April 2, 2007, - 11:06 am

The Real “Gentleman”?: “The Bachelor’s” Slacker Soldier vs. Our Fighting Troops

Tonight marks the inauspicious debut of the 10th installment of ABC’s vapid and pointless “The Bachelor.” Not that we should care.
But what makes this bachelor different is that while our troops are fighting, getting seriously maimed, and dying on the battlefields of Afghanistan and Iraq, U.S. Navy Lieutenant Andy Baldwin, M.D. will be jumping into hot tubs and making out with multiple bimbos vying for the chance to be chosen to be dumped a week after the show concludes. It seems a bit unseemly.
Since active duty military personnel must get permission to participate in television shows and other publicity-garnering activities like this, one wonders who his commanding officer is and why the military PR handlers allowed this. It’s just plain inappropriate.

“The Bachelor”/Navy Officer Andy Baldwin

One wonders how Baldwin got several months off of active duty to both star in “The Bachelor” but also participate in auditions leading up to it and the publicity tour he is now on to promote it. Reportedly, Baldwin is on leave from the Navy to do the show. But how does a man on active duty get leave for months to participate in a televised, low-class concubine pageant, while soldiers can’t get a few days to see their families and get blown up in greater Islamia?
If military powers that be approved this leave because they thought it would bring positive attention to the U.S. Navy, they’re mistaken. Everyone on this show is there for one reason: the ridicule of the lumpen proletariat viewing public–the few that still watch this time-wasting show. If this is supposed to be some sort of in-your-face nose-thumb at Bin Laden, it ain’t working (and it hasn’t even aired yet).
This edition of the show produced by hooker Heidi Fleiss’ relative (executive producer Mike Fleiss) calls itself, “The Bachelor: Officer and a Gentleman.” Sorry, but a man who is lucky enough to serve stateside (Baldwin is stationed at Pearl Harbor), but flaunts it on TV–while other soldier/doctors are in the desert sewing up the nearly-dead and ripped-to-shreds soldiers fighting over there–is no gentleman at all.
The real gentlemen are the ones risking–and all too frequently, giving–their lives for us and for Andy Baldwin to cavort in a hot tub. I can’t help thinking of all of those soldiers’ mothers and wives who are wondering why our military allows this guy time off to live in a mansion and participate in a bimbo-fest, while their sons and husbands are “over there.”
The guy on tonight’s “The Bachelor” is no gentleman, just an embarrassment. . . and–dare I say it–a himbo.
“The most dramatic rose ceremony ever”? No. Just a waste of national broadcast airtime.

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18 Responses

Especially when I read on Blackfive’s site over the weekend about a soldier who has a pregnant wife and is due to have a daughter soon, had his stay in Iraq extended, and was seriously injured. At last update, both his legs were amputated and his kidneys were shut down. At that point, they were just praying for a miracle.

amdilli on April 2, 2007 at 12:17 pm

Dear Debbie;
I agree with you 100%. Why would any branch of the military give anyone this much time off for something so blatantly stupid? Especially since there is a war going on.
I would also like to know why the Navy never brought John Kerry up on charges of treason, for his anti-American, anti-war activities in the early 70’s, while still a member of the Navy.

EJO on April 2, 2007 at 1:36 pm

What does the rose symbolize, true love? Ha! How disgusting that the Navy wants to be associated with this show.

davidlanham on April 2, 2007 at 2:09 pm

Does anybody know if he will still be paid his active duty salary with all of the benefits while on extended leave for this show? I am willing to bet that he will be.

beosol on April 2, 2007 at 3:20 pm

Maybe its a good thing he’s on the show. It shows what his priorities are. If I was a soldier or a sailor I wouldn’t want this guy serving with me.

the_don on April 2, 2007 at 3:20 pm

You must be kidding…
I got turned down for a commission in the Naval Reserves 5 years ago with what I think are pretty decent credentials and a pretty low-key character (I think they call it “Flying below the radar”…).
Now we’ve got a psycho Navy astronaut ( CAPT Lisa Nowak), her “bang ’em and leave ’em” paramour (CDR Bill Oefelein) and now this bull****?
PUH-LEEZE!!! Hey, Mr. President – remember that commission the Navy boys denied me 5 years ago? Make me an O-5 and get me into the fight; with buffoonery like this, they make Osama and Mohammed Atta look like poster children for Pensacola – what a freakin’ disgrace!
P.S.: Baruch Pesach, Debbie (Hope my Hebrew’s up to snuff; out of practice from the days in N.Y., you know).

