March 15, 2013, - 5:02 pm

UK Lord Ahmed Blames the Jews for His Imprisonment for Vehicular Murder

By Debbie Schlussel

It’s always the JOOOOOOOOS’ fault. Especially when a Muslim Lord of the UK says so.


A Labour peer who was jailed for sending text messages shortly before his car was in a fatal motorway crash has blamed his imprisonment on a Jewish conspiracy.

Lord [DS: Nazir] Ahmed claimed that his prison sentence for dangerous driving resulted from pressure placed on the courts by Jews “who own newspapers and TV channels”. Britain’s first male Muslim peer also alleged that the judge who jailed him for twelve weeks was appointed to the High Court after helping a “Jewish colleague” of Tony Blair during “an important case.”

In case you think these comments are unacceptable, the Labor Party isn’t quite sure. While it has suspended Lord Ahmed, it hasn’t gotten ridden of him, instead seeking a “clarification” of his comment. Um, there is no possible or legit “clarification.” He’s a Jew hater. Period. Apparently, Lord Ahmed killed someone in a car crash when he was too busy texting. Hmmm . . . since Israelis invented much of the cellphone technology for texting, it MUST be the JOOOOS’ fault. Lord Ahmed was sentenced to only 12 weeks in prison–of which he served JUST 16 Days!–for killing someone. Anywhere else, you’d go to jail for a lot longer for vehicular manslaughter. But he got special treatment explicitly for being Muslim, as the reason he only did 16 days was “because of ‘exceptional’ mitigation relating to his community work.” Disgusting.

Ahmed also put a bounty on President Bush’s and Obama’s heads, but the Labor Party continued to allow this Islamic terrorist Lord to continue to serve in the House of Lords. Despicable. More:

He pleaded guilty to dangerous driving but did not face the more serious charge of causing death by dangerous driving because no causal link could be established between his texts and the crash.

But the case was transferred from Sheffield Magistrates Court to Sheffield Crown Court for sentencing because the district judge in the case felt his sentencing powers were not sufficient.

The 55-year-old Pakistan-born businessman and Labour Party activist was appointed to the House of Lords by Tony Blair in 1998. He was one of the first three Muslim peers,

He was suspended and investigated by the Labour Party in 2012 after allegations he had called for a £10m bounty for the capture of US Presidents Barack Obama and George W Bush. He was subsequently cleared and reinstated.

This guy–a HAMAS supporting Paki–got everywhere in life because he’s Muslim. And what does he do? Attack the Jews. Par for the course. (Don’t forget, either, that Tony Blair’s sister is a Muslim convert who is openly anti-Semitic and a huge HAMAS supporter.)

That Was Then . . .


This Is Now . . .


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15 Responses

Just a dick, plain and simple. Now if the Brits would FINALLY stand up to the muzzies, grow a pair, send this loser away for life.

WilliamMunny on March 15, 2013 at 7:15 pm


Making a wealthy Muslim an English lord does not moderate him and make his views more enlightened and tolerant.

But since the UK is so thoroughly anti-Semitic nothing is going to happen to him as a result of his attacks on Jews.

Western dhimmis refuse to learn that Islam is not going to change because you import Muslims here.

Expect a lot more of these occurrences in the future. We won’t do anything about the Ahmeds in our midst whether or not they’re English nobility. QED

NormanF on March 15, 2013 at 7:20 pm

Lord Ahmed wears a kaffiyeh in the photo, which is a symbol of HAMAS Islamic terrorists.

He’s both a HAMAS booster and a Jew-hater. It doesn’t take much to be named a Life Peer in England these days.

He’s been an affirmative action baby all the way due to his being a Muslim and for vehicular manslaughter, he received a joke of a sentence.

But its all the Jooos’ fault because he had to go to prison! Muslims are not big on taking personal responsibility for their behavior. Fine – the British Labor Party doesn’t want to bow and scrape to Jews to be prompted to get rid of him. But can’t they at least give him the boot for killing another human being because he was too careless to pay attention to his driving?

Standards moral and otherwise have been lowered these days, especially for politically correct minorities and we’re all paying the price. In the case, not only Jews but also the family of the person he killed and for which he isn’t being held truly accountable.

Lord Ahmed will continue to lead a charmed live as a result. To call it “disgusting” is truly the understatement of the year!

