May 15, 2013, - 3:30 pm

Schlussel Files Fed Racketeering Suit Against Largest Buyer of Foreclosed Detroit Homes; Hezbollah Scam Involving FOX News Personality, Dearborn Candidate; Took Christians’, Muslim’s Life Savings

By Debbie Schlussel

As a publisher, I am posting this press release, below, which I think should be of interest to you, my dear readers. You can also read more about this case here in Courthouse News Service.


Contact: Debbie Schlussel, Law Offices of Debbie Schlussel



FOX News Personality, Candidate for Dearborn Public Office Among Defendants Accused of Fraud, Forgery, Conspiracy, Racketeering

DETROIT, MI – The Law Offices of Debbie Schlussel, a Detroit-area law firm, today, announced the filing of a federal fraud and racketeering lawsuit against Metro Property Group, LLC, the largest buyer of foreclosed homes in the City of Detroit.
The suit, filed in the U.S. District Court of the Eastern District of Michigan in Detroit, describes a “Madoff-like,” large Ponzi scheme perpetrated by the company, its sister entities, and the companies’ primary shareholders and officers, Sameer Beydoun, Ali Beydoun, David Makki, Mike Alaweih, and their lawyer, Tarek Baydoun, to defraud many investors from around the world (and in the United States) of their life savings and retirement money. (A copy of the lawsuit complaint can be read here.)



As detailed in the lawsuit, the Beydouns, Makki, Baydoun et al engaged in forgery, massive fraud, racketeering, phony legal proceedings using Detroit courts, and/or other illegal activity in order to induce middle class individuals to give them millions of dollars in exchange for virtually worthless property in Detroit. In at least one case, Metro Property Group CEO Sameer Beydoun allegedly threatened violence against one of the victims of his Ponzi scheme. As the complaint notes, the scheme was perpetrated against countless foreign citizens many of whom were bilked of their life savings and retirement funds.

The lawsuit, Llewellyn-Jones et al v. Metro Property Group et al, Case 2:13-cv-11977, involves victims from all over the world and varying backgrounds, including citizens of the United Kingdom, Australia, and Yemen, and victims who are Christian and Muslim. As described in the complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Detroit, several of the key defendants are open supporters of the Hezbollah terrorist group, which is second only to Al-Qaeda in the number of Americans it murdered. And one of them was a FOX News personality who also worked for a Hezbollah charity raided by the FBI, as well as recently tweeting in support of HAMAS murders of Jews.

The lawsuit alleges that Metro Property Group and its related entities conspired with the Beydouns, Makki, attorney Baydoun, and others, to market homes in Detroit to investors all over the world as money-making investments. The homes were marketed as refurbished, tenanted, and occupied by “Section 8” government-subsidized tenants. They presented fake leases with the names bearing forged signatures of non-existent individuals, phony Section 8 Audit documents, and other false documents to induce investors to purchase homes in Detroit from them and to continue to cover up the Ponzi scheme. The homes were sold to these foreign investors for amounts ranging from $40,000 to $50,000, when they were, in fact, virtually worthless, in complete disrepair, uninhabitable, and untenanted in most cases.

Initially, Defendants pay the investors the fake amount of rent specified on the forged leases, in order to keep the scam going. Then, they inform them that the tenant has been evicted or has simply walked out and no more money is forthcoming, when there never was a tenant in the first place in many cases.

Defendants never refurbished the homes and in several cases the properties have never had tenants living in them and remain entirely uninhabitable. In the few cases in which tenants were actually living on the properties, they were paying far less than the amounts listed by the predatory Defendants in the fraudulent marketing materials and forged leases they furnished to those that they targeted as victims to invest in the Ponzi scheme. The investors were fined thousands of dollars by the City of Detroit and by the Department of Housing and Urban Development for the massive defects in the home, which make them uninhabitable. Many of the investors have lost their life savings. They are left with worthless properties that are costing them thousands of dollars in fines, taxes and repairs, the involuntary status as slumlords against their will, and the City of Detroit is left with more bad publicity.

The perpetrators of the Ponzi scheme, Metro Property Group and its principal shareholders and officers, Sameer Beydoun, and Ali Beydoun, have formed a partnership with Irish investment company, Brendan Investments, which has reportedly paid the Ponzi schemers 15 million Euros for a joint venture, Woodward Capital, involving the shabby Detroit homes (and enabling the Defendants to purchase the homes). The non-executive Director of Brendan Investments is the well known Irish celebrity financial adviser, Eddie Hobbs. Since the recent filing of this lawsuit, Hobbs and his Brendan Investments first claimed they never had any partnership and scrubbed a website detailing their very extensive partnership (the website contents, through the “magic” of Google’s cached links, can be viewed here). And a screen capture of the page is viewable below. Later, Hobbs and Brendan Investments changed their story and admitted a partnership with the Defendants for the last 18 months, endorsing the company and Defendants alleged to have engaged in a giant Ponzi scheme, apparently enabled with Brendan Investment funds whether wittingly or unwittingly.


