March 20, 2007, - 3:40 pm

OUTRAGE: Bush Renominates Terror Sympathizer, Porn Addict to Federal Bench

In my view, Attorney General Gonzalez didn’t fire enough of his U.S. Attorneys. Number one on that list should have been the U.S. Attorney for the Eastern District of Michigan,
Last year, I told you all about him, when (for the Sixth Circuit), the second highest court in the nation.
Murphy is a well-known sympathizer with Islamic terrorist groups, saying he thinks Hezbollah is just a humanitarian organization, despite the fact that the group murdered hundreds of Americans. Attorneys who worked with him at the U.S. Attorney’s office also said he is a porn addict, who wasted the day away showing them online porn, while on the U.S. taxpayer payroll. And he’s just plain in competent, turning down important cases, and losing so many other ones, including the embarrassing Barnwell decision.

U.S. Attorney Stephen Murphy: Don’t Let Him on the U.S. Court of Appeals

Murphy made racist statements against Black Republicans and a Black Bush Administration official in the presence of several parties. And he praised an anti-Semitic, Holocaust denying disciple of Ayatollah Khomeini.
Though he is the U.S. Department of Justice’s chief official in the heart of Islamic America, he has the WORST prosecution rate of terrorism cases of any U.S. Attorney in the nation. Top that off with the fact that he hung out with and praised officials of charities that funded Al-Qaeda and HAMAS; and he allowed Hezbollah financiers to flee the country.
Given these things and protests by many Republicans, we thought the Murphy nomination was dead in the water after the Senate did not vote on it and it expired. But don’t accuse President of never making the same mistake twice. After all, he’s the one who couldn’t get the “fool me once, fool me twice” saying right.
Bush has, indeed, been fooled twice–he renominated Stephen Murphy a/k/a “Abu Porno” to the Federal Court of Appeals bench, yesterday. President Bush made a big political mistake renominating Murphy. It will come back to haunt him. Too bad Bush didn’t heed the famous words of “The Who”: “Don’t get fooled again.”
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9 Responses

Its just amazing how all these people show praise for a man (Ayatollah Khomeini)who said that its perfectly ok to enjoy sexual pleasure with a child or animal. No rational thinking person could support such things.

the_don on March 20, 2007 at 4:40 pm

I repeat, Bush is an idiot. He is asleep at the wheel. Either that or he’s not serious about Islamofascism. Or, he is an idiot AND he’s weak on terrorism. Incompetant–can’t even manage the legitimate firing of US Attorneys.

lexi on March 20, 2007 at 5:34 pm

Bush and almost all our political leaders don’t get it when it comes to dealing with our Islamist enemies. They’re too worried about offending various ethnic and religious groups. Maybe they’ll wake up to see the sword of Islam when it’s held against their necks. By then, it may be too late.

FreethinkerNY on March 20, 2007 at 5:36 pm

How shocking. Bush just recently appointed Shalalah, a notorious liberal commi – pinko lesbian in a similar position as far as I can recall ( help me out here). Before you can say White House, he will nominate Rosie O’Donnel as Secretary of State if Condi quits her job or gets dismissed by Bush. Soon the White House will be renamed to Porn House if Bush continues with this nomination madness of perverts like Murphy. He is heading in that direction anyways. Its only a matter of stopping him.

Jew Chick on March 20, 2007 at 6:40 pm

Here’s something that might cheer you up I ran across tonight.
UK schools given veil ban powers

PsychoKat on March 20, 2007 at 7:21 pm

Who recommended Abu Porno to Bush for the job in question? Somebody is not doing their respective job vetting this vomit. I can proudly say that Bush has way to many cronies that should should be out cleang up after the Whitehouse pet. Well actually,I should think that cleaning kennels and stables might be better for natinal security.

warpmine on March 20, 2007 at 8:58 pm

The “job” of President is more than any one human can deal with. A dysfunctional staff results in faulty decisions. If Bush had any guts, he fired them all, starting with Rove. Then put in place the best possible people and do something with his remaining few days. G-d, (not Allah), save us from pure politics and an asleep electorate. But Bush is a wimp. It is time for his mother to take him to the woodshed. How did we get into this mess- Kerry or Bush. Frying pan or fire.

Happiness Pursuer on March 21, 2007 at 8:15 am

Happiness Pursuer’s theory seems to be logical.
I’m no Republican fan, they seem to be a lessor of evils, but lack of the use of a bully pulpit (think Teddy Roosevelt here) is strange in my way of thinking. Bush comes across as a wimp, and probably is.
He must be getting bad advice from everywhere, and isn’t smart enough to know it. Makes you wonder who is in control, or if incompetence rules. The military seems to confirm (VA hospital fiasco) they are career idiots. If they can’t run a hospital, how can they run a war?

Dr.Dale on March 21, 2007 at 9:07 am

Dude looks like he was separated at birth from Randy on the “My name is Earl” show.

Walt from michigan on March 22, 2007 at 9:41 am

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