October 1, 2012, - 1:00 pm

Amanda Clayton: No Tears for Dead Lottery Winner Who Tried to Murder Neighbors, Was BabyMama Slut

By Debbie Schlussel

As you’ve probably heard, Amanda Clayton, the Michigan Lottery winner who continued to accept food stamps and pleaded guilty to food stamp fraud after she won $1 million, is dead. I say, good riddance. And . . . enjoy hell.

I say that not because of her food stamp fraud, which is bad enough, or because she died of a drug overdose, another sign that she was a loser and an idiot. Clayton was a horrible human being who tried to have her neighbors killed, after she apparently feuded with them over lawn mowing and grass clippings. I’ve written about many lottery winners over the years–including several in Michigan–who died or otherwise messed up their lives after winning the lottery (see also here). But Clayton is particularly evil, having used her lottery winnings to hire hitmen to murder innocent neighbors. And she got away with that, as she was never charged, despite admissions from the hitmen. Oh, and did I mention that the 25-year-old Clayton was a babymama to two kids (apparently to two different men), both of whom will probably grow up to be losers, just like her? She didn’t raise either of them. One of the kids was pushed off on Clayton’s mother and the other was apparently living at the kid’s father’s house.

Here’s a little flashback on this piece of crap lottery winner, Clayton. G-d did us all a “Clean Up on Aisle Six” favor by erasing her from the earth.

A Michigan lottery winner charged with food stamp fraud is now being accused by her neighbors of something a little more serious.

“She’s using her money to try to kill us,” neighbor Candace Combs told reporters.

Combs said 25-year-old “Make Me Rich!” winner Amanda Clayton hired three hitmen to kill her and another neighbor, Victor Bartolo, on Sunday.

Both said they were arguing with Clayton this weekend when she and three men came to their Lincoln Park home ready for a fight to the death.

Bartolo told a local Fox affiliate that one of the men charged him with a knife, another with a bat and gun. The third man apparently decided against harming the neighbors.

“You didn’t pay me good enough for this. I’m not going to jail,” Bartolo said he heard the third man shout.

Hmmm . . . collected food stamps while she sat on nearly a million bucks in lottery winnings, tried to have her neighbors murdered over a lawn mowing dispute, and neglected two babies she had from different men. This is what this cretin-ette did in her first 25 years on earth. Imagine if she had lived another 25.

Nope, she will not be missed. Not one bit.

A piece of trash gets taken out none too early. Buh-bye.

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72 Responses

Got to agree. Reminds me a little of Rodney King. Live bad, die bad. Bye bye.

samurai on October 1, 2012 at 5:06 pm

    You are evil to speak of any person that is dead like that. You a religious person? Remember the difference between good and evil is forgiveness. YOU are the evil one. Really? you said something negative about the children? You Bitch, are the piece of trash that needs to be taken out.

    Jesus on October 9, 2012 at 3:10 pm

      While it is so that, we need not to wish evil upon anyone because, G0D has an individual line and leash upon each of us, and is able to deliver us from evil, and for those who are of evil cant, this is the best life which ever they shall have, with your unclean name-calling you mark yourself as of an evil spirit and therefrom, most or all of your conclusions are logically and properly taken as false, . . .

      Phillip Galey on January 10, 2014 at 5:51 am

      you know it’s a sin to cuss too right? Moron! Go back on the cross *Bitch!* Motherfucking bastard

      Misinformed "Jesus" on May 21, 2015 at 11:13 am

I just read the story of her death on a MSM site and it sounded like a mournful, teary goodbye of a young life tragically snuffed out too early… no mention and didn’t know about the hitmen thing and her trying to get her neighbors snuffed out too early, though.

Another excellent, satisfying news story, Debbie.

DS_ROCKS! on October 1, 2012 at 5:21 pm

P O S !

