November 13, 2012, - 3:16 pm
Iranian Muslim Who Plays “Homeland” Terrorist Abu Nazir Says “Islamic Terrorists Are the Heroes!” VIDEO (Obama’s FAVE show)
I’ve already told you that Showtime’s “Homeland” and its actors and producers are sympathetic to Islam and Islamic terrorists. They’ve said so. Now, the Iranian Muslim actor who plays the major Islamic terrorist leader on Showtime’s “Homeland” says that Islamic terrorists are “heroes.” No wonder it’s Barack Obama’s Favorite TV show.

Life Imitates Art: Navid Negahban a/k/a “Homeland’s” Abu Nazir Says Terrorists Are “Heroes”
When “24” was still on the air, the Greek actor who played a major Islamic terrorist leader during one of its last seasons praised and sympathized with PLO and other Palestinian terrorists, saying he “understood their plight.” That counterterrorism series was produced by a lot of the same people, all of them liberals. And, so, it’s no surprise that Navid Negahban, the Iranian Muslim who plays Abu Nazir, “Homeland’s” version of Osama Bin Laden, thinks that Islamic terrorists are “the heroes.” Yup, this is the world we live in: we give awards, high ratings and huge salaries to Iranian a-holes who think Islamic terrorists are heroes. Schmuck.
Check out the video . . .
WE FOUND ABU NAZIR!!! (or at least the guy who plays him on “Homeland”) … and last night, he made a very interesting comment about terrorists.
TMZ came face to face with Navid Negahban in Hollywood last night — who seems to be a much nicer guy than the Osama Bin Laden-esque bad guy he plays on the hit Showtime series.
So, when we asked what it’s like to play such a hated terrorist, we were a little shocked by his answer:
“Depends on how you look at it,” Navid said … adding, “Sometimes the terrorists in other countries are all the heroes.”
The thing is, he’s saying what the majority in Hollywood–and Muslim America–also believe, but don’t have the guts to say (unless they’re Oliver Stone).
Like I already told you on this site, “Homeland” is a show for liberals who root for Islamic terrorists & blame America first. Again, that’s why it’s Barack Obama’s FAVORITE show.
Tags: Abu Nazir, Homeland, Iranian, Muslim, Muslim actors, Navid Negahban, Obama, Obamas, Terrorists are Heroes, Terrorists are the Heroes, video
Not surprised Debbie, you should see how many apologists on Twitter are saying the same that this fool is saying. Some even go so far to say that George Washington was a terrorist! This in order to say that the one’s terrorist is anothers freedom fighter. Oh can’t not go without saying that these jerk offs also include Ben Gurion and the founders of Israel were terrorists for what they did to the British after World War II.
Mario on November 13, 2012 at 3:25 pm