March 25, 2013, - 6:19 pm

Passover 2013 – From Slavery to Freedom (While We Still Have It)

By Debbie Schlussel

To my friends and readers:

Tonight at sundown, the Jewish holiday of Passover begins. We Jews celebrate our freedom from slavery in Egypt and also our eventual receipt of the Torah from G-d via Moses and Mount Sinai as well as our eternal land, Israel. I will be out of blog commission for the next two days, but I’ve prepared timely stuff in advance which will be posted in my absence, so please come back. I’ll return on Wednesday Night, and will post one or two more things tonight before my Seder begins. I’ll be celebrating Passover and having my Seders with a friend who is not only an Orthodox Jew, but a descendant of Ulysses S. Grant (from his father’s side of the family who were not Jewish). Very cool, right?


Passover Seder Plate

As I’ve noted many times on this site in the past, 80% of the Jews remained slaves in Egypt. Egypt Syndrome preceded the modern Stockholm Syndrome, as most of the Jews enjoyed their captivity of hard labor, gazillionth class citizenship, and a lack of spirituality and faith in G-d. Today, a similar 80% of American Jews are still living in slavery of the mind. They voted for Obama (twice!) and continue to pander to our enemies in Islam and the left, both of whom would destroy us, like the Egyptians wanted to. (There are also Jews on the right who refuse to take a critical look at anti-Israel Republicans like Darrell Issa and crazy, destructive nutjobs like Rand Paul who would cripple our fight against Islamic terrorists on U.S. soil and abroad and yet want to make dangerous illegal aliens into U.S. citizens).

As I’ve noted, there are many Jewish people who are still slaves in Egypt mentally. They try desperately to please Jew-hating Muslims and anti-Semites. They are not proud of who they are. They’ve never been taught the beauty and spirituality of full observance of Judaism. And, thus, they will never be free. Their politics also enslave them, and they, sadly, pass this on to their children. Egypt Syndrome preceded the modern Stockholm Syndrome, and it has been passed on from generation to generation for some.

I am proud I am not like them. Tonight, as with Jews around the world, I will participate in the Seder, the traditional Passover ceremonial feast, in which we remember not only what slavery in Egypt was like and what it was like to be freed, but also that there are those who would destroy the Jewish people in every generation, including this one. As I’ve noted on this site oh so many times, those people are now the Muslims that surround us and who seek to destroy not just the Jews, but also the Christians around the world. They are also my liberal fellow co-religionists and the liberal Christians who defend and promote these Muslims. To me, they are far worse because without them, we’d be able to defeat the problem. Yes, there are also fools like Pharoahbama. But like the ancient Pharoahs of Egypt, he and his ilk will disappear and new, even more dangerous bad actors will appear and do even more harm. Heck, even Iran’s Ahmadinejad is term-limited, but there will be another choice of the ayatollahs to take his place and do the same madman’s bidding.


Passover Matzoh

Tonight, I’ll also be celebrating my freedoms, including my free speech and to continue to bring you this site, as I celebrate Passover with the CAIR Action Network lawsuit against me hanging over my head now after more than two years, and continued attempts by CAIR Action Network and other Muslims to silence me. I also have had, over the last year, new Muslim death, rape, and torture threats, which the FBI investigated but which the politically correct Justice Department declined to prosecute. And you know about the Nazis from Ohio now targeting me. So, I will celebrate my freedom with extra gusto on this first night of Passover.

I’ve written about Passover many times in years past (see also here and here), and you can read even more details here, here, and here. I need not repeat them here, other than the Debbie’s Notes version: We celebrate Passover for 8 days. We hold two Seders (one in Israel)–one for each of the first two nights. We cannot eat bread or anything leavened for the entire eight days. We also can’t eat stuff that, back in the day (and currently) could be made into flour, like corn, many nuts, peas, beans, etc. We have to buy special food (I spent more in the last two days than I spend on food in more than a month), including special soda. Coke and Pepsi make us what is essentially the Mexican version of their soda pops, as it does not contain corn syrup. We can’t eat any food with corn syrup on Passover.

To my Jewish readers, I wish you a Happy and Kosher Passover. To my gentile readers, I hope you will enjoy the stuff I’ve written for while I’m away. Again, I will post one or two more things before the holiday begins tonight.

See ya back live Wednesday Night. Ya’ll come back now, ya hear.

