May 6, 2013, - 5:19 pm
OMG, I think I just got back from the WORST. FUNERAL. EVER!
Earlier today, I went to the funeral for my 90-year-old neighbor of 11.5 years, who just died of cancer. I was shocked by what I heard. It was the most rude, most absurd eulogy ever. I believe that real Jewish women aren’t rabbis. And that real Jewish rabbis aren’t women. That said, I wouldn’t be writing this if “Rabbi” Keren Alpert hadn’t delivered the most disgraceful eulogy ever–attacking the dead man who isn’t here to defend himself . . . and who was a really good guy. It was jarring for me and many of my neighbors who were there, most of whom are not Jewish and couldn’t believe the cruelty, nor could I.

My poor deceased neighbor was dissed and ignored by his grown, adult children for decades. We, his neighbors, helped him out and one of my neighbors took care of him until just a couple of days before his death, when one of his kids decided to finally put him in hospice with a full-time caretaker. But the children orchestrated the funeral, and they got a dumb, liberal chick rabbi to do their bidding and say absurd things, despite what should have been better judgment by a purported rabbi who is apparently vacant of all decency.
My jaw dropped as the “rabbi”-ette talked about my poor neighbor’s “estranged” relationship with his kids and how because of an alleged “emotional wall” he put up, he didn’t have contact with his grandchildren (a total lie, but even if true, completely inappropriate for a funeral eulogy where the deceased’s good graces should be sung). It was like out of a bad movie . . . and the kind of behavior that was so rotten, I thought it could only be confined to the fiction of movies. But I was wrong. A very disturbing and distressing experience in the very room of the funeral home where I delivered my eulogy of my dear late father nearly six years ago.
Even worse, the “rabbi” chick surmised about whether or not the dead man’s late father (from the early 1900s!) “was possibly” abusive and whether or not my departed neighbor’s deceased mother (who died in the early ’30s) “might have perhaps possibly been a buffer” for him from his father. Um, if it wasn’t so disgusting and tragic, this speculation upon speculation by grown children who didn’t know their father or his life as read by a paid-off tool of a fake rabbi would have been hilarious. Here’s a tip, Rabbi Alpert: if you don’t know whether or not something is a fact, don’t include it in a eulogy.
These “kids” clearly called the shots because this idiotic fake rabbi they paid to tick off their illegitimate grievances in a funeral eulogy of their father, didn’t have the basic human decency to say no . . . or even to be ashamed.
“Rabbi” Karen Alpert read this horrible eulogy as if it were a shopping list she was in a hurry to get done, and what was in it was shocking and entirely uncalled for. I walked out with several of my Black neighbors and begged them not to think that this far-left liberal phony rabbi-ette’s despicable, embarrassing display is representative of my community, my religion, because it is not.
Anyone coming out of a funeral like this would wonder what bleeping kind of people would do something like this, what so-called “religious leader” would engage in this.
I wonder how much “Rabbi” Keren Alpert of far-left Temple Beth El (Michigan’s oldest synagogue, which, sadly, bears little relationship to Judaism) got paid for this travesty. No amount could be worth it.
Disturbing. And I’m sure my poor departed neighbor is turning over in his grave. Just sickening.
By the way, look at “Rabbi” Keren Alpert’s Facebook page profile pic. Yup, she is all into gay marriage (which is against Jewish law), but not into basic decency, which is the basis for virtually every religion, including Judaism. Her Facebook page indicates she told her congregants to watch the movie, “Bully” (read my review), which lectures kids not to bully other kids. But apparently, she had no prob delivering a cruel, defamatory, bullying eulogy to the dead. Priorities.

Tags: bad funerals, funerals, Keren Alpert, mean eulogies, Rabbi Keren Alpert, Worst Funeral Ever
One should NEVER speak ill of one parents – if you can’t honor your parent at a funeral – its better to say nothing at all and do not let others attack your parents on your behalf. This funeral is a sad reflection on the children and not on their father! It will not go well for them in life as G-d takes note of such things. Its also speaking ill of one’s Father In Heaven. Such things have NO place at a funeral service.
Speaking for myself, burying my father was one of the saddest things I ever had to do. I paid him my proper respects and gave him the dignified farewell he deserved. That is the duty of every child, to make our parents and G-d proud of us, in death as in life. Those children did not do right by their father and they did not do right by G-d! And a rabbi who takes part in such a wretched travesty does not deserve our respect.
Funerals are one of the saddest times in life but they can help to heal us. I don’t think this family was healed at all and Debbie – you and your friends did the right thing by walking out of this sorry excuse for a funeral service. Even when our human emotions are at their rawest and we are consumed by grief, that is the exactly the time in our lives to demonstrate our most exemplary behavior – for the benefit of both the dead and the living.
Its sad that in our time we need to be taught etiquette – something these boorish children weren’t taught much of and maybe their father is to blame for not bringing them up as well he could have done – but its still no excuse for the way they behaved! They should have known better than to bring disgrace to his memory and to their family.
We should follow G-d and always do what is right even when we have differences with those we love. In both life and in death we have obligations – to our parents, to society and most importantly to G-d. Let’s keep that in mind when we are called upon to do a good deed for a loved one!
NormanF on May 6, 2013 at 5:37 pm