January 28, 2013, - 2:36 pm

Thanks, Marco Rubio: “Conservative GOP Hope” Pimps Senate Illegal Alien Amnesty Package – The Menendez Child Hooker Amnesty Act

By Debbie Schlussel

If you like unemployed Americans, a disastrous economy, a massive increase in the consumption of government entitlements, and a huge legalization of terrorists in our midst, then you’ll love the new illegal alien amnesty package being pimped by “conservative” darling Marco Rubio and other U.S. Senators led by far-left Charles Schumer. Senator Menendez, another pusher of the proposed legislation, is already lovin’ it for the lovin’ he got from child hookers who can now quickly become U.S. citizens under the law he’s pimpin’. Oh, and don’t forget that Sean Hannity, another faux-conservative, genuine fraud, is also pimping America on this suicidal policy.


It’s no surprise to me or readers of this site that U.S. Senator Marco Rubio is one of the forces supporting the bipartisan Schumer-led “comprehensive immigration reform” package that President Obama wants pushed through Congress. As I’ve noted, Rubio was Mitt Romney’s surrogate for the “path to citizenship” BS to which Romney was giving a wink and a nod. Rubio tried to introduce a DREAM Act before Obama pre-empted him.

If Marco Rubio is on the same team as Charles Schumer, he ain’t on our team. He ain’t on America’s team. But he is on the team that’s interested in getting more voters for his political aspirations. After all, he believes that the newly-citizenized illegal aliens of Hispanic origin will be inclined to vote for a Latino like him for Prez.

To all of the so-called conservatives gushing over sticky-fingered Rubio, merely because he’s young, Hispanic, and gives a good speech, I ask you, will you support this guy who is pushing a giant looming disaster into law? If yes, then you’re no conservative.

The Rubio-Schumer-John McCain-Lindsey Graham-Robert “I Like Underaged Illegal Alien Hookers” Menendez-Dick “Gitmo is the Holocaust” Durbin bill will destroy America in one fell swoop, changing it forever. It will allow 20 million illegal aliens in our midst to quickly get permits to work. And America doesn’t need 20 million people to pick lettuce and make burritos. Nope. They’ll be taking your jobs. It’s not like America has run out of workers and there is full employment. Nearly one out of every ten Americans isn’t working. Look for that to go up, as our labor market is flooded under this ridiculous amnesty program.

Oh, and the bill speeds up citizenship for agricultural workers. You think they’re really gonna check these “agricultural workers” for longer than the six minutes–not counting bathroom breaks–that government workers at Citizenship and Immigration Services (CIS) spend on the average citizenship application before rubber-stamping it through? Dream on.

And I have an agricultural worker to introduce you to. Meet Mahmud Abouhalima a/k/a Mahmud the Red. If the name sounds familiar to you, it’s because he came to the United States on a visa designated for agricultural workers. But, as I’ve noted before, if he was associated with any “agriculture,” it was grass growing through the cracks in concrete under the New York City taxicab he drove before he and his Muslim colleagues bombed up the World Trade Center in 1993. And that’s the thing: we won’t check–the government won’t expend the resources to check–whether or not any of these agriculture workers are actually picking berries and corn or picking up chemicals for a terrorist attack. They didn’t check with Abouhalima, and with far more people coming in under agro-visas under the Rubio-Schumer-Menendez plan, they certainly won’t check now.

Heck, for all we know, Menendez’s illegal alien child hooker victims came here on agricultural worker visas. And, yes, under the program, illegal aliens brought here as children would also have their citizenship sped up along with the agricultural workers, so Menendez’s child hookers would quickly become citizens, so long as they can prove that they were here being molested by Menendez for at least five years and paid taxes on their earnings for “services rendered.”

And, per usual, whenever they trot out these comprehensive immigration amnesty/dilute America plans, they also claim that “we’ll secure the borders” and “tighten the system.” Never happens. We’ve heard this every single time. We heard it the last time there was the last last last amnesty. And the two times before that when there was the last last amnesty and the last amnesty–none of which is ever the last, and none of which ever involve securing the borders. The 9/11 attacks didn’t secure the borders. In fact, we are less safe and our borders less secure now than they were on 9/10. So, what makes anyone think that if that tragedy didn’t result in a border fix, this legislation will? And why do we need amnesty to happen to secure our borders? Why don’t they just secure them? Answer: because they don’t want to. And they never will. Not with this new amnesty.

