October 5, 2012, - 4:08 pm

Janet Jackson Converts to Islam to Marry Qatari Billionaire – Halal “Abda” Cha-Ching

By Debbie Schlussel

Maybe she should change her name to Hamida Jackson. Or Halal Gold Digger.

Janet Jackson has converted to Islam, just like her Farrakhan acolyte bro, Jermaine Jackson (father to Jermajesty), in order to marry her Qatari billionaire fiance, Wissam Al Mana. Now, she will know what it’s like to be treated like an “abda”–a slave–since that’s how they look at Black people in the Muslim world. Yes, even the Jacksons.

Janet Jackson w/ Muslim Future “Mr. Jackson If You’re Nasty” Wissam Al Mana

Most White Muslims refer to Blacks–yes, even Black Muslims–as “abeed.” Literally it means “slaves” in Arabic, but it’s derogatory and the Arabic version of the N-word. “Abed” is the singular version of the word, and “abda” is the female version of the word. There is tremendous racism against Black people in the Islamic world, which is why they continue to slaughter Blacks in Sudan. First, the Sudanese Arab Muslims raped, tortured, and slaughtered the Black Christians, and then–when there were almost no Christians left, they began to rape, torture, and slaughter the Black Muslims of Sudan (and, when Muslims were being murdered, George Clooney and Angelina Jolie suddenly got concerned).

Hmmm . . . I wonder if the consistently hypocritical “Islamic modesty” will apply to Janet–er, “Sheikha Jackson if you’re nasty,” which the religion and people she’s marrying into certainly are. She’s already gotten a lot of practice wearing a hijab, as the photos above and below show (and don’t forget that her late brother Michael loved wearing the Muslim full ninja, the burqa). Also, will she be the only wife? Well, now that her music career has been over for several decades and her lawsuit to get Michael Jackson’s money away from his kids and into her pockets isn’t going anywhere, a chick’s gotta find a way to keep herself in style. And if ya can’t beat the jihad, join ’em–that’s the ticket, right? File under, Hypocritical Gold-Digger Women We’d Like to See in a Burqa.

Janet Jackson and her fiancΓ© Wissam Al Mana are reportedly planning to get married in Doha, Qatar in 2013.

The couple hope to tie the knot in Doha where the billionaire was born and are making arrangements for the ceremony to take place in 2013.

Janet and Wissam will be wedded in a Muslim ceremony. A renown [DS: sic] Turkish author, Adnan Oktar (aka Harun Yahya), is also making the claim that the 46-year-old Janet Jackson has converted to Islam β€” as did her brother, Michael Jackson β€” and is choosing to keep her new religion a secret from her fans.

According to an insider the wedding will be “one of the biggest, most memorable extravaganzas in recent history”.

The source added to National Enquirer magazine: “They have tentatively set a late 2013 wedding date. But they are still working out the details and the exact day.”

They will reportedly spend $3 million to fly in their 500 wedding guests from all over the world, while Wissam wants to give all attendees a $10,000 Rolex watch each as a thank you for attending.

The insider added: “Wissam is going to splash big when he marries Janet. It’s going to be the wedding of the century.”

Janet and Wissam allegedly got engaged last year after Wissam, a billionaire whose family has extensive reaches in the real estate and media spheres, proposed to her with a stunning 15 carat diamond ring. The couple met in December of 2009 after Janet gave a special performance in the Middle East and the rest, so it seems, is history. The couple was supposedly shooting for a 2011 wedding, but they ultimately tempered their excitement and chose to hold off for a couple of years so they could have time to plan the festivities.

Janet has been dating Wissam – who is almost a decade younger than her – since summer 2010.

Hey, I wonder how her song, “Twenty Foreplay,” goes over in Greater Savagestan. Praise allah. Islam just got the most used piece of equipment in the Jackson gym to “revert” to Islam.

Well, now, she can revise one of her hit songs to reflect her new religion, “The No Pleasure Principle.”

Michael Jackson, Burqa Style . . .

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520 Responses

And also, when I was in high school I dated a Muslim guy named Ray. He really cared for me and I for him. He took me to his home when they were celebrating one of the many days Muslims celebrate and Janet had better get ready for celebrating allot. Ray showed me how to properly wear Hijab and I went in the kitchen with the ladies and his sister gave me a plate of food and something to drink. The men were in the front room watching soccer and smoking and talking in Farsi. They were nice to me, with my skin looking more like chocolate milk compared to their skin that was tanned to a beautiful caramel mixed with coconut milk in the California sun. I didn’t feel any hatred in that house that day. And I might add that in Southern California, most wealthy Iranian (Persian) women do not cover, especially not full cover because they are to busy showing off their designer clothes and shoes that their surgeon, dentist and fabulously wealthy husbands buy for them. In the end I married a wealthy Nigerian and Ray, he married a Persian girl.

