February 18, 2013, - 5:41 pm

Will This Make Me Test Positive for llegal Drugs?

By Debbie Schlussel

On Friday, the gourmet supermarket near where I live (not Whole Foods, in which I haven’t set foot since I discovered that Whole Foods is Whole HAMAS Foods) was giving out free package samples of Ziggy Marley Organics “Ziggy Marley’s Hemp Rules Roasted Hempseeds Organic Caribbean Crunch — 6 oz” (and they also gave out his flavored coconut cooking oil, which is good stuff). It’s kosher and everything, and I want to try the seeds as a snack, but I have visions of having to suddenly take an impromptu drug test, and I wonder: will roasted hemp seeds make me test positive for pot? I’ve never tried marijuana–not even once–in my entire life (or any other illegal drug). And I’m proud of that.



“All I Need is a Tasty Wave . . . And Some Hemp Seeds?!

Whenever I hear the word, “hemp,” I think of Sean Penn’s Jeff Spicoli from “Fast Times at Ridgemont High,” or some other similarly greasy-locked loser lecturing the wind on the benefits of hemp in fabric and paper and organic cashmere Q-tips while I’m thinking, “Yeah, vacant one, you keep tellin’ yourself that. I’ll stick with cotton.” We all know that hemp is the term for the illegal cannabis plants from which marijuana grows. And hemp is still illegal, despite Rand Paul and Mitch McConnell wasting precious time and resources to legalize it. So I wonder, even if there is no active illegal drug content, would my tasting of these seeds leave a trace of cannabis stuff in my system? It’s not that I’m worried about taking a drug test tomorrow. It’s that really good places might take a strand of my long hair some months from now and be able to detect that I ate these seeds . . . except that they’ll come up as some illegal toking or meddled-with brownies, not some seeds I was given at the store.

Am I silly to be worried if I try the seeds?

For the record, I’m not a fan of the Marleys (Ziggy or Bob). I’m also not a fan of the bizarro, lazy culture that surrounds them in which White losers think that wearing a knit African-patterned green, red, and black beret and slacking all day while toking pot turns them into some kind of magical African soul men from the islands or something. These are Obama voters, hipsters with longer hair and weirder clothing. But the seeds look interesting.

I’m very leery of people who tell me that “all traces” of illegal drugs (in this case, that would be THC-right?) have been removed. After all, I once made the mistake of forgetting and eating a poppy-seed bagel right before a drug test for a job (yeah, I know–echoes of a “Seinfeld” episode). And the drug-testing people told me to go home and wait a week or risk testing positive. I wonder if the same goes for these hemp seeds. I’m sure a million far lefties (who smoked up a storm and smelled like a Snoop Dogg stink bomb for a good part of their lives) will make fun of me for even asking, claiming I don’t know the difference between actual pot and the seeds from the cannabis plant, but I don’t wanna take a chance. So . . .

Should I try the hemp seeds or throw them away?

Toss it . . . or taste it?

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40 Responses

Depending on the strain of hemp, which is in the Cannabis family, you could test positive.

Jonathan E. Grant on February 18, 2013 at 5:50 pm

Pot is an insidious, addictive drug. The availability of it in California via “medical marijuana cards” and legal pot shops is an abomination created by the progressive hippies who are now, via policy, imposing and enforcing their contorted values on all of us.

If there’s any doubt at all about these hemp seeds, why risk it?

DS_ROCKS! on February 18, 2013 at 6:00 pm


    You seem pretty uptight. Go to one of those “abominable” pot stores and get yourself some. Maybe you’ll feel better.

    Scott on February 19, 2013 at 8:31 pm

If you have to think twice about a snack food, it is best not to eat it.

Worry01 on February 18, 2013 at 6:12 pm

When in doubt, throw it out.

Michelle on February 18, 2013 at 6:16 pm

You haven’t missed anything.
Muslims like dope because it’s a non alcoholic way to get wasted.
This crap is just about getting people used to seeing Marijuana everywhere and helping square bozos elongate into rectangles.
People need an edge, what can you do?
As Jeff Spicoli would say, “Righteous bucks!”.

