July 4, 2013, - 6:39 pm

GREAT VIDEO: G-d Bless America, Chassidic Jew Style

By Debbie Schlussel

I love this. (Now, where’s the Dearbornistan “allah Piss on America” video? Oh, yeah, they’re hiding that one. But Hezbollah and Lebanon flags abound all over town, which is basically the same deal.) From Brooklyn, New York, on Monday evening, it’s the Yedidim choir:

For those who might ask, I am not certain which kind of Chassidim (Hassidim) these are, but I believe they are either Satmar (of which I’m not the biggest fan for several reasons) or Belzer (some of my cousins are Belzer Chassidim and my cousin, Yermiah, heads the Belzer choir in Jerusalem). They are not Lubavitch/Chabad. I can tell this because their heads are shaved and their sidecurls are out and not tucked behind their ears. You can often delineate different Chassidic groups based on their peyot or peyess (Jewish religious sidecurls) and their haircuts.


[Why do I put the dash in the word “G-d”? Because religious Jews traditionally do not write out the word, so that we do not take His name in vain. It’s strictly out of respect.]

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28 Responses

I used to live in a heavily Chassidim neighborhood in Valley Village (L.A. neighborhood) before moving to the ‘burbs in Simi Valley and they were all excellent neighbors.

I’m not sure why there was ever hysteria/propaganda about Jews or why antisemitism still holds appeal for so many otherwise enlightened people like college students or their hippie professors.

Another great post, Debbie.

DS_ROCKS! on July 4, 2013 at 6:53 pm

@DS Rocks: Read this article, it might help you to understand the psychology of an anti-Semite a bit more. http://www.fathomjournal.org/policy-politics/the-pleasures-of-antisemitism/ Unfortunately, this article explains why antisemitism is rising, and, will continue to rise worldwide.

Miriam on July 4, 2013 at 7:23 pm

    @Miriam: Very interesting article. That sure explains the questions I had. Thanks for the heads-up on that.

    DS_ROCKS! on July 5, 2013 at 6:54 am

    Miriam, I too found this article valuable. I have some conclusions that differ from yours, though. No time now to explain. I’ll try today.

    skzion on July 5, 2013 at 11:34 am

      skzion: I would like to see your differing conclusions if you get time.

      One thing that seemed not to be addressed in Garrard’s article was that while she did a great job of dissecting their psychological motivations or etiology of their seemingly guilt-free and self-righteous antisemitism, I was still left wondering if there is a particular psychological apparatus that makes one (and, apparently the majority of them) susceptible to that kind of depraved bigotry.

      IOW, why can I plainly see (or don’t attempt to sublimate or ignore) and vigorously reject the fallacies of the “avant-garde” antisemitism that is rampant in universities and among other leftists, but they, I guess, choose not to?

      DS_ROCKS! on July 5, 2013 at 6:29 pm

        DS_Rocks!, I may have forgotten my points by now.

        Miriam concludes that the emotional benefits of anti-Semitism explain its increase lately, and its future increase. How does one explain variation (an increase) with a constant? Why are the benefits increasing? Or is it that more people experience the benefits?

        In addition, it seems that some benefits could have been secured with most any target. The role of Jews in the West has helped secure them this role. The Jews share with Christians this role in the Muslim world. Jews do not factor into Hindu or Buddhist countries, so, it’s not a shock that Jews are not targeted there.

        But if, by this time, Jews do not have this undesirable role in places, how could they suddenly gain it? Surely there would be other targets already assigned. Given the logic of the author, how could one then expect the increase of anti-Semitism to places that do not have it, displacing the existing target(s)? And, if the target(s) can be displaced, why would anti-Semitism alone be immovable, once established?

        skzion on July 8, 2013 at 8:58 pm

“[Why do I put the dash in the word “G-d”? Because religious Jews traditionally do not write out the word, so that we do not take His name in vain. It’s strictly out of respect.]”

