December 31, 2012, - 8:26 am

Hypocritical Celebrities & Guns VIDEO: As I Said, Before, Demand They STFU

By Debbie Schlussel

Over a week ago, I showed you the absurd “Demand a Plan” video starring many hypocritical, wealthy celebrities, all of whom can afford expensive, ARMED bodyguards and equally exorbitant high-tech security systems, while the rest of us can only depend on our guns to keep us safe. As I noted, the video is a project of a gun control outfit, Mayors Against Illegal Guns, of which New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is the chief perpetrator. All of these celebs in the video want to take away your Second Amendment rights, and yet most of them engage in and promote gun violence, themselves. Somebody pretty clever, using the sexually explicit screen name, “Mike Hunt” (get it?) created and posted this terrific YouTube video interspersing video of these frauds’ and hypocrites’ unwanted lectures with video exposing what they really are and stand for. Check it out. And then, after that, check out the videos of one great and sadly late celeb who would never ever call for gun control, but for the kind that is comprised only of good and steady aim.



By the way, here is “Mike Hunt’s” commentary with the video (I’ve inserted the dashes). Some of this comments are spot on. The rest sound like Ron Paulistinian nuttery.

These self-serving whores of the 1% love guns and violence as long as they can line their pockets. Hey these hypocritical a–holes “probably” voted for and support Obama…how many kids has he killed with his toy drones and foreign policy? When you elect leaders that commit mass murder, don’t be surprised when the citizens follow suit.

These f–ks can stand on their soapboxes all they want…just as long as they wrap an extension cord around their necks and jump.

I don’t agree with the drones comment or the attacks on American foreign policy. Make no apologies for the drones taking out our enemies with limited harm to us. The drones are the only good thing we are doing over there. We should also be dropping giant bombs, instead of handing out candy and building roads for those who hate us. (And note that he uses the song, “Kill a Celebrity” by Ramallah, a rock band named after the “Palestinian” “capital.”)

In any event, here are the only celebrity gun control videos I like. The first one is the classic sheltered liberal versus Second Amendment advocate debate:

More Appropriate Celebrity “Gun Control” Videos:

The thing is, if they take away our guns, the cannoli method ain’t exactly the most reliable defensive measure:

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24 Responses

Excellent DS. Nice contrast between the vermin of Hollywood today and a stud of the bygone era (back when combat soldiers could get a job acting).

Happy New Year

Pete on December 31, 2012 at 9:45 am

have you heard of this
Anyone hear of the DICK ACT of 1902?
Here ya go folks…..
DICK ACT of 1902… CAN’T BE REPEALED (GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN) – Protection Against Tyrannical Government
DICK ACT of 1902 . . . CAN’T BE REPEALED (GUN CONTROL FORBIDDEN) The Trump Card Enacted by the Congress Further Asserting the Second Amendment as Untouchable The Dick Act of 1902 also known as the Efficiency of Militia Bill H.R. 11654, of June 28, 1902 invalidates all so-called gun-control laws. It also divides the militia into three distinct and separate entities.

martin on December 31, 2012 at 10:18 am

Imagine what would have happened if many Jewish households in Europe had guns ca. 1933-45. Sure, we still would have lost millions, but many of the scum who turned Jews over would have thought twice before doing so. And more than a few thousand rat bastards in Wehrmacht uniform would have gone to a deservedly earlier grave.

Not Ovenready on December 31, 2012 at 12:45 pm

Let them ask for a plan. Is it the fear that lawful gun ownership will be compromised that has you screaming “STFU”? Living in Detroit, I am all for a plan that takes guns out of the wrong hands. C’mon down to the city tonight and listen to the celebration. You can ponder how many of the shots come from lawful gun owners and how many do not. I am willing to give up some freedom to be safer…but don’t take my firearms. For those who think more guns in more peoples’ hands will reduce gun violence….you need not reply. Your common sense is lacking.

Visteo on December 31, 2012 at 2:19 pm

    Visteo this one is for YOU (*Picture me winking @ ya & giving you the double ‘gun barrels’ with my hands shaped as guns…*)

    UK-BANNED guns. 2000 violent crimes per 100,000 ‘subjects’.

