March 12, 2013, - 12:51 pm

“Asians” (Muslims) Rape Teen Sex Slave 90 Times in Wknd; UK Authorities Say She Wasn’t @ Risk

By Debbie Schlussel

Hey, more of the “Islamic modesty” that Boston Globe columnist and faux-conservative Jeff Jacoby was lecturing us about with regard to the terrorists at Gitmo. A British girl enslaved by a Muslim sex slave ring was raped by 90 men in one weekend. And, yet, UK authorities said she wasn’t at risk.

Yo! Datz Islam: Religion of Not-So-Peaceful Gang Rape

And by the way, if you think this can’t happen here, think again. We have several Muslim sex slave rings, such as the one in liberal Seattle and the national one that stretched from Minnesota to Tennessee, which had unfettered, unsecured access to planes at our airports.) Notice that they don’t refer to this as what it is: a Muslim sex slave ring, but as an “Asian” one. Nice euphemism and very inaccurate and defamatory to Buddhists and Hindus, per usual.

Time for another game of “Guess the Religion” . . .

A teenage girl was raped 90 times in one weekend it has been revealed, in a shocking report into modern-day slavery in the UK. The report, due to be published tomorrow by the Centre for Social Justice, contains evidence from the girl, who was 16 at the time she was taken into slavery and raped by 90 men.

The girl, who gave evidence to the committee despite still being ‘deeply traumatised’ by the attacks, did not come from a background which put her at risk, but became enslaved after befriending girls vulnerable to abuse, it has been reported.
Andrew Wallis, chairman of the working group that produced the report, would only tell the committee the girl ‘is now safe’ when asked what had happened to her since the attacks, according to the Sunday Times.

The report claims efforts to tackle modern slavery in the UK, including the sexual exploitation of children, are in a state of crisis. The CSJ, an independent think-tank set up by Iain Duncan Smith, has attacked the Government for its ‘inadequate response’ to the issue after the investigation uncovered a ‘shocking underworld’ of human trafficking.

Its study found more than 1,000 adults and children were trafficked into or within the UK in 2011/2012, but the figure could be ‘only the tip of the iceberg’. . . .

Nine Asian men were jailed last year for between four and 19 years for grooming young white girls in and around the town of Rochdale.

The men picked them up from the school gates and took them to houses and flats to be plied with alcohol and drugs before being passed around for sex.

Forty-seven children were identified as victims of the exploitation that left many of their lives in tatters.

The victims were vulnerable teenagers from deprived, dysfunctional backgrounds who were targeted in ‘honeypot locations’ where young people regularly congregated, such as takeaway food shops.

[Emphasis added.]

I wrote about the “Asian” (Muslim) Rochdale sex slave ring, last year. Rochdale is the Muslim-dominated area of Lancashire County (200 miles from London), where they insist on having uncivilized 13th Century “squat toilets” at shopping malls. It’s also the place where a Muslim killed non-Muslim Brits when he was busy masturbating in his car while drunk driving. Again, as I note, we have our own Muslim sex slave rings all over the U.S. Most of them similarly target White girls for their gang rape businesses.

So, what was it Jeff Jacoby was telling us about “Islamic modesty?” Just askin’, Jeff.

Remember, “Islamic Modesty” Looks. Like. This. . . .


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20 Responses

As the cliché goes: “Why does this NOT surprise me?”

The Reverend Jacques on March 12, 2013 at 1:46 pm

And why does Jeff Jacoby, a “conservative” and a “Jew,” get a free pass on this issue? How did he become an Islamophile?

Also a fact check: Rochdale isn’t near London. It’s “up north” in Greater Manchester. Other than that, this is a frightening and eye-opening article and should be read by anyone with a daughter.

Seek on March 12, 2013 at 2:19 pm

How horrible! Thanks for informing us Deb.

PDMac60 on March 12, 2013 at 2:22 pm

And what is the reason this is not covered by mainstream media?
If a Christian pastor has a consensual affair with an adult it makes front page news everywhere.
But a child rape ring gets yawns from the big medias !!

I guess 90 rapes on one girl isn’t newsworthy.
I’ll bet if it had been 100 THEN the alphabet soup of network would have covered it.

steve g on March 12, 2013 at 2:59 pm

    Agreed 100% Steve G, if a christisn pastor or jewish rabbi had godforbid done this let us say the name of their alleged deity or didn’t have consenting sex in a slave-like way that these Muslim guys did in Great Britian, it’ll be all over the news media endlessly none stop, etc. BUT since this story involves Muslim males doing sex-slavery, it’ll be hushed up by our pathetic and useless media.

    And I doubt the pro-islam and pro-muslim placating blogsites will pick up on this story, they’ll more likely accuse us of being so-called ”islamophobes” (sic) and call us ”raaaaaacists” (BTW, what race and ethnicity is Islam?). Now wonder our pal ”Infidel” refers the United Kingdom to the ” United Kaliphate” because of stories such as and the authorities in Britain do very little about it!

    ”A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

    Sean R. on March 12, 2013 at 3:30 pm

Gang raping an underage girl is okay, but when the President of Iran hugged the widow of Hugo Chivas the religious leaders in Iran had a complete hissy fit break down because he touched a woman he wasn’t related to.

