June 26, 2013, - 2:44 pm
With Gay Marriage Decision, America’s the New Europe; United States of RuPaulistan
Meet the new Europe. It’s called the United States.
Yesterday, I was out of town, taking a deposition of an ICE official for one of several Department of Homeland Security agents I represent. And this morning, I was in court representing a wrongly accused person in a criminal matter. During both of those events, I thought to myself that, ultimately, the system works. And then, the Supreme Court splashed the cold water in my face yet again with its decision promoting–and, frankly, almost preferring–gays and gay marriage over everyone else. And we’re well on our way to the system completely breaking down, as is basically the case in Europe.
America is the new Europe. My late dad used to say that the Conservative sect of Judaism was like the Reform sect of Judaism, only ten years behind. Both are competing to become watered-down Judaism, so watered down that it is no longer Jewish at all. And so it goes with America. We are Europe, only ten years behind. Everything they do, we ultimately do, with equally disastrous consequences. Gay marriage is just the last straw. (Or is it? Why not legalized bestiality marriage or pedophile marriage, since they, too, are “born that way” and are “discriminated against?”)
They allow unlimited immigration of Muslims and others and lose their Western identity (and soon their countries). Now, we essentially do and lose ours. They allow women in combat and in all facets of their militaries. Now, we do. They allow open gays in the military. Now, we have that. They have Euro-trash socialist leaders. We have neo-Euro-trashian Barack Obama. They have “conservative” parties that are essentially liberal Democrats with capitalist views on business. That’s where the Republican Party is headed and is, in many ways, already there. They have single motherhood galore. Now, America has more than 42% of births born to single chicks. They have a growing population of the non-religious and newly atheist. We have that in spades now, too. And now we have gay marriage . . . just like in Europe.
So, what’s left? Well, nothing. We’re really no different. Not at all. We are just ten years behind. We are like the two watered down, lesser versions of Judaism competing themselves out of business until there is nothing left. America is competing with the rest of the Western world, particularly Europe, to put ourselves and Western civilization out of business.
Today’s gay marriage ruling was the final nail in the coffin, and not really a surprise when you look at the sea change in social programs and values promoted by the government since Obama took office. Gay marriage, open gays in the military, women in combat–all of this came about under Obama. The immigration stupidity and Islamo-pandering was already happening big-time under Bush, despite 9/11. But the rest was an Obama thing. And it will kill America forever.
But lest you think that gay militance is over, think again. It’s as much over as racism in our “post-racial” Obama world. Just as Black-on-White racism is as strong as ever, and demographics reveal a concurrent future trend toward the long-term elimination of the White race in America, you will see more and more in your face BS and demands from gays. You will also see–as today’s majority Supreme Court decision reflected–more and more hatred toward the fewer and fewer traditional marriages and nuclear families still left. It’s a hatred and intolerance in many ways similar to Islamic hatred and intolerance for the West. And we’ll see more and more of it. Today’s Supreme Court ruling was just a taste of the new dominant rainbow flavor that tolerates no others.
What’s next? Decisions that gay sex on a public table is no longer obscene or lewd behavior? Don’t bet against it. They don’t just want the same rights as you and I (which they already had and have). They want more than us. And they won’t stop ’til they get it. And, by that, I don’t mean better discounts at the interior decorating store or better deals on arugula and cashmere cup cozies. They want gay domination. They want heterosexuality to be an unnecessary thing, and with science, technology, egg donors, sperm banks, and today’s Supreme’s idiotic decision, they’re well on their way.
Congrats, America, you’ve become the United States of RuPaulistan. Are you a patriotic RuPaulistinian?
Tags: Defense of Marriage Act. Supreme Court, DOMA, Gay Marriage, Supreme Court gay marriage, Supreme Court strikes down DOMA
The only holdouts against gay marriage is Israel and the Islamic countries.
The way the future is headed, traditional marriage, strong nuclear families and conservatism are things of the past both in Europe and America.
We’re competing with Europe to see who can become extinct first. I was not really surprised by today’s ruling. The popular culture and public opinion shifted and so did the Supreme Court.
I’m the last of my kind – traditional, religious and conservative. The America that we knew is gone and isn’t coming back… regardless of whether the Lavender Jihad or the Green Jihad ultimately prevails here.
NormanF on June 26, 2013 at 2:59 pm