October 5, 2012, - 4:08 pm

Janet Jackson Converts to Islam to Marry Qatari Billionaire – Halal “Abda” Cha-Ching

By Debbie Schlussel

Maybe she should change her name to Hamida Jackson. Or Halal Gold Digger.

Janet Jackson has converted to Islam, just like her Farrakhan acolyte bro, Jermaine Jackson (father to Jermajesty), in order to marry her Qatari billionaire fiance, Wissam Al Mana. Now, she will know what it’s like to be treated like an “abda”–a slave–since that’s how they look at Black people in the Muslim world. Yes, even the Jacksons.

Janet Jackson w/ Muslim Future “Mr. Jackson If You’re Nasty” Wissam Al Mana

Most White Muslims refer to Blacks–yes, even Black Muslims–as “abeed.” Literally it means “slaves” in Arabic, but it’s derogatory and the Arabic version of the N-word. “Abed” is the singular version of the word, and “abda” is the female version of the word. There is tremendous racism against Black people in the Islamic world, which is why they continue to slaughter Blacks in Sudan. First, the Sudanese Arab Muslims raped, tortured, and slaughtered the Black Christians, and then–when there were almost no Christians left, they began to rape, torture, and slaughter the Black Muslims of Sudan (and, when Muslims were being murdered, George Clooney and Angelina Jolie suddenly got concerned).

Hmmm . . . I wonder if the consistently hypocritical “Islamic modesty” will apply to Janet–er, “Sheikha Jackson if you’re nasty,” which the religion and people she’s marrying into certainly are. She’s already gotten a lot of practice wearing a hijab, as the photos above and below show (and don’t forget that her late brother Michael loved wearing the Muslim full ninja, the burqa). Also, will she be the only wife? Well, now that her music career has been over for several decades and her lawsuit to get Michael Jackson’s money away from his kids and into her pockets isn’t going anywhere, a chick’s gotta find a way to keep herself in style. And if ya can’t beat the jihad, join ’em–that’s the ticket, right? File under, Hypocritical Gold-Digger Women We’d Like to See in a Burqa.

Janet Jackson and her fiancé Wissam Al Mana are reportedly planning to get married in Doha, Qatar in 2013.

The couple hope to tie the knot in Doha where the billionaire was born and are making arrangements for the ceremony to take place in 2013.

Janet and Wissam will be wedded in a Muslim ceremony. A renown [DS: sic] Turkish author, Adnan Oktar (aka Harun Yahya), is also making the claim that the 46-year-old Janet Jackson has converted to Islam — as did her brother, Michael Jackson — and is choosing to keep her new religion a secret from her fans.

According to an insider the wedding will be “one of the biggest, most memorable extravaganzas in recent history”.

The source added to National Enquirer magazine: “They have tentatively set a late 2013 wedding date. But they are still working out the details and the exact day.”

They will reportedly spend $3 million to fly in their 500 wedding guests from all over the world, while Wissam wants to give all attendees a $10,000 Rolex watch each as a thank you for attending.

The insider added: “Wissam is going to splash big when he marries Janet. It’s going to be the wedding of the century.”

Janet and Wissam allegedly got engaged last year after Wissam, a billionaire whose family has extensive reaches in the real estate and media spheres, proposed to her with a stunning 15 carat diamond ring. The couple met in December of 2009 after Janet gave a special performance in the Middle East and the rest, so it seems, is history. The couple was supposedly shooting for a 2011 wedding, but they ultimately tempered their excitement and chose to hold off for a couple of years so they could have time to plan the festivities.

Janet has been dating Wissam – who is almost a decade younger than her – since summer 2010.

Hey, I wonder how her song, “Twenty Foreplay,” goes over in Greater Savagestan. Praise allah. Islam just got the most used piece of equipment in the Jackson gym to “revert” to Islam.

Well, now, she can revise one of her hit songs to reflect her new religion, “The No Pleasure Principle.”

Michael Jackson, Burqa Style . . .

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520 Responses

this is so wrong. you know nothing. I doubt you’ve ever been black in a predominantly muslim country. cut it out

najah ferguson on October 31, 2013 at 2:12 am

    This is the most ignorant, uninformed, hateful article I have read in years. From the very onset you sounded as if you hated Janet Jackson and as I read it sounded as if you hated Muslims but for me the bottom line is that anyone who spits out that much hate really has hate for themselves. I’m just appalled that you get to publish this inaccurate GARBAGE. Good luck and God Bless (you need it Debbie). There is so much more I want to say but you really don’t deserve my time, all I can say is you are ignorant and uneducated and REALLY REALLY need a LIFE!!!!!