Lisa Bates-Akinfolarin on January 25, 2013 at 11:00 pm

Just saying? What happened to her relgion of Jahovah? How can you a woman such as herself become a muslium when Janet has been nude on several occasions,a bit revealing laying around naked,to me she is just a hypocrite and just doing it for the billions of dollars I hope the diamonds are not blood diamonds on her black African sister and brothers

Thomasina on January 27, 2013 at 8:35 pm

    (When Allah’s help and triumph comes).Those who are talking about her nackedness they do not know islam 4gives what ever sin b4 him.

    AUWAL IBRAHIM on April 9, 2013 at 5:23 pm

Its her problem she convert πŸ™‚ Much people convert to islam now i seen it, me too i convert to Islam, and im more happy…

Leila on January 29, 2013 at 8:50 pm

    may Allah (God) bless you and welcome to Islam sister ^_^ I’m glad that you found the light of Islam, the light of truth, and I hope I can help you if you ever need any πŸ™‚
    My email address is: nihad_gd@yahoo.com

    Nihad on February 12, 2013 at 4:55 pm

    So you will also be happy and acceting, if say your daughter or son or cdlose relative or close friend converted out of Islam to say, christianity, Judaism, Buddism, whatever? No in fact the happiness only accepts converts to Islam, not converts out of Islam. Then the intolerance begins.

    Hajar on September 18, 2013 at 2:32 pm

Janet, I really pray for you and continue to pray for the perseverance of your faith but you can face many criticism from various work of life,how ever people consider religious issue very sensitive otherwise some people kill innocent people to be come rich, some engaged in prostitution,blue film for money then why people talk about you, my advice is on your propose husband if he ill treat you because of his riches God has authority over him .

ALI BELLO DANKOLO on February 3, 2013 at 8:27 am

why do many people convert to islam now days?

mafreys on February 9, 2013 at 8:47 am

    I have three words for you whish is READ , READ , read .I promise you that you ‘ll find out why =)

    soular on February 15, 2013 at 2:30 pm

    Its written in the holy bible that in the last days many will depart from the faith,giving heed to doctrines of demons an seducing spirits. So don’t be surprised. Besides janet wasn’t a christian for real so the issue of conversion doesn’t arise.

    kweme on February 26, 2013 at 4:43 pm

      Assalamulaikum friend. You say that in the last days people will heed to doctrines of demons”. I need to correct you. Islam can not be a religion supporting demon or Satan because Islam itself orders its followers to remain away from worshiping Satan, because Satan is our open enemy. So, how can you say Islam is a religion of devils, when Islam is asking its followers to worship one GOD and no one else.
      My request is when you do not know about Islam, don’t make such comments. Read Quran, to find a clearer answer. We love everyone, we don’t hate anyone. Thanks, ALLAH bless

      Answer to Kweme on June 18, 2013 at 11:45 am

The writer of this article is sad…. before you write, please please know what you’re talking about.. I have lived in the ME for almost 30 years, and what you are saying is ridiculous… yes, there is prejudice everywhere in the world… but your take is downright incorrect.

Mia on February 12, 2013 at 3:49 am

To Debbie Schlussel:

I see, from your bio, you have some education in the field of law and jurisprudence. Being an attorney, you must know that before charging and accusing somebody of something in the case of your article – writing such a nonsense about racial discrimination in Muslim community, before charging and accusing you must put accurate evidence, proof, facts of those words.

Right here I will give you and all readers and comment writers accurate evidence, proof, facts of my words.

—– Proof —–
There is no racial and other type of discrimination in Islam because Islam is the religion sent to mankind, humanity, to all people, to the children of Adam and Eve.

PROOFS From Quran:

Sura #2, verse #2:
“This is the Book (Quran) about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah”
– in this verse words “for those” proves that Islam is for all mankind

Sura #2, verse #2:
“O mankind, worship your Lord (Allah), who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous”
– in this verse words “O mankind” proves that Islam is for all mankind

There are a lot of such kind of verses in Quran, if you read it you will find!!!