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24 Responses

Well, I don’t want to put a damper on your Seder with a descendant of Ulysses S. Grant, but a little history on Grant is in order here. The Jewish Virtual Library does such a good job of telling the historical events, that I’ll simply cut-and-paste them below:

In 1862, in the heat of the Civil War, General Ulysses S. Grant initiated one of the most blatant official episodes of anti-Semitism in 19th-century American history. In December of that year, Grant issued his infamous General Order No. 11, which expelled all Jews from Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi:

The Jews, as a class violating every regulation of trade established by the Treasury Department and also department orders, are hereby expelled from the department [the “Department of the Tennessee,” an administrative district of the Union Army of occupation composed of Kentucky, Tennessee and Mississippi] within twenty-four hours from the receipt of this order.

Post commanders will see to it that all of this class of people be furnished passes and required to leave, and any one returning after such notification will be arrested and held in confinement until an opportunity occurs of sending them out as prisoners, unless furnished with permit from headquarters. No passes will be given these people to visit headquarters for the purpose of making personal application of trade permits.

The immediate cause of the expulsion was the raging black market in Southern cotton. Although enemies in war, the North and South remained dependent on each other economically. Northern textile mills needed Southern cotton. The Union Army itself used Southern cotton in its tents and uniforms. Although the Union military command preferred an outright ban on trade, President Lincoln decided to allow limited trade in Southern cotton.

To control that trade, Lincoln insisted it be licensed by the Treasury Department and the army. As commander of the Department of the Tennessee, Grant was charged with issuing trade licenses in his area. As cotton prices soared in the North, unlicensed traders bribed Union officers to allow them to buy Southern cotton without a permit. As one exasperated correspondent told the Secretary of War, “Every colonel, captain or quartermaster is in a secret partnership with some operator in cotton; every soldier dreams of adding a bale of cotton to his monthly pay.”

In the fall of 1862, Grant’s headquarters were besieged by merchants seeking trade permits. When Grant’s own father appeared one day seeking trade licenses for a group of Cincinnati merchants, some of whom were Jews, Grant’s frustration overflowed.

A handful of the illegal traders were Jews, although the great majority were not. In the emotional climate of the war zone, ancient prejudices flourished. The terms “Jew,” “profiteer,” “speculator” and “trader” were employed interchangeably. Union commanding General Henry W. Halleck linked “traitors and Jew peddlers.” Grant shared Halleck’s mentality, describing “the Israelites” as “an intolerable nuisance.”

In November 1862, convinced that the black market in cotton was organized “mostly by Jews and other unprincipled traders,” Grant ordered that “no Jews are to be permitted to travel on the railroad southward [into the Department of the Tennessee] from any point,” nor were they to be granted trade licenses. When illegal trading continued, Grant issued Order No. 11 on December 17, 1862.

Subordinates enforced the order at once in the area surrounding Grant’s headquarters in Holly Springs, Mississippi. Some Jewish traders had to trudge 40 miles on foot to evacuate the area. In Paducah, Kentucky, military officials gave the town’s 30 Jewish families—all long-term residents, none of them speculators and at least two of them Union Army veterans—24 hours to leave.

A group of Paducah’s Jewish merchants, led by Cesar Kaskel, dispatched an indignant telegram to President Lincoln, condemning Grant’s order as an “enormous outrage on all laws and humanity, … the grossest violation of the Constitution and our rights as good citizens under it.” Jewish leaders organized protest rallies in St. Louis, Louisville and Cincinnati, and telegrams reached the White House from the Jewish communities of Chicago, New York and Philadelphia.

Cesar Kaskel arrived in Washington on Jan. 3, 1863, two days after the Emancipation Proclamation went into effect. There he conferred with influential Jewish Republican Adolphus Solomons, then went with a Cincinnati congressman, John A. Gurley, directly to the White House. Lincoln received them promptly and studied Kaskel’s copies of General Order No. 11 and the specific order expelling Kaskel from Paducah. The President told Halleck to have Grant revoke General Order No. 11, which he did in the following message:

A paper purporting to be General Orders, No. 11, issued by you December 17, has been presented here. By its terms, it expells (sic) all Jews from your department. If such an order has been issued, it will be immediately revoked.

Grant revoked the order three days later.

