December 8, 2012, - 9:45 pm

Happy Chanukah! Modern Day Jewish Liberals Would Have Fallen to Maccabee Swords

By Debbie Schlussel

I wish all my Jewish friends, readers, and commenters a Happy Chanukah (also spelled Hanukkah, Hannukah, Chanukkah, Channukah, and assorted other transliterated ways), or as we say in Hebrew, “Chag Chanukah Sameach.” Thanks to all of you, both Jew and Gentile, who sent me so many nice Chanukah wishes, e-cards, e-mails, and other such salutations.

Chanukah, which began at sundown tonight, is not just about the miracle that a jar of oil to light the candelabra in the Jewish Temple lasted eight days instead of the one day it would normally last. Chanukah is the commemoration of the courageous victory of the Maccabees over the Greeks that took not just eight days, but decades (it took over two decades before the Maccabees finally defeated the Greeks and the Hellenists and were victorious). And it’s not just the miracle of the Maccabees defeating King Antiochus and his forces, it’s the spiritual fight that the Maccabees fought that left many Jews dead as well.


Jewish U.S. Combat Unit Soldiers in World War II Celebrate Chanukah in the South Pacific Battlefield (Photos by U.S. Army Private Mack Gould . . .

Those Jews were the Hellenists who gave up traditional Judaism for something less spiritual, more material. And the Maccabees slaughtered many of them as well, as was their duty. Sadly, today, the Jewish people is dominated by Hellenism on steroids. Another phrase for them is “Obama voters.” These are JINOs–Jews In Name Only, who long ago gave up spiritual Judaism for liberalism and an “ethnic” or “cultural” Judaism that really isn’t historically or religiously Jewish, such as eating deli food, giving their lives for the rights of Blacks who hate them, and pandering to Muslims and hosting Israel-haters at synagogues. All of these Jews would have been eliminated by the Maccabees, as they did then in order to reclaim Judaism from a virus of Hellenists.

Many of those modern-day Hellenist Jews are tonight eating latkes–the delicious, fried potato pancakes we traditionally eat on the holiday. But they keep very little Judaism and work against the interests and the very future existence of the Jewish people. The Chanukah story is about their defeat. The defeat of the Hellenists then, and the defeat of them now. We won’t do that through violence. They will do that through their attrition and atrophy from Judaism. In a few generations or less, they’ll be gone and the traditional Jews will remain.

As Jewish holidays go, Chanukah is a minor one. It is not on the level of Christmas, though it’s been artificially been elevated to that status by lazy parents and eager marketers and retailers. Back in Europe and Israel, parents never gave their kids gifts for the holiday, just “gelt” (gold–usually gold coins).

While it lasts eight days, we work and go about our business on those eight days except while the menorah candles are burning. We light candles on the menorah (Jewish candelabra) in progressive numbers on each night–one for the first night, two for the second night, and so on. We also light another candle each night which is known at the shamash. It is the candle used to light the other menorah candles, and it is required to be higher than the other candles, which are required to be all of the same height. The candles are required to burn at least a half hour.

As I mentioned earlier, Chanukah is the story of the few against the many–-the few Maccabees, led by Matthew [Matityahu, and then, after his death, Matthew’s son, Judah [Yehudah], who fought against oppression by Greek-Assyrian (Seleucid) King Antiochus Epiphanies and miraculously beat him and his army, which far outnumbered the Jews. It’s the story of the one jar of olive oil which miraculously lasted eight days–the amount of time it took to make more jars–in lighting the menorah [candelabra] in the Jewish Temple in Jerusalem. All other jars had been destroyed or made impure by the Greeks, and it was the one jar that miraculously survived intact. Above all, Chanukah is about the age-old, repeat fight of the Jewish people for religious freedom.

