October 5, 2012, - 4:08 pm

Janet Jackson Converts to Islam to Marry Qatari Billionaire – Halal “Abda” Cha-Ching

By Debbie Schlussel

Maybe she should change her name to Hamida Jackson. Or Halal Gold Digger.

Janet Jackson has converted to Islam, just like her Farrakhan acolyte bro, Jermaine Jackson (father to Jermajesty), in order to marry her Qatari billionaire fiance, Wissam Al Mana. Now, she will know what it’s like to be treated like an “abda”–a slave–since that’s how they look at Black people in the Muslim world. Yes, even the Jacksons.

Janet Jackson w/ Muslim Future “Mr. Jackson If You’re Nasty” Wissam Al Mana

Most White Muslims refer to Blacks–yes, even Black Muslims–as “abeed.” Literally it means “slaves” in Arabic, but it’s derogatory and the Arabic version of the N-word. “Abed” is the singular version of the word, and “abda” is the female version of the word. There is tremendous racism against Black people in the Islamic world, which is why they continue to slaughter Blacks in Sudan. First, the Sudanese Arab Muslims raped, tortured, and slaughtered the Black Christians, and then–when there were almost no Christians left, they began to rape, torture, and slaughter the Black Muslims of Sudan (and, when Muslims were being murdered, George Clooney and Angelina Jolie suddenly got concerned).

Hmmm . . . I wonder if the consistently hypocritical “Islamic modesty” will apply to Janet–er, “Sheikha Jackson if you’re nasty,” which the religion and people she’s marrying into certainly are. She’s already gotten a lot of practice wearing a hijab, as the photos above and below show (and don’t forget that her late brother Michael loved wearing the Muslim full ninja, the burqa). Also, will she be the only wife? Well, now that her music career has been over for several decades and her lawsuit to get Michael Jackson’s money away from his kids and into her pockets isn’t going anywhere, a chick’s gotta find a way to keep herself in style. And if ya can’t beat the jihad, join ’em–that’s the ticket, right? File under, Hypocritical Gold-Digger Women We’d Like to See in a Burqa.

Janet Jackson and her fiancé Wissam Al Mana are reportedly planning to get married in Doha, Qatar in 2013.

The couple hope to tie the knot in Doha where the billionaire was born and are making arrangements for the ceremony to take place in 2013.

Janet and Wissam will be wedded in a Muslim ceremony. A renown [DS: sic] Turkish author, Adnan Oktar (aka Harun Yahya), is also making the claim that the 46-year-old Janet Jackson has converted to Islam — as did her brother, Michael Jackson — and is choosing to keep her new religion a secret from her fans.

According to an insider the wedding will be “one of the biggest, most memorable extravaganzas in recent history”.

The source added to National Enquirer magazine: “They have tentatively set a late 2013 wedding date. But they are still working out the details and the exact day.”

They will reportedly spend $3 million to fly in their 500 wedding guests from all over the world, while Wissam wants to give all attendees a $10,000 Rolex watch each as a thank you for attending.

The insider added: “Wissam is going to splash big when he marries Janet. It’s going to be the wedding of the century.”

Janet and Wissam allegedly got engaged last year after Wissam, a billionaire whose family has extensive reaches in the real estate and media spheres, proposed to her with a stunning 15 carat diamond ring. The couple met in December of 2009 after Janet gave a special performance in the Middle East and the rest, so it seems, is history. The couple was supposedly shooting for a 2011 wedding, but they ultimately tempered their excitement and chose to hold off for a couple of years so they could have time to plan the festivities.

Janet has been dating Wissam – who is almost a decade younger than her – since summer 2010.

Hey, I wonder how her song, “Twenty Foreplay,” goes over in Greater Savagestan. Praise allah. Islam just got the most used piece of equipment in the Jackson gym to “revert” to Islam.

Well, now, she can revise one of her hit songs to reflect her new religion, “The No Pleasure Principle.”

Michael Jackson, Burqa Style . . .

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520 Responses

Islam treats everyone equally no matter the color, the first person to call for prayer was an Abyssinian man by the name of bilal

Huss on November 12, 2012 at 8:08 am

This post makes no sense at all ? srsly ? In Islam everyone is equal i can see y’all are just racists. If she wants to convert to islam that’s her choice. Stay out of it.