The supporters of this Rubio-Schumer-Menendez Kiddie Hookers Amnesty program also say they will start tracking people who come here on visas–student visas, visitor/tourist visas, etc.–and overstay them. Um, that’s what they said under the last last last amnesty. But then-Republican U.S. Senator Spencer Abraham, a Lebanese Arab who now lobbies for Arab oil interests for a living, took direction from his HAMAS/Hezbollah-supporting buddy James Zogby of the Arab American Institute and starved the computer tracking program of all money because he felt that this would be unfair to Muslim illegal aliens who were here illegally and planning their next act of intolerance or worse. Abraham’s buddies at HAMAS CAIR applauded, too. You think they’re actually gonna start doing the tracking of visa holders–which the government now claims it is already doing–now? If so, I’ve got a few crack houses in Southeast Detroit to sell ya.

And these nebulous “border security” preconditions that the Senators are claiming will make things better are just lip service. Their plan has no specific milestones or standards that must be met to make the borders more secure. It’s just a phrase. An empty one. They say they’ll hire more federal agents to man the borders and also to deport the illegal aliens who are criminals and won’t make the cut. Good luck with that. We already have plenty of federal agents and we could make our borders secure tomorrow and deport all the illegal aliens in our midst today . . . if we wanted to. We just don’t have the will. Or, at least, the guys in charge in both parties don’t. They won’t listen to us.

Then, there is the question of gays and gay marriage getting immigration adjustments. That’s coming. We have a Prez who mentioned gay rights in his Inaugural address and supports gay marriage, gays in the military, and women in combat. For certain, he’ll recognize gay marriage in allowing gays to bring their lovers to the U.S. and make them U.S. citizens. That could have been a boon for Peter Slen, the militantly gay, uber-liberal C-SPAN host and producer who for years lived with a man who, sources say, was an illegal alien. But it’s hardly a boon to America. I can just see how many Muslims will pretend to be gay to bring over their co-conspirators in jihad to become citizens, claiming they are gay marrieds. We already have marriage fraud with Muslims all over America doing it to get green cards. It’ll just happen more often and now they can do the gay ruse.

Under the law these Senators are proposing, 20 million illegal aliens would be allowed to stay here and would be given permits to work and steal jobs. Plus they would qualify for ObamaCare and get probationary status leading to citizenship. We’re told they will have to register with the government (hey, a Hillary Clinton Get Out The Vote list!), pass a background check, and pay a fine and back taxes. Um, do you really think that our government–which can’t adequately check people seeking citizenship legally (and, again, spends less than six minutes “checking” each person and then rubber-stamping them) will be able to check all of these things for 20 million people? Good luck with that. It will take a new massive bureaucracy, costing gazillions, and even then, they won’t be able to do the job.

Rubio insists that none of these 20 million illegal aliens would jump in line in front of those waiting for years legally. So, you know what that means? The government will quickly address the “backlog” and rubber-stamp them all in. That means we’re talking an influx of not just 20 million illegal aliens but also, likely, ten million or more additional ones in line. Good luck with that. They won’t check the backgrounds of these people. They’ll rubber stamp them in to “deal with the backlog.” The Alien Amnesty Senator Pimps have already said as much.

These frauds claim this will help Republicans win elections among Hispanics. Hilarious. If you think America is bad enough with just a 5 million vote difference between Obama and Romney, well, now, we’ll get 30 million to make that difference into an unbeatable Grand Canyon landslide in favor of the liberal Democrats.

When America gets worse and worse in the next few years and all the jobs are taken by these illegal aliens jogging down the “Path to Citizenship,” thank Marco Rubio, who put his political ambitions ahead of America’s survival. The other Senators are the usual suspects. Rubio pretends to be a conservative. However, the only thing he’s conserving is his paycheck and his selfish ambitions. But, hey, he loves racist, anti-cop hip-hop from the ’80s, so he must be a genius.

Good luck, America, with the Rubio-Schumer-Menendez-child-hooker legalization plan. And say good-bye to what was once a great country.

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58 Responses

Pay back taxes? Duh, does anyone thing that these people will be in the decreasing minority that actually p-a-y-s any income taxes? It will probably be decided that they should get refunds like the rest of the moochers/takers.