PROOFS From Sunnah – Prophets lifestyle and history:

In Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilal_ibn_Rabah_al-Habashi
you will read:
Bilal ibn Rabah[1] (Arabic: ???? ?? ?????) or Bilal al-Habashi (AD 580-640) was an African of Ethiopian heritage companion of Islamic prophet Muhammad, born in Mecca who is considered as the first muezzin (caller to prayer by his voice) chosen by the prophet himself.
Bilal Ibn Rabah, was an emancipated slave of key importance in Islam. He is said to have been one of the most trusted and loyal Sahabah (companion) of Muhammad. His respected stature during the birth of Islam is often cited by Muslims as evidence of the importance of pluralism and racial equality in the foundations of the religion.
He was among the emancipated slaves freed by Abu Bakr (see Muhammad’s views on slavery) and was known for his beautiful voice with which he called people to their prayers. His name can also be known as, “Bilal ibn Riyah” or “ibn Rabah” and he is sometimes known as “Bilal al-Habashi” or “Bilal the one from Habesha (today’s Ethiopia)”.[2] He died sometime between 638 to 642, when he was just over sixty years old.
Edward Wilmot Blyden, himself a black man and former slave, wrote in 1874:
“The eloquent Adzan or Call to Prayer, which to this day summons at the same hours millions of the human race to their devotions, was first uttered by a Negro, Bilal by name, whom Mohammed, in obedience to a dream, appointed the first Muezzin or Crier. And it has been remarked that even Alexander the Great is in Asia an unknown personage by the side of this honoured Negro.[8]”

That is all said!!!
If you do not admit that you was wrong by writing such an offensive article and bring your pardon, apology, excuse to all Muslim Community then you will be surely determined and identified as Enemy of Islam and Enemy of Muslim Community and your action is to be identified as provocation and war against them!!!

Quran. Sura #2, verse #23:
“And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah , if you should be truthful.”
Quran. Sura #2, verse #24:
“But if you do not – and you will never be able to – then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.”

Azizjon on February 12, 2013 at 2:23 pm

    Well said brother! Such people need one thing only – they need to read an English translation of the Quran and that will do it all! It will show them the truth!

    Nihad on February 12, 2013 at 5:01 pm

    My advice to those who writes against islam is to find tym and learn about islam objectively may b there eyes will be opened to what islam actually preaches.

    Buhari on April 6, 2013 at 9:43 am

      I am now an atheist but what I want to say is that I don’t understand the Christian upset that Janet is becoming/converted? to Islam to marry this man. Most white christians don’t treat christians of colour with any respect besides making fun of them, so why should they both about Christianity or why do you expect coloureds to remain christian? It is your treatment of these people that is making them leave Christianity! People are whining about the hatred of Jews yet even today Christians hate Jews. As for Islam, she is being treated well now but wait till she lives in a real Islamic country like Saudi or Iran and is exposed to Shariah law and see how she feels as a woman. To give you an example, my “sister” is a moslem. I knew her since I was a child and now am an adult. The other day, these moslems from the subcontinent & afghanistan stated that when we talked Satan is there because she is a woman & I a man. I have only thought of her as a sister. Their verdict is for her to be stoned to death of have half of her face burnt for being so shameless in talking to me. According to them that is Shariah law which is God’s law and thus has to be carried out! I suppose you know what is best for you Janet. All I ask is that you don’t suffer coz I believe you and your brother are really special. Take care and good luck.

      Rian on June 23, 2013 at 9:59 am

To Debbie Schlussel:

I see, from your bio, you have some education in the field of law and jurisprudence. Being an attorney, you must know that before charging and accusing somebody of something in the case of your article – writing such a nonsense about racial discrimination in Muslim community, before charging and accusing you must put accurate evidence, proof, facts of those words.

Right here I will give you and all readers and comment writers accurate evidence, proof, facts of my words.

—– Proof —–
There is no racial and other type of discrimination in Islam because Islam is the religion sent to mankind, humanity, to all people, to the children of Adam and Eve.

PROOFS From Quran:

Sura #2, verse #2:
“This is the Book (Quran) about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah”
– in this verse words “for those” proves that Islam is for all mankind

Sura #2, verse #2:
“O mankind, worship your Lord (Allah), who created you and those before you, that you may become righteous”
– in this verse words “O mankind” proves that Islam is for all mankind

There are a lot of such kind of verses in Quran, if you read it you will find!!!

