September 28, 2012, - 4:11 pm

Sheet Metal Workers Union to Schlussel: “Jews Go to Israel! We Don’t Want You Here!”; WHAT YOU CAN DO

By Debbie Schlussel


Yesterday, I received the unsolicited e-mail, below, from Kristine Lofquist, an openly anti-Semitic employee of the Chicago-area Sheet Metal Workers’ International Association Local Union No.73 Pension Welfare and Annuity Funds. Ms. Lofquist, a pension manager, told me that I and other Jews should go to Israel. “We don’t want you here!!” I was also told that we are the cause of Muslim savagery around the world. And all of this was done using the Union and its pension fund’s resources, e-mail, etc. I complained to Ms. Lofquist’s boss, Joseph F. Ohm, the fund administrator. Unfortunately, he refused to terminate Ms. Lofquist and would only tell me that she has been “dealt with appropriately.” She is still employed by the organization and was in the office working, today. Since she’s a pension manager, does she have anything to do with not investing in companies that do business with Israel? Count on it. Is she hesitant to invest in companies founded and or headed by Jews? Count on that, too.


Kristine Lofquist: Sheet Metal Workers Union No. 73’s Resident Eva Braun

Imagine if a person from this union and/or its pension fund sent an e-mail to a Black person and told them in a run-on sentence, “Please go to Africa we don’t want you here!!” Certainly, the writer of such a sentiment would be fired. But not when it’s clearly against a Jew. She calls us “right wing pro Israel nuts.” But we know what she means: JOOOOOS. (If you know the Sheet Metal Workers’ anti-Semite, Kristine Lofquist, have any information on her, and/or a photo of her I can post, please e-mail me).

From: Kristine Lofquist
Date: Thu, Sep 27, 2012 at 5:24 PM

Wow –– it is the right wing pro Israel nuts like you that have caused all the Muslim backlash, you know that don’t you. Why do you live in the US if you love Israel so much????? Please go there we don’t want you here!!

Kristine Lofquist, Sheet Metal Workers Union Pension Fund Resident Jew-Hater

Here is the BS/do-nothing response I received today from this Eva Braun wannabe’s boss, Joseph Ohm:

From: Joe Ohm
Date: Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 3:14 PM
Subject: RE: Anti-Semitic E-mail from Your Employee . . .
To: Debbie Schlussel

Dear Ms. Schlussel:

I am writing to follow up with you regarding the e-mail message recently sent to you by an employee in our office. The Funds are committed to equal opportunity, and strictly prohibit employees from using our computers and e-mail system for communications of this type. The e-mail message that you received was not authorized or condoned by the Funds, and does not reflect the views of the Funds or the Fund Office. The employee has been dealt with appropriately.

Thank you for calling this matter to our attention.

Joseph F. Ohm
Fund Administrator
Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 73 Benefit Funds
4530 Roosevelt Road
Hillside, IL 60162
(708) 449-2120

In fact, the employee, Kristine Lofquist has NOT “been dealt with appropriately.” She still has a job and was in her office working, today. Clearly, anti-Semitism and hatred of Israel are acceptable to the Sheet Metal Workers Union and its pension fund.

Here is my response:

From: Debbie Schlussel
Date: Fri, Sep 28, 2012 at 3:18 PM
Subject: Re: Anti-Semitic E-mail from Your Employee . . .
To: Joe Ohm

If the employee still works for your organization, which appears to be the case, then she has NOT been dealt with appropriately and clearly your organization condones and sanctions anti-Semitic, anti-Israel behavior. Helen Thomas was fired from her reporting job for telling Jews to go back to Europe. If you do not fire this person–who told me Jews should go back to Israel–then, clearly, you accept this type of behavior. There should be zero tolerance for Jew-hatred.

Sadly, there appears to be, on the contrary, 100% tolerance for it. Anti-Semitism is never out of style.


