July 17, 2009, - 8:22 pm

Buh-Bye, Walter Cronkite: He Lost the Vietnam War for U.S. on TV, Had American Blood on His Hands

By Debbie Schlussel
I just heard the news that former CBS anchorman Walter Cronkite died. And perhaps I will be one of the few with the guts to be real and say it: I’m not sad to see this overrated liar go. Buh-bye.
At 92, Cronkite enjoyed a long and glamorous life, unlike many of our late teen and 20-something American troops against whom he editorialized on a nightly basis. They died on the killing fields of Vietnam in no small part because he contributed to the video demoralization of America and the resulting lack of commitment to help our boys win the Vietnam War.
I’m sure that Cronkite will be remembered gushingly by all of the liberal mainstream media robots whom he spawned and who idolize him (and probably many gutless idiots on the right, too). In so many ways, he is their Michael Jackson, minus the creativity and talent. In life, they already exalted Cronkite far, far beyond what he deserved and completely ignored his awful transgressions against our country.


Walter Cronkite Defeated America on TV

But the man they called “The Most Trusted Man in America” was really something far different: The Most Destructive Man in America. And that is how he should be remembered. He had the blood of thousands of American men–some of them really just boys–on his hands.
We may have lost the Viet Nam War on the ground because of half-hearted bureaucrats and politicians, not least among them Defense Secretary Robert McNamara who also recently passed away. But, well before that, we lost the war in a far more important theater–domestic America–because the Viet Cong’s top media general on TV, Walter Cronkite, led many offensives against our troops, every single evening.
Cronkite fought against America while in Vietnam, where he covered the Tet Offensive and lied about it to American wives, parents, and siblings of our boys on the battlefield. While the 1968 Tet Offensive was actually a victory–a tactical defeat for the Communist Viet Cong–you’d hardly know it, since Cronkite covered it as an incredible loss and gave fuel for the anti-war movement’s fire and its allies in the Congress and in Hollywood (Hanoi Jane, anyone?).
And it is in Cronkite’s coverage of Tet that America lost the Vietnam War. Most military historians regard it as the decisive battle in the war because it shifted American public opinion against the war. And Cronkite is the head atop that rotten fish.
A month later, instead of just “covering the news” in this constant lying manner, Cronkite began editorializing and delivered a scathing commentary against America’s war efforts.
Cronkite’s slogan was, “And that’s the way it is.” But if it came out of his mouth, you could be sure of one thing: that’s the way it wasn’t.
The left idolizes this man because they credit him with helping end the Vietnam War. But let’s be honest. He didn’t help end it. He helped lose it. We eventually lost it on the field because we lost it on television, first. Vietnam was the first American war shown nightly on television news. And Cronkite was the Just Lose It crowd’s Commander in Chief in that theater.
Our half-hearted efforts in Vietnam, in large part because of Walter Cronkite’s on-air attacks, have had long-lasting effects, decades later. Even Osama Bin Laden has cited them in his lack of fear in attacking America. He studied our military history, with Vietnam as its cornerstone of cutting and running. That is Walter Cronkite’s legacy. So are the generations of liars who modeled themselves after him and have spent decades on TV news tearing and dumbing down America from within.
I can’t be nice and say that Walter Cronkite should “rest in peace.”
To do so would be to ignore the posthumous wails of the restless ghosts of over 58,000 dead Americans who lost their lives so that Walter Cronkite could be a star and Vietnam could solidify its communist tilt. That’s not to mention our 153,000-plus wounded.
It is the souls of these proud Americans that I pray rest in peace, not that of the man who helped perpetrate their loss. He is soulless.
Only they–Walter Cronkite’s tens of thousands of victims–can forgive this evil man for his transgressions and journalistic crimes against them. Sadly for Cronkite, they’ve gone to a better place.
And he’s rotting somewhere else.

133 Responses

Also, I’ve abstained from comment until now- eminem sort of cranked me up to go against my better judgement to not jump into this liberal lovefest for Walter Cronkite- but I will say now, thanks Debbie for mentioning this- Again, I know just from hearing things from my hubby and his friends who were there, that the common concensus is that “American Forces won the Vietnam War- Cronkite, Ketty, Fonda adn their ilk lost us the peace”.