As we Jews face a bleak future with Islamic extremism and violence on the rise and Iran about to attain its nuclear goal, it’s especially meaningful (or should be). And as I noted earlier, we also face an enemy within, just as the Jews and their Maccabees fought in their own community back in the day. The Hellenists were Jews who wanted to forsake Judaism for the secularism of the Greeks. Today, those same Jews are the ones who’ve forsaken Judaism for the altar of Barack Obama and gun control and abortion rights and so on. They’re the ones who continue to pander and “outreach” to our avowed enemies in the Islamic community. I’ve written about so many of them on this site over the years, and their names need not be mentioned on this holiday as they don’t deserve the honor. We know who they are. And their views and politics must be crushed, just as the Maccabees crushed Jewish Hellenism.

I’ve often asked on this site during Chanukah, where are all the Maccabees? There are too few. There are scant few among my fellow co-religionists willing to fight for the West’s survival, and far too many who run faster than Usain Bolt to kiss the feet of Muslim extremists in our communities in America.

Again, it must be remembered that the most bloody fights against and slaughters the Maccabees had to carry out were not those of their Greek-Assyrian enemies, but those of their fellow Jews, whose behavior could have meant the end of Judaism. While I don’t advocate that today–or violence of any kind, the Maccabees showed no mercy toward these ignoramuses who embraced the enemy, toward these eager sell-outs. And anyone and everyone who celebrates Chanukah must celebrate that as well or they simply aren’t observing the holiday and what it’s all about.

The Maccabees were warriors. They were strong, and they had no fear. They’d easily take out any of those who, today, mock Jews as weak. We weren’t weak then. Only the Hellenists were, and their modern-day imitators are the weak ones in our community.

Chanukah was about how peace and survival of the Jewish people was achieved through battle–through a war fought by a group of brave, valiant Jewish men who fought not only against the enemy without, but the enemy within.


Check out “My Big Fat Cool Menorah Collection“!

Check out my documented moving stories of how Jewish U.S. Soldiers celebrated Chanukah while they were fighting in World War II in Europe and the South Pacific.


On another note, I’m often asked the proper pronunciation of the holiday’s name and why the many spellings. As I mentioned above, it’s transliterated from Hebrew. And the word begins with a “Ch” sound, which is similar to the noise you get from clearing your throat. It’s not an “h” sound, but most Gentiles–and now, many Jews–are unable to pronounce the “ch” sound. As for the two “n”s or two “k”s, those are irrelevant, as it’s all about transliteration and phonetics. There is no right way to spell “Chanukah” in English.

On Chanukah, it’s also custom to play a game with a spinning top, called a dreidel. The dreidel has four different Hebrew letters on each side, which are the initials for a Hebrew phrase, Nes Gadol Hayah Sham, which means, “A Great Miracle Happened There [Here, if you’re in Israel].” And as I noted above, we eat the latke potato pancakes. In Israel, they eat sufganiyot–jelly-filled donuts.

Again, to all of my Jewish readers and friends, I wish you a spiritual and meaningful Chanukah. I hope the holiday has the same meaning for you that it does for me–of victory over those who would destroy us.


Chanukah Dreidel

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50 Responses

Well I can tell you that Marvin celebrated tonight by ordering C13 Combination Plate from China City…

Happy Chanukah Debbie!

StinkyBird on December 8, 2012 at 10:15 pm

Thank you for the post, Debbie. Happy Chanukah to Debbie and all the Jewish readers here as well as to any other readers here who celebrate the Holiday.

JeffE on December 8, 2012 at 10:24 pm

Happy Hanukkah to you Debbie and to some of your jewish fans/supporters, and I am aware of the history and the formation of judiasm, no the jewish faith isn’t perfect, but it’s had it’s history of violence, misogyny, homophobia, etc., just like christianity, islam and all faiths practiced today. But thankfully, judiasm has been REFORMED for hundreds of years and living in a modern secular society of today’s world. And the samething can’t be said for islam, which either needs to reform and accomodate with today’s world or be removed from society if they refuse to reform!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on December 8, 2012 at 10:50 pm

Happy Hanukkah to Debbie and the Jewish fans of Debbie’s blog! May the today’s Maccabees preserve to fight on and keep the lights of remembrance and tradition on for all times.