    Antoinette McPherson on April 30, 2015 at 6:30 pm

I just want to correct you that AABDA is the feminine version of ABID, which means worshiper of god (Allah) in Arabic, not the SLAVE

Asif Shuja on November 5, 2013 at 3:52 pm

    I was googling Janet Jackson Islam and I got this “Debbie Schlussel’s” blog again. I want to vomit everytime I read through your sick write up. I am not pious but I am a proud Muslim and working on being better. That’s what many Muslims do in the midst of all the crappy people like you exhale daily.

    Arianna on July 11, 2014 at 1:35 am

I’m always proud to be a Muslim

jameel on November 15, 2013 at 9:26 am

it is interesting followong ur commemt.but ur views are purly negative towords janet and islam rather than being objective with issues.well learn islam through scriptures rather than hypocritical analysise through peoplpe personal lifi style. try and learn by analysing the nature of jews both in the past and present with regard to racisim ny comparing them to arabs.do yourself good by being objective and not bais or racist.

abdul manan on November 18, 2013 at 5:26 pm

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Sandra on December 7, 2013 at 11:01 am

Are u ever coming Back to. Visit your mom or your fans? There is nothing like love, joy ,peace,happiness,but we miss u.

Rose lester on December 8, 2013 at 12:10 am

You sound full of hate? You come across as an Islamaphobia Promoter spreading hate and division? You cannot be a christian because true christians Don’t do what you just did. You must be an Israeli Zionist? That’s what they do.

Proud Muslim on December 25, 2013 at 9:43 am

I honestly hope God will forgive you for this article.

fatmah on February 25, 2014 at 11:17 am

I am surprised at the author’s ignorance and later on arrogance.
Her article is clearly derogative, islam-phobic and racist. You need to be objective. Try looking at Islam beyond or without thew American press.

sheeba on February 28, 2014 at 11:44 am

Ever Muslim proud to be muslim, and end with kalmatul shah ad, I love ever muslim one!

adoyalo on April 20, 2014 at 11:28 am

By far the worse article I ever read in my life this article is very negative disgusting I am Islamic person and I am not a fucking slave and I am African from Somalia I have all freedom I want and do whatever I want and I love my religion to the fullest and it’s the truth…Every religion has good and bad get your facts straight you shitty ignorant writer

kadra on June 1, 2014 at 10:17 pm

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WE REIGN on June 17, 2014 at 10:17 pm

Muslim do not discriminate blacks..Go to Mecca you can see all nations all at the same level

By the way we don’t have black masjid or white masjid..all can prey in the same place

Kessy on July 1, 2014 at 11:31 pm

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mr william on July 7, 2014 at 10:01 pm

may Allah forgive u… and guide u to the ryt part shunky or whatever u are…Islam is. a religion of peace and love… I’m married and my husband is not treating me like a slave… And for both you and the writer’s information, we’re blacks
from NIGERIA… I’ll ever be proud of my religion… And I observe my hijab and Nikob(veil)… We’re BLESSED ????? ???…. It never too late to convert, even on DEATH BED…

zainab on July 15, 2014 at 4:17 pm


I must say I am shocked by the horrible words and strong language you used in this article.

I myself am a muslim revert and I studied the wuran and religion for over a year before becoming muslim. Islam is a religion of peace. Yes there’s people in different countries that go by the ways of their culture and not islam. Islam shouldn’t be blamed for this.
I only hope your article hasnt put off people from finding out about janet or islam as that would be a real shame. Janet became muslim for reasons only known to her and its her business. She has the support of the whole muslim community, as do all reverts, and that will never change

aishah on August 16, 2014 at 4:12 pm

What you wrote was actually very reasonable. However, what about this?

what if you typed a catchier title? I ain’t saying
your information is not solid, however suppose you added something to maybe
grab people’s attention? I mean Janet Jackson Converts to
Islam to Marry Qatari Billionaire – Halal ?Abda? Cha-Ching is kinda plain. You ought to glance at Yahoo’s home page
and see how they create post titles to grab people to open the links.
You might try adding a video or a picture or two to grab readers interested about
everything’ve written. Just my opinion, it might make your blog a little

Sandra H. Hartsough on September 29, 2014 at 3:39 pm

Oh Debbie.slate Muslims all you want and try and provoke hatred of the religion. Clearly you know nothing of the Religion and your grasp of Arabic is comical. The Lord is watching and ill pray for you.just a note.. Of course when Jewish women cover that’s fine. Michael wearing a burqa amuses you.liken it straight to Muslim women.yet Haredi men do it and it’s ok? Double standard to an extreme.
quick to point fingers at Islam. Yet happens in Judaism and noone bats an eyelid. Eg wanting segregation on planes. That not sound unequal? Women to cover? Male dominance. I could go on..