Mistress_Dee on July 20, 2009 at 8:57 am

Random Thoughts: Obviously, reading comprehension is not your strong suit. Through out these 100 comments readers have posted what they saw, did and remember of Walter’I hate’American Cronkite.
You are obviously one of the American Haters, who believe that we lost the war in South Vietnam. And thanks to you and your ilk, you helped defeat your own country.
Just for your information, NVA killed was 30,000 and over 50,000 wounded. American casualties, 6300 killed and 15,000 wounded. I’d call that a victory.
cronkite called it a loss, America was losing the war. Then during Tet, Khe Sanh was also under siege, along with the rest of the country, an old Green Beret Base. Your friends in the press called it the Americans Dien Bien Phu, where the French got their asses kicked by General Giap. The same General who came at Khe Sanh.
But what you commie friends didn’t tell you or they didn’t realize, Khe Sanh was held by the Marines. They are no the French, They too kicked the ass of the NVA who had them surrounded.
Even General Giap said, they had sustained so many losses all that was necessary was to push a little harder and they would have given up. But the help the NVA was getting from the Hippies bastards in the United States gave the North Vietnamese the hope to hold out a little longer because our own people were fighting for them. These lousy dirtbag bastard communists like Walter Cronkite was one of those such bastards.
Even that bastard LBJ gave up after cronkite’s report from Hue. We gave Johnson everything we had, and that Son of a bitch quit on us.
So you see Random Thoughts it is punks who helped defeat your own country and stabbed the troops in the back.
Semper Fi.

mark on July 20, 2009 at 9:09 am

Lew wrote:
“dw, you’re hopeless, I give up. I only suffer fools for so long.
But, like a good little leftist, you will not let facts interfere with the agenda”
I note that you never addressed the “aid and comfort” aspect of your star General. That’s because “facts” are only used when it supports your biased outlook. You shouldn’t have introduced Weyland into the mix, because it marks you as hypocritical. No wonder you give up – how very Palin of you.
Some Zionist wrote:
“”It matters not one bit what your military service has been–such things are irrelevant to this argument. This predisposition is an empirical matter: does it exist or does it not? When I read about your support for Islam, including the cliched canard about “racism,” even though anyone who really cared about Western values would find Islam repugnant, there isn’t much room for doubt.”
What I find repugnant is hatred of all kinds, including the particularly virulent kind I find here. what I find funny is people nailing something as “hate” while spewing hatred themselves. I have offered no specific “support of islam”, just a dislike for those who only see whole groups of people. It sounds like the reverse coin of anti-semitism, something that I am very familiar with (more so here in the US than my 7 years of living in Germany, BTW).
And I think that my military service is VERY relevant. I’ve BEEN there (where have YOU been?) I’ve defended my country in the most direct way possible. And, for you to assume that you know what I think about my country is the height of arrogance. It’s easy for jack-booted idiots like you to spout nonesense. but I fought for your right to do so, so I guess I don’t have cause for complaint. Just keep spouting lies and bullshit.
“Actually, dw, I do not throw the word “evil” around like candy”.
Sure you do. You devalue the very essense of the word. You’re so consumed with hatred that you can’t even see it.
“I do not know why you did military service (or whether you did–one cannot assume that leftists are reporting honestly on their service), but you very clearly are predisposed to side with a group so long as it is in conflict with the US. You are like a biased jury member”.
Oh THAT’S choice. Me, biased. Coming from someone who can’t even hold a reasoned dialog with someone that they disagree with and who’s willing to characterize someone’s thoughts about his country that he or she hasn’t even met, that’s wonderful.
And, believe it or not, there are leftists in the military. I hope that causes you to lose sleep at night.
“I’ll one more thing. The reason I use the word “leftist” as opposed to “liberal” in reference to you, dw, is because there are some liberals who actually are not biased against their own country. Netherlands, for example, would hardly be considered a bastion of social conservatism. The amazing support for Geert Wilders seems to come mostly from his message that Islam takes away Western liberty, including such things as women’s rights and gay rights. This is what I would have expected from liberals, as opposed to leftists”.
I defy you to find anything I’ve written that shows that I am “biased” against my own country. And I am totally opposed to those Islamic principles that reduce women to third-class citizens and I absolutely believe that we should root out terrorists of all stripes and wipe them from the face of the earth. But I know that wouldn’t be good enough for you since you equate me busting some hate-filled “found-under-a-rock nasty website with “support for Islam. You suck.
In fact, most of the posters responding to this post obviously hate America and are evil themselves. (See, I can pull the same bullshit). I don’t have to know any of you, I don’t have to do anything but look at some of the batshit-crazy fringe comments that float around this little dank dungeon of the Internet and decide that you are all liars, traitors and prevaricators who actually hate your country.
Hmmmm, that felt good. No wonder you folks like to do it. It stimulates the lizard brain.

dw on July 20, 2009 at 9:58 am

Wow… Great research, Debbie. Not surprising, until now I’d never heard anyone report the facts and truth about his backstabbing of our troops. Thank you for publishing the truth (as usual).