You can help me by calling and e-mailing Joe Ohm and the Union officials who sit on the union’s pension fund board. Ask them why an anti-Semitic employee who scapegoats the Jews for Muslim savagery still has a job at their pension fund. Ask them why they tolerate anti-Semitism. Please contact these individuals and ask them why an anti-Semitic employee remains in their employ:


Rocco Terranova
President and Business Manager
Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union No. 73
4550 Roosevelt Road
Hillside, IL 60162
Telephone: 708.449.0073

Dan Ahern
Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union No. 73
4550 Roosevelt Road
Hillside, IL 60162
Telephone: 708.449.0073

Mike Vittorio
Sheet Metal Workers’ Local Union No. 73
4550 Roosevelt Road
Hillside, IL 60162
Telephone: 708.449.0073


John Delano
2703 Van Buren
Bellwood, IL 60104-2458

John P. Harmon, Sr.
Builders Heating, Inc.
4633 West 138th Street
Crestwood, IL 60445
Telephone: 708.385.7774

James S. Billard
Hill Mechanical Group
11045 Gage Avenue
Franklin Park, IL 60131

That Was Then . . .


This Is Now . . .


**** UPDATE: Reader David found Kristine Lofquist’s Facebook page. It appears that her husband is Muslim (he looks like a Pakistani or could be an Indian Muslim), and there is a picture of their son, Ehan, in a Muslim thobe outfit. Further, a birthday party shot appears to show the son with mostly Muslim kids, probably from a Muslim school. (They live in Evanston, Illinois.) Good to know that the Sheet Metal Workers are now jihadist-occupied territory, and that Jew-hater Kristine Lofquist was apparently a willing womb donor/baby factory for the jihad.

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85 Responses

I think you should also file a complaint with whatever entity regulates pension funds. That might stir things up.

Worry01 on September 28, 2012 at 4:15 pm

Very very disappointing. There was a time when virtually the entire labor movement in the U.S. was solidly behind Israel. I knew many union leaders who admired the Histradut, the Israeli labor federation, and the fact that Israel was an anti-communist free trade union state.

That was then, I guess this is now. The kooks have invaded the trade union movement. Back in an earlier day, they were despised by the mainstream leadership of the labor movement.

BethesdaDog on September 28, 2012 at 4:25 pm

    That’s because the Leftist, Secular Zionists were all Members of the Labor Internationale. That includes Ben Gurion, Mrs. Meir, Peres, etc. etc. as well as Sharon and Barak. After the fall of communism, “Labor” had a bad connotation for a political party so they changed the name to KADIMA. The Labor Movement world wide sought to turn Israel into a secular, socialist state.

    Italkit on September 29, 2012 at 12:33 pm

Well she didn’t say Jews then, she said ‘right wing pro israel nuts’ and that includes Christians too.

Most American Jews are left wingers,

What she said actually applies more to Christian Zionists, cause the ‘right wing pro israel nuts’ are a minority amongsts Jews in the US.

Gav on September 28, 2012 at 4:38 pm


Consider informing the ADL. I’d contact Mayor Koch too, he might have some info. I’d cc everything to Rahm Emanuel 😉

B: The ADL is one of the most anti-Semitic organizations these days. It’s filled with Jewish self-haters who love Islam. They hosted open anti-Semites who support Hezbollah. The ADL Michigan idiotette chief, Betsy Kellman, said the real terrorist threat in Detroit is not Muslims but Orthodox Jews. DS

BcemXaHa on September 28, 2012 at 4:39 pm

    Why ADL? The right address is Abe Foxman at

    Nomis101 on September 28, 2012 at 7:20 pm

      Abe Foxman is at the ADL not the JDL and Debbie is completely right about their self-hating antisemitism.

      Italkit on September 29, 2012 at 12:35 pm

Perhaps the Federal Trade Commission and Dept of Consumer Affairs needs to have a word with these clowns

Habib Akbarovich on September 28, 2012 at 4:40 pm

Sure, I have no problem making a fuss, if you stand up for all types of this “leave the country” mentality. Make a fuss about TX Rep. Debbie Riddle implying an Afghan-American to move to Afghanistan.

W B on September 28, 2012 at 4:43 pm

Bwah. Clearly English is not her primary language and why she is employed by a union.

Road Warrior on September 28, 2012 at 4:58 pm

4 of the 6 trustees listed have Italian or Irish surnames.