    USA-Right To Bear Arms. 500 violent crimes per 100,000 citizens.

    UK gun crimes increased 89% in 10 years WITH gun ban.

    USA gun crimes have been going down FOR DECADES.

    “For those who think more guns in more peoples’ hands will reduce gun violence….you need not reply. Your common sense is lacking.”
    Visteo on December 31, 2012 at 2:19 pm

    No, Visteo, it’s your smug dismissal of the FACTS that lacks common sense. Liberalism. “It always generates the exact opposite of its stated intent”~Jim Quinn’s First Law.

    And DS always says “Facts are stubborn things”. Indeed!

    Lock & load, Visteo! Lock & load! Bang-Bang!

    Skunky on December 31, 2012 at 2:35 pm

      Excellent point Skunky. The UK has more violent crime, but only about 1 homocide per 100 thousand, yearly. The US has about 4 with half of those coming from guns. With Brits being so violent, they are fortunate not to have guns. I live in one of the worst cities for gun violence. I have no problem with your locality giving guns freely to every man, woman and child, but when your murder rate jumps, don’t cry about it. I will be pissed when your guns start showing up in Detroit. They probably already do.

      Yes, facts are troublesome. Skunky, some would even say they stink, when you try to put a spin on them.

      Visteo on December 31, 2012 at 4:19 pm

        You’re so right, Visteo. No one’s nose stings from stink more than yours when you do your Liberal spinning. P.U!

        Visteo, not only are you NOT interested in knowing how many violent acts are SAVED from happening by rightfully armed citizens, you’d find a way to spin it to your advantage. No bother, I’ll ask the question to those who actually have a brain left in their head to cogitate…

        How many crimes are SAVED from happening by armed US citizens?
        How many of the USA homicides were legally armed good-guys shooting the bad guy, Visteo? Hope you included room for them in your stat.

        I know the evening of Nov 6th a famous talk-show host was on the Twitters and she had a deranged man try to break down her door. He stopped when she screamed she was armed. And she was. It happened in real time as she was tweeting. We all saw it.

        Also, Visteo, I ask you to recompute those numbers of yours that you try to shape into your Liberal FantasyLand and use them with the number of citizens America has (over 315 MILLION) and how much the UK has.

        I’ll even let you throw in Australia which will add 22 MILLION to the UK’s total….I bet collectively they don’t even amount to 100 MILLION ‘subjects’ to USA’s 315+ Million.

        Spin those numbers into sugar, Visteo. You’re wrong and you’ll always be wrong. Wake up. The Brit violent crime (as well as Australia’s which has skyrocketed since the 1996 gun ban) would go down if they would let their ‘subjects’ legally be armed. It would cut out the violent crime by half…even more!

        But you already stated that you would be resistant to that common sense. It’s also common sense to NOT want people to be hurt and to be victims as YOU DO. I broke your argument whether you acknowledge it or not. THAT’s what matters. LOL.

        Skunky on December 31, 2012 at 4:49 pm

          Skunky, you are not right. You never addressed my statement that its illogical that “more guns in more peoples’ hands will reduce gun violence”.

          You are talking about violent acts in general. If you look at only homocides, more guns = more murders.

          I will even concede that police equipped with guns, commit more homicides than those equipped with only billy clubs.

          Again….common sense.

          Visteo on December 31, 2012 at 5:48 pm

          Visteo, I am no longer going to do the Libtard circle-jerk with thick as bat sh** sorts like you. This will be it. Pay attention…

          “You never addressed my statement that its illogical that “more guns in more peoples’ hands will reduce gun violence”.
          Visteo on December 31, 2012 at 5:48 pm

          Ah, yeah I did. Can you read?

          “USA-Right To Bear Arms. 500 violent crimes per 100,000 citizens.

          UK gun crimes increased 89% in 10 years WITH gun ban.

          USA gun crimes have been going down FOR DECADES.”