NormanF on March 15, 2013 at 7:48 pm

    Norman – say goodbye to England. From what I know of history, there has never been an instance of rulers leading a nation into suicide – in this case, against the wishes of the ordinary citizens. Russians, Frence, and Americans rose up in their turn – don’t hold your breathe waiting for the limys.

    Nir Leiu on March 15, 2013 at 9:15 pm

i’m surprised
he didn’t blame bush

o’bama would have
biden would have

prestigio on March 15, 2013 at 11:38 pm

Lord Asslifter gets special privileges for being a Muslim terrorist.

Rocky Lore on March 16, 2013 at 12:19 am

Evil Muslim pig.

Truth on March 16, 2013 at 8:30 am

So I guess if you’re a judge, you better make sure that you’re nasty in all your dealings with Jews unless you want to have your verdicts brought into question by Muslims.
Better yet why not make sure you never have any dealings with Jews altogether.
In fact why not give Muslims their own legal system so they don’t create these problems. It’s called Sharia Law.
That way they can live in the UK without even being a part of it unless it suits them.
Then they can run over pedestrians all day while texting each other with big smiles on their faces just as long as the pedestrians are enemies of Islam.

Forget about Labour – Labour had a lobotomy decades ago.
Their only concern is that it looks as though there’s adequate Muslim representation so that they can feel like enlightened white bread.
All the Muslims in parliament could be relatives of Saddam Hussein for all they care.
As long as they can have their anti Bush war rallies and slowly bankrupt the country while moaning about the uncaring market forces they’re surrendering to all is right with the world.

Frankz on March 16, 2013 at 9:00 am

    As the self-destruction of Britain continues to unfold, and France–too–goes down the drain, perhaps those who scoff at my questioning why we got into WW2 will begin to think again.

    As anyone who has traveled to Europe will tell you, notwithstanding language, (and before Muslim hegemony), the countries most similar to the US were Germany and Sweden.

    Britain was *always* a foreign country that spoke the same language. AND…we uh fought a war against them for our independence. The majority of their citizens still love the monarchy, they were always much more left-wing, etc etc.

    Exactly why do we care about them, and besides language, what do we have in common with them? I will admit that the Scots have more in common with us.

    Tell me, please, what those guys died for on Omaha Beach—and beyond.

    Red Ryder on March 16, 2013 at 11:45 am

I’m envisioning a worldwide “Mossad” type organization made up of the most highly skilled, smartest warriors on the planet, unlimited funding, best/most deadly weapons and technology in existence, freedom of movement across all borders of the civilized world, worldwide support network, etc. You know, the sort of organization that simply makes tools like this guy disappear into the void. I mean, one day he’s smiling on “look, Mom, I’m on Tee Vee” and the next day he’s just gone forever, like he never existed. Body never found.

Pray Hard on March 16, 2013 at 10:13 am

He is refered to as his lordship ,but although he is the first Muslem peer of the realm ,there have been plenty of of Jewish Politicians and Peers in England’s History .As for the legal Fraternity,a lot of my own family served the british Empire as Barristers and one famous Judge so the rather rash words of of one commenter saying the UK is anitsemitic is basically wrong.
Do not think of the labour movement as being the UK example. Each and every time a labour government is in place it has always arrived there in a time of need. They splash a lot of cash about then leave office with the country in tatters.
One exception was Sir Winston Churchill, A man who did his best to show the world what was happening in the Germany of the Nazis and we would do well to remember opposition of those in the USA who tried to prevent Refugees from entering America. The UK,was accepting jewish refugees as early as 1937.

As for this Peer,he can have his peerage revoked and because there are a lot us today,it should be a matter of petition to the house of lords asking for the revocation of his Peerage…which he probably paid for anyway.

Aron B on March 16, 2013 at 6:05 pm

Thanks Tony Blair.

Labour put an end to an heritary House of Lords whose members had names like Wellington and Marlborough and replaced them with guys named Ahmed.

After a thousand years, the guys who made Britain great were given their walking papers.

Pete on March 18, 2013 at 11:18 am

I just wonder when someone eliminates this POS and calls it a day, then let the rest of the savages riot, the more to eliminate.

Drakken on March 20, 2013 at 1:56 am

This Lord Ahmed got what he deserved when he went to jail. It’s a shame it was so short.

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