March 29, 2007, - 2:34 pm

Study: If Your Single Mom is a Ho, You’ll Be Delinquent

Those of us who’ve railed against slutty single moms who sleep around (like ) have more evidence to back up our views.
The April issue of the American Sociological Review features an extensive study by Johns Hopkins University researchers, which found children are more likely to act out and be delinquent, if their mothers have multiple live-in lovers. Thousands of kids over two generations were studied, and the kids whose mommies had multiple live-in lovers were more likely to skip school and engage in vandalism and theft.
This only applies to White kids, though, researchers found. Apparently, Black children are already more well-adjusted to this “family” situation, based on the dominant number of single-mother black households. So we while this study doesn’t apply to Fantasia, it does apply to her White chick counterparts. On the other hand, many, many other studies show these results are universal and not race specific (others saying single-mother household predominance in Black America is the cause for an even higher crime rate by Black youths than White youths).
Regardless, Hillary Rodham Cankles was wrong. It does not take a village to raise your children . . . or sleep with your mom. It only takes a village, if you want your kids to become criminals and losers.
The full study is not available online to non-subscribers, but the full data and tables are.

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12 Responses

I disagree that it doesn’t apply to black kids. Perhaps that is the reason so many black kids “act out” and are “delinquent”. The Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention shows the black juvenile crime rate as 2 to 5 times higher than the white juvenile crime rate depending on the catagory of crime. If the number of live-in lovers of single mothers has a serious negative effect on kids, I’d say it could be to blame in large part for the high crime rate of black kids. It’s not that they are more well-adjusted to this family situation, it’s that we in general are more adjusted to accepting the fact that black kids have a higher crime rate.

Stealthkix on March 29, 2007 at 4:33 pm

It all narrows down to the fact men (and women) who don’t want to assume the role of a parent. It very predictable what the outcome will be of the child who lacks a father figure to discipline him/her. Men regardless of race who impregnate a woamn and disposes of her shortly afterwards to leave her alone to raise the child is by far the biggest coward ever.

Jew Chick on March 29, 2007 at 5:14 pm

Men who “hit and run” are cowards but at the same time these women open their legs to them. This largely contributes to and perpetuates poverty. Children who grow up as “bastards” are more likely to engage in criminal conduct and the same promiscuity that brought them into this world. It becomes a cycle which is hard to break. There should be a law that certain people should not be allowed to bring children into this world.

the_don on March 29, 2007 at 5:44 pm

The only thing about this that is surprising to me is that some scientist had to study it. Seems like common sense to me. I don’t understand the racist (yet PC) aspect to it but that is to be expected.

Will on March 29, 2007 at 7:43 pm

“There should be a law that certain people should not be allowed to bring children into this world.”
Really? That’s fascinating.
Do tell, what do you mean by ‘certain people’? What criteria would you use for deciding who would be ‘allowed’ to have children and who would not?
How would you enforce this new law of yours? How would you prevent Bla… sorry, women you don’t approve of, having children?
Ahhhh ‘Jew Chick’, bless. Another classic, semi-literate-at-best posting. Here’s the thing ‘Jew Chick’ – I should be able to read your posts and understand what you are saying straight away. As it is your grammar is so poor I have to read every sentence you write four or five times before I have any clue what it is you are trying to say. That’s not good.
Clearly English isn’t your first language, there’s no shame in that of course, but I really feel that if you are going to get on in life you are going to have to improve the quality of your written English. You need to concentrate on that, rather than monging on extremist websites like this.
Really Debbie?
That’s fascinating. Could you provide some links to these other studies for us?

The Purple Cow on March 30, 2007 at 2:39 am

Cow –
It must be nice to be superior to everyone.
I’m pretty sure don was refering to irresponsible people no matter the race. That context issue comes up again with you.
And if you want other studies, google it. That’s what I did before writing the first comment in this thread, to see if what I thought was the case really was the case. You should try it some time instead of posting an uninformed opinion and/or jumping to conclusions.