Dr Dale on September 28, 2012 at 5:00 pm

    Yeah, so? you gonna wage a race war against everyone with an Italian or Irish name? What about ITALIANS like me who are also Jews, and NO WE ARE NOT CONVERTS?

    Italkit on September 29, 2012 at 12:38 pm

I actually live about 30 minutes from this place. Mosques are popping up around here left and right. This Kristine women is such an idiot. She doesn’t realize that it’s not the Jews who are a threat to her, or the U.S., it’s the muslims.

Sigh, times have changed.

Ilan on September 28, 2012 at 5:09 pm

May I have the email of her boss? I’d love to go off this bitch.

anastasia klein on September 28, 2012 at 5:12 pm

This is what obama build…. This is his policy towards Israel. It’s no surprise when garbage like Sheet Metal Workers Union makes statements like this. I accept obama to say the same things, if God forbid he is re-elected. Please vote November 6th!!!!!!!

Alex Cherkas on September 28, 2012 at 5:13 pm

It’s par for the course, these days. I’ll go a step further. I have been noticing even more obnoxious behavior coming out of people(male and female) driving pick up trucks with union stickers on them. Proudly identifying with unions lately is more and more common with the otherwise unemployable.

samurai on September 28, 2012 at 5:19 pm

Lofquist’s tirade was hateful; no doubt about it. No one has the right to tell a group of Americans to leave. But I will say one thing. She is right that all Jews should go to Israel. The world is not a safe place for Jews. And we are supposed to live in the land, in order to be able to be who we are really supposed to be. G*d is telling us something. Maybe He is using a racist, hateful blowhard this time. We should listen to Him.

Rukhama on September 28, 2012 at 5:26 pm

that Joe person, her boss, must have changed his email, because I just emailed him and it wouldn’t go through.

AK: It’s Make sure you send it to, and not DS

anastasia klein on September 28, 2012 at 5:30 pm

    He may or may not change mail Address , yet phone #’s will remain unchanged. I’m going to call on a daily basis, from a very far country, surly you and friends could do same, Anastasia….

    Nomis101 on September 28, 2012 at 7:19 pm

Union thugs are everywhere. I visited Kristine’s Facebook page. She apparently doesn’t know about Facebook security. You can send her a message.

m. stakem on September 28, 2012 at 5:44 pm

    I did some 20 Min. Ago. She will continue 2 get msgs. Till she secures her page or leaves Town with her “Swedish” looking husband & Son.

    Nomis101 on September 28, 2012 at 7:15 pm

Why could I guess before the last response that she married into the Muzzmob? I guess it’s time to check out her affiliations.

Lisa on September 28, 2012 at 5:45 pm

If she’s a recording artist, Ms. Lofquist’s next CD should be titled, “Swedish Blood, Muslim Heart.” (My apologies to Morrissey.)

Seek on September 28, 2012 at 5:55 pm

Everyone posting here should call the President of the AFL-CIO here in Washington, DC and complain about this disgusting “woman.”

Ironically, she is a big supporter of Sandra Fluke. If she lived under Islamic rule, she would have no rights to birth control, other than that which her husband allowed.

Jonathan E. Grant on September 28, 2012 at 6:08 pm

If Debbie took her advice and lived in Israel those same anti-Semites would be telling her to get out of the country! No matter where Jews live, they can’t win. They HAVE done what the Kristine Lofquists of the world have advised them to do and they are still as hated as ever.

Zionism has given the Jewish people a homeland. It has not eliminated anti-Semitism. If every last Jew left America for Israel, it still wouldn’t disappear.

Another of The Undeniable Facts Of Life of our 21st Century world.

NormanF on September 28, 2012 at 6:09 pm

    So true! Jews are told by racists to go to Israel, and if they do, they’re attacked by racists for being in Israel. They can’t win.

    This reminds me of a conversation I had with a Russian Jew emigré friend. I noted that Russians blamed Jewish ideologues and leaders for imposing communism on Russia, and then blamed Jewish capitalists for the fall of the USSR. He smiled wryly and said, “Yes, no matter what happens, it is always the fault of the Jews.”