PROOFS From Sunnah – Prophets lifestyle and history:

In Wikipedia at http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilal_ibn_Rabah_al-Habashi
you will read:
Bilal ibn Rabah[1] (Arabic: ???? ?? ?????) or Bilal al-Habashi (AD 580-640) was an African of Ethiopian heritage companion of Islamic prophet Muhammad, born in Mecca who is considered as the first muezzin (caller to prayer by his voice) chosen by the prophet himself.
Bilal Ibn Rabah, was an emancipated slave of key importance in Islam. He is said to have been one of the most trusted and loyal Sahabah (companion) of Muhammad. His respected stature during the birth of Islam is often cited by Muslims as evidence of the importance of pluralism and racial equality in the foundations of the religion.
He was among the emancipated slaves freed by Abu Bakr (see Muhammad’s views on slavery) and was known for his beautiful voice with which he called people to their prayers. His name can also be known as, “Bilal ibn Riyah” or “ibn Rabah” and he is sometimes known as “Bilal al-Habashi” or “Bilal the one from Habesha (today’s Ethiopia)”.[2] He died sometime between 638 to 642, when he was just over sixty years old.
Edward Wilmot Blyden, himself a black man and former slave, wrote in 1874:
“The eloquent Adzan or Call to Prayer, which to this day summons at the same hours millions of the human race to their devotions, was first uttered by a Negro, Bilal by name, whom Mohammed, in obedience to a dream, appointed the first Muezzin or Crier. And it has been remarked that even Alexander the Great is in Asia an unknown personage by the side of this honoured Negro.[8]”

That is all said!!!
If you do not admit that you was wrong by writing such an offensive article and bring your pardon, apology, excuse to all Muslim Community then you will be surely determined and identified as Enemy of Islam and Enemy of Muslim Community and your action is to be identified as provocation and war against them!!!

Quran. Sura #2, verse #23:
“And if you are in doubt about what We have sent down upon Our Servant [Muhammad], then produce a surah the like thereof and call upon your witnesses other than Allah , if you should be truthful.”
Quran. Sura #2, verse #24:
“But if you do not – and you will never be able to – then fear the Fire, whose fuel is men and stones, prepared for the disbelievers.”

Azizjon on February 12, 2013 at 2:24 pm

The write of this article (Debbie Schlussel) seems to be living in a illusion and forgetting history. Debbie and anyone who supports her need to read some history of their own country before judging others. The treatment of Black Africans as slaves in the United States varied by time and place, but was generally brutal and degrading. Whipping, execution and sexual abuse including rape were common. Slaves were punished by whipping, shackling, hanging, beating, burning, mutilation, branding and/or imprisonment. Punishment was most often meted out in response to disobedience or perceived infractions, but slaves were also sometimes abused to assert the dominance of their master or overseer. The mistreatment of slaves frequently included rape and the sexual abuse of women. Many slaves were killed as a result of resisting sexual attacks. Enslaved people could not legally marry in any American colony or state. Colonial and state laws considered them property and commodities, not legal persons who could enter into contracts, and marriage was, and is, very much a legal contract.


Many people need to go and read about Islam more than what they see on TV or read in magazines. Read books from reliable sources. Islam is the FIRST and ONLY religion which includes women along side with man in their Holy Book. Read an English translation of the Quran and then come and judge Islam. This woman converted to Islam because it’s a choice she made for herself and this should be respected according to the constitution of the United States and the Bills of Rights which includes (The Right Of Religion).
No religion on Earth gives respect and consideration to women more than Islam! History proves that – please read well then judge other religions.
AND HEY! A message to all Americans! Where has each of you come from?? Africa?? Europe?? Australia?? Arabia?? NO ONE of you is a genuine American, you’re all immigrants and you KILLED and TERRORIZED the original Americans so stop acting innocent and asking Muslims to leave your country because it is NOT your country!
Assalamu Alaikum
United Kingdom

Nihad Kurdistan on February 12, 2013 at 5:15 pm

In islam “There is no honor for a white man over a black man, or for an Arab over a non-Arab except in piety”. By the way, this is a Hadith. Google it or ask muslims about it. don’t write things just like this, out of your head.

Ahmed on February 17, 2013 at 10:32 am

i’m muslim and i assure you that islam is not a religion of racism, in quran there’s the proof that there’s no difference in islam between black and white this is rubbish whoever wrote this article is so ignorant lol this is just stupid i can’t believe that people can attack a religion like that, i never said anything bad about any religion, we go to mecca to hadj together black and white and asians i have a black teatcher a black friend
and we never called them abed we say abed allah that means the slave of god and we call that every single muslim black and white even me it hurts my feeling when people try to ruin my religion’s image i watch movies now i’m watching lincoln i’m waiting for the oscars to watch it with my bff tomorrow but now i’m so hurt it’s so unfair yes janet is a gold digger and she shoudn’t have converted to a religion just because a stupid guy told her to but that doesn’t mean you have the right tomake people think that we are racist, i’m from algeria btw, i’m 18 and so feeling betrayed and hurt how could you do that πŸ™

houda on February 23, 2013 at 7:38 pm

    Debbie, you can get real evidence of the authenticity of islam from the bible itself if you are xtian. Look for the earlier versions of the bible bcoz the new ones have been revised to conceal such evidence. if you get one, then read deutronomy 18:15-18. it prophesises the coming of a prophet from the brethren of the followers of isaac. isaacs only brother was ismail whose line clearly leads to muhammad (s.a.w) in the the earlier bibles, even his name is mentioned as ahmed.

    hussein bode on August 9, 2013 at 2:14 pm

love and peace for all

houda on February 23, 2013 at 7:54 pm

Muslims are racist? But white Europeans of GERMAN? descent are not? I guess the Spanish conquistadors weren’t either when they attempted mass genocide in the Caribbeans and the Americas. You are an ignorant ass and I suspect that you don’t have many black friends either.