Basically the world is so nuts now it feels like you’re on reefer watching the news anyway.
Oy, vey

Frankz on February 18, 2013 at 7:14 pm

In Paul Pitchford’s book, “Healing With Whole Foods,” Hemp is considered a polyunsaturated oil. It is considered part of the omega-3-rich oil.

I do not deal with Hemp at all because I totally agree with Dr.Asa Andrew by the fact that cod liver oil to be the best source of omega-3 available.

It sounds gross but I take at least 3 tablespoons per day.In fact I highly recommend that you order Dr. Asa Andrew’s book, “Empowering Your Health.” This book has an endorsement from the noted physician Dr. James Andrews and is a must read.

Confederate South on February 18, 2013 at 7:47 pm

I’m with the others here–if you have to wonder if consuming a food item is good or bad for you, then it’s best to avoid it like the plague.

JeffE on February 18, 2013 at 7:56 pm

Back when I was a wage slave, and subject to drug tests, I was warned not to consume any hemp products because it might cause a false positive. I was also cautioned against eating poppy seeds, which are delicious on Bagels. I have never been a consumer of hemp products, was never familiar with them, but before my employer started that random drug testing crap, I used to love poppy seed bagels. So, no poppy seed bagels for 13 years even though they are completely legal. Freedom? Ha!

RT on February 18, 2013 at 8:49 pm

Hemp has a lot of uses. It makes some of the best rope and various kinds of cloth can be made from it. Experimenters have said that some kind of fuel or bio diesel could be made from it, cheaper and easier than what they are trying to do now with corn. It is cheap to grow, it grows anywhere like a weed. The type of hemp that rope and cloth are made of have very low or no T.H.C. (drug content) It would be almost impossible to get high on industrial hemp. But, you can’t grow or use hemp on a large scale in the U.S. because of America’s obsession with the war on drugs.

RT on February 18, 2013 at 8:55 pm

Hemp in clothing is NOT illegal! Marijuana plants not specifically grown for psychoactive substances are safe. Hemp seeds are safe as they don’t contain psychoactive compounds.

My hemp-lined jacket feels like linen – its very plush and comfortable. No one is advocating illegal drug use and hemp products are environmentally friendly and the food is edible.

Debbie – if you try them you won’t test positive for THC. There is a difference between the use of marijuana plants to produce food and clothing and the use of marijuana plants to drug people’s minds.

I make a distinction based on what the plant is going to be used for not because I want to see people stoned on weed!

NormanF on February 18, 2013 at 11:44 pm

Enjoy the hemp seeds. All of the hemp food products that I have seen are tested THC free. I eat hemp protein, hemp milk and hemp “ice cream” because I can’t eat cow’s milk. They are quite good.

As for pot, it sure is funny how 40 years of demonization makes people say things that simply do not stand up to critical scrutiny. Yea, pot may give you the munchies but it won’t turn you into a liberal or make you to vote for Obama. I live in Washington where pot is now legal. I can thank my brain dead leftist liberal fellow Washingtonians for pots legalization.

A real conservative agenda would not ask the government to do the impossible task of trying to stop people from doing what they want. Marijuana prohibition has done exactly what real conservatives have said all along – created an underworld of violence fueled by the obscene profits of an unnecessary black market. Tax the heck out of pot – and get over the fact that some people like it. Forty years of the drug war has done nothing but harm to this country.

Would you really sleep better at night knowing Willey Nelson was in jail?

Bob Smith on February 19, 2013 at 1:02 am

    Mr. Smith:
    I thought conservatives were generally against taxation. (BTW, coming up this Monday the Centennial of the Death of America–the passage of the 16th Amend.) So your take is, after 80 years of persecuting people for using a PLANT, now you would say–“Oh, sorry, you were right all along. You go ahead and smoke pot–and instead of jailing you we’ll just ‘tax the heck’ out of you.”
    That really sucks, Mr. Smith. Sure you’re not a socialist?

