February 22, 2013, - 5:49 am

Weekend Box Office: “Snitch” (Produced by Abu Dhabi Jew-Haters)

By Debbie Schlussel

While there are two new major feature film releases at theaters today, only one was screened for critics. “Dark Skies” was not, a good indication that it’s crap. “Snitch,” on the other hand, while not the greatest, was much better than I expected. Keep in mind, though, that, in addition to Duane “The Rock” Johnson and his ex-wife Dany Garcia, this movie is produced by ImageNation Abu Dhabi, so if you don’t want to support boycotters of Israel who practice travel apartheid against Jewish Israelis and Jews with Israeli stamps in their passports, it’s best to skip this. (Apparently, they don’t mind Jewish actors, though, to be their minstrels, as there are two in major roles in this movie.) I don’t make a habit of giving money to those who practice apartheid against me. Nor should you.


“Snitch” has a lot of giant, gaping holes in it, including the fact that the “average White boy” actor (British Jewish actor Rafi Gavron) who is supposed to be the son of Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson looks nothing like him and certainly doesn’t look like he’s a quarter Samoan and a quarter Black (Johnson is half Samoan and half Black). It’s supposed to be some sort of statement against the federal mandatory minimum sentencing requirements for drug dealers in the United States and declares in a caption at the beginning that the story is “inspired by true events.” I doubt that very much, for reasons I discuss below, in addition to the fact that whenever movies claim to be “inspired by true events,” it usually means they have very little to do with true events. I also didn’t like that a large underlying theme in the movie is your typical anti-male/anti-father meme: that the father abandoned his son and his first wife for a younger, sexier (Hispanic) version, and lives in a mansion while his son and ex-wife live in a “crappy” house (it looked nice to me, but they refer to it as an old shack). Now, in a time of crisis, the father feels guilt for that abandonment, which made his son irresponsible, and so he tries to make up for it by sacrificing greatly.

The story:

Johnson is a wealthy construction company owner. Johnson’s college-aged son is Skyping online with a friend who is selling ecstasy pills (I think they’re ecstasy, but that part happens so fast, it’s hard to tell). The friend says the pills are worth “Seven Grand” and asks if he can have them delivered to Johnson’s son’s home. Johnson’s son doesn’t answer, but when the express mail guy arrives, he signs for the package, opens it, and realizes there is a tracking device inside. DEA agents arrive at the home to arrest him, and after a brief chase, they catch and arrest him. The son soon learns that his friend was arrested by the feds and, in exchange for a lighter sentence, the friend set him up to receive the pills. The son is facing a mandatory minimum of ten years in jail or a year or two if he cooperates with the feds to set up one of his friends. He refuses.

Johnson wants to get his son out of prison, so he makes a deal with the grandstanding U.S. Attorney (Susan Sarandon), who is running for Congress and eager for good publicity and the DEA agent (Barry Pepper) who arrested his son, but is leery of the whole idea out of concern for Johnson’s safety. He agrees to go undercover and try to catch bigger fish in the drug-dealing world in order to get his son a reduced sentence. Soon, he and a Hispanic ex-con employee (played by Jewish actor Jon Bernthal) of his are trying to transport drugs for a local inner city Black Muslim drug dealer named Malik. They don’t say he’s Muslim, but coupled with the fact that his name is Malik and that he’s constantly shown with Muslim worry beads, I think you can make the connection.

But, soon, there are bigger fish in the picture, including a Mexican drug cartel kingpin known as “El Topo” (which the movie says means, “The Mole”–I don’t speak Spanish, so don’t get on me if their translation is incorrect). Although it is unclear where the movie takes place (there is a road trip to pick up drugs in Missouri), El Topo apparently lives in Michigan and has an area code of 517 (which is generally the area code for Lansing, Michigan, and the surrounding area). While I know that Michigan has its fair share of Mexican illegal aliens, who knew we had a major drug cartel headquartered in our dreary capital or its semi-rural surroundings? I guess it’s all too possible, these days. (In one scene, there is a background shot of what appears to be the McNamara Federal Building in Detroit, and in another, there is a mention of a “Woodward Exit” off a freeway–Woodward is a major avenue in the Detroit area–so perhaps the movie does take place here in Michigan.)