I am not Muslim and am actually converting to Judaism but I truly loathe when hateful animals like yourself attack other peoples religions and beliefs. If Janet Jackson wants to convert to Islam then so be it. It is no business of yours and quite frankly does not make her a gold digger. Perhaps maybe she actually loves the guy, ever consider that?

You are filled with hate. May God have mercy on you.

Noah on February 26, 2013 at 12:36 pm

    Well Said πŸ™‚

    Raxoor on October 11, 2013 at 4:50 pm

Bye Janet ~ take good care! Cya!

Melania on February 26, 2013 at 11:12 pm

i still think she looks better in jeans lol all the black garb over her head looks wrong after seeing most of her nude body all over the tv. oh well – good luck take really good care!

Melania on February 26, 2013 at 11:17 pm

May the peace and blessings of god be with you

Dear Friends

If we look at the religions of the world, one would realize that Islam is a religion loathed by the majority of people – what is the reason for this open enmity? If we scrutinize those who openly display their enmity towards Islam, we can categorize them into one of the following categories

1.Polytheists and ignorant, as Islam is the religion of truth which disallows worshipping and showing humility to anything other than Allah.

ALLAH says:
Say, [O Muhammad] ‘Is it other than Allah that you order me to worship, O ignorant ones? (39:64)

2.People who have animalistic and satanic desires, as Islam is a religion of chastity.

Allah says:

(And do not approach unlawful sexual intercourse (by avoiding all situations that might possibly lead to it). Indeed, it is ever an immorality and is evil as a way.) (17:32)

3.Those who scorn and belittle humanity and deem themselves a chosen race, as Islam is a religion of equality which fights all forms of racism and prejudice.

Allah says:

(O mankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of Allah is the most righteous of you. Indeed, Allah is Knowing and Acquainted. )(49:13)

4.Those who desire worldly life, as Islam is a religion of mutual support and mercy which fights exploitation of people’s needs and weaknesses.

Allah says:

(And do not consume one another’s wealth unjustly or send it [in bribery] to the rulers in order that [they might aid] you [to] consume a portion of the wealth of the people in sin, while you know [it is unlawful].) (2:188)

The natural religion of God Almighty is so clear in its resources ( i.e. the Quran and the traditions of Prophet Muhammad ( peace be upon him). Yet many people have not read Islam with open minds and hearts. There are countless false accusations about Islam. Some think that if a Muslim does something wrong, it must be Islam that has asked him to do so. Wrong !! God does not call people to do evil, mischief or commit wrong doings.

We need to discover Islam in its purity, entirety and from its authentic sources. (All the above are parts taken from Website:”KEY TO UNDERSTANDING ISLAM”

May Allah guide all those who seek true guidance.

nazeer on March 2, 2013 at 1:14 am

goodluck janet jackson

leonard nyamuchengwe on March 4, 2013 at 1:48 pm

whatt r u talkingg aboutt .. islamm is the only relegion that does not comparee people according to their skinn colorr or anythngg u should justt goo read the full translatioon nthnn sayy shitt likee thiss

minahil on March 8, 2013 at 9:13 am

this is not right muslims doesnt do racism it is not in islam religion ,even if some do u cant say that every human is angel and so humen do sins ,but in islam it has prevented from racism and these things thats is general in usa whatever ,do the research about what has islam said about racism then talk about it u know nothing and just speaking about it ,then if u judge according to that i have to say americans do the most racism ,they see black people low so do christians and jewish people ,so look it is not right to judge a religion according to a minor group of people especially those just are muslim just by thier names

