October 3, 2012, - 2:38 pm
Romney Pimps Immigration Amnesty, Says He’ll Stop Islamic Terrorism w/ MORE Arab Spring, “Dignity of Work”?!
Between Barack Obama’s claims that Muslims stormed our embassies over an anti-Mohammed YouTube trailer, and Mitt Romney’s claims that it was about the lack of “the dignity of work” in the Islamic world, there’s so much rich fertilizer there, you could grow crops to feed all of Africa.
For those watching tonight’s Presidential debate, here are a couple of buffoonish, idiotic, dhimmi-esque, uninformed comments Mitt Romney already made (which you probably won’t see at the debate). On Monday, Romney (or his “ghostwriters”) wrote an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal, telling us how he’ll regain “respect” for America in the Middle East. It was ironic that the column was entitled, “A New Course for the Middle East,” when it was actually the same old crap Obama-Bush have served up for nearly 12 years. Romney said that the way he’d stop Islamic extremism and regain Middle East respect for America was by giving Muslims “more liberty” and “the dignity of work.” Is this putz for real?! Sadly, yes. And for many of you reading this, he’s YOUR putz. Thanks so much for this inept choice, people. Oh, and he also supported immigration amnesty for everyone here illegally. The Middle East and immigration are the two most important national security issues. And on these, he not only failed, but he matches–and even exceeds Obama–in being on the wrong side.

This bozo, Romney, actually endorsed
using the full spectrum of our soft power to encourage liberty and opportunity for those who have for too long known only corruption and oppression. The dignity of work and the ability to steer the course of their lives are the best alternatives to extremism.
Are you kidding me?! This moron actually still believes the crap we heard since 9/11 about how Muslims are extremists, not because of their hateful, extremist religion, but because they don’t have jobs???? Um, do I need to remind Mitt Romney that Nidal Malik Hasan had a job, that Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab was from a very wealthy family and wasn’t in need of a job, that the 9/11 hijackers, including Mohammed Atta, came from rich families and that two of them were funded by the Saudi Princess Haifa Al-Faisal, that many of the Palestinian homicide bombers were lawyers, doctors, engineers–all fully employed? Does Mitt Romney really believe that the savages who stormed our embassies in several Muslim countries and murdered four Americans on the Benghazi consulate wouldn’t have done so . . . if they only had “the dignity of work”? What does he think this is–South Central Los Angeles (where “the dignity of work” doesn’t go over too well, either, but, at least, they aren’t jihadists)?
Here’s a tip, Mitt: they have jobs–they have the dignity of work. It’s called jihad. It’s called Al-Qaeda. It’s called Islam. They have jobs. And whether or not their job involves selling falafel or shoes or slaughtering U.S. Ambassadors, “the dignity of work” has NOTHING to do with the extremism of Islam that fuels this and always will. This has nothing to do with economics and jobs. Period.
And they have “liberty” imposed by Obama’s prior use of the “soft power” you talk of. That’s the problem. We need less of that, NOT more. We need less Arab Spring “liberty,” NOT more of it. Geez, hasn’t Romney picked up a paper and read about the world on fire because of the “liberty” these Muslims were given through the “soft power” of America? G-d, what a dummy. It’s Obama minus the tan (and perhaps the brain, too).
In the same op-ed, Romney goes on and on about how he will make sure that when America says Iran’s nukes are unacceptable, they will believe us. But he doesn’t say how he will do that differently than Obama. And that’s because he already told ABC’s David Muir that he supports the same old Obama-Bush “diplomacy and sanctions” that don’t work because, he insists, “they are starting to work.” Um, NO. THEY. AREN’T.
Then, there are Romney’s comments to the Denver Post, in which he said he would not only affirm Barack Obama’s DREAM Act Amnesty, but would–as he’s always said, since lying and winning the GOP nomination, impose “immigration reform” that would provide amnesty for them and a gazillion other illegal aliens here.
This crap will NOT win him any Hispanic votes. It merely shows, he’s the same old flip-flopper he always was. On which end of the flip-flop will we be when it all shakes out? With Mitt Romney, we already saw on which side when he was Governor of Massachusetts. And, now, we see it again. This guy who already lost to the guy who lost to Obama the first time, isn’t helping his campaign by serving as the John McCain echo chamber four years later. Either way, we Americans who care about borders and national security are screwed. And if you don’t care about those things, you are a moron and definitely not a conservative.
If Romney loses the election (and he probably will), will the Republican Party finally wake up and notice that nominating a Democrat-lite doesn’t win centrist votes and elections? People won’t choose fake Obama, when they can have the real thing. And conservatives won’t rush to go out and vote for a fake conservative who mirrors Obama on immigration, Arab Spring, Iran, and too many other things.
John McCain went down to defeat for that. And don’t be surprised when Romney does, too. It’s not just that he’s running a horrible campaign.
It’s that he, himself, is a horrible candidate and doesn’t give Americans much of an alternative to the crappy guy they’ve already chosen.

Tags: A New Course for the Middle East, amnesty, Arab Spring, dignity of work, Immigration, Iran, Islamic democracy, liberation, liberty, Mitt Romney
“Soft power” = my tax dollars being frittered away to muslims to use for more creative ways to try to kill me and make my world and my kids’ more frightening and uncertain.
DS_ROCKS! on October 3, 2012 at 2:54 pm