Bob on December 8, 2012 at 11:45 pm

Thank you for not calling Chanukah the “Festival of Lights.” The name means “Re-dedication,” as in Chanukat Hamizbe’ach, the re-dedication of the Temple in Jerusalem.

The fact is, there is no time in Judaism where we celebrate lights. The “Festival of Lights” idea is nothing more than the modern secularists, where were defeated by the Maccabees, trying to change the meaning of Chanukah, removing the fact that the Maccabees were the religious who defeated the secularists.

Let’s face it. If Chanukah is the “Festival of Lights” then Christmas is the “Festival of Indoor Pine Trees.”

Fred Taub on December 9, 2012 at 12:36 am

Happy Channukah Debbie! Great post.

Zelda on December 9, 2012 at 1:11 am


Wish you & all your Jewish readers a very happy Chanukah!

Infidel on December 9, 2012 at 1:49 am

And then we can thank Walmart for this epic fail.

Italkit on December 9, 2012 at 2:35 am

Debbie Schlussel

ZAWISZA on December 9, 2012 at 3:22 am

    Debbie stands up for herself in the face of anti-Semites and Israel haters.

    Many Jews have still not left Egypt and Hellenism behind as she points out in her article and they are not truly free.

    Jews take freedom for granted and most of them know nothing of dignity and self-respect. Which is why your kind can walk all over them.

    One day that will change and then Hanukkah will truly mean something to every Jew in the world.

    NormanF on December 9, 2012 at 5:29 am

    You make an excellent case for why she should respect Poland.

    skzion on December 9, 2012 at 11:34 am

      (referring to ZAWISZAW)

      skzion on December 9, 2012 at 11:36 am


    I grew up in Chicago (earth’s largest Polish city) in the 1960s, peppered with Polack jokes-we weren’t so PC back then. Over time, America’s poles in their industry and decency exposed the lie of the jokes.

    Your vulgarity, coarseness, anti-semitism and ignorance could start a revival. Your mother should be so proud of her little troglodyte.

    Pete on December 9, 2012 at 4:51 pm

Happy Chanukah

dave on December 9, 2012 at 4:46 am

Its the only Jewish holiday that is post-Exilic. Its the only one that is not mentioned in the entire Hebrew Bible.

For some reason, the rabbis saw fit not to include the Books of the Maccabees in the canon – most likely for political rather than spiritual reasons, out of a desire to avoid offending the Romans after the Jews lost two revolts.

Another Sanhedrin could reopen the canon and include them because its history Jews deserve to know rather than hide from their children. The exclusion of the books from the Hebrew Bible testifies to the fear that grips that Jewish heart – a fear of others’ disapproval.

As long as that exists, celebrating Hanukkah will not set the Jewish people free. True freedom is in the mind as well as in the body and the Jewish people have yet attain it in this world.

NormanF on December 9, 2012 at 5:23 am

    I believe that Purim is also not mentioned, and occurred when the Jews were in Persia. The book of Esther is not part of the Bible.

    Jonathan E. Grant on December 9, 2012 at 11:43 am

      Um, excuse me Jon, it most certainly is part of the TaNaKh, although not the Torah. The Torah is only the first FIVE books. Try looking in the Writings and BTW, the edict to celebrate Purim is indeed in there.
      Esther comes right before Daniel.

      Italkit on December 9, 2012 at 12:40 pm


      The Book Of Esther is in the Hebrew Bible and relates an event during the Exile in which the Jews faced the danger of anti-Semitism. This was before the Persians allowed them to return to the Land Of Israel and rebuild the Temple.

      Purim therefore has biblical warrant and Hanukkah doesn’t. The same is true of the latter for the Ethiopian Jewish holiday, Sigd, which commemorates the Jewish people receiving the Torah scroll from Nehemiah. But the 29th of Cheshvan is a national holiday in Israel.

