April 24, 2013, - 12:04 pm
Katherine Russell/Karima Tsarnaeva & Islamic Terrorist Hubby Couple Committed Welfare Fraud?- Common Among US, UK Muslims
Did Katherine Russell a/k/a Karima Tsarnaeva and her Islamic terrorist hubby commit welfare fraud? It sure looks like it. If so, it’s no surprise given the fact that there is a high percentage of Muslims on public assistance (and a high percentage of them committing entitlement fraud), both in the United States (check out Dearbornistan, where many Muslims are on welfare, food stamps, and Medicaid while driving Land Rovers and Mercedes and owning restaurants) and in Great Britain, according to a Wikileaks-leaked British diplomatic cable, which said Muslims were most likely to be unemployed and that 25% of of UK Muslims are on public assistance for disability (and implied that much of it is fraudulent). I wrote about Bridge Card fraud by Detroit-area Shi’ite Muslim Hezbollah supporters and relatives of the Hezbollah terrorist who bombed the Jewish Community Center and Israeli Embassy in Buenos Aires, Argentina. The Tsarnaevs were collecting public assistance, despite the claim by Ms. Russell/Mrs. Tsarnaev’s lawyer that she was working “70 to 80 hours a week” as a home healthcare aide, her excuse for her claim that she did not know about the Islamic terrorist plot cooked up by her husband.

Massachusetts’ minimum wage is $8 per hour. So, even if Ms. Tsarnaeva was only earning minimum wage, she would be making at least $560 per week (for 70 hours work) and as much as $640 per week (for 80 hours work), or $29,120 to $33,280 per year, well above the maximum, even for a family of three to qualify for public assistance of any sort. Since Russell was legally married to Tamerlan Tsarnaev, her earnings for working “70 to 80 hours a week” would have or should have been included in any application for public benefits by her husband and would have disqualified him. Reports say that the public assistance ended when the Tsarnaev couple no longer met income requirements in 2012. But did they declare that to the State of Massachusetts, or did they get caught? You can bet it’s likely the latter. That’s how it usually goes. Public assistance recipients do not take themselves off the rolls. The state catches them and takes them off. Did the Tsarnaevs collect benefits to which they were not entitled? Did they pay them back to the state?
Add to Tsarnaeva’s income the support she and her husband may have received from her parents, including her father, a wealthy emergency room doctor. Several mainstream media reports and statements by others, including the woman’s aunt whom I interviewed, reflect that they believed Russell/Tsarnaeva’s parents were providing some degree of financial assistance to the couple. Legally, Katherine Russell and Tamerlan Tsarnaev would have been required to declare any financial assistance they received from Russell’s parents in any application for public assistance, and that also would have put them over the threshold for receiving assistance.
In Dearbornistan, the Muslims who are on welfare, Medicaid, food stamps, and other public assistance are smarter than the Tsarnaev couple. In many cases, they never legally marry any of their several Islamic wives (or only marry one of them), thus allowing their wives to apply for and receive all kinds of public assistance undetected. They are married to the women under Islamic law, but not under U.S. law.
Welfare fraud is a crime of dishonesty and can be used as evidence that she is a liar in any court of law. And since it appears that the Tsarnaevs may have committed welfare fraud, it should also be used by anyone with a brain as a hint that nothing Ms. Russell-Tsarnaeva says can be believed, including her lawyer’s statement that she knew nothing about the terrorist plot. The woman has a record of apparent lying, including a lot of lying to qualify for public assistance and cashing the checks. And, therefore, we should assume she is also lying regarding her involvement in and knowledge of her husband’s and brother-in-law’s Islamic terrorist plot to murder and maim innocent civilians–most of them Americans–at the Boston Marathon.
Not only did taxpayers fund the Tsarnaev couple’s extremist lifestyle and Tamerlan Tsarnaev’s Islamic terrorism plotting, but that public assistance appears to have been obtained fraudulently, at least at some point before they were cut off by the State of Massachusetts.
Will Massachusetts investigate this and prosecute Ms. Russell/Tsarnaeva for entitlement fraud? Or will they look the other way as the Obama feds cut her a deal?
Sadly, I vote the latter. This woman clearly is lying about one thing or the other–that she worked 70-80 hours a week or in her application for public assistance. Either way, she’s a crook who should face justice. Four were murdered and nearly 200 more (at least) were maimed because fraudulently-obtained public assistance subsidized Islamic terrorism perpetrated by the Tsarnaev family.
*** More:
State officials confirmed last night that Tsarnaev, slain in a raging gun battle with police last Friday, was receiving benefits along with his wife, Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, and their 3-year-old daughter. The state’s Executive Office of Health and Human Services said those benefits ended in 2012 when the couple stopped meeting income eligibility limits.
Tags: Boston Marathon Terrorists, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, Executive Office of Health and Human Services, Islam, Islamic public assistance, Islamic Terrorism, Islamic terrorists, Islamic terrorists on welfare, Islamic welfare fraud, Karima Tsarnaev, Karima Tsarnaeva, Katherine Russell, Katherine Russell Tsarnaev, Massachusetts, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, terrorist welfare fraud, Tsarnaev public assistance, Tsarnaev welfare, Tsarnaev welfare benefits, welfare, welfare fraud
Welfare used to be only for the poor in this country.
Now its supplemental income to middle class folks who don’t need it.
But with the way the political winds are blowing, I expect entitlement income limits to be even more generous in the future.
NormanF on April 24, 2013 at 12:20 pm