One of the perpetrators of the scheme, Tarek Baydoun, engaged in phony evictions of non-existent individuals to carry out the scheme. As alleged in the complaint, he used Detroit courts to repeatedly file fake evictions against non-existent tenants of the properties in order to defraud investors and carry on the Ponzi scheme. As noted in the complaint, in 2007, Tarek M. Baydoun was an employee of Al-Mabarat Charitable Organization, a Dearborn, Michigan charity which is the United States affiliate of Lebanon-based Hezbollah charity, Al-Mabarrat, when the charity was raided by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) for allegedly sending money to Hezbollah. In 2012, Tarek Mahmoud Baydoun, an attorney and real estate agent, was a paid FOX News personality and exclusive “pollster” for Detroit’s FOX 2 News, which is owned and operated by FOX News Channel and its parent company, News Corp. Tarek Baydoun is currently a candidate for the Dearborn, Michigan City Council. He recently sent out tweets from his Twitter account in support of HAMAS terrorist group murders of Jews. Baydoun is a past participant in the “Children of Abraham” “interfaith” project funded by Detroit’s Jewish Welfare Federation and Jewish Community Relations Council.

In preparation for this lawsuit, the Defendants, presumably with Brendan Investment funds, hired publicist Darci McConnell, a former Detroit reporter, to get her former colleagues, John Gallagher of the Detroit Free Press, and Chris Christoff of Bloomberg News Services to do gushing puff pieces without any investigation into the actual business dealings of Defendants. Ms. McConnell, who has since resorted into personally attacking the Plaintiffs’ attorney in this case to unfairly prejudice the Plaintiffs in this case, was also the publicist for Synagro, a company whose executives and officials paid bribes to Detroit officials in a billion dollar sludge hauling scandal, which resulted in several convictions in the recent FBI Detroit public corruption investigations involving Monica Conyers and former Detroit Mayor Kwame Kilpatrick. This included the conviction of Synagro official and admitted bribery perpetrator Rayford Jackson, a top Detroit Nation of Islam official.


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47 Responses

Wow, Debie this is breathtaking how ballsy these guys were in their fraud! And when you initially said FOX News personality I immediately thought “either Sean Hannity or Geraldo.” Tarek Baydoun is bad enough. Keep fighting the good fight!

Sean M on May 15, 2013 at 3:56 pm

slightly OT:

Florida ROP Family Values:

Nick Fury on May 15, 2013 at 4:31 pm

Wow, have you been busy! This is going to take some time to absorb.

Ralph Adamo on May 15, 2013 at 4:31 pm

P.S. Deb –


Nick Fury on May 15, 2013 at 5:15 pm

Debbie, good luck with the lawsuit!

I’ll be surprised though if anything is recovered to pay for filing it. A moral victory though would be worth it to keep unwary people from doing business with the defendants in the future.

Creeps like this shouldn’t be in business.

NormanF on May 15, 2013 at 5:31 pm

    Sometimes, . . . it’s good to remember that, it’s not luck that does it! If as appears, the dear Ms. Schlussel here, it on The Lord’s side, . . . and may he be on her’s!

    PhillipGaley on May 16, 2013 at 5:27 pm

Drag them kicking and screaming in to the light Debbie.

ender on May 15, 2013 at 5:51 pm

Wow! Best of luck with the suit. Expose them for what they are. Poor Detroit. What a shame what is happening to the city.

Gary Sack on May 15, 2013 at 6:19 pm


Worry01 on May 15, 2013 at 6:22 pm

resistance is futile

soros on May 15, 2013 at 7:21 pm

WOW!!! You weren’t kidding about a major announcement, and I agree with dragging them in to the light. Go get ’em. What a shame for Detroit, a once great city in “this once great republic.”

Alfredo from Puerto Rico on May 15, 2013 at 7:40 pm

Huge fish! All the best, Debbie. Take them down.

samurai on May 15, 2013 at 8:09 pm

Wonderful work Debbie. You are a one woman wrecking crew. Hopefully at least one of these creeps will get some jail time.

Lars on May 15, 2013 at 9:09 pm

Good luck Debbie. Just watch your back and be careful. This slimy fraud reminds me of a story line in the Sopranos. When Tony and the gang abandoned the houses, they tore out the copper piping.

Concerned Citizen on May 15, 2013 at 9:49 pm

well done Debbie. I hope there is a conviction.