    Joe Guiney on February 19, 2013 at 11:51 am

Debbie, do let us know how that test turns out. I do think that it’s high time that they should have been able to fine tune the test to distinguish those who use something as a food flavoring from those who indulge in it.

I doubt that hemp seeds – like poppy seeds – will make you test positive (although I do recall that Seinfeld episode where Ellen kept testing positive). It is however used as a flavoring in some ethnic dishes, and thereby safe.

On a different note, glad to know that there are supermarket chains other than Whole Foods and TJs that one can shop for organic stuff. I’m not a fan of even most ethnic stuff, but there are things, such as free range chicken, that I can’t find at my local grocery store, but which is available in such places. So are these places clean in terms of not supporting – directly or indirectly – some Jihad campaign or the other?

Infidel on February 19, 2013 at 1:27 am

Yes, Deb, you could test positive but you could also do so if you eat a poppy seed bagel every morning. Better to avoid them because they will affect your mind slightly. BTW, Hemp growing was only made illegal after WW2 and Al Gore’s father had hemp farms. They used to grow it for making strong naval ropes. The big growers got it deligitimized except for wartime use so they could corner the market and then once the need grew less after the war and other fibers were found to be just as good, it got outlawed completely… for the little guy.

Italkit on February 19, 2013 at 2:46 am

Wow! Pardon my bluntness, but are you ever ignorant on this subject, Debbie.
I really don’t know where to start, but let’s start and finish here: You think cotton is superior to hemp? Hemp is the longest, strongest, and softest natural fiber on Earth. It is many times stronger and softer than cotton. Where hemp is in essence a weed, and in fact the most ubiquitous botanical species on the planet (that is, growing in the widest swath of latitude across the globe. It’s also the oldest known cultivated plant BTW) it requires virtually nothing but water and dirt to grow. Cotton, on the other hand, uses more than 50% of all the petro-chemical agro-biz pesticides, herbicides and fertilizers. The legendary fine Irish linen? That’s hemp. for your information.
That being said, it has almost innumerable medical uses, some well known, like it’s the only thing that can help chemo patients want to eat and then keep it down, and some rather dis-intuitive, like it’s great to stop an asthma attack–dilates the bronchial passages, just like it dilates the capillary in your eyes to make them a bit bloodshot.
And of course after 90 years of trying to find something wrong with it (including all the utterly discredited and disavowed work of the great Gabriel Nahas, former head of the Physicians and surgeons college at Columbia, no less) it continues to appear to be, as one federal judge assessed it: “The most harmless psycho-active substance known to man.”

Of course there are those who would so magnanimously “allow” others on the Planet Earth to use this omnipresent plant, but only for the fiber, food (it’s a complete protein you know)and medicinal benefits.
But just hold your horses there, Hot Rod!!! Wait just a hot minute there! You say you’re smokin’ this stuff cause it feels good and puts you in a good mood, and makes you kind of creative and enhances your enjoyment of music and the arts, and just in general kind of gives you a feeling of well-being??? God, that is so SICK!!! What’s WRONG with you? Are you seeking the pursuit of HAPPINESS or SOMETHING????!!!!

Seriously, non-sarcastically,I’m shocked, SHOCKED! That you are so very benighted on this topic. Now I’m wondering how many of the people I USED to like and then found out on your site were (according to you) some kind of Jew-hater or scumbag or enemy within or whatever…now I just wonder how many of those things you might be this off-base on. Because, make no mistake about it–you stepped in it here. There’s an awful lot to know about this topic, and you, by your own admission (never even trying once?? Wow, lotta intellectual curiosity there)you know absolutely NOTHING about cannabis.
Debbie, do me a favor–do YOURSELF a favor. See if you can find a copy of Jack Herer’s absolutely essential classic on this subject, “The Emperor Wears No Clothes.” I can pretty much guarantee you will find it eye-opening.