Onbekend on November 12, 2012 at 8:23 am

Islam is the only religion that eradicates rascism. look at the people who travel to hajj, all colours. treat each other like brothers and sisters. Islam is the medicine for mankind!

zaki on November 12, 2012 at 8:45 am

It’s a propaganda against Islam. There is no racism in Islam. Black or White, Arab or Non-Arab all are equal in Islam. Islam is religion of peace. Please Don’t believe any such propaganda story and search for truth; which is in Quran. the last word of God. Hope you understand thanks.

Mahmood Khan on November 12, 2012 at 10:18 am

Islam is the only we does not discriminate. i challenge u to give me one Quranic verse which speak about black treated as low class. don’t judge Islam by seeing some so called Muslims. If u want know about Islam read the quran by the laguage u can undertand best, Study the lives of the Prophet Mohammed(PBUH). Then u will know what true Islam is.

Abraham on November 12, 2012 at 10:29 am

Islam is the only we does not discriminate. i challenge u to give me one Quranic verse which speak about black treated as low class. don’t judge Islam by seeing some so called Muslims. If u want know about Islam read the Qur’an by the language u can understand best, Study the lives of the Prophet Mohammed(PBUH). Then u will know what true Islam is.

Abraham on November 12, 2012 at 10:30 am

wuz good folks,why all that hate u blieve wht u want and i will b muslim whoe blieves there is one god and mohamed(saw) is the messenger of god,god is the judg whoe wil tell the judgment day whoe is wright or not,before that Let’s live in peace Life Is Hard Enough lets not make it harder..peace on earth..

mohamed ali on November 12, 2012 at 10:42 am

abuse Islam or hate the Muslims, it has no effect because as you read, someone somewhere just became a Muslim. blame us not, go and hug electric life wire.

yinka on November 12, 2012 at 10:52 am

U should burning to the hell for writting such a lie about Islam and muslims,
U can accept becouse allaah Swtc has guided janet on the right pad.and i felt lot of jealousy
Pray to allah to guide u zirada mustakhiin and be happy for her
And Janet welcome to the Islam and i hope u be happy with your Prince

Gueen on November 12, 2012 at 10:55 am

i hope she is very happy and happiness.
Wot a lie u make by saying she will b racially abused Islam teaches us equality and respect…wot planet u on?

fabb on November 12, 2012 at 12:07 pm

Well, clearly this article is written by someone who doesn’t have a proper understanding of Islam. Islam considers everyone equal, whether he be slave, or king, black or white, and asides from all the talk, this has been seen practically in the Muslim world as soon as Islam came in the Arab peninsula. People who truly want to know what Islam is about, I encourage them to go to a local mosque and ask anyone to meet with the leader (known as imam) there regarding Islam. Ask any questions that are bothering you, and God-willing you will be guided to the Path of Worshiping God Alone the way He deserves to be worshiped. Remember, Islam is not anything new. It is the Complete Way of Life from Prophet Adam (peace upon him) to the Final Prophet Muhammad (peace upon him).

muslim on November 12, 2012 at 12:09 pm

This artical, is wrong in many ways! The person/people who wrote this, need to get their facts right before saying that in islam black people are underlings! They’re not! Islam treats everyone equally!

mad on November 12, 2012 at 12:25 pm

Islam is the true religion.Before Islam came the pagan Arabs were slaughtering all new born female babies and committing adultery and drinking wine and gambling and doing the sickest deeds unspeakable.God sent Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) to guide the Arabs to the true faith and it was the promise to Abraham.Just look at the history. World war 1 and World war 2 was fought by the Christian nations mainly. The 1950 saw in USA blacks been slaughtered by the christian white racists.If you look at annals of history, the christian nations had been jeopardizing the black people more than anyone else. In Islam, it has been stated to free slaves more and more often as a consequence of sin. Islam is the only none racist religion in the whole world. There are more different bibles but there is only one Quran. How can God’s word be in so many versions if the Christians claim their book is genuine. True Muslims don’t commit adultery, don’t drink wine, don’t eat unclean meat, don’t do usury, don’t gamble, don’t kill people, don’t do drugs, don’t become racist. So what do you have to say?

Naheez Thawfeeg on November 12, 2012 at 1:51 pm

Hey guyz for opinions and arguements,abusing words doesnot help in anyway.Just comment your thoughts without accusing anyone or his religion.And for muslims please show example.

