January 28, 2013, - 2:36 pm
Thanks, Marco Rubio: “Conservative GOP Hope” Pimps Senate Illegal Alien Amnesty Package – The Menendez Child Hooker Amnesty Act
If you like unemployed Americans, a disastrous economy, a massive increase in the consumption of government entitlements, and a huge legalization of terrorists in our midst, then you’ll love the new illegal alien amnesty package being pimped by “conservative” darling Marco Rubio and other U.S. Senators led by far-left Charles Schumer. Senator Menendez, another pusher of the proposed legislation, is already lovin’ it for the lovin’ he got from child hookers who can now quickly become U.S. citizens under the law he’s pimpin’. Oh, and don’t forget that Sean Hannity, another faux-conservative, genuine fraud, is also pimping America on this suicidal policy.

It’s no surprise to me or readers of this site that U.S. Senator Marco Rubio is one of the forces supporting the bipartisan Schumer-led “comprehensive immigration reform” package that President Obama wants pushed through Congress. As I’ve noted, Rubio was Mitt Romney’s surrogate for the “path to citizenship” BS to which Romney was giving a wink and a nod. Rubio tried to introduce a DREAM Act before Obama pre-empted him.
If Marco Rubio is on the same team as Charles Schumer, he ain’t on our team. He ain’t on America’s team. But he is on the team that’s interested in getting more voters for his political aspirations. After all, he believes that the newly-citizenized illegal aliens of Hispanic origin will be inclined to vote for a Latino like him for Prez.
To all of the so-called conservatives gushing over sticky-fingered Rubio, merely because he’s young, Hispanic, and gives a good speech, I ask you, will you support this guy who is pushing a giant looming disaster into law? If yes, then you’re no conservative.
The Rubio-Schumer-John McCain-Lindsey Graham-Robert “I Like Underaged Illegal Alien Hookers” Menendez-Dick “Gitmo is the Holocaust” Durbin bill will destroy America in one fell swoop, changing it forever. It will allow 20 million illegal aliens in our midst to quickly get permits to work. And America doesn’t need 20 million people to pick lettuce and make burritos. Nope. They’ll be taking your jobs. It’s not like America has run out of workers and there is full employment. Nearly one out of every ten Americans isn’t working. Look for that to go up, as our labor market is flooded under this ridiculous amnesty program.
Oh, and the bill speeds up citizenship for agricultural workers. You think they’re really gonna check these “agricultural workers” for longer than the six minutes–not counting bathroom breaks–that government workers at Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) spend on the average citizenship application before rubber-stamping it through? Dream on.
And I have an agricultural worker to introduce you to. Meet Mahmud Abouhalima a/k/a Mahmud the Red. If the name sounds familiar to you, it’s because he came to the United States on a visa designated for agricultural workers. But, as I’ve noted before, if he was associated with any “agriculture,” it was grass growing through the cracks in concrete under the New York City taxicab he drove before he and his Muslim colleagues bombed up the World Trade Center in 1993. And that’s the thing: we won’t check–the government won’t expend the resources to check–whether or not any of these agriculture workers are actually picking berries and corn or picking up chemicals for a terrorist attack. They didn’t check with Abouhalima, and with far more people coming in under agro-visas under the Rubio-Schumer-Menendez plan, they certainly won’t check now.
Heck, for all we know, Menendez’s illegal alien child hooker victims came here on agricultural worker visas. And, yes, under the program, illegal aliens brought here as children would also have their citizenship sped up along with the agricultural workers, so Menendez’s child hookers would quickly become citizens, so long as they can prove that they were here being molested by Menendez for at least five years and paid taxes on their earnings for “services rendered.”
And, per usual, whenever they trot out these comprehensive immigration amnesty/dilute America plans, they also claim that “we’ll secure the borders” and “tighten the system.” Never happens. We’ve heard this every single time. We heard it the last time there was the last last last amnesty. And the two times before that when there was the last last amnesty and the last amnesty–none of which is ever the last, and none of which ever involve securing the borders. The 9/11 attacks didn’t secure the borders. In fact, we are less safe and our borders less secure now than they were on 9/10. So, what makes anyone think that if that tragedy didn’t result in a border fix, this legislation will? And why do we need amnesty to happen to secure our borders? Why don’t they just secure them? Answer: because they don’t want to. And they never will. Not with this new amnesty.
