March 28, 2007, - 11:12 am
Biodegradable Village People: America’s Non-Closeted City Bans Plastic Bags
Well, I’m glad to see they’ve set their plastic priorities straight.
The city whose health insurance covers sex change operations (including plastic surgery) is now the city which bans plastic bags for consumers.
Score yet another one for the enviroNazis.
San Francisco’s Board of Supervisors voted 10-1 to require the city’s grocery stores and pharmacies to ban conventional plastic bags and use only biodegradable plastic bags or recyclabe paper bags.
If you live or shop in San Francisco, watch for the price of all of your food essentials and prescription drugs to go up. The fact is that biodegradable bags are not cheap. They cost from six to 10 times the amount of conventional plastic bags and double to more than triple the cost of paper bags. Businesses will pass that on to the consumer.
And it won’t stop waste. It’s not like people who live, frequent, or shop in San Francisco don’t have plastic bags from other cities and suburbs, or get plastic bags from clothing, electronics, and other types of stores, which aren’t covered by the silly measure.
And have fun carrying biodegradable bags made of corn and potato starches in the rain–they’ll melt and your purchases will roll around on the ground. That’ll hardly eliminate waste. It will only increase it. Way to go, San Francisco.
San Francisco is famous for many firsts–most of the contemporary ones are embarrassing firsts. And this is no exception.
Rice-A-Roni, no longer the “San Francisco treat”–now it’s your fragile grocery bag.
Tags: America, Closeted City, Debbie Schlussel Well, electronics, food essentials, health insurance, plastic surgery, San Francisco, San Francisco's Board of Supervisors
Oh, geez. Okay, here goes. I used to work in a major teaching center’s surgery intensive care unit. Among other types of patients, we got the sex change operation patients, who would spend one night in ICU after their surgery before going to the ward. You would not BELIEVE the plastic waste that goes along with using medical supplies. We would fill three oversized garbage pails PER SHIFT because everything, and I do mean everything, is wrapped, double wrapped, and triple wrapped in non-biodegradable plastic, not to mention that the supplies themselves are made of plastic (IV tubing and bags, syringes, medicine vials, waterproof pads, suction equipment, oxygen masks, and the list goes on and on).
I DO have concerns for the environment though I don’t consider myself an enviroNazi, and I have to tell you, that each day I looked at these giant garbage pails being emptied of non biodegradable refuse, I got mighty depressed. Medical care is a necessity in most cases, but not all. We had drunk drivers, criminals shot and injured while evading police, alcoholics on their third liver transplant cause they’d abused their other two livers, in addition to the one they were born with, and so on and so forth. The sex change operation patients were clearly INSANE in most cases (the exception being those patients who were born with genuinely ambiguous genitalia in need of surgical correction to match their chromosomal makeup).
So if these idiots want to be concerned about plastic refuse, maybe they’d like to start by encouraging their transexual minded buddies to seek mental therapy instead of having their balls whacked off or trying to fashion little peenies from vaginal tissue. Cause surgery and a hospital stay will involve plastic waste equivalent to probably thousands upon thousands of plastic grocery baggies.
Oy vey.
AmericanJewess on March 28, 2007 at 11:37 am