Mohamed on November 12, 2012 at 1:56 pm

Gosh screw you all if you cant say something that is truly interesseted theb sau nothing at all the muslims are not like those kkk american of hitler with this jewish fans we have reapect for everywone letterly everywone and everything and black peole of white people pf even uellow people dont make a doffrence because if we die there is no colour to judge on only a soul sp thet cheap talk about racism is not true at all go do upu homework upu stupid vice president of the kkk muslim club

Dont mind on November 12, 2012 at 2:25 pm

all you haters of islam…. go to hell because thats where u belong….

n.bibi on November 12, 2012 at 2:26 pm

Bs, Sudan Arabs are as black as the African Sudanese, white muslims were called ‘Mamaluk’ find out the meaning. It has nothing to do with racism, the Quran is negative about arrogance, calling some desert Arabs ‘rats’. It has to do with arrogance not race.

Jan Hamza on November 12, 2012 at 2:28 pm

Gosh you are a really nasty evil witch for writing such things about others. Go get your facts straight ignorant troll!!!!!

Me on November 12, 2012 at 2:43 pm

Islam is a religion that is against every form of injustice. Search about it, and you’ll find the truth. When I read the article I thought what an ignorant person wrote this. Please first do research about Islam and the facts in Islam, before you make statements about it which are not true!

Truth on November 12, 2012 at 2:59 pm

o goshh this is such a bullcrap !! U guys don’t know nothing about Islam !! Islam means PEACE !! everyone has rights. It don’t matter if ur black, white, purple, yellow Everyone is equal !!

There are no slaves!! May Allah be with us all insh Allah
With all the christians, jews, katholics. ONE God pleass
I wish they could see the Islam like muslims (Im a muslim) see it. Really my religion brings peace in my hart

Love u all and remember God is love, Islam means peace <3

Wiham on November 12, 2012 at 3:05 pm

This article contains bullshit. Clearly written by an ignorant person who knows nothing about Islam. Go and search about what Islam really teaches. Islam is a religion that forbids every form of injustice.

Truth on November 12, 2012 at 3:09 pm

Whoever wrote this post is whack. Islam has 3Billion followers an growing. Majority of them are black. One of the prophet Muhammads(pbuh) closest friends were black. So before you go stating facts, make sure they’re true.

Ayesha on November 12, 2012 at 3:14 pm

Lees ik dit nu echt? wat voor onzin staat er allemaal in dit artikel, ” Er is een enorme racisme tegen zwarte mensen in de islamitische wereld, ” Degene die deze artikel schreef moet maar eens leren om de waarheid & leugens uit elkaar te halen. Probeer de mensen geen onzin wijs te maken ons over prachtig & ja VREEDZAAM geloof !

Y on November 12, 2012 at 3:15 pm

The first human to give the call of prayer was a black man. the call of prayer is know as azaan thats the sound that you will hear from mosques all over the world. When Islam was revealed pne of the first things which was prohibited was slaves. And women were given the right to vote…this is 1400 hundred years ago. Look at american history slavery is from your culture… women had to march to get there right to vote!! you are pathetic thick woman

shaz on November 12, 2012 at 3:23 pm

Ya Allah have mercy on your slaves who are commenting wrongly about your religion and your Prophet (S.A.W). I know its ignorance that is driving you out of the way. Islam is peace and peace is Islam. If you have any personal issue with Janet Jackson you are free to state it clearly and stop your blasphemy, she has seen the truth and has decided not to be part of you anymore. Just don’t get jealous because it was not you Allah choosed to taste the sweetness of His Deen. Don’t worry it may soon be your turn. May Allah have mercy on you and bring you to know the truth and accept it. Ameen.

Idris on November 12, 2012 at 3:42 pm

Ya Allah have mercy on your slaves who are commenting wrongly about your religion and your Prophet (S.A.W). I know its ignorance that is driving you out of the way. Islam is peace and peace is Islam. If you have any personal issue with Janet Jackson you are free to state it clearly and stop your blasphemy, she has seen the truth and has decided not to be part of you anymore. Just don’t get jealous because it was not you Allah choosed to taste the sweetness of His Deen. Don’t worry it may soon be your turn. May Allah have mercy on you and bring you to know the truth and accept it.

Idris on November 12, 2012 at 3:43 pm

I advice you to check your resources first, before you post an article like this, based on incorrect information.
It humors me, I don’t know how you got to ever write something at all for that matter.