4EVERCUSTOMS on April 2, 2007 at 4:02 pm

This Bachelor series really touches on a variety of issues. Debbie makes some highly valid points but the Bachelor is also representative of Hollywood feeding the public mindless drivel on the cheap. We are at a juncture where reality television should have finally reached it’s course. We are being force fed cheap programming simply because it helps the bottomline for the entertainment industry at the viewer’s espense. Also…after countless seasons, we have yet to see a Bachelor of color or of a certain ethnicity. The Flavor of Love is an insulting parody and NOT an equivalent. The “liberal” media are not THAT liberal when it comes to potentially showing a man of color interacting with White females in amorous situations-perhaps that would be too “real” for them. And lastly, having multiple women fawning over one Adonis figure and dehumanizing themselves should be enough to raise the ire of the womens libbers-but I hear silence. When you need writers for a reality show…just how real is it?

dburt aka Afronerd on April 2, 2007 at 10:23 pm

Afronerd, why do you blacks always talk about our white women? No other race does this, just you. What’s wrong with black women, why do you blacks have this twisted fixation on white women?

davidlanham on April 5, 2007 at 2:20 pm

First..david, it’s truly disturbing how you speak in general terms…”you Blacks”…”our White women”…are you living in the 21st century?..no one “owns” anyone…The reason why I used White woman in my last supposition is because that is how Hollywood would make such a program…it would include women of ALL races but you proved my point….you look at things through a racial prism….in actuality it would be a MAN pursuing agroup of women…YOU superimpose color in the equation. Sure I have no problems with a Black cast for the Bachelor but the rest of america would have a problem with that….I just find you amusing and primitive….you really think of people in GROUPS as opposed to individuals….I do not see ALL Whites as a monolithic entity….why do you view Blacks that way?…but I suspect that you will come back with a vitriolic racist rant….boring. Call me up on my radio show…I’d like to hear your “logic”….
Every Thursday at 9pm and Sunday at 5pm

dburt aka Afronerd on April 6, 2007 at 8:07 pm

You ignored the issue of why you blacks always talk shit about our white women. I believe it’s because you blacks are weak, and you lash out in the sorriest way possible. I can’t imagine myself talking about another race’s women. Again, you blacks are the only race that talks about other race’s women.

davidlanham on April 6, 2007 at 8:56 pm

david…I remember you now…we shouted you out on the show when you made wild comments on my blog….yea…you defintely have a problem…I’m not going to answer your question because it’ silly….I’m not the “president” of Blacks….and you come off unsophisticated and racist…do you actually think that you speak for ALL whites…I’m sure White America missed your memo….damn…I’m curious as to your educational level…go to amren.com….Those cats will LOOOVE you…but again, you’re welcome to spout your views on my Sunday show…you’ll get chewed up but I suspect that you feel more powerful ranting from your PC…sad.

dburt aka Afronerd on April 6, 2007 at 11:09 pm

“…I definitely have a problem…you’re not president of Blacks…I’m unsophisticated and racist…do I think I speak for all whites…my educational level…I feel powerful ranting from my pc…”. You can’t focus at all, man. It’s a drag writing whole paragraphs to knock down 5 or 6 irrelevant points.

davidlanham on April 7, 2007 at 12:21 am

Afronerd, I just went to your website…you’re calling ME racist?! YOUR WHOLE DAMN SITE is dedicated to Black Supremacy or Separatism; “Year of the Black Man”, “black masculinity”, “black conservatism”, “brother” this, “brother” that…Frankly, I don’t have a problem with you being racist, I think it’s healthy. It’s suicidal to not look after the welfare of your own people. So, what’s wrong if whites do the same thing? Why should we be so stupid as to not have a place for us?