      NormanF on December 9, 2012 at 3:43 pm

Debbie – Happy Chanukah to you and all of your Jewish readers.

Road Warrior on December 9, 2012 at 6:53 am

When my son was in a public elementary school in the 70s in Texas, a Jewish boy gave each of his classmates a dreidel and explained Chanukah to the class. Today this would not be allowed.

Happy Chanukah!

Gracie on December 9, 2012 at 8:40 am

thank you Debbie well said 2 weeks ago i spent a shabbot weekend i have been away from my jewish roots for a long time i guess im todays maccabe i fought many battles with jew haters
todays liberals are willing to give away evrything

martin on December 9, 2012 at 9:37 am

Happy Chanukah Debbie! You’re a true Maccabee for our times!

Sean M on December 9, 2012 at 9:56 am

Thank you Debbie for pointing out the real meaning of Chanukah and its relevance today. Unfortunately today’s Hellenists have turned this wonderful celebration of the victory of good over evil into a pale imitation of Christmas.

Jerry G on December 9, 2012 at 10:16 am

Thanks for the history lesson, Debbie. Happy Chanukah.

samurai on December 9, 2012 at 10:19 am

Happy Chanukah everyone.

Not to worry. The Jewish population in the US is undergoing a radical change. For example, 74% of Jewish children in NYC are modern Orthodox, Hasidim, Haredi, etc.

The liberal Jews who have dominated American Jewish political and cultural life for so long will not in the future.

Adam on December 9, 2012 at 10:45 am

1. Happy Chanukah everybody.

2. Hey ZAWISZA , choke on a perogie. 🙂

annelid on December 9, 2012 at 1:20 pm

Happy Hanakah!
I just wanted to add that my Church, (Catholic & I think the Orthodox) have the books of Maccabees in the canon & always have. They were removed during the Protestant revolt with the reason that the Jewish people didn’t have it so neither should they. I learned of it & read it when I converted. It is an amazing story & I wish everyone could know it. I even used the name in my family because it is so strong.
Have a blessed year

lisa on December 9, 2012 at 1:32 pm

Debbie: the modern equivalent of the Hellenizers are not Jews who appease or flatter the Jews’ Arab or Muslim enemies.

They are those who were (in pre-WW2 Germany or Austria) in love with the German or Austrian Gentile culture of Aufklärung and ‘universalism’; those all over the world throughout the 19th and 20th centuries, and very much with us in England today, who are equally in love with how ‘civilized’ England is supposed to be, and trying to make Jews turn from the G-d of Israel to the idols of the ‘Public’ School; generally, those Jews who are seduced away from values arising deep within Jewish tradition, by falling in love with the values of the Gentile civilization in which they happen to be sojourning.

Appeasement or flattery of the Jews’ Arab or Islamic enemies is a symptom, not the disease – hatred of what constitutes Jewishness, its referring within Jewish tradition, and Jewish tradition only, to find what is eternally true and right, will characterize all non-Jewish civilizations until the end of humanity itself. These ‘Hellenizers’ begin not by loving the Arabs or Muslims, but by wanting to be German or English or whatever Gentile culture is currently high-prestige – and these are people who will always want the Jews, all Jews everywhere, dead. The Arabs or Muslims are their currently chosen agents: the non-Arab, non-Muslim people of most countries today are too ‘politically correct’ to want to do this ‘salutary’ work themselves.

I haven’t been to America since 1981. I wonder whether the US, as thank G-d it so often has done, still marks an exception.

Yohnitzl on December 9, 2012 at 1:38 pm

The Seleucids were not Assyrian Greeks or Greek Assyrians. This is a common error. The Assyrians were defeated by Babylon and consigned to the ash heap of history several centuries before the events leading to the Maccabean rebellion. Antiochus IV Epiphanes and the Seleucid Empire were located in Syria, the area north of Eretz Yisrael, not Assyria, which was in present-day Iraq, well east of Israel.