Patriot1 on July 20, 2009 at 9:58 am

GREAT article Debbie. Thanks for having the guts to state the truth.

PDMac60 on July 20, 2009 at 10:05 am

Excellent column. Im glad you had the guts to post this about this left wing bastard. While he was out sailing on his yacht around marthas vineyard we were losing men who should have never been lost. He is no better than Jane Fonda they both served the same master.

johnnyboz on July 20, 2009 at 11:10 am

Posted by: EminemsRevenge
“No Vietnamese ever called me a ‘nigger’.” But they were calling US that at home as they lynched our brethren and beat down and hosed our compeers on the street.???
MY uncle was asked to re-up in ’66, THEY even offered him a commission, but word was already out with the troops by then…only FOOLS went to Viet Nam!

horselady on July 20, 2009 at 11:31 am

Debbie, you got it right again. Just like the post about McNair in Nashville. Good job.

cuffymeigs on July 20, 2009 at 11:54 am

I normally like what Debbie has to say, but in this case she is dead wrong. Walter Cronkite didn’t start the war, he reported on it. This was a politians war. MacNamera and Johnson are the ones to blame. Also, those who were profiting from it. From reading many of the post here, they come from individuals who were not born, or too young to know what happened. I beleive Debbie was born in 1969. So to spew such hate is not like her. I agree with a couple of post that ask for specific examples. I grew up with Walter Cronkite when we only had 3 channels, or the written news to go by. Not the many news outlets of today that report their opinion and not the facts. I saw first hand most of those broadcasts live in 1968 and 1969 when I was in college, and the country was tired of hearing every night about the number of boys getting killed. War is hell-and he was reporting on it. I missed many later broadcasts, since I was on an aircraft carrier off the coast of Vietnam for two years, 1970 and 1971. If we would have been able to use air power more effectively, along with the Air Force, and not told where to bomb, due to politics, the war would have ended much sooner, with less loss of life. I agree with another post, that Walter Conkrite, saved a lot of lives of those who didn’t have to go. Walter Cronkite didn’t pass the draft laws of those days, or make policy. He reported on what he saw. Yes, he made mistakes. He was human. But to blame him for the 58,000 who died, is incorrect. Blame the policy makers of those days.

aircarrier on July 20, 2009 at 1:03 pm

Right on Debbie! I’ve been saying this in my hometown of Tucson that Cronkite is the greatest liar the whore media ever produced. I wouldn’t have trusted the man as far as I could stand to watch him. All the Williams, Gibsons, Courics, Coopers, and Olbermans take their cue from this liar, which is why they all idolize him. And now he’ll spend eterenity lying to angels, probably bragging about how he helped kill so many brave American soldiers. The world is better off without him.
And that’s the way HE was.

Edge on July 20, 2009 at 3:14 pm

horselady wrote:
“Posted by: EminemsRevenge
“No Vietnamese ever called me a ‘nigger’.” But they were calling US that at home as they lynched our brethren and beat down and hosed our compeers on the street.???
MY uncle was asked to re-up in ’66, THEY even offered him a commission, but word was already out with the troops by then…only FOOLS went to Viet Nam!
Nah, you’re not racist. Not at all. It’s the “your kind” that makes it art.

dw on July 20, 2009 at 3:18 pm

dw wrote: “Nah, you’re not racist. Not at all. It’s the “your kind” that makes it art.”

horselady on July 20, 2009 at 3:58 pm

You don’t have to shout, you know, honey.
Nah, you didn’t “strike a nerve” with me as I showed that you were a typical Right-Wing nutson liar when you claimed to be a racist. but looks like *I* hit one.
And me a beneficiary of Affirmative Action ? Hard for me to be one as a white, middle-class Jew. I’m not like Clarence Thomas, who used the Affirmative Action-friendly Holy Cross and Yale to gild his path to the Supreme Court and who now cries like a leetle girl about the very thing that made him possible to sit on the highest court of the land. More typical right-Wing hypocrisy.

dw on July 20, 2009 at 5:07 pm

Walter Cronkite was a commie and a big promoter of a One World Government. He advocated the overthrow of America and supported the United Nations as being the head of the New World Government.
He was a traitor during Vietnam and he was a traitor up to his death promoting the demise of the USA.
Our family too was not sad to see him go, in fact, we were glad the traitor was finally planted in the ground.
Good Riddance