While it is entertaining–the movie has suspense, action, guns, shooting, and car chases–it’s predictable, and nothing original or outstanding. Nothing so good that it’s worth supporting and helping fund Abu Dhabi’s anti-Semitic, anti-Israel apartheid. If this is the only source of funding that The Rock and Matt Damon can find for their movies, the two actors are even more sleazy than I originally diagnosed.

As I noted, there are so many holes in the story, and there are inaccuracies that many in the know would spot. For instance, I’ve worked with many federal agents who make drug arrests. They generally won’t touch or make drug busts in anything that involves less than a million dollars or illegal drugs worth that amount. So, it’s hard to believe that the feds would be involved in something with a street value of just “Seven Grand.” I also find it hard to believe that someone who merely signed for a package of pills and had a clean record–as is the case here–wouldn’t ultimately be able to get probation. It’s possible, but unlikely that this would result in jail time in a big city, as it’s entirely unlikely the feds would involve themselves in the case, given the relatively small value involved.

Also, anyone involved in representing federal defendants knows that a U.S. Attorney is largely an administrator and figurehead and would almost never be involved in a deal like this. That is usually the domain of the Assistant U.S. Attorney assigned the case. (The one exception I know of is when Jeffrey Collins, the sleazy, pan-Muslim, affirmative action Bush U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan tried to get his minions to drop perjury charges against NBA basketball player Chris Webber, on whose foundation board Collins sat. Collins’ lowlife crony move to help out Webber failed, as courageous then-Assistant U.S. Attorney Richard Convertino refused and alerted the Justice Department.)

It’s not a great movie, though it is mildly entertaining and definitely not boring. But not only have I seen stuff like this a million times before (it reminded me of Johnson’s starring role in the remake of “Walking Tall”), I’ve even seen the actor who plays Malik playing a drug dealer (Michael Kenneth Williams, who also starred as drug dealer “Omar” in “The Wire” and as prohibition kingpin “Chalky White” in “Boardwalk Empire”) a million times before on TV and in movies. The Hollywood recycling is so obvious.

While I recommend against any financial support for Abu Dhabi apartheid through the purchase of tickets for this movie, I will rate it solely on its content, and in that respect, I give it . . .


Watch the trailer . . .

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17 Responses

Wait for it to arrive on tv – or the dollar rentals.

Nir Leiu on February 22, 2013 at 8:20 am

I’m suspicious of the “one and a half Reagan” rating being based “solely on it’s contents”

I get the feeling it’s based more on an attraction to Dwayne Johnson and that if he had not been in it,it would’ve not received any Reagan rating.

I’m not as moved or charmed by Mr.Johnson’s onscreen presence and therefore believe this flick is skipworthy.
Just another action vid that’s been done to death.

E: Actually, I’m not a fan of Johnson. Never was, and have written against him and the way he and WWE used and pushed lewd sexual situations on kids on TV, back when WWE was popular (and was WWF). Trust me, I’m not attracted to that guy in the least. I usually note in my review when I find an actor attractive. Definitely not the case here. Not even close. DS

ebayer on February 22, 2013 at 12:12 pm

    “Trust me, Iā€™m not attracted to that guy in the least. I usually note in my review when I find an actor attractive.”

    I do trust you.

    And I DID overlook the fact that you DO write in your reviews when you find an actor attractive.
    That’s one of the things I admire about you,there’s no B.S. with you.

    I clearly didn’t think my critique through before posting.
    But I still think you were being generous with the Reagans. šŸ™‚

    ebayer on February 22, 2013 at 4:34 pm

In my remotely related experience with the FBI, I was ripped off of $350 by a woman who was working for a cash business. I read that the FBI was paying rewards for “turning in” people that evaded Federal income tax, so I thought I’d get my money back through a reward.

I met with an agent in Grand Rapids, and he told me they only go after bigger fish, and that I could report to the State of Michigan, but they didn’t pay rewards.