Stealthkix on March 30, 2007 at 9:34 am

Hey Purple Cow,
As far as your critique of Jewchick, I see a typo (like I often do too) but at least hers is intelligent content. Her point is right on. On the other hand, you write the most stupid contrary-minded posts I have read yet on this site and I have read a lot of them too.
As far as your post on this thread, I know of one study my brother in law did — his master’s thesis on this very topic–the difference in educational outcomes for kids of 2 parent vs. single parent homes. The proof is overwhelming and I will see if I can’t get that study for you and links to others. Heck, I know that this was just in the news about a month ago as Rush Limbaugh was groaning how desperate the news departments must be to publish a story that “adopted kids of 2 parent homes do better academically than kids of single parent homes.”
My brother in law is a middle school science teacher and last month he told us a sad tale of a boy– of whom all the teachers in the school had observed a sudden nose-dive in his academics and interest level. A meeting was held with the young man where the group of teachers explained how they each noticed a marked decline in his work. The lad began his response by saying that since “Bonnie” had moved in, his mother was “different” and life for his siblings and himself was turned upside down. The meeting was now over as school policy forbids the teachers to offer any input on “lifestyle” situations including lesbianism and dealing with it–Just Another kid caught in the wreckage of the “do whatever you want, so long as it makes YOU happy” ethic we have tolerated (even promoted) for far too long.
So this may be disputable news to you Cow, but not to any of us who are paying attention and not determined to be willfully ignorant.

BB on April 2, 2007 at 8:38 am

ìIt must be nice to be superior to everyone.î
Iím not superior to everyone, just to you people.
ìI’m pretty sure don was refering to irresponsible people no matter the race. That context issue comes up again with you.î
The context is provided by the openly racist posts the_don had made on other threads.
ìAnd if you want other studies, google it. That’s what I did before writing the first comment in this thread, to see if what I thought was the case really was the case. You should try it some time instead of posting an uninformed opinion and/or jumping to conclusions.î
I know how to google, little boy, my point was that Debbie claims that there are other studies that back her view, but canít or wonít name them.

The Purple Cow on April 4, 2007 at 10:18 am

An amusing last line to your post there BB, given that this entire website is designed to appeal to the willfully pig-ignorant. I should fit right in shouldnít I? With posters who have no clue whatís going on in the rest of the world. Iíd like to bet that half the regular posters on this site donít even possess a passport ñ but that doesnít stop them posting bordering-on-insane nonsense about the world outside of America. A world they clearly know nothing about.
While we are on the subject of ëpaying attentioní BB, where you paying attention when one of the most regular posters here described African American culture as ìape cultureî. Were you? Or were you conveniently looking the other way?
Back to the subject on hand, if you had bothered to read my posts I wasnít disputing that kids from two-parent families generally do better than kids from one-parent families, which renders about two-thirds of your last post irrelevant.
However, your suggestion that Lesbian mothers should pretend to be heterosexual just to improve their kidís grades is almost too bizarre for words.

The Purple Cow on April 4, 2007 at 10:40 am

To the one and only Purple Cow (again):
1) re: Your concern about the idiot who called African American Culture “Ape Culture” — what are you spinning here? I cannot control what anyone posts here and it is asinine for you to insinute otherwise–like I am for that. (par for the course with you so far, though).
2) You criticized Jew Chick for stating the obvious–that kids in 2 parent homes do better educationally then in single parent homes, now you want to disown what you first wrote in calling her semi-illiterate and other BS attacks like she didn’t make sense–Oh, I get it, you are just so much smarter because English is your first language–got it.
3) Your last sentence:
“However, your suggestion that Lesbian mothers should pretend to be heterosexual just to improve their kidís grades is almost too bizarre for words.”
This comment needs no response from me–any person with eyes open can see what the deal is here. Thanks for enlightening us all Cow! Yes it is bizarre that some of us see that sinful lifestyle choices harm kids–sorry for forcing you to see an example of that.

BB on April 4, 2007 at 12:43 pm

“1) re: Your concern about the idiot who called African American Culture “Ape Culture” — what are you spinning here? I cannot control what anyone posts here and it is asinine for you to insinute otherwise–like I am for that. (par for the course with you so far, though).”
Iím not trying to ëinsinuteí anything. You are not responsible for what others post yet you remain silent in response to blatantly racist posters like DDB and Jew Chick. By your silence you condemn yourself. You are either part of the problem or part of the solution.
“2) You criticized Jew Chick for stating the obvious–that kids in 2 parent homes do better educationally then in single parent homes,”
I said absolutely no such thing. The posts are still there, go back and re-read them.
“…now you want to disown what you first wrote in calling her semi-illiterate and other BS attacks like she didn’t make sense–Oh, I get it, you are just so much smarter because English is your first language–got it.”
I’ve no clue what you are talking about here. I’ve never attempted to disown any of my posts or any of my opinions. I was simply commenting on the fact that I almost invariably have to read her posts about three times to understand them.
“This comment needs no response from me–any person with eyes open can see what the deal is here. Thanks for enlightening us all Cow! Yes it is bizarre that some of us see that sinful lifestyle choices harm kids–sorry for forcing you to see an example of that.”
A sinful life-style?
Oh yes I forgot. Youíre a Christian – you guys are big on being judgemental.
Oh, and by the way. There’s no such thing as political correctness.

The Purple Cow on April 5, 2007 at 10:43 am

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