Heshy R on December 9, 2012 at 2:56 pm

Chag Samaeach, Debbie, and to all your followers as well.

This blog was particularly well said. Historically, I have often been struck with the realization that the Jews greatest enemies have come from within. Quel triste.

J. T.

jack teller on December 9, 2012 at 3:00 pm

Alexander The Great conquered the Persian Empire and brought Greek ideas and culture with him to the lands he conquered, ushering in the Hellenistic World.

The Jews were first under the rule of the Ptolemies of Egypt and then under the rule of the Seleucids of Syria. After Alexander’s death, his empire was divided among his generals.

Jews admired Greek rationalism and the beauty of life through a philosophical understanding of existence. But they rejected the Greek worship of the body and Greek paganism.

The Jews had a parting of the ways with the Greeks on the latter issues and the fact the Jews won their independence and the right to worship G-d is why they are here today.

NormanF on December 9, 2012 at 3:34 pm

Sister Debbie,

Have a blessed and happy Chanukah. Mat the Lord return these days on all of us in joy and peace.

G. R. SCHAROUBIM on December 9, 2012 at 4:23 pm

Add me to the list of your positive and compassionate fans in wishing you a Happy Chanukah. May this coming year bring you some peace and joy in life.

Rochelle on December 9, 2012 at 4:27 pm

Chanukah sameach Debbie and thanks once again for a job well done.

Naomi R on December 9, 2012 at 5:39 pm

I’ve only just recently become acquainted with what you do and how extraordinarily well you do it and what clarity and focus you have. You are a Treasure, a very real beacon of light and truth to all my fellow Jews and to non-Jews as well.
God Bless & Chag Sameach.

Jack Heller on December 9, 2012 at 10:42 pm


Back Then:
“The ‘piece de resistance’ of Judaean Hellenization, and the most dramatic of all these developments, occurred in 175 BCE, when the high priest Jason converted Jerusalem into a Greek polis replete with gymnasium and ephebeion (2 Maccabees 4).


jimmyPx on December 10, 2012 at 12:06 pm

As you know…

Chanukah marks the last time the Jews won a war and the world didn’t whine about “the injustice of it all.”

May THIS miracle repeat itself; soon in our days.


There is NO Santa Claus

There is NO Santa Claus on December 10, 2012 at 12:37 pm

Schlussel said: “Judaism that really isn’t historically or religiously Jewish, such as eating deli food, giving their lives for the rights of Blacks who hate them, and pandering to Muslims and hosting Israel-haters at synagogues.”

Welcome to our side Schlussel. Now I’m sure we’ll defeat this black infestation.

FrenchKiss on December 10, 2012 at 1:19 pm

Blacks, with a few exceptions here and there have been characterized by a murderous lack of impulse control and a “something for nothing” economics, which amounts to theft either by their own hand or that of the State. Someday, Jews, if they have self-respect, will cease giving aid and comfort to their “civil rights” organizations.

Seek on December 10, 2012 at 4:28 pm

I noticed you labeled race (Black) and religion (Muslims) as though the two groups are anti-Jewish en masse. What race or religion are the Israel-haters that are hosted at the synagogues, White Christians perhaps? But you didn’t label them now did you?

Bywaterboy on December 10, 2012 at 6:01 pm

Being an old infidel, heretic and former Southern Baptist, I’ll just wish everyone the joys of this holiday season, regardless of what you believe or don’t. To Muslims … grow a brain stem and get a life. And, Debbie, you’re a fellow warrior and that’s all that matters to me. A few million women like you and this whole f’ing mess would be straightened out forthwith! That being said, it’s time for us guys to start secreting some testosterone again!

Pray Hard on December 10, 2012 at 9:26 pm

Belated Happy Chanukah to all Jews. From your Muslim Friend.

Mohamed on December 13, 2012 at 6:47 am

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