Little Al on January 28, 2013 at 3:13 pm

And I pity some of the conservatives who continue to kiss up and lick Marco Rubio’s shoes and suit, this so-called amnesty program that Mr. Rubio supporting is indeed amnesty for 20-30 million illegal aliens currently in this country. And NO illegal aliens who are here with work visas, etc. is NOT helping our economy that much, I know for fact that the millions of US citizens who are currently unemployed and looking for employment knows that with illegal-aliens here, there taking away jobs and employment for unemployed Americans right now. And this affects just about everybody in this country regardless what race and ethnicity they are!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on January 28, 2013 at 3:25 pm

I agree with Thomas Sowell. I’m glad I’m getting on in years and will miss a lot of the crumbling of America. I feel for my kids and grand kids, but there is only so much angst to go around. Sorry.

JeffT on January 28, 2013 at 3:34 pm

    I have a bad attitude. I want the “children” to get what they want. Let them suffer. They asked for it. I will be gone.

    As goes, so goes on January 29, 2013 at 12:12 pm

Very good points about Rubio’s opportunism & the effects of gay marriage on worsening the crisis.

If the Republicans compete under these circumstances, I can’t see how it would be a Republican Party that would be attractive enough to gain any conservatives’ votes.

Little Al on January 28, 2013 at 3:40 pm

Rubio clearly wants to ensure that he’ll have a chance to be in the running for the next election cycle but if he’s serious about these policies then you’d have to wonder what difference it’ll really make.
What Rubio has is charisma and that’s something the Republican party needs badly.
Also as far as I know he doesn’t have a history of cocaine consumption which is more than I can say for the last 3 oval office occupiers.
It could be 3 strikes and you’re out though anyway.
Unfortunately real life isn’t like a Hollywood production.
You really don’t want a druggie pilot or President because sooner or later whether he flies a plane upside down like Denzel Washington in ‘Flight’ or not a crash is imminent and the morning after will not be pretty.

Frankz on January 28, 2013 at 3:56 pm

Senator Mendacity should be indicted by a grand jury, and locked up as a flight risk. The FBI has apparently thinks that a politician having intimate relations with underaged girls from the Dominican Republic is alright. Menendez could not satisfy himself with domestic hookers, but felt he was entitled to girls in their mid teens. Even in a third World country like the Dominican Republic, the age of consent is 18. Senator Menendez is the classic “Ugly American” who uses his wealth and prestige in order to take advantage of the helpless. Maybe Menendez is interviewing candidates for a brothel he is investing in? Eliot Spitzer did that, and walked away as free as a bird. Menendez is obviously too big to indict. I wish that the Dominican Republic would publicly call for his extradition to face charges.

Worry01 on January 28, 2013 at 3:59 pm

    No problem. Menendez will simply go on a “Interview” show like he did with Martha Ratface – or maybe the #1 Mediapimp, Steve Kroft, and claim he is being discriminated against by Fox News, Limbaugh, Schlussel and demand sympathy from the sheeple. Menendez typifies the type of “Leadership” our congress projects today. To paraphrase the old hymn, “Sink low, Sweet Chariot.”

    Victoryman on January 29, 2013 at 9:23 am

Forbes identified 11 Death Spiral states. Those are states with more on welfare than off welfare. So, the minority supports the majority. See November 2012 issue. There will be no paying back of taxes.

Looking like there is no where to run to baby, no where to hide, dooooooo dooooooo dooooooo dooooooo …

As goes, so goes on January 28, 2013 at 4:33 pm

I’ve been saying it for months to anyone with a pulse: Sen. Rubio is a Hispanic first and an American second. Hacks and fools within the Republican Party, which is to say at least half of its members, continue to live in denial about the disastrous consequences of mass immigration from the Third World, so long as they can be packaged as Jack Kemp-style “empowerment” and “opportunity.” Hey, anything to avoid being called a “racist.”

An aside: Ann Coulter began her Washington career as an aide to Sen. Spencer Abraham. During her tenure (the mid-90s) she worked on immigration and other issues. One would be hard-pressed to deny that the experience helped shape her views on Jews, which, as Debbie has written elsewhere, are none too flattering.

Seek on January 28, 2013 at 5:56 pm


    Ann Coulter STINKS of Romney and failure. I don’t think she’ll ever live that down.

    I know I’m not the only one who remembers how she basically accused anyone who didn’t want to nominate Romney (you know, like 65 percent of primary voters) of being an undercover agent who was secretly in the pay of Obama himself.

    The way things turned out, maybe we should examine HER bank account for ObamaBux.