Joe Guiney on February 19, 2013 at 2:51 am

    Nice dissertation Joe. The Hemp prohibition is just another example of us being “herded” by an out of control government. Ever wonder why alcohol is legal and hemp is not, especially in view of the drunk driving deaths, broken homes, domestic violence and sex assaults involving drunkenness? It’s all about government control and revenue. The government doesn’t give a damn about public safety, it only cares about revenue and uses public safety rhetoric to keep us dutifully with our shoulders to the wheel to generate revenue. All the slobbering nonsense about legalizing pot to tax it is hogwash. Every person with a window and a planter can grow pot for personal use. There is no potential for tax revenue. Legalizing pot would kill the black market, the greatest current source of revenue derived from pot. Do you think any of that revenue makes its way to the politicians who resist legalization? I have seen a lot of drunks and people high on pot. However, I have never seen a pot smoker engage in the range of stupid, dangerous, violent, anti-social behavior of the typical drunk. But alcohol is legal so it’s okay…right?

    Pete on February 19, 2013 at 12:07 pm

      So true, Pete. Comparing pot and alcohol is like apples and orangutans. Now, you can grow it yourself, but it’s not that easy to do something comparable to what’s out there. This isn’t “weed” anymore, these are horticultural products now. There are people doing gas chromatography analysis, and even gene mapping of various popular strains–you’re not going to get that in your window sill w/o incredible luck! To me the best solution is to “decriminalize” as they have in Amsterdam for many years. Most people don’t realize that it’s still technically illegal in the Netherlands–they just don’t enforce the laws unless and until some one creates some kind of problem, then they got the law to correct the issue.

      If you had come back from 2013 in a time machine, back to 1968 when I was in college, and told me pot would still be illegal nearly a half century hence I wouldn’t have believed it. And yet….

      JG: Stuff I also haven’t tried: suicide, drinking acid, cutting off my limbs, sticking my finger in an electrical socket. And, yet, my intellectual curiosity remains very much intact, thank you. DS

      Joe Guiney on February 19, 2013 at 2:07 pm

        All the things you mention are EXACTLY like smoking pot. You have far more insight on this than I gave you credit for. BTW I committed suicide a few ago–it really didn’t do anything for me, I don’t recommend it.
        You know, Deb, I don’t like opera, but I think that’s my fault and I’m missing out on something maybe–but I can’t get into it. You can’t get into pot–well, honey, believe me it’s your loss.

        Joe Guiney on February 20, 2013 at 11:52 am

    I agree this a very ignorant and racist post. She is a Doctor??? No wonder America is sick and poor. She could have simply asked the question without throwing all of the condescending comments.

    Cc on June 4, 2015 at 7:01 am

Hemp is not marijuana, there is minimal if any THC in the hemp plant.

Smoking hemp would get you as high as smoking the daily newspaper.

Eat all the seeds you want, they have the healthy oils in them.

Phil M on February 19, 2013 at 9:43 am

I clarified years ago with a lab the whole poppy seed tesing positive for opiates. The lab informed me that you would have to eat POUNDS of poppy seeds to test positive (due to the cut off limits). I think your bagel is safe.

Phil M on February 19, 2013 at 9:52 am

@phil M, Yeah but they’re testing for opiates not THC in those seeds so how do you know there’s any relation? Besides the fact that it’s a completely different plant.

I always love hearing hemp groupies drone on about hemp when I’m having trouble sleeping. Somehow the more I find out about it the more boring it becomes, probably because I’m not growing my own.
An interesting horticultural question would be if talking to hemp plants while cultivating makes them more productive.
Can’t wait for the research.

@Bob Smith, “impossible task of trying to stop people from doing what they want” – yeah, killer argument that.

While they’re at it why don’t they give up on stopping people entering the border like they want to.
How about if they just let people own whatever kind of firearms they like including military gear?
And as for taxing the stuff, forget about it Bob, people want to avoid taxes. Never heard of the hemp loop hole?
With thinking like that you should go into politics, dude.