    Kostoglotov on September 29, 2012 at 8:06 am

    MIxed up as usual, Norman. The “zionists” didn’t give Jews a homeland, G-d did. If it were up to the “zionists” we could be living in Uganda, they didn’t care where it was as long as Jews got some real estate of their own. And the “zionists” were all Labor Internationale secular humanistic socialists who wanted a SECULAR state and that’s why we have such a mess with rabbis who are more politicians than spiritual leaders.

    Italkit on September 29, 2012 at 12:42 pm

      Leaving aside your tone, you must certainly be aware that Zionism was a complex movement, with many strands, some quite hostile to the Second International.

      And the consideration of Uganda was never meant to be a long-term approach.

      While I am by no means sympathetic to labor in general, or to the Second International in particular, it is undeniable that some labor Zionists played an important role in the establishment of Israel. You probably also know that many conservative Jews in the US, especially those associated with the American Jewish Committee, did not support Zionism until the very last moment.

      Little Al on September 30, 2012 at 11:29 am

Here is the number for the AFL-CIO in Washington DC: 1.202.637.5000

Call, ask to be connected to Richard Trumka’s office (president of the AFL-CIO), and tell his secretary about the anti-Semitic remarks made, tell them the name of the person who made them, and their position with the Sheet Metal Workers Union. Also refer them to Debbie’s column.

If you do not get through to them now, call on Monday.

Jonathan E. Grant on September 28, 2012 at 6:19 pm

I just called (Friday, 6:32) and was patched through to Trumka’s office. I left a message, giving them all of the details of debbie’s column and identifying their employee, Ms. Lufquiist (Lumpquiff)?

I suggest everyone else follow suit and call the AFL-CIO.

Jonathan E. Grant on September 28, 2012 at 6:26 pm

Get a copy over to The New York Post.

pat on September 28, 2012 at 6:56 pm

Complaints emailed in, messages left. Good job Debbie (and reader David) for exposing this slimy, Jew-hating cockroach.

And with her comment “Please go there we don’t want you here!! (sic)”, the “we” obviously is referring to her new muslim family and other muslims because I sure as Hell do want Debbie here and am thankful that she is.

DS_ROCKS! on September 28, 2012 at 8:04 pm

    She could start a new life in Rawalpindi with her Islamo-hubby and their spawn.

    Worry01 on September 28, 2012 at 8:50 pm

I cannot believe in this day and age that someone could be so absolutely out-of-control bigoted that she would write an email like that. That email was reprehensible! To send it from her office email, thereby putting the imprimatur of her employer on it is a fireable offense! I should know. I work in HR and have fired people for less. Of course, I’m not sure what she’s more pissed about – the fact that you’re a Jew or that you’re a conservative.

I clicked on her Facebook links and she has taken most of the pictures down, including pictures of herself. The link to the photo of her son is off. I suspect she may be having second thoughts about sending that email, but for her to do it and so blatantly identify herself shows that she really means what she is saying, and she isn’t afraid of any repercussions from her employer. I think it’s time to show her that she’s wrong. I intend to contact Richard Trumka first thing Monday morning.

Debbie, you are right, that if she sent that to a black person or to a MUSLIM, she would have been summarily fired.

DG in GA on September 28, 2012 at 9:27 pm

From her FB page…..

Kristine Lofquist
about an hour ago
I may have to shut down my facebook account. But I will find you all again I hope!

Brandi Kiser Why
57 minutes ago via mobile

Kristine Lofquist I am being cyberstalked by someone I don’t know who is trying to make trouble for me…hope you are enjoying being back at school and that your Mom is feeling better! Take care!
49 minutes ago

Kristine Lofquist Thanks – just taking down some photos of my son – they were making fun of him!
39 minutes ago

Mitch on September 28, 2012 at 9:29 pm

    She claims SHE was being stalked! HA!

    She needs to be run out of her JOB and sent packing for PAKI land!

    I actually believe she is some white trash witch who got the job because she is related to somebody on the board of the union… THAT is how most of those in the union business offices get their jobs! She is a daughter, a niece or maybe even a cousin…but she STILL has a job because of WHO her relatives is and HOW high he/she is in the Union.

