April 17, 2013, - 12:13 pm
Mo Alzayadi, Dearbornistan Muslim: “Boston Marathon Deaths No Big Deal Compared to # of Arabs Killed Around the World”
As I noted yesterday, young Shi’ite Muslims from Dearbornistan (and elsewhere) have been sending me extremely violent, Jew-hating, and America-hating tweets, threatening to kill, rape, or maim Americans who discuss Islamic terrorism and the Boston Marathon. Remember, these are not Muslims in Riyadh or Beirut or Cairo or Tehran. These are Muslims living in the United States of America. And they are not Muslims who are older and were born elsewhere. These are the younger Muslims–teens and 20-somethings–who were born and raised here on a steady diet of hip-hop, Kardashians, and Levi’s.
“American” Muslim Mohammed Alzayadi Thinks Their Deaths No Big Deal . . .
And they are every bit as extreme as their fellow co-religionists anywhere else in the world. Some Muslims have told these fellow Muslims not to send me these tweets–not because they don’t agree with the threats to pour acid down a woman’s throat at a beauty salon for discussing Islamic terrorism or the explicitly expressed fantasies to rape me–but because they don’t want the world to see what they really think and give Islam bad PR.
Above is one of the latest tweets I received from Mohammed “Mo” Alzayadi. He erased the tweet, but not before I copied it. You see, he thinks that American lives aren’t worth much . . . kinda like the vast majority of his fellow Muslims think. And, so, to him the three murders and well over a hundred Americans seriously maimed and missing vital limbs and body parts, is no big deal and not important to him. He doesn’t think like an American, even though he was raised here and had every American opportunity. To him, as he notes in his tweet, Arab lives in other countries are more important than American lives. And that’s because Al-Zayadi, just like his fellow Muslims throughout Dearbornistan and the rest of this country, don’t think of themselves as Americans. They think of themselves as Muslims first. “Arabs” first.
To Mohammed Al-Zayadi and his friends, the snuffed out life of Krystle Campbell, taken at age 29, is meaningless and not anything to give a second thought to. ‘Cuz, hey, who cares about a fellow American murdered on American soil when Arabs are being killed (mostly by fellow Arab Muslims) all around the world? To Mohammed Al-Zayadi and his friends, the snuffed out life of eight-year-old Martin Richard, whose mother has serious head injuries and whose young sister is now missing a leg . . . well, not a big deal because of all the Arabs being killed by their fellow Arabs elsewhere in the world. And the unnamed Chinese female grad student, now gone forever–no biggie. Oh, and 27-year-old Jeff Bauman, Jr. who lost both legs–not a big deal. “We care only about the Arabs in other countries.” Only people who don’t identify as Americans–but, rather, first, last, always, and only as “Arabs” (translation: Muslims)–think that way and have no hesitation to tell it to the world as Mo Al-Zayadi did yesterday with the blood barely washed off the streets of Boston.
No wonder Mohammed Al-Zayadi and his al-friends didn’t want you to see his tweet to me. They are hywonot [Arabic for “animals”], not Americans. And not decent human beings.
Religion of Peace? More like, Religion of Pieces (and torn off limbs).
Tags: American Muslims, Arabs, Islam, Jihad, Mo Al-Zayadi, Mo AlZayadi, Mohammed "Mo" Alzayadi, Mohammed Al-Zayadi, Mohammed AlZayadi, Muslim Americans, Muslims, Muslims Boston Marathon
I wish it was true 🙁
Unfortunately, they are roaming the globe devouring innocent people.
Islam is watered with the blood of the innocent…
As goes, so goes.. on April 17, 2013 at 12:44 pm