I would love to see some Muslim Imam come out and quote the Koran about why this gang rape is wrong, if you can’t touch a woman surely you can’t rape them.
I guess I’ll be waiting a long time for that.

steve g on March 12, 2013 at 3:04 pm

Steve G,

A hug is out and rape is in.

Islamic ethics have a pretty clear direction. Not that Muslim apologists explain why self-restraint is not a noted characteristic of Islam.

NormanF on March 12, 2013 at 4:29 pm

Thank you DS. I had a feeling these were Mooooooslims. I had learned the British papers refer to Moooooslims as “Asians” (I do not like this. Why make it seem that the Chinese, Japanese, Koreans et al are the group of a certain persuasion that are hot to gang rape when we know that is not true and quite unfair and nasty when you get down to it????) and I had wondered in this very case if the nasty gang rapers were actually Mooooslims. CONFIRMED HERE, of course!

I like when you use that snap to portray the faux Moooooslim modesty we have all learned to question. It’s like a picture of the saying “BINGO”!

And as we have learned, the disgusting Moooooslims schlepp their faux Moooooslim modesty when they are actually the most perverted, ill intent sorts going. Praying (preying?) 5X per day, making their foolish female adherents cover up and crap on about their holy-roller ways all the while doing everything to the exact extreme (including paedophilia). People need to wake the hell up!

Skunky on March 12, 2013 at 6:38 pm

reality is always a shade worse then we know. evil is like an iceberg 90% hidden.

General P. Malaise on March 12, 2013 at 7:28 pm

The Brits handed their girls over to arabs – islamic or not – a long time ago.

Britain – nice while it lasted.

Nir Leiu on March 12, 2013 at 10:54 pm

The Brits handed their girls over to arabs and pakistanis – islamic or not – a long time ago.

Britain – nice while it lasted.

Nir Leiu on March 12, 2013 at 10:55 pm

In UK, ‘Asian’ is just an euphemism for Pakistani/Bangladeshi, who form the bulk of Muzzies in the UK. Problem w/ that term is that it includes Indian Hindus/Sikhs/Jains/Parsis/Buddhists, East Asians (Chinese and others) and other non-Muslims as well.

Whenever you see UK news reports and the word ‘Asian’, substitute it w/ ‘Pakistani’, and you’ll have a more meaningful idea of what’s going on.

Infidel on March 13, 2013 at 5:01 am

    Thanks for that info, Infidel. It’s is very helpful, indeed.

    I’m dying to find out how many of those 6 (now 5 as one of the gang-rapers was found hanging in his cell) gang rapers of that deceased Indian girl in India are Moooooslims. No one ever says.

    The family of the (suicidal?) gang raper thinks their rapist kin was killed. I don’t care either way. Suicide or killed in jail.

    But I am wondering how much of this gang-rape activity has spread thru’ Pakistan and India and if it was started by Moooooslims (I believe it was) and if it has non-Moooooslims indulging as well (because it is so wide-spread)?

    I really want to know the answer to that question.

    Skunky on March 13, 2013 at 12:04 pm

      Hi Skunky, obviously there are foul scum from every religious and ethnic background – but somehow, I don’t think Hindus, Sikhs, or Bhudists are as prone to to this as are our other favorite group……

      Nir Leiu on March 13, 2013 at 3:04 pm

The British rolled over for the 7th century savages a long time ago. I wouldn’t set foot in that country every again. You get what you vote for. Those fools are still letting the Windsor’s rob them blind!

MRobs on March 13, 2013 at 4:45 pm

Skunky, actually, in that case, none of the rapists were Muslims.

Infidel on March 13, 2013 at 6:41 pm

Skunky, answer to the other part – it was something that was only there in India after the Muslim invasions, since Muslims had the policy of capturing all infidel women after they captured any place.

Usually, the women – especially the unmarried ones – were forcibly handed over to Muslims as sex slaves. This incidentally is the reason that the practice of Jauhar – mass cremation of widows after a place fell to Muslims – got started. It is sometimes thought that it’s a Hindu religious custom, but not only did it not exist before the Muslims came, but in the 18th century, when there were battles b/w Hindu kingdoms and one fort was in danger of being captured by the enemy, the women in those cases did not do the same thing.

But answer to your above question – rape and gang rape is something more common in places in India where Muslims are more in number – not necessarily b’cos Muslims themselves are rapists, but b’cos they’ve had more influence on the culture than in places like the south, where their presence is considerably lower.

Infidel on March 13, 2013 at 6:47 pm

Dear deb, you’re welcome to suck my dick. Feel free to contact me, you dumb slut.

Link on April 30, 2013 at 4:12 pm

Thanks for your nice blog.I think this is true for white males in all Western countries, from Norway to Australia.

Pandora on March 30, 2014 at 8:29 am

from the story
“I wrote about the “Asian” (Muslim) Rochdale sex slave ring, last year. Rochdale is the Muslim-dominated area of London, where they insist on having uncivilized 13th Century “squat toilets” at shopping malls. It’s also the place where a Muslim killed non-Muslim Brits when he was busy masturbating in his car while drunk driving. Again, as I note, we have our own Muslim sex slave rings all over the U.S. Most of them similarly target White girls for their gang rape businesses”

Rochdale is 218 miles from London. Google Maps, Debbie…Google Maps.

Towersofdub on September 2, 2014 at 12:45 pm

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