    Alabama Pride on September 29, 2012 at 11:23 am

Well, at the very last, you forced the paki witch to shut down
her and her son’s facebook account!!! Anyone screen captured her pic so I can make photoshops of the monkeys?

Ming the Merciless on September 28, 2012 at 10:45 pm

I placed a call into Eva Braun’s boss (Joe Ohm) and I will be calling and e-mailing ALL on this list by weekends end. We’ll get results here.

Not shocked she is married to a Moooooslim. It may make her feel vindicated to be an anti-semite but it doesn’t. It’s just typical garbage from rotting garbage. Another dopey dhimmi!

Skunky on September 28, 2012 at 10:47 pm

    Skunky, unlike most anti-Semites Kristine is now paying a price. Using a workplace email address for personal matters is not too swift. On top of that, using it to engage in an anti-Semitic attack moves into the realm of the insane. Kristine’s employer has been made aware of this situation, and that is never good. A termination may not be immediate, but she is really skating on thin ice. If her Islamo-hubby is unemployed or an otherwise unproductive state, Kristine has a problem.

    Worry01 on September 28, 2012 at 11:42 pm

      Correctamundo Worry! I will hope and pray for her problem to come to fruition.

      I’m halfway through the list and shall tackle the rest tomorrow. If someone did what she did to a Moooooslim they would be already unemployed.

      She opened her dumb, dhimmi mouth and now she has to deal with trying to write a check (with her dumb-ass mouth) that her ass couldn’t cash.

      Skunky on September 28, 2012 at 11:51 pm

To Ms. Lofquist I say …

Six Days Biatch

Jack on September 29, 2012 at 1:02 am

While a song and dance will probably ensue from her employer, a good HRO and her immediate supervisor(s) can-and should-recommend termination due to 1) ineffective communication skills, 2) unauthorized use of a company’s e-mail for personal use resulting in the unprofessional marketing, and 3) accomplice in immigration fraud. The latter is suspect on my end, but if pushed, the husband would probably bail out of the U.S. WITH the kids…they are Muslim afterall, and Ms. Kristine [oh the irony in her name and choice of men] would immediately see the truth of submission to the will of her husband. P.S. NEVER met a union rep that did NOT make money hand over fist…you can see them and meet them all after they retire to central and south Florida…check out your local Knight’s of Columbus hall during “Casino Night” and spheghetti dinners “for the children’s sports.”
Unbelievable gall.

Sick_Boy on September 29, 2012 at 3:05 am

Shit Metal Workers Union !

drklimczak on September 29, 2012 at 3:56 am

That photo of Kristine Lofquist looks like the love child of Adolph and Eva. Basically the same hirstyle as Adolph, just longer. Just saying…

James D. from the Republic of Texas on September 29, 2012 at 6:28 am

    Oh my goodness! She actually DOES.

    Piquerish on September 30, 2012 at 4:39 am

BethesdaDog makes a very good point about how the labor movement used to be pro-Israel. Even during the 30s and 60s, when radicalism was very strong, this was the case.

Little Al on September 29, 2012 at 7:51 am

    That’s because the Leftist, Secular Zionists were all Members of the Labor Internationale. That includes Ben Gurion, Mrs. Meir, Peres, etc. etc. as well as Sharon and Barak. After the fall of communism, “Labor” had a bad connotation for a political party so they changed the name to KADIMA. The Labor Movement World Wide sought to turn Israel into a secular, socialist state.

    Italkit on September 29, 2012 at 12:45 pm

      The labor movement’s support of Israel was also because of the strength, at least through the 50s, of the Needle Trade unions, and other garment unions, which mostly had Jewish leadership. The AFL-CIO was also alert to the Communist threat because Jay Lovestone, the Director of International Affairs for many years, was an ex-Communist, and familiar with their beliefs and tactics, and knew how to combat them.

      By the 70s, the Second International was turning against Israel, especially in Europe, but the AFL-CIO, at least while Lane Kirkland dominated, was still pro-Israel, and helped overthrow Communism.

      But the point about the Second International that you made is interesting, valid and important. But now, labor has joined the rabble.