maral on March 12, 2013 at 8:39 am


My name is Mrs Cruz Monic from London,
My decision to contact you today is because I got your email profile from your country’s Christian quest book, I’ m touched in my heart to know you ,when I was sharing my opinion about my heart desire.
I am in the hospital due to my cancer and my doctor told me that i will die in less than three months time so as the treatments is going on am looking for a friend who can take up my charity project that I have be wanting to start but at this moment I cannot do it since I have a severe case of Esophagus concerti would like to leave my life savings for a humanitarian organization or an individual who s’ willing to come up with a charity organization to cater for the less fortunes kids and orphans who have lost their parents due to natural causes and the person will take 30 percent of my funds for their effort and 70 will be used for the project. I grew up as an orphan and i don,t have family member or friend to trust to take care of this project. I will provide you with detailed information once you indicate your willingness. Please if you are not serious minded and cannot handle a project forget about contacting me I’ want a responsible fellow to do this job,
Yours in Christ.
Mrs,Cruz Monic ,

monic on March 13, 2013 at 1:30 pm

i cannot thank Allah enough for being born as Mulsim, although sometimes i envy people who cover islam ..

Mona.W on March 23, 2013 at 5:56 pm

she is an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!

orazio on March 26, 2013 at 3:29 am

Hahahahaha, you are very much mis-guided about Islam. Also, I have never read SO much misinformation about Muslim. ESPECIALLY what you have said about what they think about “black people” or “abda” I am not going to sit here and explain anything to anyone. Whoever wants the truth can do their own research. Jihad is not a holy war, and having more then one wife is not permitted…but people have raised these misconceptions so far out that they just beleive everything they hear.

Anyhow, this article is more garbage then it;s source…but hey, not your fault your extremely small minded and your knowledge and intelligence is extremely limited.

Raily on March 28, 2013 at 4:21 pm

If she’s a muslim now, that means she’s reverted to d religion with which she was born. Everybody was born a muslim, only that parents do initially determine d religion of a child. Jesus was a muslim, he preached submsion to only 1 God which is ISLAM. He never called wot he preached CHRISTIANITY and never addressed his followers as CHRISTIANS. Muh’d, just like Jesus was raised to preach d same islam n complete d msg . Islam (submsn to d supreme God) was nt named afta Muh’d. A muslim derives his name frm islam. God, guide d disbelievers to ur path.

Fadil abah on April 9, 2013 at 6:17 am

Please – do everyone a favour and learn, even the tiniest bit, about your subject matter.

It’s actually referred to as research.

Here, let me give you some for free.

Under Islamic beliefs, all men are created equally. This point was stressed in the prophet Mohammed’s final sermon.

Also, again under Islamic beliefs, the first man to enter paradise (heaven) on the day of judgement will be Bilal ibn Rabah. A black man.

So much for the slave theory !!

Nabs on April 9, 2013 at 6:45 am

We all have one common enemy, Ignorance!

Melvin Joseph King on April 9, 2013 at 11:03 am

@skunky, I think understand your impression towards islam. Its because of the different sorts of misconceptions and blackmailing by those people we have chosen to give our remote so as to control us. Every person who has some basic knowledge of God will immediately desire to enter paradise. The question now is “which way will lead to paradise”? My piece of advice is for you take time to inquire for a religion which is infallible and clearly evident to be the word of God, and I tell you it is ISLAM. If you try this, I believe inshallah you will be the next Janet.

luqman on April 9, 2013 at 6:28 pm

I’m disgusted with the way this article talks about Islam, shame on the person who wrote it because it has a lot of fault information about Islam that’s not even true, Islam means peace n Islam treats both black n white people equality and Islam was the first religion that saved thousand of black people from being slaved and the first religion to give woman their rights, its the media like this that loves to stereotype Islam out if jealousy, frustration n envy !

Nari on April 10, 2013 at 8:53 pm

Once the one became Muslim he will be equal to any Muslim regardless his color .

this is the true living fact will not vanish .

all of muslim rules implies to equalize them to each other

for the record the western world who is started slavery and still doing it in secret

Ibrahem Naser on April 17, 2013 at 3:24 am

Debbie, go f.uck yourself. Because it seems you’re frustrated by writing this article.

Mandy on April 20, 2013 at 5:52 pm

Ignorance. That is all I have to say about this article.

Justice on April 23, 2013 at 8:26 pm

Debbie you are very racist and a hater. If Janet is Happy with her life then let it be. I bet you would not be complaining if had married you. Know your history. The first man to call for Islamic prayer was black. You are a big racist and the fact that you are Jewish is sad, since the Jews have suffered so much. You should be a little more sympathetic to humanity…. Pathetic.

Al-Zaher on April 27, 2013 at 1:19 am

Why such a negative article? Even if she did convert, which honestly we don’t know….it’s her business. They said Islam is perfect not it’s people. I think most religions believe this as well.