ScottyDog on July 20, 2009 at 5:16 pm

Nowhere in this collection of comments have I seen any mention of what brought the North Vietnamese to the Paris Talks in 1972.
It was in large part due to Nixon releasing us to hit the target list in North Vietnam we should have hit in 1965, mine the harbors so no further war materiel could be shipped in from Russia and China, and thus starved the north of the means to continue their assault on the South in 1972.
Check out H.R. McMaster’s well-researched book, “Dereliction of Duty” (ISBN 0-06-018795-6) to see the failure of leadership and direction-and nerve-that brought about the continuing bleeding of the troops and fostered the antiwar movement at home. Robert McNamara and Max Taylor are two of the villains in the piece .
The ultimate victory of the North Vietnamese was the direct result of the U.S. Congress cutting off all support to our allies in the South-it caused their collapse-there were NO U.S. combat units on the ground, and hadn’t been for several years–

River Rat on July 20, 2009 at 5:22 pm

Thanks for the article, Debbie.
Most of us are fed up w/the liberal media and any and all comments that feed their “America Sucks” attitude!
I was in my early teens and had worn a POW bracelet for a young soldier from California named Michael. I actually saw my POW deboard the plane (on TV before going to school)! One of the best days of my life!
To those of you that fought in Viet Nam, to those who lost loved ones …THERE ARE MANY, MANY AMERICANS THAT THANK YOU and HONOR THE FALLEN(and that means ALL the many different AMERICANS)!!!
To those out there that continue to spar/squabble/spew hatred/share your views under the guise of free speech….shut the hell up.

TarheelGirl77 on July 20, 2009 at 10:07 pm

>>It (regarding 1st Amendment) enables you and I to share our views and it enabled Mr. Cronkite to share his.>>I also insist on journalistic standards which were lacking in Ms. Schlussel’s post. – random thoughts<<<
Which is it? Do you want journalistic integrity, or do you want a NEWS ANCHOR to “share his views” on what he is supposedly objectively reporting?

CherDash on July 21, 2009 at 2:08 am

Walter Cronkite (Krankheit = “sickness” in German)…self confessed traitor (and praised by Hillary)

yonason on July 21, 2009 at 10:32 am

“Which is it? Do you want journalistic integrity, or do you want a NEWS ANCHOR to “share his views” on what he is supposedly objectively reporting”?
Or do you want to deny an AMERICAN journalist the right to express an opinion in a clearly indicated editorial? what is this – The Soviet Union?
“To those out there that continue to spar/squabble/spew hatred/share your views under the guise of free speech….shut the hell up”.
Yep, I guess this *is* turning into the Soviet Union. Lovely.
” Walter Cronkite (Krankheit = “sickness” in German)”
That is indeed the source of the name. Of course, in the Netherlands and Sweden, a “Kronkiter” is the name now for a news anchor. Pretty healthy…

dw on July 21, 2009 at 10:47 am

dw really is a hoot. He goes berserk, spewing foul language at someone (meaning me) whose language has been temperate. But he doesn’t even have the integrity to stand by such actions, covering his ass with, “Hmmmm, that felt good. No wonder you folks like to do it. It stimulates the lizard brain.”
dw seems to think that we’ve never seen a leftist before–that we cannot fill in the blanks pretty easily by now.
Hey, dw, you have already described yourself as left of Wally. K? When you’re pressed on Islam, you lash out with the “racism” canard. You even link to Pinochet (I presume to bash the US). This is the quintessential lefty thing to do! You have updated yourself a bit, as you also link to Baruch Goldstein (who almost certainly prevented a slaughter of Jews and is therefore to be commended–I only condemn him for being doctor to the Arabs for all those years, as one should not aid those who want to kill you). Interestingly (and like a typical Jewish anti-Semite), you actually think that one incident of Jewish terror (which I do not think was terror at all) serves to shut down well supported charges of systematic Muslim murderousness that began when Mo went to Medina and hasn’t let up since. Only a leftist could believe this.
So, to conclude, dw, what you have said as well as your demeanor here shows you to be one of the many anti-Jewish Jewish leftists (e.g., Soros, Barenboim), if you are Jewish at all. Perhaps living under an oppressor’s heel for thousands of years creates such a type. You do indeed have a noticeable bias against your country–which is your right, of course. But if you have such a bias, it does not follow that we should all believe you when you deny it. If you did serve, it may be that you were warped by your experience.
You are not a patriot, any more than John Kerry is one. Sorry, but the weight of the evidence is considerable.
With this, I bid you adieu, as I am bored.
-A Zionist.