    St a tus MoNkey on January 29, 2013 at 1:39 pm

From a November 28, 2012, article by Phyllis Schlafly:

“In Reagan’s 1980 victory, he received 35 percent of the Latino vote, and in his landslide of 1984 he received 37 percent. After Reagan’s generous 1986 amnesty, George H.W. Bush’s 1988 victory produced only 30 percent of the Latino vote.”

In this same article Schlafly pointed out that Latinos view government very differently from the principles of limited government enunciated and adopted by our Founding Fathers:

“An American National Elections Study asked a question about free market vs. government solutions. Only 17.9 percent of Hispanics responded “the less government the better,” and 83.3 percent said a strong government involvement is required to handle economic problems.”

What are these Republicans looking at that convinces them that their soft-on-immigration-enforcement will translate into Republican votes?

In a January 2, 2012, article by Mike Scruggs, “According to Ronald Reagan himself, as told to his trusted long-time friend and U.S. Attorney General Edwin Meese, the biggest mistake of his presidency was signing the l986 amnesty. . .”

Listen to Reagan, it was a mistake then, it’s an even bigger mistake today.

Mike on January 28, 2013 at 6:55 pm

Tina Turner is one smart woman……

guitarguy on January 28, 2013 at 7:54 pm

I expect it to pass.

The GOP died last November.

If the party wants to enfranchise more liberal Democratic voters, that’s its affair.

If Marco Rubio is the next GOP nominee, I won’t be voting for him in 2016. Good bye to a party that screwed the country over.

It doesn’t deserve my vote when it pimps illegal alien “amnesty” on the rest of us.

NormanF on January 28, 2013 at 7:58 pm

The government sure is on this “registration” kick. They want to register illegal aliens, they want to register guns. I don’t think either will be successful. They can pass all the laws they want but i don’t expect people to stand in line to register anything.

ender on January 28, 2013 at 9:55 pm

DS: Kudos to you for your candid portrayal of Rubio, an imbecilic, opportunistic politician. He, along with the motley cabal of moronic politicians headed by the despicable Chuck Schumer, will soon create a “man-made disaster” that Butch Naoplitano likes to talk about. We don’t have a pot to piss in, but we are asked to roll-out a welcome mat for the illegals. As if that was not reckless enough, we are also asked to make it easier for Islamic terrorists to become U.S. citizens. Why is common sense in such a short supply?

BroncOhBummer on January 28, 2013 at 10:21 pm

Ppl are finally beginning to figure out what we in FL have known for awhile. Rubio is a fraud. All you need to know is that the leftist florida media loved Rubio when he was speaker of the FL house of reps.

Brian on January 28, 2013 at 10:47 pm

So the libs want unlimited immigration in order to continually win election to public offices.

We then become a one-party nation.

Always knew when you scratched a lib you’d find a fascist.

Nir Leiu on January 29, 2013 at 12:22 am

rumor has it that hsi agents will be detailed to uscis for the background check investigations of the amnestied illegals in los angeles. this way they can become citizens by the prez election in 2016. and kozak been given his walking papers. perry who knows where. investigation whatever became of that? and one asac back to ero after getting back from overseas, one pm out for who knows why and a gs out. another agent out because of the frank johnstone investigation, another gs being looked at as part of it. la never boringh.

bigal on January 29, 2013 at 12:23 am

America…. Love it or leave it!
If you don’t love this country I suggest you get out!

Kershaw on January 29, 2013 at 12:29 am

    Schools used to have tracking systems. A few still do, but the PCers have attacked the concept. But it’s a good idea to group pupils based on aptitude and ability.

    Might also be a good idea here. Comments like Kershaw’s could be placed in the remedial, under-80-IQ category.

    Although moronic comments such as this are meant to stifle discussion, in fact, people are leaving the US just as they are leaving Greece, and other countries regressing down and down the road. Productive taxpayers are leaving California, New York and Illinois, and are starting to leave the US also.

    So if this continues, Kershaw and his fellow moochers/takers will have no one to cadge food and money from. Maybe then they can get jobs and do something productive. Do you think the illegals will help them? Even Kershaw can’t be that stupid, can he?