My understanding is that there is also a deeper theolological reason: A Judaic tradition was to write the name of God, “Yahweh”, without vowels — YHWH — because when you pronounce a vowel, you are aspirating (breathing), and the breath is symbolic of the divine “ruach” (spirit) — too holy for man to utter.

Hesperado on July 4, 2013 at 7:51 pm

    P.S.: Strictly speaking, if Jewish people want to leave out the vowel in the English word “God”, they would logically leave the vowel or vowels out of any language’s word for “God” — and thus a French-speaking Jew would have to write “D—“, since the French word for God is “Dieu” — three vowels in a row!

    Hesperado on July 4, 2013 at 7:54 pm

From the Latin Deus. Its preserved in Portuguese, its Dio in Italian, Dieu in French, Dios in Spanish and Deumnezeu in Romanian.

NormanF on July 4, 2013 at 8:06 pm

That’s one of the better renditions I’ve heard. Sometimes they get a bit vocally ornate which I don’t appreciate at all. This one was on the money without the fiddle faddle.

migraine boy on July 4, 2013 at 8:21 pm

Nicely done. Thanks for sharing.

Matt on July 4, 2013 at 9:03 pm

Thanks Debbie, I can see why the Jews are G-d’s people. Song was written by a Jew too. It was something he heard his Mother say over and over!

Nancy Perry on July 4, 2013 at 9:43 pm

Excellent video. Thank you for sharing it, Debbie.

JeffE on July 4, 2013 at 10:12 pm

Thanks for that. Well done.

RA2216 on July 4, 2013 at 10:34 pm

Beautiful rendition. Thanks.

Not Ovenready on July 5, 2013 at 12:21 am

I LOVED it Debbie! Thank you and that wonderful chorus!

PDMac60 on July 5, 2013 at 12:27 am

Hello Debbie, Of course I agree that our Creator’s name must always be treated with the greatest respect. And I understand the concern of the Chassidim.

But is G-d/God a name, or a title? And isn’t it a title applied to many people and things?

The true God, the God of Abraham, did reveal his personal name to his people. It is a name full of meaning, and clearly he meant it to be used, but never in a worthless way.

And when Jesus was on earth, when speaking to his Father, he said this: “I have made your name known to them and will make it known, in order that the love with which you loved me may be in them and I in union with them.” (John 17:26)

Jesus used his Father’s name. He made it known.

And the first thing we pray for when we say The Lord’s Prayer, is for God’s name to be “hallowed” or “sanctified”.

God’s name, in English, is Jehovah. And isn’t it a name full of meaning? And shouldn’t people know that name?

I started looking for the Creator many years ago, moved by the beauty of the world – specifically the beauty of a late Autumn sky in my Morthern English hometown. I realised that it had been made so beautiful just for us, by Someone. I wanted to find that Someone, so I could thank Him.

Don’t I need to know and use His name to be able to do that?

sue on July 5, 2013 at 3:31 am

    sue-the-pom, do you think there can be even a brief respite from your moooslim-accepting proselytizing?

    If you really had the courage of your convictions, you’d be preaching to the mooooslims.

    skzion on July 5, 2013 at 11:38 am

      skzion:”If you really had the courage of your convictions, you’d be preaching to the mooooslims.”

      Yeah, good catch on that. I usually scroll past the known spammer posts, but I stopped to read sue’s because of your comment.

      “Don’t I need to know and use His name to be able to do that?”

      sue: why do you feel it necessary to hound Debbie on this particular aspect of her religion? You’re free to write out “God” as much as you want.

      And skzion is right – let’s see you go hound some muslim on a point of their religion, say, the “72 virgins” thing, and report back to us on your progress.

      DS_ROCKS! on July 6, 2013 at 1:51 am

        Hello DS Rocks and skzion – I talk to whoever will listen to me. The last two Muslims I talked to were, firstly, a Sudanese taxi driver. We had a long conversation as he drove me to the station. It was a bit alarming but only because he turned out to be one of those people who speak with their hands and he kept taking his hands of the wheel to wave them at me, as we hurtled through the London traffic. But we had a good talk, and when we got to the station and I was walking away, he called me back and said that he had really enjoyed talking to me. I enjoyed our talk too. Its lovely to find someone who wants to talk about God.