          The USA has more guns in their citizen’s hands and has more than double the citizens in contrast to the ‘subjects’ of the UK & Australia combined and we are more safe from violent crime in USA than in the unarmed countries of UK & Australia.

          If you can’t get it, it’s not my fault. It’s simple. I already broke your argument. Wake up.

          “I will even concede that police equipped with guns, commit more homicides than those equipped with only billy clubs.”
          Visteo on December 31, 2012 at 5:48 pm

          How many of those “homicides” are shooting bad guy perps and saving the victims or potential victims, Visteo? You’re the one who glossed over my facts. Also, that little sentence proves what an anti-gun whacko you are. Wanting police to try to take down illegally armed bad-guys with a fricken’ billy club. You’re a sicko. But that’s a Liberal redundancy.

          You also never explained why you want more people hurt and victimized due to you wanting peeps NOT to be able to deploy self-help with your whacko anti-gun jones you got going on there. It’s sociopathic.

          Below is AGAIN how I addressed the question you said I did not answrer (but did)…

          ‘Visteo, not only are you NOT interested in knowing how many violent acts are SAVED from happening by rightfully armed citizens, you’d find a way to spin it to your advantage. No bother, I’ll ask the question to those who actually have a brain left in their head to cogitate…’

          ‘How many crimes are SAVED from happening by armed US citizens?
          How many of the USA homicides were legally armed good-guys shooting the bad guy, Visteo? Hope you included room for them in your stat.’

          ‘I know the evening of Nov 6th a famous talk-show host was on the Twitters and she had a deranged man try to break down her door. He stopped when she screamed she was armed. And she was. It happened in real time as she was tweeting. We all saw it.’

          That’s it Visteo. If you’re still hanging on to your “common sense” with a kung-fu grip someone else here is going to hafta pry it from your hand not holding your Joan Baez 8Track Tape. I’m not circle-jerking with you impervious Libtards anymore. I broke your dumb argument and now I’m moving out & on…just like the “Yaz” song sez, ya dig???

          Skunky on December 31, 2012 at 6:48 pm

          Yes, Skunky, we all know that if you had your gun your boyfriend would never have slapped you for being stupid….or maybe he would be a homocide statistic. Yes, when you have your gun, it is less likely for people to be violent with you…with other guns or sticks or fists. But it doesn’t change,

          more guns = more shootings = more deaths by guns.

          Violent crimes do not equal gun violence…get it? You are mixing your statistics…it is called spin.

          I am not anti-gun. I am for responsible gun ownership. It includes excluding whackos and criminals from possessing guns. Where I live, guns in the hands of responsible citizens keep bad things from happening. Unfortunately, we see it frequently on the news in Detroit that another child got shot with an adult’s firearm.

          If you still are not getting it, stop circle jerking and ask your boyfriend to explain it. Let him know you are unarmed and that you would appreciate that he not try to knock the stupid out of you this time.

          Visteo on December 31, 2012 at 7:30 pm

    Visteo, I agree that you are common, but your sense is entirely lacking. Also, who will be disarmed? Your sense seems to have fled the scene on that one. Finally, if someone has an unlawful firearm, what law is going to regulate that? Felons ar already prohibited from buying or possessing a firearm in the United States.

    Worry01 on January 1, 2013 at 2:25 am

      Worry, Liberal idiots like Vesteo don’t want to consume facts. They want constructs that go down smooth (in their twisted minds) even if reality is foreign to the whole stability of their point of view.

      I broke his argument in my FIRST post to him and then had to repeat myself in two others. In 2013 I am not gonna do the brain-dead tango with Libtards after 2 goes.

      Anyone with a brain should be able to see I broke Visteo’s argument and he was left with nothing but a pile of pitch. He can continue to lick up the black remnants of his moronic argument but I’m not gonna indulge the mental midget anymore. He’s wrong and that’s that!

      It’s a cute Libtard method though…keep on babbling as if your point wasn’t dismantled. They do it all the time. This time though I am not gonna keep on helping them whack off to their fairy tale fantasies.

