January 21, 2013, - 5:41 pm
Martin Luther King, Jr.: Muslim Extremists Continue to Hijack Pro-Israel Civil Rights Leader’s Name Like It’s a Plane
As you know, today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. I’m working on an important project I must finish and since things haven’t changed a lick, I’m reposting what I wrote last year on this day. Two things remain constant: King was pro-Israel and a philo-Semite, and Jew-hating, anti-Israel Muslims (a redundant phrase) continue to hijack his name and memory for their evil, hateful purposes. Their experience in hijacking wasn’t just confined to 9/11.
Peace for Israel means security, and we must stand with all our might to protect its right to exist, its territorial integrity. I see Israel as one of the great outposts of democracy in the world, and a marvelous example of what can be done, how desert land can be transformed into an oasis of brotherhood and democracy. Peace for Israel means security and that security must be a reality.
–Martin Luther King, Jr., March 25, 1968 speech.
He Had a Dream: That One Day Israel Would Be Secure & Jew-Haters Would Stop Attacking Israel . . .
Today is Martin Luther King, Jr. Day. Every year on this day, I have to write this . . . because every year the Muslim phonies hijack the name of Martin Luther King, Jr.–who was PRO-ISRAEL–and try to make the civil rights struggle of Black people (many of whose ancestors were sold into slavery by Muslim Arabs) into the same thing as defending a violent religion that commits terrorist acts around the world every single hour. It’s amazing that a religion whose US-based “leaders” constantly claim that the 9/11 hijackers hijacked a religion (rather than what really happened–Islam hijacked them), is so consistent in its hijacking of things that stand counter to what Islam stands for. And, with Martin Luther King, Jr., they hijack the name and legacy of a man who stood with Israel and against them. They hijack his name for their own nefarious purposes of standing with HAMAS and Hezbollah.
My faves are the unindicted HAMAS terrorist co-conspirator CAIR Action Network and the openly pro-HAMAS/Hezbollah American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC). Both groups claim that Dr. King was an example for Muslims. But they get it all wrong, and their appeals are false and duplicitous.
King would definitely have opposed PFLP Islamic terrorist, immigration/marriage fraud perpetrator, and FBI award revokee Imad Hamad (who openly supports HAMAS and Hezbollah and who, I’m told, continues to fundraise for Islamic terrorists) using his name for a bigoted Arab-only essay contest.
And, as I note every year, neither group–the CAIR Action Network or ADC–ever seems to get that King spoke out against their Jew-hatred . . . AND markedly, their Israel-hatred, saying that this was the same (as we all know) as Jew-hatred. No, I’m not talking about the phony letter King was alleged to have written a friend. I’m talking about the actual King verbal slap-down of an anti-Israel student at Harvard. That King made the statement at the top of this post is confirmed in a fantastic column by his friend, liberal Democrat John Lewis, and here’s another key excerpt:
During his lifetime King witnessed the birth of Israel and the continuing struggle to build a nation. He consistently reiterated his stand on the Israel — Arab conflict, stating “Israel’s right to exist as a state in security is uncontestable.” It was no accident that King emphasized “security” in his statements on the Middle East,
For new readers–and those needing a refresher course (a/k/a every single anti-Israel Muslim who hijacks the King name), here’s an excerpt from one of my previous posts:
While the oft-cited “Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend” may be fabricated, King’s record and views on Israel are clear in his documented words and actions. As I wrote in 2005, in “Radical Islam Wishes You a Happy MLK Day“:
King was adamantly opposed to the views of [Islamists including “former” Islamic terrorist, FBI award revokee, and marriage and immigration fraud perpetrator Imad] Hamad and ADC [American Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee], both of which often deceptively and inappropriately invoke his name. At a 1968 Harvard appearance, King rebuked a student who attacked Israel. “When people criticize Zionists, they mean Jews. You’re talking anti-Semitism,” King said.
(Although an oft-cited “Letter to an Anti-Zionist Friend,” purportedly by King, may be fabricated, his Harvard quotes are well-documented, in Seymour Martin Lipset, “Socialism of fools,: The left, the Jews & Israel
,” Encounter, (December 1969), p. 24.)
Yup, we know how Martin Luther King, Jr. felt about the hatred of Israel and the hatred of Jews enveloping Islam in its entirety. If only the Muslims would stop ripping off his memory. But theft and lying is something they do. It’s inherent to their worldview and their position around the globe. Without it, they have nothing.
Memo to HAMAS’ CAIR Action Network and ADC: if you’re gonna assume the King name, you can’t pick and choose. You have to take the entire package. And that includes King’s strong stance in favor of Israel’s existence and security and against your Jew-hating vitriol.
I wish I could say, “I Have a Dream” that one day these bigots and enslavers from the Middle East, who’ve spread their backward ways across the globe would wake up from their hatred of Israel, America, the Jewish people, and the Christians, too.
But I don’t believe in fantasies. Facts are stubborn things.
Tags: ADC, anti-Semitism, CAIR, civil rights, Islam, Israel, Jews, Martin Luther King, Martin Luther King Day, Martin Luther King Jr., Martin Luther King Jr. was pro-Israel, Martin Luther King was pro-Israel, Muslim, Muslims hijack King name, pro-Israel
And let’s not forget one of Martin Luther King’s important statements: “When people criticize Zionists they mean Jews, you are talking anti-Semitism.”
That statement was true in MLK’s day, and it’s still true today, but Zionists are now much broader, as there are Christians and others who are also Zionists.
You can see that today with the Islam-first Senator Chuck Hagel who uses attacks on Jews and Israel interchangeably. Obama’s “tributes” to the memory of Martin Luther King are shams.
Ralph Adamo on January 21, 2013 at 6:02 pm