April 4, 2013, - 11:12 am
Haamid Zaid: Easter Walmart Jihadist Muslim Out on Bond Deliberately Crashed Into Americans TWICE
On Sunday, as I was getting ready for my absence for the last days of Passover, I heard the news of a man crashing his vehicle into Walmart and then getting out and attacking customers. I wondered, since it was Easter and reminded me of several other vehicle jihads by Muslims–including a Palestinian Muslim deliberately driving into a Home Depot because he opposed secure American borders–if this attacker was Muslim also. And, after I returned online Tuesday Night, I learned that my suspicions proved correct. The man is Haamid Ade Zaid. But, since learning his name, the news about this guy has gotten worse. This is apparently his second vehicle jihad, and he–incredibly!–was out on bond for the first one. His first victim said Zaid was clearly on a “mission” to hurt people. Yup, that’s jihad. The guy is an Islamic terrorist. Period.

Incredibly, authorities initially dismissed the Walmart incident by saying that Haamid Zaid, was on drugs or drunk or mentally unstable. But, again, this is the SECOND TIME that this Muslim man sought to drive his car into Americans and cause harm to them. Clearly, this isn’t about drugs, depression, or being nuts. It’s about jihad against Americans. And, yet, this jihadist was out on bail to do it a second time, which he carefully timed for Easter Sunday. No coincidence.
SAN JOSE — In a story that is racking up national headlines, police say a drug-addled Seaside native crashed his car into an East San Jose Walmart and bludgeoned customers and an employee with a blunt object before he was tackled by onlookers Sunday morning.
Haamid Ade Zaid, 33, was booked into Santa Clara County jail on suspicion of assault with a deadly weapon, hit and run, being under the influence of drugs and resisting arrest, according to the San Jose Police Department. He was identified as a Seaside resident by police, but a relative said he now lives in San Jose.Zaid is being held without bail in connection with the chaotic attack that rattled an Easter Sunday shopping crowd and ended with four people injured, one seriously. A Walmart employee was among the victims.
Officer Albert Morales said SJPD had no previous contact with Zaid until Sunday. Santa Clara County has a handful of court cases involving Zaid. . . . Zaid’s mother, Rosemary, told NBC Bay Area that she had no explanation for the actions of her son, a Seaside High School graduate she said runs an auto-restoration shop in San Jose. “This isn’t him, this isn’t him, this is not what he’s like,” Rosemary Zaid told the station. “He’s a good man, a business man. He’s never done drugs.”
Riiiiight. Let me guess: Rosemary Zaid is one of these desperate, dumbass American chicks who put her vagina first before what’s good for America and married some Muslim extremist, giving birth to his jihadist kid. That’s the way it often goes and appears to be the case here. More:
Questions are being raised about why a 33-year-old man accused of ramming a car into the front door of a San Jose Walmart store was out on bail after a similar incident. Haamid Zaid is facing several charges, including hit-and-run and being under the influence of drugs.
Surveillance video from the Capitol Premier Car Wash shows what happened just over three months before the Walmart crash. A man police identified as Haamid Zaid drove a silver Lexus right through double glass doors, smashing into merchandise shelves and almost crushing two employees. “It seems to me he’s on some sort of mission to inflict harm on individuals and prepared to kill people, I suppose,” car wash owner Chuck Brassfield said.
Brassfield says he was surprised when he learned that Zaid is accused of doing the same thing on Easter Sunday at a Walmart. “I had assumed that this fellow was still in jail after this incident. It’s apparent that he wasn’t, and I’m not so sure that he’ll be in jail much longer either,” Brassfield said.
So, why was Zaid released on a $20,000 bail? It was a “pretty standard case,” said Jim Sibley, the Supervising Deputy District Attorney. “He did, I believe, Jan. 22 fail to appear in court. An attorney appeared on his behalf, and over our objection the court gave him an additional date and did issue a warrant for his arrest. But he was at that point just pending misdemeanor cases. There was nothing looking at that case that would have foreshadowed what we see here today.”
The District Attorney’s office concluded Zaid lost control of the car at the car wash after hitting another vehicle a few miles away, but Brassfield doesn’t buy that. “He was on a mission of some sort. This was not an accidentally running into the door of a building,” he said.
Exactly. Sounds like Mr. Brassfield should be the prosecutor and Deputy District Attorney Jim Sibley should be washing cars. Because this man was let out on the street again in his “pretty standard case” jihad, people were seriously injured and almost killed.
But, hey, he’s just a druggie . . . who happens to have the name Haamid (and twice targeted Americans for harm), right?
Just a “pretty standard case” in an America where they are at war against us and we are too busy at the mall.
Tags: American jihadists, Capitol Premier Car Wash, Chuck Brassfield, Easter, Easter Jihad, Easter Sunday, Haamid Ade Zaid, Haamid Zaid, Islam, Islamic Terrorism, Islamic terrorists, Jihad, jihadists, Jim Sibley, Rosemary Zaid, SAN JOSE, Walmart jihad
I was waiting for this column. I was shocked when I heard yesterday that there was a Jihadi bent to this story. I had come across it but I read so many news stories I didn’t give it my attention because I just thought he was a stupid nutter. If I had known his name that would have gotten my attention STAT!
I have to train my brain to question these things as DS does. She had a hunch and I didn’t. I just skipped over the story.
I want this country to wake up. This is just another millionth example of proof that there are no moderate Moooooooslims.
The ignorance and PC dismissing of their danger (Islam/Mooooooslims) will continue to go on in this oblivious country. I’m sick of it!
Skunky on April 4, 2013 at 11:52 am