      “Ain’t no one got time for that”!

      Skunky on January 1, 2013 at 12:51 pm

        I can’t help you, Skunky. Apparently, your boyfriend was unable to do so. I hope there was no violence.

        Violent crime is not the same as gun violence. Gun violence is a subset of violent crime, but it does not work the other way. People with a half a brain understand this. 4 murders per 100K in the US. Half caused by guns. 1 murder per 100K in the UK. Almost none caused by guns.

        Worry01, you aren’t half as dumb as one might think. I do not know what the plan is. You barely have a clue, so how could YOU have a plan? The celebtards don’t have the plan. They are saying “let’s get a plan”. Maybe part of the plan would be to bust down a few doors where guns should not be. Maybe some civil liberties and little feelers will get hurt. Too bad.

        Putting more guns in more people’s hands is an ignorant plan that will result in more deaths per year, not less.

        There is a problem with guns falling into the wrong hands. That is what a plan needs to address. It will not prevent all gun violence, but has the aim of reducing it.

        Visteo on January 1, 2013 at 2:05 pm

Interesting historical information Martin, and regarding the piece, it’s kinda cool that this dude counters those left wing celebrities who in my mind are “hypocrites” and talks out of their asses. However, til a point, I don’t exactly agree with him on the drone attacks, but you have to notice that the taliban like hamas and hezbollah in the eastern half of the middle east uses innocent civilians as human-shields to protect them like the cowards they are, and unfortunatley some innocent civilians have been affected by the drone attacks.

Since these left wing celebrities have security guards who are armed with a “gun” and live in “gate-communities”, its time for these jerks to put-up or shut-up, if there against guns, why don’t they asked their security guards to give up their firearms? And also, if their against guns, why don’t they quit doing violent films with a gun involved? Absolute hypocrites!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on December 31, 2012 at 3:17 pm

There is something strangely hypocritical about Hollywood actors demanding gun control when they give lessons in “how to be a violent psychopath” in most of the movies they make.

Rather than use expletives, I’d rather just confront them and demand THEIR plan to clean up their films.

There is NO Santa Claus on December 31, 2012 at 4:25 pm

Here’s another one equally as good as your title video:

TonyF on December 31, 2012 at 6:08 pm

The Bronson Plan is my kind of plan. But the notion by Santa above that Hollywood teaches people how to kill is pure nonsense. If anything, I’ve probably learned more about good police work (and self-defense) from crime flicks than from any other source.

Seek on December 31, 2012 at 6:29 pm

    I am a trained clinical psychologist; and this response is for the person who said “Movies Can Not Teach People How To Kill.” Question, who have been the mass murderers in America’s history? They are people who are/were mentally ill. Of course, those who are mentally stable do not watch fiction and consider it to be reality; and like a siren sound, obey the call, go out and steal a firearm and then murder as many people as they possibly can!

    However, for someone who is a Paranoid Schizophernic, or anyone in the throes of a psychosis, these movies most certainly can affect their behavior in a negative fashion. Years ago, a psychologist by the name of Albert Bandura proved that either a boy or girl watching a live actor modeling violence, were more prone to mimic the violence they had witnessed. This, compared to those who did not watch the actor. Psychologists will tell you that children who watch television shows will behave more violently after viewing such shows.

    Psychotic individuals are not living in what is called, “The Here And Now.” Violent movies “Can” have dire consequences on a puerile public who refuse to admit that some psychotropics can cause both suicidal ideation, and homocidal thoughts as well. Instead of the gun being the focus of an emotional laden public, we should be looking at the antecedents of those who commit mass murders. However, the rabid anti-gunners want to divorce you from your ability to process information in a rational fashion. They want to think for you, by having you, “Throw The Baby Out With The Bathwater.” The Hollywood actors who are demanding a plan need to start with themselves. Stop peddling these violent, nihilistic movies to the public. They won’t, because, “They Are Hypocrites!”

    I place some of the blame on the American Psychological Association, and the American Psychiatric Association. Both groups have been eerily taciturn in the wake of the shooting at Sandy Hook. Alas, their role has turned into one of pushing the agenda of the left. Shame, Shame, Shame!