General P. Malaise on May 15, 2013 at 9:57 pm

I still don’t understand WHY anyone would have anything to do w a MUZZIE.

In business w a muzzie? You’ve got to be kidding …

As goes Israel, so goes the World... on May 15, 2013 at 10:15 pm


Good luck with you’d lawsuit. What I want to know is where are the criminal charges. Your blog lists multiple counts of felonies, so why aren’t they under arrest?

The “Tea Party” movement has been infiltrated with dhimmis, but where is the Christian Right? They don’t seem to be very active in opposing the Islamic threat to the US. Have you tried to enlist their help?

Scott on May 15, 2013 at 11:07 pm

Wow. You’re a pit bull, Debbie. I love that you “terrorize” these muslims right back.

Very nice work combating against this financial jihad. Also nice snag on catching the Hobbs and Brendan Investments connection.

DS_ROCKS! on May 15, 2013 at 11:14 pm

Way to go for you never cease to amaze me. My Dad would be very proud of you for he lived in Detroit in the early 50’s. As always you’re in my prayers .

Tammy Summers on May 15, 2013 at 11:40 pm

Great job.
This type of thing probably happens more than we think. reminds me of a Sopranos storyline which showed fraud involving federally sanctioned housing.
But one thing seems exploitive. What does their religion or ethnicity have to do with anything?
I mean Bernie Madoff defrauded hundreds of people of Billions of Dollars and he happens to be Jewish. Not relevant in my book. There were also many more people who used Ponzi schemes that were not of Arab or Muslim backgrounds; including the namesake of the aforementioned crime.
Islamic terrorism and its political philosophy is a scourge on humanity but this connection seems dubious at best.
Once again great job and is something many of us wish to do; make a difference.

sanjay on May 16, 2013 at 12:18 am

Congratulations Debbie

I know how they have got away with this for so long…by paying off investors who ind out what is going on and/or moving the tenants out if they think the investor is getting suspicious. These are not the first people to work it out believe me. I know, I worked for them, and that is why I don’t any more.

Well Done and let’s hope they all get jail time.

Mary J on May 16, 2013 at 1:06 am

Great job Debbie! I love your work especially when you expose the international terrorism connections. Anyone else would just say it was a Ponzi scheme and then say move along nothing else to see but not you Debbie. I can already see these sh** heads go and lawyer up and use the ” I’m being persecuted for being a Muslim” route. I bet thats what they are tweeting so preparre yourself for the love * ahem hate mail and tweets coming your way from the minions. Also don’t settle out of court with these catheter tubes, clamp down on them like a pitbull until they go bankrupt.

Mario on May 16, 2013 at 1:15 am

You need to get foreign press and broadcasters to hear this, without going through the sluggish and timid American media. This must be known in London, Paris, Cairo. What made the fraud possible is that the “investors” were foreign and had no idea of Detroit’s real conditions; unless the public outside America is informed, someone else could just walk in and start again.

Laura Latini on May 16, 2013 at 7:46 am

In an old Cary Grant / Tony Curtis movie, Curtis’ character makes the comment “In chaos there is opportunity”.

Certainly the massive chaos that Democratic and liberal policies that Detroit has created would surely attract scum to take advantage of an already bad situation.

Steve G. on May 16, 2013 at 8:13 am

Good luck!

I keep thinking though, that in a society that really reflected the best of Western traditions, this is something that the authorities would have taken care of. But unfortunately, as we all know, they breed and thrive on corruption and dishonesty.

Little Al on May 16, 2013 at 8:49 am

Wow, this is really big league stuff Debbie. How did you manage to pull this off? And apparently,on your own. Good luck.

Jerry G on May 16, 2013 at 9:15 am

because of Democrats, Progressives, Environmentalists and a laundry list of whacko fruitcakes … YOU, Debbie Schlussel’s readers are being forced to fund terrorism, Jihad, attacks against Israel and racketeering by our cultural and ideological enemies every time we do this …

Stick the nozzle at the gas pump into our cars for fuel.

A century of sending OUR MONEY to the enemies of Israel and the United States has enriched and empowered a class and culture of hateful swine who now turn our money against us. Money we never had to send abroad to begin with, because America has more natural energy resources than the rest of the world combined.

You … are the reason these criminal low lifes have access and the worldview they do.
You … enriched their fathers and forefathers so they could be here.
You … are the one funding this madness.

Because of Washington, DC’s decisions.

I hope it enrages you.

It certainly does me.

PS – look at the brilliant, amazing skyline of Shanghai Built with money that should have stayed in America. Know what drove out that money? Taxation decisions, business regulatory environment, everything you can name by Congress. Congress forced American business out of business and by doing so wildly enriched China.