        The second was an Arab taxi driver in my Northern hometown. This time I was heading for the Coach Station. We both started to talk to each other about religion and suddenly realised we were both Jehovah’s Witnesses, witnessing to each other. We then sat and talked for so long that I nearly missed my coach and he had to rush me and my luggage across the forecourt. Admittedly, he was no longer a Muslim, but I thought he was when I started the conversation – or when he started it.

        And of course I have talked to Muslims on the door to door work. One Muslim lady told me that all us Christians were headed for hellfire torment. Which catapulted me back to my Catholic childhood rather horribly, as the nuns were always threatening us with hell.

        Yet the Biblical hell – Sheol/Hades – is simply the ground, the grave, where the dead sleep the dreamless sleep of death awaiting a resurrection. (Wouldn’t it have saved poor Hamlet an awful lot of soliloquizing if he had only known that?) As a child, though, I didn’t know, and so was put off the idea of God and the Bible for many years.

        But I can’t go out on the door to door work at the moment, as my knees have reached their sell-by date a little ahead of the rest of me. I have severe arthritis.

        So I try to witness in whatever way I can. I am more grateful than I can say that our Creator sent his witnesses to my door to teach me, and I long to pass on to others what I am being taught. But if Debbie feels that I am “hounding” her, I hope she will say so and ask me to stop posting. I hope she doesn’t, but its her site, and her decision. I thought she was respecting the view of the Chassidim in writing God the way she did, which is fair enough. I didn’t see it as being her personal view, and didn’t intend to hurt her feelings by my post.

        But surely God is a title – not a name? And, given that our Creator revealed his name to us, can it be wrong to use it?

        If I ever meet any of the Chassidim, I would love to ask them that of course.

        sue on July 6, 2013 at 2:24 am

          sue: “But if Debbie feels that I am “hounding” her…”

          Debbie didn’t say that, I did.

          And you’re missing the point, but now that I understand that you’re a Jehovah’s Witness (with bad knees), your behaviors here make sense to me and I can go back to scrolling past your posts just like I pretend that nobody’s home when your brethren and sistren ring my doorbell on Saturday mornings.

          DS_ROCKS! on July 6, 2013 at 3:33 am

        Oh, so that explains it indeed. Note, however, that sue doesn’t say she proselytizes on Muslim web sites. No, she dedicates herself to the Jews.

        sue, darling, you are the most boring person here.

        skzion on July 8, 2013 at 8:48 pm

I enjoyed the video. The man, wearing a black jacket, has a great voice. He probably is the Chazan at his shul.

What baseball teams where playing at that site?

Fred S. on July 5, 2013 at 8:59 am

Alicia Keys ignores BDS pressure and performs in Tel Aviv:


G: Thanks for posting that. Been meaning to get to that story, but can’t get to everything. Now that she’s performed, I’ll get to it. Thanks again. DS

Gerald on July 5, 2013 at 11:50 am

Fred S. – Brooklyn has a Short-Season Class A team called the Brooklyn Cyclones. The video was made (according to the YouTube post)on July 2. The Cyclones had a road game vs Staten Island on 7/3 so it must have been another team playing or the wrong date was put on the video. The background does look like MCU Park, the Cyclones Stadium.

IM4Israel on July 5, 2013 at 12:19 pm

Correction – Brooklyn had a road game on July 2.

IM4Israel on July 5, 2013 at 12:21 pm

Thanks for that one DS. Have an in-law who was a professional Opera singer (in Germany) & love and appreciate hearing a pro who can really nail the low and high notes like the lead guy did at the very end.

waynesteapartyworld on July 5, 2013 at 5:48 pm

The lead singer (cantor)looks just like Yaachov Lemmer. A fantastic cantor.
Makes me proud as well…..

Canyonexplorer on July 5, 2013 at 9:16 pm

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