As Goes... on October 1, 2012 at 5:26 pm

The woman was obviously a borderline psychotic. Her drug overdose might have been related to her hiring of hitmen. Even someone as dense as Amanda realized that her latest offense would have led to far more than her previous probation. Rather than spending a quarter of a century in a prison, Mandy opted for the pill exit.

Worry on October 1, 2012 at 6:06 pm

Another Kudos to Debby.. You won my respect and heart for your honesty a long time ago with the story about the BOMB in the Federal building -brought in and left there by inept( stupid) security for 20 days. This druggie broad will be missed by her druggie friends who hoped to “jones ” off of her>!!

Bobby99 on October 1, 2012 at 6:19 pm

Good riddance to bad, skanky rubbish. I love that the dope killed herself rather than those neighbours.

Another example of disgusting baby-mamas ruining America. They make me so sick.

I love the seal saying ‘buh-bye’! Perfect!

Skunky on October 1, 2012 at 6:43 pm

The definition of “white trash.” She’ll do well in Hell.

Jeff on October 1, 2012 at 7:20 pm

This article shows what a stark contrast Christian vs Judaism presents. Most religious Christians would mourn the loss of a mothers life, and believe that any life has dignity and is worthy of redemption. Your twisted belief apparently loves wishing dead mothers to hell, and laughing at her substance abuse problems.

ThisDarkness on October 1, 2012 at 7:41 pm

    “believe that any life has dignity and is worthy of redemption”

    and that is why Christianity sux when it comes to punishing evil. A mass murderer can be forgiven his sins if only he would declare his acceptance of Jesus Christ as his savior. Sorry, hitler, stalin, mao, pol pot should all die. Though not in the mass murder league, this bitch deserves to be history.

    FrenchKiss on October 1, 2012 at 8:30 pm

      FK, “This Darkness” needs to go and read his Greek (not so new) Testament. John the Revelator said that murders among certain others will have their place in the Lake of Fire, (final judgment) Rev 21:8, for those interested. I think also someplace else it’s written that Murderers have no redemption. I would think that this applies particularly to the unrepentant which she apparently was. I’ll bet if I researched it, I’d find something in the Talmud about this too.

      Italkit on October 2, 2012 at 4:38 am

      One thing I’ve always heard and I think it applies to Ms. Clayton: “Money doesn’t change a person’s character…it reveals it.”

      As far as Christianity and evil, it is true that a mass murderer is “forgiven” and won’t go to hell if they truly accept Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. But people forget one thing….being “forgiven” DOES NOT free you from the consequences of what you do. Just because you won’t got to hell doesn’t mean you won’t catch hell as a result of your actions. Being forgiven will not get a mass murderer out of jail, nor erase all of the pain he has caused his family and others. For example, I can go to work today and punch my boss. Now, I can ask for forgiveness, and both he and God may “forgive” me, but the company is still going to fire me for assaulting my manager. And I still may face criminal charges. So there I am, forgiven, but unemployed and possibly face having criminal charges on my record. That’s why true Christianity tells us to walk on a straight and right path…it will save you from catching a lot of hell!!!

      D. O'Nay on October 2, 2012 at 11:02 am

    “This Dumbness”, I am a Christian and I agree with all DS said. Nice try in airing your anti-semitism in a covert way. FAIL.

    Those Christians would be stupid. This dumb, druggy Baby-Mama thought she could use her fortune to wipe out anyone who pissed her off…and she was cheap in paying the hit-men.

    God knows what’s in our hearts. You need to do a better job at trying to square phony “Christians” and how many of them say one thing and believe another.

    The Rolling Stones wrote a song about dopey you…”Sympathy For The Devil”. I hate sorts like you and I see you coming miles and miles before you arrive.

    FrenchKiss made a very good point. I agree with him and I am glad he made that point. It’s one I struggle with…but not too much.

    Skunky on October 1, 2012 at 9:19 pm

      Skunky, I was going to respond to ThisDarkness, but you’ve already said best what I had in mind to say. That said, there are some individuals who have become addicted to drugs that are tragic stories, but Amanda Clayton certainly wasn’t one of them.