Look at the skyline of Abu Dhabi – – know why they’re building such eye popping architecture? Because you and I paid them to. While Detroit burns, NYC stumbles and Chicago is the murder capital of the world.

Congress. Energy, taxation, driving American business and America’s wealth offshore.

Now what we set overseas back to feed off us, and kill us.

And you and I were forced to pay fo it.

I really really hope you get mad. Crazy mad.

Jack on May 16, 2013 at 9:31 am

Debbie you are super woman!

rjkatz on May 16, 2013 at 10:15 am

I have mixed feelings on this. On one hand, you are seeking remedy for victims that have been truly wronged. On the other hand, the causes of action instituted just may be a moral victory because the defendants may be judgment proof in that their assets may be off-shore or their property may be under an assumed name. I am figuring that they may even not answer your complaint. Best wishes in piercing that corporate vale.

AR on May 16, 2013 at 10:27 am

    Assuming arguendo opposing counsel responds by a volley of general demurrers and eventually they do answer and it goes to trial in your jurisdiction, then what will you do when a large percentage of the jurors are Muslims or progressives and a judge that will be sympathetic to the Arabs’ plight?

    AR on May 16, 2013 at 10:31 am

      Yessir, AR knows all about American law, but cannot spell simple English words. Is this person an American?

      And since when are false names related to corporate veils? And since when do offshore assets enjoy absolute protection from lawsuits?

      I guess the Muslims believe that since gullibility worked for them before, why not try it again?

      Little Al on May 16, 2013 at 11:01 am

Not related to the article, but I was wondering why Debbie does not mention the seven Muslims caught at night in a Boston reservoir or as reported by Michael Savage that during “IRS Gate,” so-called agents asked Tea Party Members if they supported Israel.

AR on May 16, 2013 at 10:45 am

Were there criminal charges filed against them first? They need to not just lose money, but to go to jail.

Karen on May 16, 2013 at 10:51 am

Well mayor Bing is jumping ship. Debbie, these slim balls are most likely the tip of the iceberg hitting and sinking Detroit. Good news on the lawsuit, Debbie, way to go.

jake49 on May 16, 2013 at 11:07 am

this is gonna be fascinating…

kirche on May 16, 2013 at 12:37 pm

Good work Debbie! Go get ’em!

Mominminnesota on May 16, 2013 at 1:55 pm

No generation is gifted with more than a handful of them willing to take on critical issues of wrongdoing that win them no advancement in popularity or furtherance of a position in the hierarchy of societal influence. With nothing much more to gain than their own self-respect and that of the minority who can’t but value truth and the justice that whispers to be acknowledged and dealt out, those honorable voices are offered with unflinching courage and integrity that come from somewhere deep within.

If it weren’t for DS, this latest newsworthy mega outrage with the stack of others reported on only by this site’s host would be waiting for Detroit to freeze over in July before being brought to the attention of the wider public by the local (loco) shmooze media.

DS is owed another thank you and big dose of gratitude for this latest feat of what journalism looks like.

lee of the lower case "l" on May 16, 2013 at 2:47 pm

No quarter Debbie! (I’m surprised Abu Moskowitz isn’t in on this….)

IceNoMore on May 16, 2013 at 4:26 pm

I LOVE YOU, Debbie- you are one woman of Honor and courage. When we get a real American President again,- you should be Attorney General of the United States.!!

Bobby99 on May 16, 2013 at 5:59 pm

Excellent work, Debbie. Keep fighting the good fight.

JeffE on May 17, 2013 at 12:36 am

Muslims being Muslim.

Truth on May 19, 2013 at 9:58 am

Way to go! Now please come into Dearborn Heights & do something about the Islamic “luxury” car dealerships being run out of their homes! They pull dealer tags off of one car & transfer to another & another. Park them in their driveways & are doing business. Seems they traded marketing houses to luxury cars. Where do they get them? Check out their business addresses. All arabic names & from what I’ve learned, no licenses to do this! All young men with ties to Islamic attorneys & judges in Dearborn & Dearborn Heights.

Fed Up on August 17, 2013 at 9:26 am

Omg. I bought a duplex from Metro through a uk agent. I have aged by 20 years in 2 years. It has been awful beyond belief. I got paid rent for 6 months and then problem after problem. I changed management company to Ronald Weaver of Management systems residential. Absolute nightmare. The man is a crock of shit. He has withheld information and my rental income and given me the complete runaround and aged me by another 30 years. I have now changed again. I am going to sue Weaver.

Seema Puri on September 16, 2013 at 6:23 pm

    Why don’t you sue Metro? They are the ones who scammed you.

    Mary J on October 26, 2013 at 10:08 am

What was the outcome of this case? I was unable to find more information past the initial filing and counter suit.

A: The case is ongoing and proceeding. DS

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