Frankz on February 19, 2013 at 12:05 pm


    It’s truly foolish for you to compare illegals crossing our border to someone using pot.

    The gov’t should “give up” on going after adults who smoke pot or put any other type of substance into their own body. It’s called freedom.

    No one uses the term “freedom” more than so-called conservatives. Conservatives frequently complain that “they”(liberals) are taking their freedoms away, yet most conservatives don’t believe in freedom either.

    Scott on February 19, 2013 at 8:48 pm

    One silly comment does not excuse another. Hemp the plant and seeds have only trace amounts of THC and you would have to eat alot of it to come anywhere close to have a positive test. Its never a waste of time to spread the truth a Herb.
    Debbie Hemp is not illegal have in this country. Till recently in 9 states made it legal,its illegal to grow here. We import.

    Hemp seeds contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary to maintain healthy human life. No other single plant source has the essential amino acids in such an easily digestible form, nor has the essential fatty acids in as perfect a ratio to meet human nutritional needs.

    Hemp is not Marijuana and I think the only ones that think they are interchangeable just don’t understand what they are. Wearing a Hemp shirt will not get you high. It has trace amounts, it does not mean its all removed but there is so little that its considered to be none.
    I’ve looked and not found anywhere you could show positive for eating Hemp unless you eat large amounts at to Poppy seeds that was on Mythbusters and you can show positive for that.

    If you want Hemp milk Kroger a grocery store caries it. If you want Hemp seeds or other products check Amazon.com they have a large variety on sale.

    Datrebor on September 26, 2013 at 4:21 pm

      Sorry about the duplicate post.

      Datrebor on September 26, 2013 at 4:26 pm

Sorry Phil M, I realize you’re probably responding to RC instead of what I originally thought

Frankz on February 19, 2013 at 12:15 pm

Debbie, you can be proud of not doing pot or sticking your finger into an electrical socket. I accidentally put my finger in an empty light socket and it is definitely something I have avoided ever since. You are not missing out on life by avoiding these things.

For those with some misleading comments above…

Pot is not addictive. Do not mix pot with tobacco, as you may become addicted to the tobacco….so don’t smoke blunts.

Legalizing pot (in fact all drugs) controlling and taxing them is a wise idea. We have thrown away billions of dollars in the drug wars with little success. (Those billions came from taxes you and I pay.) Some of the drugs would require you to get on a list that employers and others would have a right to check your drug-use status. After some more billions spent for unemployment of laid-off law enforcement, the savings would quickly add up. Use the taxes on the drugs to fund drug rehab programs (something currently funded by your taxes). The criminal element is removed (because store bought would be cheaper and safer than black market). Gun violence goes way down without drugs for the gangs to sell. The only down side is some idiot crying we should not become enablers…When I was a kid pot was easier to get than booze. Why???…because there were no black market channels for booze.

I say eat the seeds. If down the road you test positive for pot, sue the company for not putting warnings on the label.

Visteo on February 20, 2013 at 1:00 pm

Scott, I don’t really care about Marijuana one way or the other.

Don’t blame me because Scott Smith’s silly liberal argument gave me an opportunity to make a silly comparison.

We live in a nation under the law. It’s part of what makes life livable.
What conservatives resent is that you liberals are alway concocting so many new ones we don’t need.
Just get out of our lives and find your own sites.
I don’t waste my time on yours.

Frankz on February 20, 2013 at 5:21 pm

Yeah, and the taxes.
You can keep those too Scott.

Frankz on February 20, 2013 at 5:26 pm


    The blogger named Smith you’re referring to is named Bob Smith, not Scott Smith.

    I don’t know which blogger you’re referring to as a “liberal”, but if it’s me, I want FEWER laws and regulations on the books – much fewer than we have now.

    The same goes for taxes. I want LOWER taxes, and I’m opposed to the idea of “taxing the hell” out of pot or anything else.