      Ralph Adamo on October 2, 2012 at 1:08 am

      Skunky, repentance always comes before forgiveness. Amanda Clayton showed no signs of repenting. She was just diving into worse and worse sin, such as attempted murder. The unrepentant can expect nothing, and that is just. Amanda Clayton was not deprived or facing dire straits. She consciously chose to abandon her children and plot against her neighbors for no good reason whatsoever. Amanda Clayton had more than ample means to change her life, but would not. Why should such a person be forgiven? Such unsolicited forgiveness would actually be an act of depravity, and nothing more.

      Worry01 on October 2, 2012 at 4:23 pm

    M-m-m-m, . . . No, . . . Why didn’t you present something which might have shown categorical contrast between Judaism and Christianity?

    Rather, what DS and her reader’s express about this occurrence, are some simple arbitrary opinions, . . . which, without more, are the same as yours.

    But however those things might be, to have left your mere conclusory allegation, what the Apostle Paul does say in favor of true religion is that, in the last days, than lovers of G0D, much more, men shall be lovers of self; they shall be haughty, high-minded, unthankful, unholy, defiant, despisers of mankind, despisers of government, kidnappers, whore-mongers (pimps), filthy-minded, and much more of the same, and in all ways like brute beasts, made to be caught and killed.

    Of course, in the nature of things, of Leftist persuasion, many there be who would long entertain this weak and otherwise invalid opinion of “ThisDarkness”—some, the cunning malevolent who have read and who do know, but employing ignorance and promulgating the same notions in hope of ensnaring those of weak mind, but others also, who merely occupy the seat of the unlearned, . . .

    PhillipGaley on October 2, 2012 at 10:27 am

    Then too, while Christians mourn the loss of a mother’s life—if I correctly read this article—though having born children, Amanda did not continue in the way of a mother—in spite of the fact of “ThisDarkness”‘s twice reliance on the word “mother” in so brief a statement.

    Also, “ThisDarkness” has failed to account for the larger issue of life in it’s preciousness and in the fragile nature of it, hence, that, Amanda squandered the gift which was hers to have valued and appreciated.

    I would say that—be true, the account which the facts of this short article presents—than use of a wrenching kind of logic in order to charge a third party with immoral or evil animus, our time—and “ThisDarkness”‘s time—spent in perusal of it, should be better spent in sober reflection, as say, in: “Teach us O Lord, to count each day carefully that, we may apply our hearts unto Wisdom.”, . . . This, from The Psalmist, who—beyond having succumbed to personal errors—stood then at some vantage point in order to weigh and to judge and to well advise those who were to come after—us, . . .

    PhillipGaley on October 2, 2012 at 10:54 am

      Phillip, how pompous and verbose.

      skzion on October 2, 2012 at 11:26 am

        Exactly Skzion. The writing is horrible and horribly boring. Couldn’t get past the 3rd sentence….ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ.

        Skunky on October 2, 2012 at 12:09 pm

    Both Jews and Christians believe in justice some thing that you seem to forget is the Old Testament which is part of our Bible. God in the Old Testament teachs us how to live this has not changed. Christians differ only from Jews in that we believe the Messiah has already come the Jews are still waiting. We both need to live by the Torah or the Old Testament and in this Debbie is correct in a bad person leaving the earth before more damage is done.

    Jonathan Gartner on October 2, 2012 at 2:12 pm

    The only Darkness is that which you create ThisDarkness. Amanda Clayton had dumped her two kids off long ago. One was with her mother, and the other apparently it father. Getting pregnant, giving birth, and then abandoning them is not motherhood, unless you consider reptiles or insects to be good mothers.

    Your thinly veiled antisemitism is also evident. Christianity comes from Judaism. Also, historically, Jews have had very strong family ties, which allowed them to survive great adversity. That would not have happened if Jewish woman had acted like Amanda Clayton. She was a woman with the means to turn her life around, but consciously chose not to be a mother. Amanda Clayton also tried to have a couple of her neighbors killed. Yes, this woman was a really prize. Is this what your mother did? Amanda Clayton was not a mother, but simply a breeder who unloaded her spawn on others.