0n January 6, a delegation led by Rabbi Isaac M. Wise of Cincinnati, called on Lincoln to express its gratitude that the order had been rescinded. Lincoln received them cordially expressed surprise that Grant had issued such a command and stated his conviction that “to condemn a class is, to say the least, to wrong the good with the bad.” He drew no distinction between Jew and Gentile, the president said, and would allow no American to be wronged because of his religious affiliation.

After the war, Grant transcended his anti-Semitic reputation. He carried the Jewish vote in the presidential election of 1868 and named several Jews to high office. But General Order No. 11 remains a blight on the military career of the general who saved the Union.
—————————————————————Sources: American Jewish Historical Society and Karp, Abraham, From the Ends of the Earth: Judaic Treasures of the Library of Congress. DC: Library of Congress, 1991.

RA: I know all about it. And so do they. Which is why it’s so ironic that we are celebrating Passover together tonight. Also, I got them the book, “When General Grant Expelled the Jews.” DS

Ralph Adamo on March 25, 2013 at 6:38 pm

RA, you need to read Jonathan D. Sarna’s recent book: When General Grant Expelled the Jews. It puts Grant’s action in perspective, and more importantly, points out, with impressive primary documentation, the fact that Grant essentially spent the rest of his life atoning for his rash action as described by you.

He subsequently expressed regret for this action, and obtained significant Jewish support when he ran for President in 1868. He spoke out for Jewish rights in Russia and Romania during his term, when these rights were attacked, and deserves a more positive assessment than the one you provided.

I am not going to get into a long diatribe with you — just read the book. It is easily obtainable from a good public library.

Little Al on March 25, 2013 at 6:51 pm

Happy passover, Debbie. Interesting post.

RT on March 25, 2013 at 7:06 pm

Happy Passover to Debbie and all the Jewish readers and anyone else on this site who celebrates the Holiday.

JeffE on March 25, 2013 at 7:11 pm

Little A1: I’ll check out the book, but the piece I quoted was balanced and ended with the following, as you’ll note above:

“After the war, Grant transcended his anti-Semitic reputation. He carried the Jewish vote in the presidential election of 1868 and named several Jews to high office. But General Order No. 11 remains a blight on the military career of the general who saved the Union.”

Also, many Jews fought for the South, as others fought for the North. But General Robert E. Lee allowed his Jewish soldiers to observe all holy days, while Gens. Ulysses S. Grant and William T. Sherman issued anti-Jewish orders. And you may know that Judah Benjamin was the first Jewish U.S. senator and at one time or another during the war–the Confederacy’s attorney general, secretary of war and secretary of state. These things suggest that the North was more prejudiced against Jews than the South was.

However, as I’ve said I’ll check out Sarna’s book, as I enjoy reading fresh looks at history.

Ralph Adamo on March 25, 2013 at 7:17 pm

    Thirteen paragraphs condemning Grant, and one paragraph which contains one sentence of condemnation and two favorable sentences. A ratio of 20-1 unfavorable. Balance????

    The comparison between North and South is complex, and cannot really be reduced to a couple of sentences about religious observance. The whole context of abolition, financing, education and religious practice needs to be taken into account — but none of this is really relevant to my discussion of Grant.

    And one-more-time, my point was not to compare Gen. Grant with his Southern counterparts like Judah Benjamin, or Robert E. Lee, it was, rather to point out the marked difference between post-Civil-War Grant and the Grant of the Civil War.

    Since you are a regular contributor, I will refrain for now, from a discussion of the material you relied on for your second post.

    Little Al on March 26, 2013 at 12:51 am

Have a nice holiday.

samurai on March 25, 2013 at 8:07 pm

Interesting post, history, and commentaries… Happy Passover.

moeursalen on March 25, 2013 at 8:21 pm

Correct me if I’m wrong Debbie, but isn’t Passover a pagan holiday (yes I know it happens to be a jewish holiday per se) that many jewish people celebrate the traditions of the holiday? I’ve read that Easter is a pagan holiday that many christians celebrate and so forth. In any event, whether or not passover is a pagan holiday or not, enjoy you’re Seder and Passover DS, and please for the love of god, stay and remain safe, I know and aware that there are low-life pricks who wants to see you’re demise. As I said, happy passover!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on March 25, 2013 at 8:53 pm

    Sean, the pagan part of Easter refers to the secular traditions of rabbits and eggs – both pagan symbols of fertility and Spring solstice – but you can be sure that Jewish Passover and Christian Easter are most definitely not pagan in origin.