    Little Al on January 29, 2013 at 1:05 am

Pretty boy Rubio is sadly deluded if he thinks this will get him the Presidency. Most of these illegals are mestizo Mexicans who don’t much like white Cubans like Rubio. Combine that with the HUGE part of the Republican base (myself included) that will just stay home, and he and the GOP are headed for another wipeout. The ONLY way the GOP can hope to survive is to go for VIGOROUS enforcement to kick the illegals out and then DRASTICALLY cut the out of control legal immigration from the Third World that is dispossessing the traditional American majority. Rubio is finished either way.

Jedediah on January 29, 2013 at 1:14 am


THE LATIN PATRIOT on January 29, 2013 at 1:22 am

“If Marco Rubio is on the same team as Charles Schumer, he ain’t on our team.”

True that. If this law passes the House, then I swear to all of you that I will dump the third party and vote a straight Democrat ticket in every single election until the GOP has completely disappeared from the face of the Earth.

Enough is enough.

Time to hit the reset button.

Why must we always have amnesty BEFORE we can try out these fantastic, hard-core new border restrictions? And why does anyone think the new laws would be enforced by the same administration that refuses to enforce even the CURRENT immigration laws? And why is it “logistically impossible” to deport 12 million illegals? We moved more people than that half a world away during WW2. Impossible? Ha! I say YES!!! WE!!! CAN!!!

St a tus MoNke on January 29, 2013 at 1:53 am

At this point the only thing that will save America will be a CIVIL WAR. I guarantee if we had a war all illegals and other scum will leave. They have no gut to fight for anything. All wars produce refugees. There would be an exodus of 50 Million leaving overnight.

HARD CORE TEA on January 29, 2013 at 3:51 am

And I have an agricultural worker to introduce you to. Meet Mahmud Abouhalima a/k/a Mahmud the Red. If the name sounds familiar to you, it’s because he came to the United States on a visa designated for agricultural workers.


He is probably involved in trade in plenty of fertilizer, such as Ammonium Nitrate, which can be used in making fertilizer bombs. That is what agriculture is to Muslims – it’s not like they have real expertise in that field, in a manner of speaking

Infidel on January 29, 2013 at 4:18 am

The only redeeming feature of this is that Hispanics are generally good Catholics very unlikely to convert to Islam. The breed like rats, as do the Muslims, and can serve as a counterbalance.

P: I wish that were true. But, in fact, many Muslims have converted to Islam. Ever hear of Jose Padilla a/k/a Abdullah Al-Muhajir? DS

Procrustes on January 29, 2013 at 7:38 am


    Catholics, yes. “Good,” usually not.
    The myth of the devout Latino Catholic dies hard.

    Red Ryder on January 29, 2013 at 10:00 am


    It looks like the breeders are in control. The muzzies will fully employ mexicans as their personal unpaid slaves.

    Wish I could see that day!

    As goes, so goes on January 29, 2013 at 12:19 pm

A few thoughts:

Oh great. Another one-bill-fixes-everything plan. Didn’t these guys learn their lesson with Obamacare? Just because it’s bipartisan (which is code for the Republicans cave to the “sensible” demands of Dems) doesn’t mean it’s any better. It’s great that we get another “amnesty now with a promise of enforcement that won’t come later” bill.

So, we’re gonna have background checks. Okay, but since nobody checks the immigration status on any illegals they stop/arrest, that probably means they will pass any background check IF it even gets done.

Isn’t this an incentive to ship in a bunch of illegals now, under the wire? And since – as Debbie said – the illegal alien child hookers that Menendez holds so dear are included, doesn’t that reward human trafficking? WTF? As a government contractor I had to sit through a tedious online class about how not to support human trafficking. Apparently, Menendez never took that and his collaborators in the Senate didn’t either.

Now that our unemployment rate has “plummeted” all the way to 7.8% (which is skewed because of the people who have just given up looking) this is a GREAT time to ADD people to the job searching pool. How many of them will simply line up for more benefits? And don’t tell me how much they contribute to the economy. I believe Debbie has debunked this numerous times.

Thanks Sens McCain, Graham, and Rubio. Your move undercuts all the other Republicans who are trying to keep the Dems at bay on this. Our only hope now is that Obama’s hubris causes him to undo the undeserved good will that the Three Stooges of the Senate have shown him.

Sean M on January 29, 2013 at 8:48 am

So the guys that cut grass for people too lazy to do it themselves are considered agricultural experts. Great, I’ve been undervalued since I was old enough to push a mower.