      Little Al on September 29, 2012 at 1:12 pm

This gal only wants you to move to Isreal and implies anyone that acts like you should go, as well. If I were Muslim, I might share that sentiment. Certainly she should have used her own e-mail account from home to contact you. She probably has shown her employers what you wrote…this is the only thing keeping her from being fired!!! ;-).

Visteo on September 29, 2012 at 11:31 am

    Really, why not see how far it gets you to tell a Muslim resident to ” Go Back to Lebanon”. That would not be taken as a kindly remark, and you would risk physical attack.

    Also, the response Debbie made was to the woman’s employer, and not to Kristine. You might try reading Debbie’s post again. Your response would be taken more seriously then.

    As an aid to your reading comprehension, here is the manager’s response to the incident:

    Dear Ms. Schlussel:

    I am writing to follow up with you regarding the e-mail message recently sent to you by an employee in our office. The Funds are committed to equal opportunity, and strictly prohibit employees from using our computers and e-mail system for communications of this type. The e-mail message that you received was not authorized or condoned by the Funds, and does not reflect the views of the Funds or the Fund Office. The employee has been dealt with appropriately.

    Thank you for calling this matter to our attention.

    Joseph F. Ohm
    Fund Administrator
    Sheet Metal Workers’ Local 73 Benefit Funds
    4530 Roosevelt Road
    Hillside, IL 60162
    (708) 449-2120

    That should clarify matters for you, if there were any real confusion. Also, save the emoticons for chat rooms, it looks goofy.

    Worry01 on September 29, 2012 at 5:44 pm

      Worry01, I hope to clarify a few things. The emoticon was used to highlight the tongue-in-cheek nature of my comments. Debbie takes no hostages of any political group, nationality or religion. I like that she does not hold back punches for any group. Often she criticizes an entire group for the the actions of a few. It is just her style, but it can be used to justify angry words directed back at her. I am not sure that I know any Lebanese Muslims. In 85-86 I had some Lebanese friends. We never discussed religion. I did realize that the Lebanese are a highly moral people. Their morals may not be yours or mine. If we start from a position of respect for a group of people, we can hope to find understanding between us. Inflammatory comments directed at a group for the actions a few will potentialy get the intended result…inflamed groups of people. A look back at some of the previous rhetoric may not justify Kristine’s comments, but read the title of the article again. Kristine’s comments are directed at Debbie and anyone that acts like Debbie. Kristine may hate all Jews, but I can’t make that leap of faith from her one letter. V.

      Visteo on September 30, 2012 at 11:40 am


sam Enderby on September 29, 2012 at 2:09 pm

What is this Muslim backlash you are referring to Christine?
And why do you see muslims as victims and not perpetrators of hate?

ebayer on September 29, 2012 at 2:15 pm

Check 1-888-678-8914 so many Muslims they now have Press 3 for Arabic.

Donald on September 29, 2012 at 5:13 pm

another fine Obama video

billie on September 29, 2012 at 5:30 pm

ZOMG! A Mitt Romney speech is on cspan right now, in which he blames our problems in the Middle East on income inequality and joblessness.

Isn’t that sweet? Speaking of cspan, I see that Virgil Goode will be on tomorrow (Sunday) at 8:30 am. I wonder if he’d ever say anything like that? At least there’s *a* candidate this year who isn’t trying to out-Obama Obama.

Statusm0nkey1 on September 29, 2012 at 5:59 pm

    Stick to the topic, Muslim Monkey.

    skzion on September 30, 2012 at 12:35 pm

The Moslems suffer an inferiority complex that makes them jealous of any successful group. The ljealousy turns to hatered which they practice a lot and practice makes perfect as you well know. They want to show every one that they are professional terrorists and criminals. That is all criminal gangs do. Islam is a satanic cult by its nature. Muhammad told his followers once that he caught a devil and wanted to tie him to one of the columns of the mosque for the children to play with.Then they will ask for my head for telling them what is written in their authenticated references. Great.