    DS_ROCKS! on March 25, 2013 at 9:24 pm

Passover is not a pagan holiday. “Easter” comes closer to a pagan holiday, with it’s name coming from the goddess Ishtar, and it’s frivolous crap like “Easter bunnies”, eggs, etc. Many Christians celebrate it as a holiday marking the resurrection of Jesus Christ. A lot of Christian holidays fall on days and have customs associated with pagan holidays that were celebrated during the times of the Roman empire and later. I would see nothing wrong with a Christian honoring both the Jewish holiday of Passover and the resurrection of Jesus Christ. In my opinion there is nothing conflicting about them.

RT on March 25, 2013 at 10:48 pm

    Yes, Easter is a pagan holiday. Think of what the name means.
    “The Two Babylons”, by Alexander Hislop, says: “What means the term Easter itself? It is not a Christian name. It bears its Chaldean origin on its very forehead. Easter is nothing else than Astarte, one of the titles of Beltis, the queen of heaven, whose name, . . . as found by Layard on the Assyrian monuments, is Ishtar. . . . Such is the history of Easter. The popular observances that still attend the period of its celebration amply confirm the testimony of history as to its Babylonian character. The hot cross buns of Good Friday, and the dyed eggs of Pasch or Easter Sunday, figured in the Chaldean rites just as they do now.”—(New York, 1943), pp. 103, 107, 108; compare Jeremiah 7:18.

    The Christian Greek Scriptures ask us to memorialise Jesus’ death, not his resurrection. And the congregations worldwide celebrate that Memorial tonight, after sunset.

    It is an extra special day for me as it is the one day of the year my husband comes to the Kingdom Hall with me.

    sue on March 26, 2013 at 8:11 am

Happy Passover!

sharon on March 25, 2013 at 10:55 pm

The real Jews were not blonde-haired or blue-eyed. Eastern Europe Khazari wannabe Jews like Schlussel need to go back to their ghettos in Poland and Russia.

Ralph Lauren on March 26, 2013 at 12:28 am

    @ Ralph Lauren:

    And you need to return to your meth lab trailer. Your sister/wife is waiting for you.

    Someone tell Stormfront their village idiot is missing.

    Cicero's Ghost (NB) on March 26, 2013 at 9:46 am

    Hey “Ralph Lauren,” is your real name also Ralph Lipshitz, like the real Ralph Lauren? Maybe you should just use his real last name instead, but omitting the “Lip” and “z” for accuracy in your case.

    Ralph Adamo on March 26, 2013 at 5:00 pm

Debbie, wish you and all Jewish participants here a very happy and kosher Passover! Enjoy the next few days!

Infidel on March 26, 2013 at 4:25 am

Happy Passover Ms. Debbie & to all Jewish readers of her site! G*bless!

Cicero's Ghost (NB) on March 26, 2013 at 9:48 am

Happy Passover, Debbie, and may the next few days bring you some solace from the very unpleasant, undeserving attacts upon your character during the year.

Rochelle on March 26, 2013 at 4:57 pm

This year, Passover coincides w/ the Hindu festival of Holi.

Infidel on March 27, 2013 at 4:19 am

Self-preservation is an ingrained instinct. Once can either fight, flee or hide.

But to ensure proper self-preservation, one must have the talent to combine these 3 tactics. Otherwise, the person would either face destruction or marginalization by outside forces.

The Jews that Debbie described in her article preferred marginalization, assuming that this was the only way to preserve themselves. As history has shown, cultures that confuse cowardice with self-preservation don’t last to long. Nor do they prevail.

Had someone realized the difference between these two different concepts, would there have been a great Jewish civilization rivalling that of the Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Persians, Babylonians and Hittites? That answer would be best left up to someone more qualified than I am.

Chag Pesach Kasher v’Sameach, y’alls – from one agnostic b******!

The Reverend Jacques on March 27, 2013 at 4:37 pm

You talk about the Galut, or Exile and term it as ‘suffering’ so might I ask as to why you continue to live in the Galut, in America, when you speak about our status and rank outside of Eretz Yisrael. To quote a great Rabbi, “How easy it is to talk of Aliyah, when one has zero intention of making it!”

-Aaron ben Avi

Aaron on May 5, 2013 at 12:15 pm

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