Mariyam on November 25, 2014 at 3:34 pm

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mr collie on December 9, 2014 at 7:39 pm

It seems Ms.Schlussel you don’t have any idea of Islam. Let me educate you with 2 infos.
Info#1; first man who called muslim for a prayer was black, his name is Bilal Ibn Rabah. And yes he was a free man back then and he considered one of close followers of the our prophet Mohammed. You chech that out if you like.
Info#2; as its obvious my name starts with Abd which referred to “a slave” but to whom am i slaving to… Obviously God in this cause “Allah”. Oo, right… Am white Arab 🙂

Here is another free info for you. Info #3, Am from Kuwait and our late prince was half black and considered royalty and honorable man; his name is Saad Jaber AlSabah. Do english royalty have a black memeber in their family?

So educate yourself first. Don’t start hating unless you have a problem in COEXSITING …
Btw; How is rasim in America these days ? In 2015?

Abdullah on January 16, 2015 at 10:13 pm

Website I won’t became illuminati

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Mrs Maria Omer on April 13, 2015 at 8:04 pm

Hello asshole you muslim hating freakoooo what u got against muslims did they get ya and give u a circumcision you pig muck sucking freakshow belonging hillbilly welll kiss you momma freaky ass ya botched boob face nose bugger

amer on August 12, 2015 at 1:44 pm

Skunk that was for ya….and you know what the most hated race in history could do to get some love……poor poor shit brains direct a drama called holocaust!

amer on August 12, 2015 at 1:58 pm

first of all he is so young to marry an old lady like Janet,who have many lovers in her life and live in a community who believe in absolute freedom ideas on sex life, unless he love to eat the remains of others tables.beside the only condition for a black lady like Janet to be acceptable in rich Arab’s house is to work as a house maid. I am not a Racism but this is what is the situation is…

kuku on September 3, 2015 at 12:48 pm

dear brother/ sister, skzion , i can only pray for you since you dont know what islam or prophet mohammad is ,my only humble request to you is dont abuse any body unless you know inside out of that matter , and pray for guidance for yourself and others. may Allah forgive you and all of us .

your true wellwisher
Dr zia kashmiri

zia kashmiri on October 6, 2015 at 3:14 am

The writer of this article has gone out of their way to write a bigoted, mean spirited article about muslims in general and Janet in particular. The only thing you can accuse Janet Jackson of doing is falling in love and being in her longest, most stable relationship she’s had to date. She lives a drama-less life and from her most recent interview is at peace and happy. She’s found a man who loves her completely, someone who doesn’t live off of her fame or her money. Good for her! She’s done good!!

Redteddy on November 26, 2015 at 6:37 am

U need life in u debbie,u are missing the best and most pious thing in the world……..being a muslim is living in peace and happily in yhe mind!

nextminute on December 12, 2015 at 6:55 am

Madam Debbie your very very wrong in your article. Am black and Am very proud to be born a Muslim man. I was not serious in my religion earlier in my life time, but a lot of attacks on Islam like what you did I decided to be serious and realized the true and accurate religion is Islam. Seem you wrote your article when your in drunkenness condition. I love Janet Jackson, she has seen the light.

Kijewa on April 28, 2016 at 8:31 pm

As a muslim woman, I almost find your article appalling. There seems to be an extreme lack of understanding of Islam and human equality within the religion. The term “abd” existed was before Islam was even sent, a terminology europeans also know as black slavery. Our prophet was entirely against the principle of slavery, and in fact, within our religion, the act of giving slaves freedom was a part of repentance. Islam was entirely against the idea of slavery, and never differentiated people according to color. So, let us not attack a religion because we simply have no knowledge about the fact. Read more. Educate yourself.

Nadine on March 21, 2017 at 8:37 am

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