January 30, 2013, - 1:54 pm
Rush Pimps Marco Rubio’s “Snoop Dogg” Defense for Amnesty
Yesterday, in a softball interview Rush Limbaugh did with Marco Rubio, he gushed over Rubio’s absurd “Snoop Dogg” defense for supporting the immigration amnesty that the Senate Gangbang of Eight is shoving down America’s throat–a bill that mirrors Obama’s plan. I call it the Snoop Dogg defense because it’s the same old thing we hear from liberals and reprobates time and time again when they want to ease penalties for criminals and those engaged in anti-social, anti-American behavior. As I told you last week, rapper “Snoop Dogg” a/k/a “Snoop Lion” said he wouldn’t force eight-year-old boys (whom he coaches in football) to smoke pot, but that he would show them how . . . just to make it safe.
Rubio’s phony defense for being involved in this disastrous immigration amnesty package, which he relayed to Limbaugh on the air, is that he’s involved to make sure border security and other “safeguards” were put into place because the immigration amnesty is going to happen anyway and he wants to “make it safe.” As we know, these are the same promises and “safeguards” that are already law and are never enforced (and won’t be in the future). In response, Rush drooled,
What you are doing is admirable and noteworthy. You are recognizing reality.
Clearly, Rush is saying, “well, amnesty will happen–that’s reality. So you are admirable and noteworthy for being a part of it and (pretending you are) trying to ‘make it safe.'”
That’s like Rush congratulating Snoop. Because, after all, with this defeatist fait accompli/capitulation mindset, I suppose Snoop is admirable and noteworthy for teaching young boys to smoke pot “safely.” He’s “recognizing reality” that young kids will smoke pot, and he will make it safe.
It’s like Rush congratulating schools for teaching young kids how to use condoms and giving them birth control. After all, aren’t they also “admirable and noteworthy” for teaching kids who shouldn’t be having sex how to have it “safely”? Aren’t they “recognizing reality” that kids will have sex, and they are merely making it safe?
This is liberal, far-left thinking and the kinds of excuses made by those who’ve fought against decent people and traditional values in the culture wars and carried out successful attempts to bring America down for decades.
And now they are also the thinking and excuses for Rush Limbaugh.
Today, on his show, he tried to backtrack from what he said, claiming he doesn’t endorse immigration amnesty. But with his gushing over Rubio and man-crush statements about Rubio being admirable for putting an ineffective condom over the virus that is this massive immigration amnesty package, he’s not being honest with you or anyone who heard his show, yesterday. His and Rubio’s only reservation, yesterday, was their professed concern that Obama wouldn’t insist on the package’s hollow, meaningless border protection measures that don’t amount to anything if you read them closely. Even if those measures meant anything and were enforced, so what? We are about to thrust 30 million people (nobody even knows how many exactly) onto the American job market to compete with American citizens and to usurp entitlements that Americans pay for. Who cares about securing the border when the menace is inside and now made a “part of the family”? How ’bout just securing the border and deporting those who shouldn’t be inside of it?
Rush is in the tank for Rubio and the Rubio-Schumer immigration amnesty. If you didn’t get that, you aren’t paying attention. If Rush wanted to get tough on Rubio and really oppose this proposed legislation, he’d have asked Rubio tough questions, like the ones raised here. But neither he nor fellow Rubio lemming Mark Levin did that because they buy into the false idea of Rubio as the pristine, “conservative,” great Hispanic hope to rescue the GOP from death. If Rush was really opposed to this, he’d rail against it AND Rubio. But he isn’t and he won’t. Instead, he’s congratulating Rubio for being a co-conspirator in this looming disaster. Contrast that with the way he constantly railed against Lindsey Graham (whom he called, “Lindsey Grahamnesty”) for supporting the same kind of amnesty package over the years (and he is part of the same Senate Gangbang of Eight, including Rubio, now pimping this package). Rubio’s excuses for supporting this horrible amnesty are a distinction without a difference. He’s supporting it. That’s all that matters.
Rush Limbaugh can’t have it both ways. He can’t pretend to oppose amnesty and then gush over Marco Rubio for his involvement in it and phony claims of taking any steps to lessen the damage and destruction it will wreak upon America.
Whenever readers tell me, “But Rush Limbaugh said x, y, and z,” I remind them that Rush also repeatedly pushed for the Dubai Ports deal to have Muslim governments that aided the 9/11 hijackers run our ports. I remind them that he repeatedly pimps for the United Arab Emirates. Because he was friends with the show’s producer and likes to hang out with Hollywood types, Rush constantly praised the politically correct show “24” which never made Muslims the ultimate terrorists (they were always working for some White male grand master of evil). He excused Bob Costas’ rant against gun owners and the Second Amendment as an accident because Costas “forgot to turn off his microphone,” when Costas, in fact, knew his microphone was on and was specifically addressing the football viewing audience. (Rush and his wife use the NBC booth to watch NFL games, and he wants to stay on Costas’ and NBC’s good side.) Limbaugh also never attacks taxes, public funding, and corporate welfare for NFL billionaires and their stadiums or the thuggishness and crime of NFL players because he loves football and likes to hang out with jocks and NFL owners (otherwise known as “jock-sniffing”).
And there are many other things on which he’s wrong, dead wrong. And not conservative. No one person is right on everything. And some say and do things not out of principle but because it benefits their own personal interests . . . even a multi-millionaire talk show host with his own plane and Palm Beach mansion.
This is yet another to add to the list. And Rush won’t even be honest about what he said and did with regard to Rubio and this bill.
Marco Rubio is not on our side on this. And neither is Rush.
People need to distinguish partisans and personalities from principles and those who consistently hold them.
Tags: amnesty, Comprehensive Immigration Reform, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, immigration reform, Marco Rubio, RUSH, Rush Limbaugh, Snoop Dogg
I have heard that Rubio became involved in financial fraud in Florida because if he didn’t falsify travel vouchers, someone else would have. He is just following the same consistent pattern.
And Rush forgoing his privileged seats at football games?
When we think back about the people who suffered in Eastern Europe and other places for their opposition to Communism, and went to jail in defense of their principles, those who died so that Israel could come about, those imprisoned or killed for resisting Muslim totalitarianism, and these people forgo principle not even to avoid jail or destruction of their lives, but to attend some stupid football games or live the Washington high life.
Little Al on January 30, 2013 at 2:28 pm