As comented befor, every race, every color, every size, everybody is welcome in Islam and true Islam does not discriminate against anybody.
Only the ignorant do that.
Everyday people convert to Islam alhamdoullillah and that will never stop continuing

And Allah swt knows best

Fatima Zahra on November 12, 2012 at 4:12 pm

Whoever wrote this needs to do their research!!! Its wrong! In fact if they actually did their research they would find that black people are highly respected in islam, and on top of that it does not matter about the colour or race of a person in islam! Everyone is equal in islam!!! Plus islam is one of the fastest growing relegions in the world with more and more reverts coming to islam everyday so stop hating!

UR on November 12, 2012 at 4:29 pm

This piece is a funny one for it only shows how frustrated and illetrate this educated writers is. Yes frustrated becuase Islam seems to be gathering momentum inspite of unfair propaganda and needless hatred against it.The only advice is to stop dessipating your energy in this lost battle against islam rather switch your sentiment to zero level and learn about other faiths wether you shall be able to reach an informed conclusion based on knowledge and not on the dictate of your parochial mind.Brothers in islam, debbie and people like this need not to be abused but to be understood as frustrated and be told that ignorance is distructive.

Treasure on November 12, 2012 at 5:07 pm

please don’t make lie’s about the religion, I know loads of white and black people who are Muslim especially american’s,everyone is equal physically, mentally what you believe it is different.
don’t judge your view on what she said, but test it for yourself, http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kr5a6ouGb-E&feature=relmfu

the other country’s like pakistan, corrupted the message of islam by tradition, majority of Pakistan is not proper islam

tom green on November 12, 2012 at 7:01 pm

debbie, cmon you jews can right better – why you holding back… hmm.. perhaps your worried about the past, sniff sniff boo hoo – i know.. lets make a movie.. somebody ring spielberg..

mike caan on November 12, 2012 at 7:28 pm

Allah knows best. Good luck to them both and I wish them a happy marriage xx

Nadia on November 12, 2012 at 9:14 pm

.i want u the writer to show anywhere in the quran or hadith that says blacks are slaves and unequal .i am a black man and the only people in this world who treats me as equally are muslims.i am proud to be a muslim,i hope to die in islam.evrymuslim who is name after the 99 names of ALLAH use the word abdul which means slave before the name of ALLAH is mentioned so as not commit blasphemy by calling someone with the name of GOD.so if u hear someone being called abdul it means slave of ALLAH not slave other human being.majority white and arabian muslims who have abdul in their names.majority of muslims all over the world have abdul in their names.do proper research

Halid on November 12, 2012 at 9:47 pm

.i want u the writer to show anywhere in the quran or hadith that says blacks are slaves and unequal .i am a black man and the only people in this world who treats all races equally are muslims.i am proud to be a muslim,i hope to die in islam.evrymuslim who is name after the 99 names of ALLAH use the word abdul which means slave before the name of ALLAH is mentioned so as not commit blasphemy by calling someone with the name of GOD.so if u hear someone being called abdul it means slave of ALLAH not slave other human being.majority white and arabian muslims who have abdul in their names.majority of muslims all over the world have abdul in their names.do proper research

Halid on November 12, 2012 at 9:57 pm

Whoever wrote this shit is a fucking racist cunt that does not know the basic fundamentals of Islam. Islam forbids racism & it’s against it about Islam before you post anything that’s incorrect. Get your facts right you ignorant reporter(s).

Ismail W.H on November 12, 2012 at 10:33 pm

Have you ever heard of Bilal Ibn Rabah?

Lama on November 12, 2012 at 11:30 pm

May Allah guide you to the right path

muslim on November 13, 2012 at 12:00 am

Wow. I stopped reading after a while due to all the lies . What a complete joke! Muslims do not treat black people as slaves. Just look at american history , and stop blaming Muslims. Islam is perfect, that’s why I (a true blue Aussie) embraced Islam as my way of life.

kylie on November 13, 2012 at 12:54 am

For your information ‘abda means slave of Allah. We all are slaves of ALlah and race, caste, color does not matter. Please get your facts right even if you post hate!

Bilal on November 13, 2012 at 1:01 am

What a rubbisch. Islam doesn’t hate black people and they neither call them slaves. The Islam is against racism and prophet mohamad saws was the first man who saved a slave from his boss. So shut your big nasty mouth and get your information

mae on November 13, 2012 at 2:15 am

Clearly you need to learn more about islam.

