January 14, 2013, - 3:09 pm
Oliver Stone Endorses Chuck Hagel, Attacks Israel, Praises Iran
The fact that Hitler- and HAMAS-fan Oliver Stone (whose son converted to Islam in Iran) is praising and endorsing Chuck Hagel for Defense Secretary says everything we need to know about Barack Obama’s wack job, Ron Paulistinian nominee to oversee the U.S. Armed Forces.
With Friends Like These, It’s No Wonder Oliver Stone Loves Chuck Hagel . . .
Oliver Stone w/ Ramallah HAMAS Chief Hassan Yussef
Oliver Stone Echoes Views of Best Bud Yasser Arafat

Tonight, Stone and his friend, Peter Kuznick, broadcast the final episode of their revisionist, anti-American history of the United States on Showtime. The show, “The Untold History of the United States,” follows their revisionist, Anti-American book of the same name. To promote the show, they authored a long attack on America in today’s USA Today. Perhaps a name change of Anti-USA Today is in order. While their article is an attack on Barack Obama from the far-left–lumping him in with George W. Bush in saying that both want an “American empire,” among their comments are loud and obnoxious attacks on Israel and praise of Iran and Hagel.
Obama has been hard on Iran, tightening sanctions and threatening military action if it pursues a nuclear weapons program that the intelligence community has consistently said it abandoned in 2003, and soft on Israel, whose government’s recalcitrance and expansion of settlements undermine the prospects for a two-state solution. . . .
There are, however, a few signs of hope that Obama’s approach is changing. Nominating Chuck Hagel as secretary of Defense — with his criticism of the Israel lobby, sensible approach toward Iran, opposition to the surge in Iraq and repudiation of nuclear weapons — and John Kerry as secretary of State represents a major break with the hawks who populated Obama’s first administration.
None of these comments should be a surprise to anyone who has followed Stone and his radical idiocy. He did a video love-letter to his then-close friend Yasser Arafat on HBO (which posed as a “documentary”) just after Arafat mass-murdered Jews at a Passover Seder, he regularly hangs out with HAMAS leaders, and he made a series of anti-Semitic comments. It’s interesting that he feigns support for a “two-state solution” in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, when his buddies in HAMAS (whom he visited and hugged) support a one-state solution (as in, no Israel). And, as we know, Stone expressed strong admiration for Hitler who tried to do the same thing to the Jews that his HAMAS buddies are trying to do now, as they openly call for the elimination of the entire Jewish people worldwide in their charter.
That Showtime and USA Today–mainstream media outlets–give his hateful views space and exposure is outrageous. But his support for Chuck Hagel (and John Kerry) should be trounced upon by Republican Senators at the confirmation hearings.
Sadly, they don’t–and never will–have the guts.
You know the proverbial saying about “the company they keep,” and, sadly, the company Chuck Hagel and John Kerry keep is Oliver Stone, apparatchick for Iran and HAMAS. With “friends” like them, who needs enemies?
Tags: Barack Obama, Chuck Hagel, Hamas, Hitler, John Kerry, Oliver Stone, Oliver Stone Endorses Chuck Hagel, Oliver Stone Endorses Hagel, Peter Kuznick, Showtime, The Untold History of the United States, Yasser Arafat
Sure, you can tell all about Chuck Hagel and Oliver Stone by the company they keep. They are VERY “discerning” about that company.
Other Oliver Stone heros? Why, Stalin, Mao, Chavez, Castro, and others of their ilk. See, for example:
I’m sure Stone will be rewriting history to posit that Stalin didn’t commit any mass murders. Fortunately, Stone’s skills as a media disinformation specialist are waning. But, unfortunately, Stone still has some big money financiers behind him. Stone doubtlessly has great admiration for Hitler too, but as a dedicated leftist, he knows that if he expressed his feelings about Hitler, it would raise more than a few eyebrows.
Ralph Adamo on January 14, 2013 at 3:33 pm