Jenny the Jew on May 11, 2013 at 2:50 pm

Welcome to Islam Janet

Ismail Adamu Funtua on May 17, 2013 at 6:28 pm

The writer of this article made a great mistake by misunderstanding the muslim communtiy. Islam is a religion of Peace and Harmony. Not war and fight. dont confuse between muslims and other religions. NONE of the muslims treat , blck people as Slaves. And Janet Jackson , She has done a great Job converting to the right religion. don’t insult other religions while our religion said nothing about yours.

PEACE on May 22, 2013 at 8:28 pm

Dear sisters & brothers, when people revert to Muslim and once people say “there is no one God except Allah”, and Prophet Muhammad is Allah’s messenger” then Allah will forgiving all his/ her sins before revert and he/ she is clean from sins as new born baby …as long as we are still alive, Allah forgives all sins of Muslims…”Forgiveness is only incumbent on Allah towards those who do evil out of ignorance and then turn quickly (in repentance) to Allah.

Sal Mea on June 4, 2013 at 8:09 am

First to correct the author of this article:
In my experience, Muslims are not racist to skin color. They are prejudiced against what they term ‘kaffirs’ or infidels/unbelievers. They are prejudiced against people who don’t worship their god. In the ancient days, because it was considered improper to enslave a fellow believer in Islam, the next best source was African slaves who were not Muslim. But history has shown that they also enslaved ‘kaffir’ white people, blonde hair and all, when European ships would be wrecked on North African and Arabian coasts and the white crew immediately seized and sold into slavery (read about the Brig Commerce crew’s experiences). Even during the Crusades, captured Christian whites were enslaved by Muslim Arabs, as were Indians or anyone who refused to convert to Islam. Even today while the modern Arab world is no longer openly trading in slaves except in Sudan, just visit Dubai and see Emirati families walking around with Filipino maids and watch the maids always whisper ‘help me, rescue me” to understand what a non Muslim goes through. So the perceived racism is really to do with religion and not color. American whites struggle to see beyond color because of their history of massive inhuman trading in slaves in the past.

Muslims in the rich Arab countries also have a prejudice to do with wealth. The ones from Kuwait, the Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, Oman, some families in Saudi Arabia, some families from Jordan, a few Moroccans, Syrians, Algerians and Egyptians are considered to be in a different class from the ordinary poor Arabs from Pakistan, Yemen, Sudan and so forth. If a poor Arab boy from Yemen wants to marry an Emirati girl it’s virtually impossible unless he is highly educated. Her family will carefully consider the social standing of that family first. Poor girls can marry up if they are well groomed, educated like that Palestinian queen of Jordan. If she’s from a poor but respected family in religious circles she can marry up. Marriage is sometimes arranged especially outside the Arab world but lately the families in the wealthier parts of the Arab world are giving their sons more freedom to choose. So their prejudices are really no different from all other religions. To deny that there is prejudice in Muslims is to deny that they are human. I’m a Christian but I can assure you that Mitt Romney with all his Christian religion would be the first to refuse for his son to marry me.

As for Janet being called a gold digger, that is pathetic. She was already worth $150 million before this marriage; she was hardly starving. I’ve heard that Arab men although they swaddle their women in robes and scarves in public, they are very charming and seductive in private and buy their wives sexy stuff. My friend married a Saudi Arabian guy and she went from minis to a full Burqa (even the eyes have a net) but she’s happy and enjoys the marriage. I think this Qatari guy just turned on the charm and won her over. Being younger than his wife is not a major major issue in some Arabs; their prophet Muhammed had one of his wives older than him. The issue is to provide a male heir and if he doesn’t already have kids, Janet or another wife will have to.

The number of abusive Muslim men is no higher than abusive American males. We just think the women are abused because we see them covered up averting their gazes. Most of them pity us as much as we pity them. You must know that Muslims are from different cultural backgrounds and traditions. As much as I am a Christian, I grew up in a different culture from a Chinese Christian. If the Chinese Christian gets abused it doesn’t make Christianity an abusive religion. That American guy who kidnapped 3 young girls and raped them for years; he was a Christian. Should Muslims and Hindus gasp at the inhumanity of Christians?

As for Muslims, I think it’s pretty difficult for most non-Muslims to see your religion in a positive light as many recent crimes committed against innocents have been done in the name of Islam. Most Muslims always mention the inhumanity of the Crusaders 1000 years ago, but thats when Muslims were also forcibly converting people so with regards to that period, the atrocities cancel each other out. Please Muslims, take a stand against extremists in your religion as we do against the likes of George Bush.
Another thing hard to understand is the veneration of the Prophet Muhammad. I heard he married Aisha when she was 8 years old… Most Muslims I know do not like to speak of it as you can’t criticize the prophet, but it concerns me since in Yemen the marriage of young children is rampant and I watched old Muslim men being interviewed saying they are doing as the prophet did by marrying them young.
Also, Prophet Muhammad once recited some suras/scriptures in the Quran venerating 3 goddesses which is in opposition to the one God belief of Islam. Islam believes that Muhammad was perfect yet here he is honoring the goddesses of the unbelieving Meccans of the time who were won over to Islam by the prophet’s recognition of their pagan religion. These inconsistencies (goddesses and 8 year old Aisha) make it appear that it’s not all well in Islam and some things have been swept under the carpet.