    Worry01 on October 2, 2012 at 4:11 pm

This woman, Amanda Clayton, was the essense of white trash. I’ve met quite a few women like her. Not one strikes me as a particular likeable or even interesting person.

Seek on October 1, 2012 at 8:01 pm

@This – Plotting, arranging and paying for another person’s murder definitely qualifies one to roast in Hell.

If there’s something wrong with taking a little satisfaction in the fact that evil people (and especially those who seemingly get away with things in their mortal existence) will have to ultimately pay (commensurately with the severity of the sin), then you’ll have to show me (as one of the “most religious Christians” that you cite) how that is sinful.

And while you’re looking that up, show me where it states that Debbie said her life wasn’t worth redemption? Oh, I forgot – that’s the thinking, progressive, troll’s favorite tactic – asserting fallacies.

DS_ROCKS! on October 1, 2012 at 8:12 pm

To the Darkness/The Dumbness, did you read the article word-for-word? Apparently you didn’t read the article, NOWHERE in this article Debbie said that she’s happy this degenirate passed away, as a matter of fact, DS will NEVER wish death on anyone, not even her worst enemies (if you’ve been here long enough, you would’ve realized and learned all of the unhingy emails from muslim-fanatics who over the years have sent DS TONS of hate-mail by calling for the woman’s death, I don’t see you condemning your muslim-fundamentalists friends on wishing death to DS?).

This person was NOT a great person in her short 25 years living on earth, why are you making excuses for someone who tended to do evil, by hiring hitmen to hack innocent people to death over a certain dispute The Dumbness? Either a) you need to improve on your reading comprehension skills, b) get off of the medication if your on it and use critical thinking and/or c) if your either a friend or relative of this girl and making excuses for her, you should be ashamed of yourself for shilling for a evil-minded person!

BTW, this article has NOTHING to do with judiasim or christianity, I may grew up in a christian household, but I don’t practice the faith and I don’t practice NO faiths today, I happen to be a secular person who could careless for religion and I think til a certain point The Dumbness, religion can be full of crap. That’s why I still believe in god but don’t practice no religion.

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on October 1, 2012 at 9:34 pm

White Trash with cash.
Never a good combination.

The lottery destroys so many people, but I’m still willing to take that chance.
Of course, I never buy lottery tickets.
The odds of winning are about the same as finding one on the sidewalk.

Steve on October 1, 2012 at 10:25 pm

    Steve, I could surely use winning the Israeli Lotto but I don’t play because our Chief Sephardic Rabbi has published an opinion that this is gambling and therefor a sin. The Torah doesn’t speak of lotteries of course, but that is why we have to pay attention to the teaching of our Rabbis, not to slavishly obey them but to consider their words and apply them to our lives.

    Italkit on October 2, 2012 at 4:44 am

The saddest part about this whole thing is that all of u are so miserable that you actually have hatred for someone you’ve never met… God doesn’t like ugly so guess what? Ur gonna go to hell too!

Anh6804 on October 1, 2012 at 10:49 pm


    <i.The saddest part about this whole thing is that all of u are so miserable that you actually have hatred for someone you’ve never met….. Ur gonna go to hell too!

    I’m also ill at ease with Debbie’s post about the lowlife Amanda. But I don’t see it as hatred. Disgust, yes, mixed with a certain judgmental intolerance, yup. But how tolerant should one be of those who attempt murder over disputed lawn clippings?

    I think if our society were not so “tolerant” of a broad range of uncivil and anti-social behaviors (like, oh, tearing down posters whose messages you dislike), we would not have many of the problems we do. Not saying DS is a scribe for all seasons, but we need people like her to remind us of how much we have become inured to behavior that undermines the foundations of civilization.

