2005 at 1:23 pm

Boycott the movie Flightplan

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ÔºØÔ?àԺńÄÄÔº?Ô?ô„ÄÄÔºµÔº°ÔºÅ on October 4, 2005 at 11:00 am

Boycott the movie Flightplan

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ÔºØÔ?àԺńÄÄÔº?Ô?ô„ÄÄÔºµÔº°ÔºÅ on October 4, 2005 at 11:00 am

Boycott the movie Flightplan

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ÔºØÔ?àԺńÄÄÔº?Ô?ô„ÄÄÔºµÔº°ÔºÅ on October 4, 2005 at 11:00 am

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