    Scott on February 20, 2013 at 8:18 pm

Scott you’re right about the name mix up, must have been toking on this one.
But I think you misinterpreted my post too because I wasn’t really comparing weed users to illegals.
Anyway I guess the hemp thread on this post has unraveled by now. 😛

Frankz on February 23, 2013 at 10:49 am

I can’t believe how many hippie jerks are out there. I wish someone had taken the time to answer this girl’s question instead of going on and on about nonsense. You guys suck.

mj on March 10, 2013 at 10:31 pm

I personally believe that certain drugs should be llegal, such as weed, or “mollys” because the government is spending so much money trying to get these drugs off the street, and are spending very little money on the school districts. I believe that our school system is more valuable, then trying to get drugs off the street because they are wasting their time/money trying to get these drugs off of the streets and that’s never going to happen, and the worst part is that these drugs are less harmless then alcohol, and these new medications that doctors are prescribing to their patients. for example, to take away a little headache, a side affect mite be dizziness, diarrhea, weakness, and sometimes even cancer mite be a side affect -.-

pdvic on April 17, 2013 at 6:04 pm

One silly comment does not excuse another. Hemp the plant and seeds have only trace amounts of THC and you would have to eat alot of it to come anywhere close to have a positive test. Its never a waste of time to spread the truth a Herb.
Debbie Hemp is not illegal have in this country. Till recently in 9 states made it legal,its illegal to grow here. We import.

Hemp seeds contain all the essential amino acids and essential fatty acids necessary to maintain healthy human life. No other single plant source has the essential amino acids in such an easily digestible form, nor has the essential fatty acids in as perfect a ratio to meet human nutritional needs.

Hemp is not Marijuana and I think the only ones that think they are interchangeable just don’t understand what they are. Wearing a Hemp shirt will not get you high. It has trace amounts, it does not mean its all removed but there is so little that its considered to be none.
I’ve looked and not found anywhere you could show positive for eating Hemp unless you eat large amounts at to Poppy seeds that was on Mythbusters and you can show positive for that.

If you want Hemp milk Kroger a grocery store caries it. If you want Hemp seeds or other products check Amazon.com they have a large variety on sale.

Datrebor on September 26, 2013 at 4:23 pm

A common misconception with hemp is that it’s marijuana. It’s not. Hemp is a cousin to marijuana. Where marijuana typically has 5%+ THC, hemp has less than 0.3% in most cases. Hemp itself would literally take a joint the size of a telephone pole to even get you buzzed. Hemp seeds have NO THC, therefore NO risk of failing a drug test. Hemp has SO many positive values about it, and not just health-wise. You should do some research on it. It’s quite interesting.

Chad T on December 3, 2013 at 11:41 am

Hey Deb,
Why don’t you take the foot out of your ass and relax a little. You sound very ignorant with your claims on the pot smoking society , as if everyone who smokes wears drug rugs and sits around all day doing nothing. Take a chill pill or smoke a joint, you are way to uptight.


Monty on January 29, 2014 at 2:20 pm

Kill yourself, do America a favor.

Kill Yourself on October 23, 2014 at 3:46 am

You should educate yourself on the endless positive effects of using hemp. Clothes, food, oil, etc. It is much safer for the environment. Also there are numerous health benefits in hemp. The government has people brainwashed and it’s so sad. Educate yourself.

Cc on June 4, 2015 at 6:55 am

“For the record, I’m not a fan of the Marleys (Ziggy or Bob). I’m also not a fan of the bizarro, lazy culture that surrounds them in which White losers think that wearing a knit African-patterned green, red, and black beret and slacking all day while toking pot turns them into some kind of magical African soul men from the islands or something. These are Obama voters, hipsters with longer hair and weirder clothing”.

You need to check yourself. How dare you stereotype an entire race of people. You know nothing about Jamaican culture. I’d suggest going to Jamaica for a massive wake up call and culture shock. Jamaicans are anything but lazy. You aren’t black. Don’t speak on black ANYTHING, because I WILL put you in your place. You are nothing but a racist, self entitled, arrogant nobody. Sit down.

Mary on March 25, 2016 at 4:18 am

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