Naasier on November 13, 2012 at 2:52 am

Who ever you are I must tell you that your parent did not do the right thing by not giving you the right up bring about how to treat others. Since you want to be enemies in peoples life and bring such lady down well I will tell you that you are not God who makes people’s destiny life is all about making changes . so who the hell are you to judge a human being when you don’t know what might happen to you in any moment. you have not only making discrimination, stereo typing, prejudice and racism comment against Janet Jackson but also against black Muslim and Islam as a religion I will tell you that Allah will not forgive you for that. take an advice from me repent I am a lady and that with I do not like seeing someone bringing their fellow human being self-esteem down and bulling so next time you edit an article be careful of your words you used remember you are writing evil about someone else sooner or later it might be you or your about your family which is known as what goes around comes around.

fatima on November 13, 2012 at 6:04 am

This reporter is blinded by Islamophobia. Just read what Quran says about racism…..before writing such news. I think news is developed not on personal view..instead it is developed by tangible evidence after reading different books including Quran and Hadith.
He who knows not and knows he knows…..he is foolish

Ethiopia on November 13, 2012 at 6:40 am

Wow.I urge you non-muslims to just get a free copy of the enlish translation of the Qur’an and i promise you will never utter a hateful word about ISLAM.

No name on November 13, 2012 at 7:00 am

Wow you are dumb. Our prophet (saw) never mentioned hiring slaves. You should look at your ancestry …I am sure one of you’re Jewish ancestors were Muslim once. Ouch.

debbie white.convert on November 13, 2012 at 7:04 am

Ahahahaaa u made me laugh…… You are jelous that janet is getting married to a billionaire!! Are you male? Dont worry you can also get married to alot of billionaires who are homosexual! Or are you female? Keep on wearing your bikinis and acting porno, thats dignity according to your stupid lifestyle! ::spitting on ur face::

popobawa on November 13, 2012 at 9:54 am

Ma sha Allah, migh Almighty God protect her from any evil things and put her forcust on practicing islam all the time, and God reward Wissam Al Mana for marring her.Islam has no racism if u don’t know go to school.

Nasir M. Said on November 13, 2012 at 10:58 am

The first person to read the azaan (call to prayer) was black, Islam itself means peace, and women in Islam are treated with the up most respect( “Verily, Heaven lies under the feet of our mother.”),your lack of knowledge disgusts me, typical of a discriminate racist, so please before you incite hate and accuse falsely learn the facts!!!

shuaiyb on November 13, 2012 at 11:24 am

Abd is a Arabic.word which.means servant or slave of Allah ie god….
So it doesn’t mean only slave….and the only religion which.doesn’t allow or follow racism is Islam coz u can see during hajj the holy pilgrimage all human are compeled to wear white which signifies all are equal no one is rich or poor black or white …so Islam only and only believes in equality….hope answered the question….

alisha on November 13, 2012 at 11:25 am

The first person to read the azaan (call to prayer) was black, Islam itself means peace, and women in Islam are treated with the up most respect(“Verily, Heaven lies under the feet of our mother.”),your lack of knowledge disgusts me, typical of a discriminate racist, so please before you incite hate and accuse falsely learn the facts!!!

shuaiyb on November 13, 2012 at 11:26 am

    Nice comment.100% you r right.if they have right to write ,i dont know y they write so wrong about muslims.First they should research about muslims,then write anything about muslim.

    Kiran majid on November 14, 2012 at 2:40 pm

    Islam is the antithesis of peace. It is primitive Arab feudalism. There is no peace where there is Islam. It beheads people, chops hands, wraps up women, bans the practise of all other religions. All Muslim countries are failures, and Muslims want to run away as refugees to the west and mess it up as well.

    deepak on November 15, 2012 at 12:58 pm

      what the heck you people are yelling about. the writter of this post is a total idiot who litrelly have no idea about Islam and place of a Women in Islamic Law.. i’m wondering what would that shitty writter will post if some HINDU/JEWISH/MUSLIM girl convert to christanity for the sake of MONEY… morons… you never find a single example of this.. but christian converting to ISLAM, wow.. millions — So stop whistling dixxies outta yew ar$e and learn about islam 1st. then spit you guts out , peace.

      RENEGADE on November 16, 2012 at 11:54 pm

    Masha Allah.. Beautiful Speech Brother!..

    rameesha on November 15, 2012 at 2:58 pm


    Me on November 15, 2012 at 8:13 pm

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