November 27, 2012, - 3:40 pm
Top Norwegian Youth Politician, Bro of Breivik Victim Wishes for More Jewish Holocaust Deaths; “F-ing Jew Whores”
When I wrote that I didn’t shed a single tear for the Jew-hating, anti-Israel, pro-HAMAS “victims” of Anders Breivik’s Norwegian killing spree, I was attacked all over the place and lectured by the speech police that these were merely “innocent youths.” Well, now, we have more proof–in addition to their anti-Israel, anti-Semitic, and pro-HAMAS activities–that these “kids” weren’t worth a single iota of sympathy. Khalid Haji Ahmed, the brother of one of those killed by Breivik, is a top youth politician in Norway and has been hailed as the face of Norway’s future. Last week, he called Jews “F–ing Jew Whores,” and wished that Hitler murdered more than six million Jews in the Holocaust. He wrote “best of luck eight times over” to fellow Norwegian youth activists who wrote on Facebook that they wish Hitler killed more Jews.
But, now, he claims, “Just Kidding!” Riiiight. ‘Cuz that’s sooooo damned funny. Oh, and in case the name didn’t give it away, he’s Muslim and a Yemeni immigrant to Norway. Yes, sadly, that is the future of this disgusting Scandinavian country that will soon be a satellite state of Greater Arabia.
Aspiring Norwegian politician Khalid Haji Ahmed said he was only joking when he wished “best of luck eight times over” to activists who wrote on Facebook that they wished Adolf Hitler could kill more Jews.
Screen shots made by Hamar Arbeiderblad, a local newspaper, show Ahmed responding on Facebook to a post that read “Damn [DS: actually it said “F–ing“] Jew whores, wish Hitler could come back and shower you some more.”
The Facebook conversation took place last week between members of the Workers’ Youth League, Norway’s largest youth movement, which is affiliated with the country’s ruling Labor Party.
Ahmed, the youth movement’s regional secretary in southeast Norway, is quoted as telling the news site Nettavisen that his comment was “ironic.”
And the “irony” is . . . ?
Ahmed, whose family came to Norway from Yemen, is quoted as telling The New York Times last year that he decided to join the youth movement and become politically active to “fight racism” after his brother, also a member of the youth movement, was killed in 2011 by Anders Behring Breivik on the island of Utoya.
So, are you still crying over these “victims” of Anders Breivik? Guess what? I’m doubly proud to continue not to shed a single tear. I never cry for my enemies’ destruction. Turning the other cheek ain’t part of my religion. Sorry.
Even more sorry that Norway, like the rest of the continent once bending over for Nazis, is now, like the rest of that continent, now bending over for Muslims. And the damage is irreparable. It’s not if, but when. And the when is coming pretty soon. Ahmed and his ilk know that.
From Quisling to Al-Quisling. Same difference, except that the second one can’t be defeated because the world would rather bend over than fight.
That Was Then . . .
This Is Now . . .
Tags: Al-Quisling, Anders Behring Breivik, anti-Semites, anti-Semitism, F--king Jew Whores, Hamar Arbeiderblad, Hamas, Islam, Israel, Jews, Jihad, Khalid Haji Ahmed, Labor Party, Norway, Quisling, Regional Secretary, Utoya, Workers' Youth League, Yemen
Debbie, I to remembered over a year ago that you where attacked by PC ”Thought-Police” scumbags when you wrote those pieces about the Norway shootings. My assumption is that probably Media Matters forwarded your two Norway articles to different websites on the net from all political persuations?
Of course what Breivk did was pure evil, but st the sametime, the folks who he killed supported jewish peoples demise (such as yourself DS). But this Yemense muslim prick said that he’s midding around, bro, enough of the taqqjya BS, you clearly meant that when you called jewish people whores.
”A nation is definrd by its borders, language & culture!”
Sean R. on November 27, 2012 at 3:54 pm