davidlanham on April 7, 2007 at 12:48 am

First of all david…you appear not to be too deep….you didn’t actually hear the broadcasts did you?….and you ONLY think Black represents a color..it is a culture as well…with variations within the culture…the broadcasts are not want you think…I am not a Black supremacist nor a racist….I have folks of ALL racial strata that visit my blog and YOU were the only one that came to that conclusion..I could show you compliments from Whites that learned things about Black people from my blog..perhaps that we all do not THINK alike Also, how else would I address problems specifically to Black people without using the term “black?”….if an asian person wanted to address something specific to his/her community, he can’t say “asian?”……Whites just do not have to refer to themselves as such…one might say Jewish, or Italian or the viewership or readership is self-evident….you insist on grouping Blacks in one box…there are variants in Blackness but I suspect that the drool is coming out of your mouth with your inability to fathom this…again, actually SPEAK to people if you want to learn something but then you would have to change your position and most racists are fearful of actually getting to know individuals….I’ll leave you to your ignorance.

dburt aka Afronerd on April 7, 2007 at 9:48 pm

In response to the statement about a military officer participating in this show while others serve on deployments, I think it’s important to note that apart from a potential military PR concern, he’s done nothing wrong. While those who are in Iraq and Afghanistan right now are doing an outstanding job and many see suffering and pain, those that are stationed stateside, such as this current bachelor, aren’t getting out of anything. I’m an Air Force officer, and while I can’t speak for the Navy, this article and many others fail to understand the difference in the 3 branches–we have distinct missions, and very different deployment procedures. The AF is currently cutting manning, and many in my career field many officers are begging to go on deployments (yes, they want the opportunity), but there just aren’t enough slots/need. The Army is hurting for people, and the Navy and AF lend them some, but most aren’t trained for the Army mission. Yet, even in my office job in the states, I support the flying mission every day. Lt Baldwin supports the mission in his job too, and he took authorized leave approved by his commander (we get 30 days a year, and that can accrue to up to 60 or more over a few years) to film the show. He is not lessening the heroism of those who are serving overseas by using his well-earned leave as he chooses. It can be debated about the quality of the show, whether the Navy PR should have allowed it, etc, but I don’t think we should take shots at him as an officer when he has done nothing wrong and is serving his country. If he had been tasked to deploy while on leave filming, he would have had to leave. You may not like his decision to do the show during his earned leave, but he followed all the rules.

Alexis on May 1, 2007 at 11:24 pm

In response to the statement about a military officer participating in this show while others serve on deployments, I think it’s important to note that apart from a potential military PR concern, he’s done nothing wrong. While those who are in Iraq and Afghanistan right now are doing an outstanding job and many see suffering and pain, those that are stationed stateside, such as this current bachelor, aren’t getting out of anything. I’m an Air Force officer, and while I can’t speak for the Navy, this article and many others fail to understand the difference in the 3 branches–we have distinct missions, and very different deployment procedures. The AF is currently cutting manning, and many in my career field many officers are begging to go on deployments (yes, they want the opportunity), but there just aren’t enough slots/need. The Army is hurting for people, and the Navy and AF lend them some, but most aren’t trained for the Army mission. Yet, even in my office job in the states, I support the flying mission every day. Lt Baldwin supports the mission in his job too, and he took authorized leave approved by his commander (we get 30 days a year, and that can accrue to up to 60 or more over a few years) to film the show. He is not lessening the heroism of those who are serving overseas by using his well-earned leave as he chooses. It can be debated about the quality of the show, whether the Navy PR should have allowed it, etc, but I don’t think we should take shots at him as an officer when he has done nothing wrong and is serving his country. If he had been tasked to deploy while on leave filming, he would have had to leave. You may not like his decision to do the show during his earned leave, but he followed all the rules.

Alexis on May 1, 2007 at 11:26 pm

Although I’ll agree that past bachelors were not true gentlemen, this bachelor has shocked me. I don’t believe he has brought shame to the military. Do I think it’s fair that he gets all this time off and my husband, also a military man, would never even dream of getting this kind of break, abslotuely not. But I’ll admit I enjoyed watching him this last episode educating the women and us at home about the memorial there in Pearl Harbor. As a military wife it’s nice to see the other side of this life instead of always watching the soldiers on the news dying for us. My regards to all military families of every branch. phx from fl

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