    Dr. Forest Lewis on January 7, 2013 at 5:09 pm

Mike Hunt? He’s a cousin of my girlfriend, Connie Lingus.

CornCoLeo on January 1, 2013 at 12:01 am

For several years I’ve spoken with people about this exact case. Celebrities make movies in which they are paid millions of dollars. In those movies they portray violent, mean killers, and others, who spend two hours and more of movie time shooting people, cutting them, stabbing them, smashing them, battering them with bats, hammers, clubs, crow bars, nail guns, and other objects, running them down with cars, trucks, tanks, buses, ships, helicopters, and more, chopping them with axes, hatchets, swords, spears, arrows, knives, and on and on.

I’ve told people that I find it offensive that these multi-millionaires whose skill is not as good as the skills that most common people have, skills they’ve aquired by hard work and study and discipline and sacrifice, skills such as carpentry, masonry, electronics, engineering, baking, chef-cooking, neurology, cardiology, pediatrics, midwives, OB-Gyns, surgeons of different disciplines, automechanics, truck mechanics, jet engine mechanics, factory workers, mathematicians, musicians – such as jazz and classical musicians, and so forth, are out there spewing their garbage as if they are the self righteous salt-of-the-earth saints and gods and godesses among humans, preaching and dictating to us what we should believe and do.

They tell us that we should believe their nonsense, and that they, the superior beings from on high who mock us, for they are above us and we are mere mortal human beings, are not fit to polish their shoes or serve them tea, but that we dummies should not own weapons, including guns, with which to protect our families, or school children, or defend ourselves.

No matter. The celebrities pretend to be doctors, lawyers, engineers, and so forth, paid millions to pretend to do what real, sklled persons do. It is the real carpenters, electricians, and so forth, who actually design and construct their movie stages and scenes in which their movies are made. It is real doctors who save these ne’er do wells, these pompous pretenders, when they are on drugs, injured, or ill, yet the celebrity pretenders, in their narcissism, feel free to mock and insult the very real, skilled persons who enable them to be so rich, even though actings is a low level of skill, and is, again, pretending to be someone else, something young children do every day, without acting class, and without joining SAAG, AFTRA, and other “unions.”

Let’s see these self righteous, indignant phonies put their actions and money where their mouths are. Return the money they were paid for their violent movies, and swear off all future movies in which there is any violence, rape, beatings, shootings, and so forth.

Let’s see them make movies without violence and guns.

Come on, you arrogant, self righteous, narcissistic, smarmy, dishonest, vindictive phonies, you hypocrites in the entertainment industry. Let’s see you do what the rest of us have to do to make ends meet and not pretend to be gun fighters and rifle firing, bomb throwing heroes and villains in the movies.

Don’t just preach disarmament. Don’t make any more movies which include violence or gun play.

William on January 1, 2013 at 10:50 pm

Libs just love making everybody else carry the can for their own guilty pleasures.

Franks on January 2, 2013 at 10:56 am

Visteo wants us to think that he/she is so astute & intelligent, but, they can’t even spell HOMICIDE. Ever hear of spell check? IDIOT!!!!

Jerry McFarland on January 2, 2013 at 11:55 am

    Jerry the genius, how long did it take you to figure out the word was homicide? Did the spell check give you a clue? Or is it that as a homosexual are you offended by the mispelling…homocide?

    Are you part of the spelling police? Do they give you guns? The NRA has been pushing to equip you guys for some time now.

    Finally, what is the punctuation rule for putting commas on both sides of “,but,”? Be careful!!! The punctuation police have no guns, but they are reported to be quick using their clubs.

    Visteo on January 2, 2013 at 1:02 pm

For Jerry’s edification, let me correct some grammar, as I do not proof-read….

Jerry, as a homosexual, are you offended by the mispelling…homocide?

I did not intend to offend any gays or lesbians. It was a typo.

Visteo on January 2, 2013 at 1:52 pm

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