The supporters of this Rubio-Schumer-Menendez Kiddie Hookers Amnesty program also say they will start tracking people who come here on visas–student visas, visitor/tourist visas, etc.–and overstay them. Um, that’s what they said under the last last last amnesty. But then-Republican U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham, a Lebanese Arab who now lobbies for Arab oil interests for a living, took direction from his HAMAS/Hezbollah-supporting buddy James Zogby of the Arab American Institute and starved the computer tracking program of all money because he felt that this would be unfair to Muslim illegal aliens who were here illegally and planning their next act of intolerance or worse. Abraham’s buddies at HAMAS CAIR applauded, too. You think they’re actually gonna start doing the tracking of visa holders–which the government now claims it is already doing–now? If so, I’ve got a few crack houses in Southeast Detroit to sell ya.
And these nebulous “border security” preconditions that the Senators are claiming will make things better are just lip service. Their plan has no specific milestones or standards that must be met to make the borders more secure. It’s just a phrase. An empty one. They say they’ll hire more federal agents to man the borders and also to deport the illegal aliens who are criminals and won’t make the cut. Good luck with that. We already have plenty of federal agents and we could make our borders secure tomorrow and deport all the illegal aliens in our midst today . . . if we wanted to. We just don’t have the will. Or, at least, the guys in charge in both parties don’t. They won’t listen to us.
Then, there is the question of gays and gay marriage getting immigration adjustments. That’s coming. We have a Prez who mentioned gay rights in his Inaugural address and supports gay marriage, gays in the military, and women in combat. For certain, he’ll recognize gay marriage in allowing gays to bring their lovers to the U.S. and make them U.S. citizens. That could have been a boon for Peter Slen, the militantly gay, uber-liberal C-SPAN host and producer who for years lived with a man who, sources say, was an illegal alien. But it’s hardly a boon to America. I can just see how many Muslims will pretend to be gay to bring over their co-conspirators in jihad to become citizens, claiming they are gay marrieds. We already have marriage fraud with Muslims all over America doing it to get green cards. It’ll just happen more often and now they can do the gay ruse.
Under the law these Senators are proposing, 20 million illegal aliens would be allowed to stay here and would be given permits to work and steal jobs. Plus they would qualify for ObamaCare and get probationary status leading to citizenship. We’re told they will have to register with the government (hey, a Hillary Clinton Get Out The Vote list!), pass a background check, and pay a fine and back taxes. Um, do you really think that our government–which can’t adequately check people seeking citizenship legally (and, again, spends less than six minutes “checking” each person and then rubber-stamping them) will be able to check all of these things for 20 million people? Good luck with that. It will take a new massive bureaucracy, costing gazillions, and even then, they won’t be able to do the job.
Rubio insists that none of these 20 million illegal aliens would jump in line in front of those waiting for years legally. So, you know what that means? The government will quickly address the “backlog” and rubber-stamp them all in. That means we’re talking an influx of not just 20 million illegal aliens but also, likely, ten million or more additional ones in line. Good luck with that. They won’t check the backgrounds of these people. They’ll rubber stamp them in to “deal with the backlog.” The Alien Amnesty Senator Pimps have already said as much.
These frauds claim this will help Republicans win elections among Hispanics. Hilarious. If you think America is bad enough with just a 5 million vote difference between Obama and Romney, well, now, we’ll get 30 million to make that difference into an unbeatable Grand Canyon landslide in favor of the liberal Democrats.
When America gets worse and worse in the next few years and all the jobs are taken by these illegal aliens jogging down the “Path to Citizenship,” thank Marco Rubio, who put his political ambitions ahead of America’s survival. The other Senators are the usual suspects. Rubio pretends to be a conservative. However, the only thing he’s conserving is his paycheck and his selfish ambitions. But, hey, he loves racist, anti-cop hip-hop from the ’80s, so he must be a genius.
Good luck, America, with the Rubio-Schumer-Menendez-child-hooker legalization plan. And say good-bye to what was once a great country.
Tags: amnesty, Illegal Aliens, Immigration, Marco Rubio
Pay back taxes? Duh, does anyone thing that these people will be in the decreasing minority that actually p-a-y-s any income taxes? It will probably be decided that they should get refunds like the rest of the moochers/takers.
Little Al on January 28, 2013 at 3:13 pm