    Larry S. on October 2, 2012 at 12:59 pm

nuff said!…..buh bye!

rich czarniecki on October 2, 2012 at 12:26 am

Um Anh/Analh, did you read the entire article from start to finish, and did you any of our comments and say that this person deserved to die? Apparently you only want to read stuff you want to read instead of using critical thinking, your the reason why this country is dumbing down because of your intellectual laziness and lack of critical thinking.

And stop playing god almighty by saying where going to hell, who the hell are you dumbass, the good lord or the son of man/Jesus Christ? None of don’t hate personality, we hate the stuff she allegedly tried to do, by hiring hitmen to try and kill some of her neighbors over a dispute about law-mower, etc., to me that’s evil and should be condemned and highlighted, rahter than making excuses for! As Skunky said earlier on tonight, the Rolling Stones wrote a song called “Sympathy For The Devil”, and apparently troll your showing sympathy for a evil minded person who’s longer around!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on October 2, 2012 at 12:29 am

This Darkness – You speak of this woman as a “mother”of whom we should have sympathy. Question – are you an actual mother because you have spawned two lives and not lifted a finger to take care of them? Obviously, money shouldn’t have been a problem – if she was fit, they would have been with her, wouldn’t they? That, in my book, does not make her a mother. Earthworms reproduce, so do trailer trash meth heads – all the more reason that those on assistance must agree to use Norplant until they get off assistance.

komodo on October 2, 2012 at 1:10 am

@ThisDarkness – there is a big difference between a mother and a Mom.

Road Warrior on October 2, 2012 at 6:42 am

Anyone reading these comments will have no problem identifying those about to vote for Obama and those siding with Romney.

Arn on October 2, 2012 at 9:29 am

This story also illustrates the difference in thinking between “liberals” or”progressives” and conservatives. To liberals everyone is born good until they are corrupted by an evil social or economic system. Conservatives, being smarter than liberals understand that it is the evil within people that makes them do bad things. I agree with Debbie. Don’t waste sympathy on evil people.

Jerry G on October 2, 2012 at 9:46 am

Your statement about the children growing losers is vulgar. I had no idea you had a crystal ball.

flgraminator on October 2, 2012 at 9:53 am

Another Obama voter down for the count…

Marc on October 2, 2012 at 10:31 am

    No, looks like you got this one wrong too, never voted for obama and never will. When i see a vulgar thought i will call it out

    flgraminator on October 2, 2012 at 2:07 pm

      Um, “flgramintor” how embarrassed are YOU?

      Marc didn’t mean YOU (narcissist)…he meant Amanda Clayton.


      Skunky on October 2, 2012 at 6:51 pm

it never occured to her to pay some one to cut the grass instead of trying to kill her neighbors?i have a brother just like her and there are days when i wish he would just od and get it over with.they all do it and we are rid of them.

BRUCE on October 2, 2012 at 12:50 pm

Darwinism RULES!!!

Jonathan E. Grant on October 2, 2012 at 1:27 pm

The end. Goodnight!

Last word on October 2, 2012 at 11:56 pm

The only thing I disagree with about the article is that her 2 children will probably grow up to be “losers” like her. The children will hopefully learn to have a better life then their m

Working girl on October 3, 2012 at 10:21 am

The only thing I disagree with about the article is that her 2 children will probably grow up to be “losers” like her. The children will hopefully learn to have a better life then their mother I hope. They hopefully will not be plagued with their m

Working girl on October 3, 2012 at 10:22 am

The only thing I disagree with about the article is that her 2 children will probably grow up to be “losers” like her. The children will hopefully learn to have a better life then their mother I hope. They hopefully will not be plagued with their mothers problems.

Working girl on October 3, 2012 at 10:22 am

Read the comments, sense a bit of discontinuity, Amalek comments must’ve been deleted by DS.

You Americans got a lot of white trashes like her. How could you win against Obama? The law of attraction sez trash attracts trash, so all trashes will vote for their favorite trash, the current trash in chief. The polling seem to say there’s more trashes than normal human, at least fifty-fifty which will ensure trashes win through cheating. Romney could still win though if all white trashes drugged themselves to death.