They’ll get into the US on that ag visa, disappear, and end up in a large city painting, dry walling, breeding like rabbits, and draining the system for benefits. Thanks Rubio…for nothing.

WilliamMunny on January 29, 2013 at 9:23 am

The majority of the 20 million illegals are men that have come here to work under the table jobs.
When they get citizenship they will THEN bring their families here too.
So it’s not an influx of 20 million.
It’s more like an influx of 80 to 100 million new immigrants.
Soon we will have 2 welfare recipients for every working American.
How long do you think that will last?

And after all of the Hispanics have gotten citizenship some liberal is going to point out that there are lots of people in other parts of the world that would love to come here too.
So we have to be fair and let them in too.

steve g on January 29, 2013 at 9:42 am

    @Steve G,

    Well, the “good” news is that by the time that happens, nobody will WANT to live in America any more. They certainly won’t be coming here for jobs. People who want jobs will be LEAVING the U.S. Unfortunately, every other country on the planet has strict immigration laws, so our refugees won’t have many options.

    St a tus MoNke on January 29, 2013 at 11:02 am

    The Forbes List of states with more on welfare than off welfare holds 11 states. With geometric progression, very soon, half of the US will have more on welfare than off.

    This is the spiral death spin…

    As goes, so goes on January 29, 2013 at 12:22 pm

Rubio is filling the shoes of Mel Martinez…ya know, the former “Hispanic” U.S. Senator from Orlando [Winterhaven], Florida..whom lives in the SAME neighborhood as U.S. Senator Bill Nelson (D)…a “Republican”…who also teamed with Juan McCain…and his [Martinez] mother allegedly lived in the U.S for almost 40 (forty) years WITHOUT learning fluency in English.
Two strategies are in/at play;
1) Dilution is the solution, and
2) If you can’t beat them out, breed them out. Bank on it. F. John Boehner, F. Juan McCain, F. Marco Rubio, F. the Republicrat Party.
The “new” bill is a re-hash of the 2005 and 2007 bills. It also includes provisions from a piece of ’05 legislation from former “Republican” and Florida Secretary of State *drum roll* Katherine Harris; “National Identification Cards” and securing the Guatemalan border with/from Mexico.and he “deal” Bush made with Presidente Fox and Prime Minister Iforgethisname in Canada circa ’04/’05…”Guest Worker” deal…nevermind the “sustainability” aspect of NOT preventing persons “migrating” for work hroughout North AMerica…yep, U.N. provisions…
“It’s a giant sh*t sandwich, and we’re all gonna hafta take a bite,” said the Lieutenant to Pvt. Joker.

Sik_Boy on January 29, 2013 at 10:27 am

    This breeding thing is serious. See what multiple wives does for muzzies? It gives them the victory through the womb.

    Excuse me, but… my life shouldn’t be impacted by what you expelled from YOUR womb.

    That is YOUR responsibility. IF you can’t afford them, don’t have them.

    As goes, so goes on January 29, 2013 at 12:25 pm

The Rule of Law is critically fundamental to Immigration Reform. Ronald Reagan miscalculated and it seems we are about to make the same mistake President Reagan did. He trusted Democrats (and the Republican Establishment) to uphold the law!
Until the government enforces the long standing, existing law to protect the borders, the government and our elected have no credibility.

The Rule of Law requires the enforcement of the Law. This seems obvious and common sense.
For some reason, there is bipartisan (Establishment) resistance to the Rule of Law. This failure undermines the entire credibility of the government.

DS makes a most persuasive case why Marco Rubio is “Not the Guy”.

bobguzzardi on January 29, 2013 at 11:21 am

    This isn’t a math problem. This is a politically designed approach to win the next election.

    Get behind the beaners, if you want their vote. Otherwise, you’re trampled.

    As goes, so goes on January 29, 2013 at 12:27 pm

A clear, concise, common sense and principled statement on Immigaration Reform by real deal Constitutional Conservative Texas Senator Ted Cruz. Secure the bordrs and streamline procedure to legal citizenship are first steps.


bobguzzardi on January 29, 2013 at 11:26 am

    I prefer to streamline their departure. They are criminal trespassers.

    Get out.

    As goes, so goes on January 29, 2013 at 12:28 pm

there was a reason why we did not annex mexico and that is because of their corrupt,alien culture.

bruce on January 29, 2013 at 11:32 am

OK so Boys Scouts is now a safe haven for Pedophiles and Homos, 20 Million Illegals will now become Legal, Our debt will make our dollar worthless, Obama is now openly aiding Al-Qaeda and now Obama is going to disarm us. What do we have left? Now why isn’t their a Civil War yet?