Dale Zalaoras on February 22, 2013 at 3:47 pm

It sounds like a movie that can be passed up.

worry01 on February 22, 2013 at 5:15 pm

I am thoroughly disgusted that not one person mentioned the fact that this film is made by those that hate Jews!!! I guess by that I can assume that all those that watch it agree with the sentiments expressed. May God forgive you.!!Enjoy the film..

Sandra Wosk-Smale on February 22, 2013 at 5:24 pm

    Sandra … huh?

    skzion on February 24, 2013 at 11:58 am

A couple of years ago I bought the movie “Walking Tall” out of the Walmart 5 dollar bin. I will wait until this one winds up there or when it hits redbox for a buck rental. I’ll admit the Mr Johnson was funny back in his earlier wrasslin’ days but now I really don’t care to smell what the Rock is cookin’.

Ken b on February 22, 2013 at 5:38 pm

Oops sorry guys I meant to type I’ll admit that Mr Johnson was funny. Trying to type and eat at the same time doesn’t work…LOL!

Ken b on February 22, 2013 at 5:44 pm

I get so tired of the same old tripe being pushed on us. I went and watched Skyfall even though Debbie recommended avoiding it for several valid reasons. She was right. A little too much pc stuff in there in addition to the blond villain getting too friendly during interrogation. Should’ve skipped it. The interrogation was a good time for my intermission.

samurai on February 22, 2013 at 5:52 pm

I hope Rafi Gavron gets his “big break”. He looks Israeli and has the name to match.

dee on February 22, 2013 at 6:14 pm

Never been a fan of Johnson. Looking at the trailer looks like he’s going for a role that requires more acting chops than he’s able to bring to the table.
That might be the biggest hole in this production but expectations are so low these days I can’t be certain.
Never liked him, he was always a poor man’s Jean-Claude Van Damme to me without the charm.
Political slant of the movie doesn’t surprise me, he’s a mook.

Frankz on February 23, 2013 at 8:43 am

As for Duane “Rock” Johnson, I’ve met him in person about 3 or 4 times and he was a very nice guy. He had a connection to wrestling here in Nashville so I met him a few times.

Women generally seem to love him.

As for the movie, when I saw Susan Sarandon’s name, I knew I’d pass. Sarandon, Sean Penn, Robin Williams, Julie Roberts, and George Clooney (except for Dusk to Dawn) are on my Must Pass List.

Jeff_W on February 24, 2013 at 12:07 am

I decided to re-watch Team America by Parker and Stone of South Park. Debbie really liked it, and so do I.

To those who have not seen it, it is impossible to list every wonderful and intelligent gag in this film. But the concept, a marionette action film, is stratospherically original.

I’ll mention only one detail that reviewers (that I have read) have not mentioned. The scene with the Broadway show called “Lease” was obviously parodying “Rent,” a singularly atrocious production that so disgusted me and a friend that we both walked out.

skzion on February 24, 2013 at 12:17 pm


Frankz on February 25, 2013 at 6:52 pm

You must be living in a different dimension. Abu Dhabi is one of the fastest growing cities in the world and they don’t beg for money. If you really want to boycott them then I say boycott their oil instead of avoiding purchasing a ticket for a theater. After all whats the price of a ticket compared to the money spent on oil.
What A joke. Abu Dhabi is a strong financial/spending power and won’t even be slightly effected.

GraveForYou on March 23, 2013 at 12:10 pm

The world has had enough of Isra-hellis like you using every social media occasion to label something antisemitic simply because it does affirm your sense of superiority and importance. If you are so fed up with criticism of Israel and Jews then your people might try ending real apartheid and terrorism in the West Bank and Gaza Strip. Your criticisms of the film obviously stem from the percieved connection it has to Any Dhabi. No doubt that you sarcasm can be found throughout your writing such as when you refer to the beads the character Malik is holding as “worry” beads when you know full well that they are prayer beads used in counting the number of invocations to God. The film was well written, well acted, with a well conceived plot and good screen play. It served as a suitable commentary on a problem such as mandatory drug sentencing and the ill-fated War on Drugs.

Shareef on August 9, 2013 at 12:23 am

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