G. R. Scharoubim on September 29, 2012 at 8:58 pm

A hate crime is being committed? I don’t know the exact law.and who enforces it. If I say you could do better in Cuba with your style of politics,that is an observation? The statements made need to be posted eactly as they are written to you! Then, you find people who clearly see the general implication of what is said! Words are tricky!
Anyway, If you want to visit my home, your welcome here! I’m not someone special, I just have an attitude about anti-American attitudes! We all live in this country! Religion does not rule this country! The Constitution of The United States states says we are a country with freedom for all forms religion that conform to our stated beliefs! That means: All religions obey our Constitutional laws! They are free to leave this country, if that doesn’t meet their approval! Learn,Observe,Obey,or face prosecution for violation of other people’s Civil Rights! on September 29, 2012 at 11:24 pm

This “woman” married to an arab IS THE ONE who should leave America immediately, PERIOD!! What an absolutely vile, ultraleft-wing e, radical, extremist nutcase!! Why is she still working there!!she MUST BE FIRED IMMEDIATELY, PERIOD!!!!!

Dave on September 30, 2012 at 4:12 am

Has the Anti-Defamation League weighed in on this? Has FOX News taken a look at investigating it (I know the rest of the media whore-ocracy won’t)? Frankly, I think some form of legal sanction should be sought, even if it does not succeed, and maximal bad publicity, naming names should be loud, long, and relentless. Good luck with this!

Piquerish on September 30, 2012 at 4:33 am

ms lundquist , my only remark i can make because words fail me and im upset is GO FUCK YOUR SELF YOU MUSLIM BITCH!!

the kid on September 30, 2012 at 11:27 am

Mobs of Muslim slaves incited by their Grand Mufti are burning Churches and Temples of the Christian and Buddhist minorities. The motive of the Mufti is to increase his Jizya (extortion money), and it always gets paid. This ugly practice will end when Navy Seals seize the extortionists and transport them to Guantanamo. There they will be water boarded until they disclose the names of their racketeering partners. Drones can soon be dispatched to bust the butts of the untouchable Islamic Mafia. Allah and Muhammad will then have to get jobs making an honest buck.

chowching on September 30, 2012 at 11:38 am

Hey you guys!

I found the bitch’s contact information:

Kristine Lofquist
(847) 864-8477

2666 Gross Point Rd
Evanston, IL 60201-4965

Zelda on September 30, 2012 at 12:55 pm

Here’s the union’s home page:

Here’s an email link:

Zelda on September 30, 2012 at 12:58 pm

Debbie, I just saw your column and will join this worthy effort forthwith.

skzion on September 30, 2012 at 12:58 pm

Kristine Lofquist

2666 Gross Point Rd
Evanston, IL 60201

Please be so kind as to write a letter to Ms. Lofquist letting her know what you think of her anti-Semetism.

Hark on September 30, 2012 at 5:25 pm

You numbnuts posting on this site,you so dumb even not realize you defame everybody, every day including muzzies,nazis,polaks etc.and you try to fire or sue for defamation this women?
Go f..k yourself.My suggestion is,each of you zionist ass wipes and their supporters buy yourself .357 magnum and make favor to us normal folks and to all humanity.

Lowersilesian on September 30, 2012 at 9:57 pm

    Thanks for your compliments Mohammed/Khalid/Akmed, etc., then again I won’t be surprised if this is you Kristine Lofquist trying so damn hard to be an utter imbecile with bad spelling and bad grammer.

    Defamation? Are you freaking kidding me, let me get this straight dumbass, telling the truth and giving out the facts about anyone or anything is now considered defamation? I guess the the truth is a risk to lying liars like you and your ilk. Now back to Stormfront to share your nazi opinions with your brothers and sisters Ms. Lofquist, if that’s you? Or if it’s not you, still go back to stormfront to share your anti-semitic hatred, DS has ZERO tolerance for jew-hatred rhetoric from your ilk you loon!

    “A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

    Sean R. on October 1, 2012 at 3:41 pm

Correspondence with Ms. Lofquist on her FBPage!!!


“Love your tanned husband & the little black boy who came out of your rectum…not enough born American men round your neighborhood Kristine? U were raped by an Indian/paki ? You may wish to invest wisely in a burial plot…your earthly days could be numbered.”

Her reply:

“Was that meant as a death threat – because it sounds like it to me, I have made a screen shot of your post and am giving it to the police just in case”.



Nomis101 on October 1, 2012 at 6:54 am

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