HARD CORE TEA on January 29, 2013 at 11:36 am

    @Hard Core–

    Couple of reasons…


    Red Ryder on January 29, 2013 at 12:13 pm


    Server issues, I guess. Comment “auto-posted’ before I was done.

    1. Military itself has been co-opted.

    2. Who would the belligerents actually be?

    3. Entire political system has been compromised, as there is no opposition.

    4. For decades, public schools have made sure that the people have no critical thinking skills.

    Red Ryder on January 29, 2013 at 12:17 pm

      The democrats outsmarted us. Face it. They took over the country via public education.

      As goes, so goes on January 29, 2013 at 12:30 pm

We’re screwed Debbie. That’s pretty much it. No stopping the wheel now. The Republicrats sold us out. Lindey Graham burn in hell.

No, you and I won’t feel the full impact of our country becoming a Marxist Third World hell hole but our grandchildren will. I’m looking for some land to buy in northern Idaho where I can spend the rest of my time in peace and beauty. Later girlfren.

Percy Kittens Reloaded on January 29, 2013 at 12:10 pm

Muslim immigration plan in order to support the next elections to come, by changing demographic picture of US as an islamic nation of future!

I must say, US is now also suffering consequences of Cheating India and consequently the world community, by always supporting Pakistan at heavy cost to India.

Yet I’m not glad, such India like ‘far seeing’ politicians are emerging in US!

Sudarshan Datta on January 29, 2013 at 12:10 pm

Good luck, America, with the Rubio-Schumer-Menendez-child-hooker legalization plan. And say good-bye to what was once a great country.- Debbie S.

Dear Debbie
This is an amazing, horrific, eye-opener article about, the END OF AMERICA. Quote: “And say good-bye to what was once a great country.” So Debbie, what is the answer? You know something? Man has no answer for all this horrible, horrific stuff going on. Satan is in the ‘driver’s seat’ for the time being and he will continue to be in the driver’s seat for quite some time to come yet – unfortunately. You know something else? Satan and his earthly minions will do only what Almighty God allows them to do. So then, WE who are God’s Children have absolutely nothing to worry about. God takes care of HIS children. But God has only ‘punishment’ in store for those who REFUSE TO ACCEPT GOD’S GIFT OF SALVATION ALSO KNOWN AS GOD’S GIFT OF ETERNAL LIFE. Pray to God and ask Him for this Gift. Beg God for this Gift. Get on your knees before God and beg, and beg, and beg God for this gift of Salvation and eternal life. You will never get this Gift by osmosis. Every person on this earth PERSONALLY must come before God and pray and ask and beg God for this Gift. The Gift of God is eternal Life. It’s a GIFT. It’s FREE. It’s a Gift worth more than Obama’s 16.5 $$$$$$$Trillion dollars. Every one of you reading this right now would be so excited if Bill Gates came up to up and would offer to GIVE you a FREE GIFT of ONE BILLION $$$$$$$$$$$$$$. Every one of you would ever so willingly ACCEPT this FREE GIFT!!! Why then do you REFUSE to accept God’s FREE GIFT of ETERANL LIFE IN HEAVEN?

Who are God’s children? Are you a child of God? Have you ever been BORN INTO GOD’S FAMILY? You know why people WORRY? People who are NOT God’s children have a lot to worry about. They HAVE TO worry about all the horrible things Debbie has written in this article. If you really study God’s Holy Word you will find that God has FAR, FAR greater tribulations in store for all those people than what Debbie has written about in this article. Rather than continuing to complain about how horrible Obama and his minions are, let’s just accept God’s GIFT of Eternal Life, and then LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER. – For all Eternity.

Last word on January 29, 2013 at 12:11 pm

Marco Rubio is on Limbaugh’s show right now talking up the FIERCE new border restrictions he wants to implement. Keeps referring to a “signed pledge from FOUR Democratic senators” that the restrictions WILL BE ENFORCED. What good is a signed pledge from four senators? THEY don’t enforce immigration law. If the law isn’t enforced, would they be impeached and removed from office?

For that matter, what good is a signed pledge from Obama??