Ethan on October 3, 2012 at 10:46 am

There’s a bit too much celebration going on here for me. It’s a shame the celebration is not for a lost daughter that turned from her ways and returned home.

Visteo on October 3, 2012 at 11:10 am

Why is everyone getting their dicks in a knot over this woman who I neither knew or cared enough to give a damn until Debbie brought her up?

To the Darkness (and this will definitely offend the regulars), there is no God. There is the here and now, cause and effect, right and wrong. Yes, I do shed a tear for a fellow human, but I also believe that Ms Clayton should have been held accountable for all these rash decisions that she made while she was alive. After all, redemption is useless when you’re dead.

And I wouldn’t call her death a Darwinian moment – she begat, therefore that gene pool is still alive. Sadly, eugenics is illegal, so there’s nothing much to do except hope that her kids will not take their mother’s example.

And thanks to Debbie, Satan is trying to pawn this skanky ho off on me. Having diabetes is bad enough: I can’t afford to catch another disease.

The Reverend Jacques on October 3, 2012 at 1:46 pm

I applaud this article. There is nothing tragic about this death, except that it didn’t happen before the bitch was able to steal 6 grand in public benefits (and I don’t care that she made restitution) from the pool of people who actually need the assistance. — I wonder if that 6 grand might have made the difference to a qualified person who didn’t receive it? Could one or more people be dead now because they were denied the food stamps and medical care that was doled out to this shiftless, able-bodied piece of shit?

Useless, worthless, self-entitled whorebag. The only thing that bums me out about is that she had the chance to procreate before she managed to tap out. What a piece of shit. Glad she’s dead, zero sympathy.

Jennifer on October 4, 2012 at 7:50 pm

    Really you think there is a cap on how many people can get Medicaid or food stamps? If you qualify you get it…no one was denied OR died because she received it…Do we REALLY have to be so hateful? Wow hope you find GOD before you “tap out”…

    Heather on October 10, 2012 at 9:47 pm

First of all before you speak you should really get your facts straight! Most of your information is FALSE! And if someone hired hitmen and the “hitmen” confessed believe she would have been arrested for it! You really think with all the news up her ass the police would let that slide? Are you for real?! You are an ignorant human being! And she was the one raising her daughter and she had her son more than anyone else. If you know so much than tell us how her sons father had him because I know that was impossible for him to have him and I’m not sharing why he didn’t because you know so much….YOU should know why he couldn’t hmmmm guess you don’t huh? No one in this world is perfect and everyone has problems and you shouldn’t judge OR be jealous because you didn’t win! So get a life!

Heather on October 10, 2012 at 6:03 pm

And the comment about the kids was just wrong…so does that mean your kids are gonna grow up to spread lies and rumors just like their mom?! Because your information very inaccurate! I happened to know Amanda…o but you probably knew that too?

Heather on October 10, 2012 at 6:23 pm

Disrespectful, this article could have done without the bias and the bigotry.

Liam on August 17, 2013 at 4:19 am

How is it every in good taste to speak of someone who has died, the way you have in this infantile article?

Beanicerperson on August 25, 2013 at 6:51 pm

God must be so proud of the hate in your heart.

TheKel on November 12, 2013 at 8:21 am

You’re just outright mean…

Schlussel is an idiot on January 13, 2014 at 2:42 pm

Debbie Schlussel is a slut…cant belief she is asking for donations on her website from people after writing such bias news about a deceased..

bucho on February 14, 2015 at 11:51 am

I don’t understand why you would say the kids will probably become losers- that comment says more about your vindictiveness than the plight of the children.

Bobby Z on March 20, 2017 at 12:50 am

I can’t believe you even have a page. Your words are sad, disrespectful and you apparently aren’t happy with your own life. For you to mention her kids and call her a loser is very judgemental. You’re sad.

Lanetta on June 27, 2017 at 10:56 pm

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