JE on June 11, 2013 at 5:32 pm

All religion is BS to begin with. Some man madeup stuff to keep folks inline. Prayer works about as much as wishing, so who cares if she wants to dress up like Zorro.:-) As far as money,I think she’s pretty well off. Gold diggers tend to be broke. Go on the roof, so you can be closer and pray for a million $ and see what happens.:-)

edgre on June 19, 2013 at 12:19 pm

Phrase the allah subahana wataalLah..
I’m proud to be a muslim amin”
N i’m proud to ms. Janet jackson
No matter what” i always respect you dicition”
N to other’s muslim or non muslim
We shud respect wat ppols will
Its her destiny” we r not count buy
Age”’ no matter wat”
Its destiny” n i believe..

Amber Wee on June 25, 2013 at 1:44 pm

This guy should read more about Islam and that Islamic civilization have seen a great inter racial marriage in Africa. People may be racist but that is not what our religion dictate. For Janet Jackson only God knows about her intention and for the dark skinned, the royal have somehow connection based on previous history.
What irk me is how you have displayed your ingenious piece to which is a blank lie.

For Janet Jackson, i do not think if these royal are even religious they are Muslim as a culture born with. Does the Billionaire pray 2 rakaas ? not even the 5 daily prayers.

black on June 29, 2013 at 10:10 am

I am a Muslim woman who is also a displaced African living in America. I have come to realize that people are just people.
Every one has their opinion of what someone else does. In reality no one else’s opinion matters. The life we live is our own and when we die, we do so alone. What ever one’s decisions are in this life should be their own. I find it interesting how much people judge one another when ALLAH is our only judge. Our time on this earth (Dunya) is very short and our time in the hearafter eternal. Go for what you feel is right and remember the haters make you better.

Khadijah Labeebah on July 25, 2013 at 2:06 pm

Let’s not think that every time a person marries someone rich it is just for the money. (I denote sarcasm in some comments) Also, We are suppose to be worshipping the same God and man is the one who puts a name on religion just to distinguish it from another for instance 1st Baptist on DeVoy. Or after the founder. We are way too petty which keeps us from being what God wants us to be..lovingly and kindly to one another, forebearing and forgiveing. Many people will put their foot on your head when you fall to keep you there instead of reaching out a helping hand.

Mai7 on September 1, 2013 at 3:00 am

People…………………….GET A LIFE(including the editor of this article)!!! Sounds like a lot of misinformation and a lack of understanding about two people who love each another. Janet has her own wealth and dignity!!! When you all can see and mature past stereotypes, beliefs, and your personal views by realizing they do not apply to every situation, then you will realize the lack of substance in this article and in your comments. It’s greed that makes people write and print such things about things they don’t know!!!

Debbie, I guess Janet and Islam are good subjects to capitalize on?!!

conscious1 on September 27, 2013 at 1:20 pm

What a sleazy article!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

conscious1 on September 27, 2013 at 1:21 pm

I love u becuase u coverted to islam janet jackson.

Badmus on October 4, 2013 at 7:01 am

What is Sad Here That Unintelligent 13 Year old Kids Gathering Here And Talking About a Religion There Tongues Aren’t Worthy To Be Said On(like that Teen Who Wanna convert To Jew(with my respect to jews) Well Lets Wait Till They Stabilize Their Personas And Go The Rightous Path) AMEN

Raxoor on October 11, 2013 at 5:02 pm

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perry on October 17, 2013 at 10:05 am

The writer is obviously a racist person,blamming muslims foolishly as racist.Islam was attracted to Africans because of its universal human appeal.Islam embrces all humans,regaredless of race,color and creed.

Sumon Shoikot on October 19, 2013 at 10:22 pm

Jennet could be a gold digger,I am not sure.But the writer herself is obviously a racist person.She foolishly blamming religion,in an old ethnic clash.Islam embraces all human regardless of race,color and creed!

Sumon Shoikot on October 19, 2013 at 10:28 pm

We humanity are one.It is the differences that cause conflict and wars.Lets find the common ground & similarities & work from there and respect the differences.We are a family.

Relax people on October 29, 2013 at 12:07 pm

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