April 19, 2013, - 7:50 pm
Katherine Russell, Terrorist’s BabyMama: US Littered w/ Skank “Reverts” to Islam Who Put Vagina 1st
I don’t get why many Americans, including some of my friends and readers, are so surprised that Boston Marathon Islamic terrorist Tamerlan Tsarnaev found an American skank (or, in Arabic, “sharmuta”/whore) who would sleep with him, convert to Islam, and have his baby, not insisting he marry her first (I’ve yet to see proof he married her at all, and the chick and anchor baby moved back in with her parents after he abandoned them, reports say). Um, newsflash: America is riddled with these moronic women who put their vagina first, second, thousandth, and last, before American national security or basic common sense. Crawling with ’em. I’ve written about dozens of these desperate idiotettes who put their need for sex and a man before anything else, to America’s detriment. This moroness, Katherine Russell, is just the latest of these wooskhah [Arabic for “filthy”] chicks. And your daughter, sister, niece, or granddaughter could be next. Good luck with that, America. America is more than Keeping Up with the Jihadashians. These women aren’t “just crazy in love.” They’re just crazy . . . and easy.

Katherine Russell: “I Was a Jihadist’s Willing Terrorist Anchor Baby Factory”
And, of course, their parents aren’t much different. Russell’s parents are delusional and/or in denial, since they lament over this sperm donor who beat their daughter. Note how the first thing in their stunningly cold statement is this selfish utterance: “Our daughter has lost her husband today.” So sad, too bad, fools. They claim they “cannot begin to comprehend how this horrible tragedy occurred.” Um, your spawn slept with a Muslim and spawned some more. Glaringly, there is no statement about them being sorry for the lives this schmuck destroyed–by either taking them away completely or ripping out people’s limbs. And, sorry, but saying they cannot comprehend it ain’t the same thing. Mentioning the pain he inflicted isn’t the same, either. There is nothing about “Our hearts go out to these people.” Or “we feel for the victims.” Nope. Just, “We are the victims.” Um, no, you ain’t. The victims are people who were innocently at a Marathon. Not wimpy “parents” and their skanky daughter who welcomed this violent, extremist Muslim gigolo into their lives and, in the case of the daughter, into her vaginal canal. No tears for them. Dhimmis are the problem, NOT the solution. PUH-LEEZE. These people’s daughter is alive and still with all of her body parts. The victims of their “son-in-law” are either dead or missing limbs.

Something tells me these “parents” taught their daughter to value “diversity” over all else and probably thought it was the greatest thing since sliced pita to have their daughter wantonly engage in interspecies erotica with this guy. They probably saw too many commercials about “Buying the World a Coke,” and that absolute fantasy became their gospel. Bet they welcomed Tamerlan Tsarnaev to their house and even asked him for some Chechen recipes (of the non-explosive kind) so they could make him feel welcome in some halal kumbaya-fest. Ah, diversity. That’s the kind of people whose daughter converts to Islam to become a walkin’ baby factory for an extremist “DREAM Act kid.” See, it ain’t a meltin’ pot, when the thing don’t melt and merely sucks the life out of all the other flavors. But, hey, he was a boxer! Awww . . . it’s the New, Improved, Jihadist version of “Rocky.” Yo, allah!
Like I said, America is littered with these sluts for Islam. I’ve written about Visa Journey, an online garbage can filled with American chicks who look like they are candidates for NBC’s “The Biggest Loser” or ABC’s long-defunct “Extreme Makeover.” Since they can’t find a man here, these zaftig loserettes agree to help Muslim men come to America . . . or stay if they are already here, and then as soon as the Muslim men get their Green Card, it’s “Sayonara, fat chick! I divorce thee, I divorce thee, I divorce thee.” Gullible idiots deserve what they get in my book. Sadly, America gets what these fat chicks deserve, too, because we’re stuck with these jihadists and the terrorist anchor babies they produce. Take Ibrahim Parlak, the Islamic terrorist who lied on at least five applications to get into and stay in the U.S. about his terrorist past and the Syrian terrorist training camp he attended. Parlak had an anchor baby with some ugly chick he didn’t marry, just like they all do. It’s what we call a “prime pedigree” these days in America.
Now, you may say that Katherine Russell is better looking. So what? You think only ugly women are dumb and desperate enough to put their sexual desires and lust before all other important stuff? Think again. I’ve written about women who looked like Barbie Dolls, who converted to Islam despite being physically abused repeatedly by their Muslim significant others, as is the case with this frickin’ Russell idiot, who was physically attacked by her Islamic terrorist sperm donor in 2009, and yet she stayed with him anyway. And, since the terrorist babydaddy is no longer around, you will probably pay the welfare checks, WIC, and other support for this terrorist anchor baby child of bad seed to grow up and learn how to identify with dear old dad. All ‘cuz the kid’s mommy couldn’t keep her pants zipped and her brain functioning. I’ve written about the Michigan teen who ran away to the Palestinian Authority to convert to Islam and marry some guy whose screen name was “Abdullah Psycho,” so he could get his Magic Golden Green Card Ticket in to the States. And I’ve written about the trashy kind American chicks with skin like leather and the warmed over look of the former President of the White Snake fan club circa 1982, who’ve slept with and spawned for Muslim illegal aliens.
And I heard from one of the several wives of Faris Alami, a Palestinian Muslim illegal alien who committed student visa fraud, marriage fraud, and apparently social security fraud, according to ex-wife #2, who helped him get the Green Card. When Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) tried to deport this crook, Alami got Detroit Newsistan Islamo-butt-snorkler Michael Hodges to write a one-sided propaganda piece on this real nice hubby and daddy to anchor babies, and then ICE (in the Bush Administration) caved. Now, Mr. Alami is proudly running for Mayor of the Detroit suburb of Troy, Michigan. As Borat might say, “Thanks, Vagine of Airhead Wife #3.”
There are literally hundreds of thousands of these dumbass-ettes. Katherine Russell ain’t the first to sleep with a terrorist and give birth to his terrorist anchor baby who will remain on U.S. soil and, in many cases, take up the cause. And her parents won’t be the first liberal failures whose daughters are raised with this anything goes, diversity-for-your-vagina idiocy.
Sadly, they won’t be the last, either. Many, many more of these halal skanks where those came from. Alhamdillullah [praise allah].
One last thing: was this idiotette legally (under Massachusetts law) married to the terrorist? Or was she only married to him in the eyes of the mosque? Is there a marriage license? Betcha there isn’t.
Tags: I married a jihadist, I married a terrorist, I slept with a jihadist, Islamo-skanks, Katherine Russell, sharmutahs, Tamerlan Tsarnaev, Tamerlan Tsarnaev girlfriend, Tamerlan Tsarnaev wife
The child could even become President some day. Oh, that already happened!
Jack on April 20, 2013 at 9:40 pm