St a tus MoNkey on January 29, 2013 at 1:24 pm

When Senator Rubio gave his acceptance speech in 2010, I thought that he was Presidential material. What a terrible disappointment – sell out really. Whether he is taking political sides to curry favor until he wins or whether he really believes it, does not matter.

Remember that Senator Rubio was among the mob that attacked Michelle Bachman and her four colleagues when they spoke the truth about Huma Abedin’s Muslim Brotherhood ties.

I believe that Bobby Jindal is on his way to a sell out. His speeches after the 2012 election seemed aimed at chastizing conservatives.

Gloria Stewart on January 29, 2013 at 1:56 pm

What we are seeing is the wholesale destruction of America. The liberals and Latinos love to talk about the browning of America. Yet why cater to people who want us to cater to law breakers. What other nation allows foreigners who came here illegally to openly picket and make demands of American citizens.

My father would tell me stories of all the times he went to foreign countries especially south of the border. He was in Columbia and other places where law breakers including Americans were chained to the walls.

If we allow any type of Amnesty I would want it done with many harsh conditions. 1) I want a double fence at the border to be patrolled by US military. That means revoking Posse camatatose. Also use the military to assist in cleaning up US parks infiltrated by illegals. 2) I want any future politician who has a sanctuary city to be denied ALL federal money until compliance. 3) All future illegals to be fast tracked out of the country. 4) Amend the 14th amendment so any illegal giving birth on US soil the child is NOT a citizen of the US. The child is a citizen of mother’s home country. 5) Any illegal using health care system must repay it by working off their fee or jail.

Glen Benjamin on January 29, 2013 at 2:02 pm

Browning of America= Another Third World Dump. They’ve got South America and half of N. America. Now these failures want more! Whites need to wake up and stick together.

Jedediah on January 29, 2013 at 5:59 pm

The nauseating Rubio was back on Mark Levin’s show tonight. Levin did a totally disgusting cavein, lauding the good points of Rubio’s abominable bill. Last time I’ll ever listen to this fraud (Levin).

Jedediah on January 29, 2013 at 7:33 pm

What ever happens to this “Path to Citizenship” will not matter because there is still the situation with the Communists and groups like La Raza, LULAC, unions. They grab illegals as they come across the border and brainwash them into the Democrat camp, pay themn to demonstrate, use every entitlement, and let them vote at will, and frequently. The GOP and We the People will never solve this problem until they get rid of all Communists in Government, Congress, universities, unions, and La Raza.

Lanyon on January 30, 2013 at 10:50 am

I sure hope Allen West will run as an Independent or third party in next election!If you are out there reading this, puhleeze do it Col. West…

cj on January 30, 2013 at 11:11 am

I am sending this to you because Mark Levin’s e-mail is a secret. Oh yes and by the way he is a “jerk” His favorite term of is it “dummy” Mr. Producer?

I heard Senator Rubio (my Senator) on F. Lee Levin’s show last night.

What a super big pile of pig shit.

Mark should only have him (Rubio) on his show when he (Rubio and Mark) are not drunk?

There won’t be any “getting in line” of the aliens being covered by any immigration bill and “following the law” as Rubio says there will be. Who does he think we are a bunch of dummies????

With Shumer, McCain, Durbin, etc. behind this bill, Rubio will be told to get in line behind them if he wants some committee position or recognition that he is alive.. and a Latino.

He is nothing but the Latino affirmative action Senator that the thugs like Shumer need to get this bill past the “stoned”” public and put on a show that this immigration bill is for the minorities.

The rule of law is non-existent in this country.

When will Rubio realize he cannot get in bed with the hustler Senators like Durbin, Mc Cain and Graham, and Coons and have his way. He is their for show and to eventually get fucked in the ass when this whole immigration bill nonsense if over.

Is Rubio got a low IQ?

Panhandle on January 30, 2013 at 11:45 am



HARD CORE TEA on January 30, 2013 at 1:18 pm

Rubio is one of the best things in the republican party. Was Reagan a fraud as most of you here badmouth Latinos and Rubio. Most here on this site are immigrants. If you don’t agree then come with a solution and just lip service, anyone can do that.

J: Our problem with Rubio has nothing to do with his ethnicity and everything to do with his duplicity, criminal activity, and lies. He’s a complete fraud. The solution is to deport anyone who is here illegally and protect our borders. And many Latinos who are here legally and/or were born here oppose illegal immigration and amnesty, FYI. DS

Jamal Hernandez on February 2, 2013 at 7:40 pm

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