April 29, 2013, - 1:39 pm
Men–the New Women–Alert: Think They’re Selling These in Muslim Countries? Think Al-Qaeda or HAMASniks Wear This?
I predicted this would happen. In 2007, when I noted the new “feminine scents for men,” I wrote,
Next, we’ll be seeing lacy lingerie for heterosexual men.
Well, sadly, it’s no longer “next.” It’s now. Last week, a few readers sent me this story, because on this site we’ve decried the feminization and emasculation of men for some time. I’ve written about man-girdles, bustiers for men, “meggings,” and assorted other accoutrements of the chickification and destruction of Western society that shout “I checked my testicles at the door . . . forever.” And, of course, now there is this–lingerie for men, or as I call it, “Victor Victoria’s Secret.”

Problem is, it ain’t a secret. We’ve now had a couple of decades or more of encouraging this public display of girly-manism. This use to be some weird thing confined to San Francisco, which even The Village People didn’t embrace. But, now, Cher’s wardrobe is pimped on men all over. And I’m sure all the liberals reading this are saying, “Stop judging people.” Um, we don’t judge nearly enough. And that’s the problem. Everything goes (except devout religious people of the non-Muslim persuasion) in America today. One thing: not sure why they call this “fashion line,” Homme Mystere (French for “Mystery Man”), since the “garments” leave little mystery at all.
Ya think the Muslims, who present the biggest threat to our national security, are wearing these? Ya think Al-Qaeda, HAMAS, and Hezbollah are embracing this kinda thing?
Think again. It’s yet another publicly manifested symptom of the decline of Western civilization. The utter weakness of the West.
I guarantee you, Tamerlan and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev never ever thought of putting these lacy things on. Not even close. They’re bombing our sporting events, and we are telling men to don bras and teddies. Good luck with that.
I hope this is just idiocy that is only embraced by gays and cross-dressers. But, sadly, stuff like this is slowly gaining traction among heterosexual males, from “guybrows” to a whole bunch of other similar feminine stuff. Remember, the number one New York Times Best-Seller now is, “Lean In,” in which a chick Facebook exec tells women to find a hubby who will gladly give up all testosterone to stay home and play Mr. Mom. That’s not so different from men wearing lingerie. In fact, it’s almost the same thing.
Say good-bye, folks.

Yes, I know there are gay Muslims and cross-dressing Muslims, and they are persecuted and executed when caught. I deplore and condemn that. But they don’t embrace this silly crap for straight men and pimp this weird lifestyle on men. We do. And it’s yet another sign of how weak we are vis-a-vis them.
Tags: Chickification of America, Homme Mystere, HommeMystere, Lingerie for Men, Men the New Women Alert, men--the new women, Victor Victoria's Secret
kirche on April 29, 2013 at 1:58 pm