skZion on July 21, 2009 at 6:33 pm

dw really is a hoot. He goes berserk, spewing foul language at someone (meaning me) whose language has been temperate. But he doesn’t even have the integrity to stand by such actions, covering his ass with, “Hmmmm, that felt good. No wonder you folks like to do it. It stimulates the lizard brain.”
dw seems to think that we’ve never seen a leftist before–that we cannot fill in the blanks pretty easily by now.
Hey, dw, you have already described yourself as left of Wally. K? When you’re pressed on Islam, you lash out with the “racism” canard. You even link to Pinochet (I presume to bash the US). This is the quintessential lefty thing to do! You have updated yourself a bit, as you also link to Baruch Goldstein (who almost certainly prevented a slaughter of Jews and is therefore to be commended–I only condemn him for being doctor to the Arabs for all those years, as one should not aid those who want to kill you). Interestingly (and like a typical Jewish anti-Semite), you actually think that one incident of Jewish terror (which I do not think was terror at all) serves to shut down well supported charges of systematic Muslim murderousness that began when Mo went to Medina and hasn’t let up since. Only a leftist could believe this.
So, to conclude, dw, what you have said as well as your demeanor here shows you to be one of the many anti-Jewish Jewish leftists (e.g., Soros, Barenboim), if you are Jewish at all. Perhaps living under an oppressor’s heel for thousands of years creates such a type. You do indeed have a noticeable bias against your country–which is your right, of course. But if you have such a bias, it does not follow that we should all believe you when you deny it. If you did serve, it may be that you were warped by your experience.
You are not a patriot, any more than John Kerry is one. Sorry, but the weight of the evidence is considerable.
With this, I bid you adieu, as I am bored.
-A Zionist.

skZion on July 21, 2009 at 6:34 pm

This should be a sign off
dw – your stimulus dollars at work

beboper on July 22, 2009 at 2:02 am

I cannot believe some of these posts. Truly stunning.

I have a question:
How many of you who posted actually saw combat in the ‘Nam? Or have even read much of the REAL HISTORY about it? It is obvious that Ms. Schlussel HAS NOT read much of anything about the ‘Nam at all.

charliehorse on September 13, 2009 at 8:30 pm

Ms. Schlossel,
I have just reread your piece on Cronkite.
May I make a suggestion?
Take your verve, vitriol, venom, “courage” and “love of country”….. leave your law practice….. go to your nearest Army Recruiter’s Office….. and sign up for basic and combat duty. NOW.

charliehorse on September 13, 2009 at 8:38 pm

Ms. Schlossel,

Your homework (for starters):


charliehorse on September 13, 2009 at 9:50 pm

The truth is not merely unpleasant, an uninvited guest who makes conversation difficult and awkward. Truth is the enemy; truth is to be destroyed. To attempt to speak the truth on any subject of importance requires a deep reserve of determination, for to speak the truth requires that one first sweep away an infinite number of rationalizations,pre-struck/zealous ideologies, false alternatives, and numerous other failures of logic and the most rudimentary forms of thought — as well as the endless lies. On that single occasion in a thousand or a million when a person overcomes these barriers and speaks the truth, he or she discovers an additional, terrible truth: almost no one wants to hear it. This is how we live today: lies are the staple of our diet.

charliehorse on September 13, 2009 at 9:55 pm

Deb tiy do not know the facts, Having been there you are too young to even susprct the trutyh.

jim dee on January 2, 2010 at 1:59 pm

I’m in my 50’s. I’m not a liberal or conservative. I don’t believe in small government or big government…only that some government is necessary. I believe people look out after themselves and that themselves are mostly worthless. After looking at your site and many of the comments, I still believe we are DOOMED. Please, someone pull the pin on the doomsday device!!

Lars Tabon on August 11, 2010 at 4:56 pm

So many sock puppets!

Michael Cassidy on February 25, 2012 at 12:33 pm

Far too many inaccuracies in this article to comment on all of them

Abi Wilson on April 15, 2012 at 11:35 am

I have to agree with you Ms. Schlussel. I had wonder out loud (being only born in 1961) about why it was widely beleived by the American People that we were losing the war after the Tet Offensive? and I also looked up the question
“Who sabotaged the Vietnam War effort?” because it was lost here in the States and not in Vietnam and I have found the culprit, Walter Cronkite, CBS and NBC News.

They DID stab our troops in the back and had another agenda to de-moralize them and the American People. The treasonous actions of Mr. Cronkite should have been pointed and he should have been brought to task because he at best, misrepresented the facts and at the worse caused the failure and deaths of thousands of American troops and their horrible treatment when they came home.

I am really disgusted by that period in are so-called “Un-biased press” which is anything but. They are tools of the controlling forces of the international bankers and
military-industrial complex who sole objectives and interests are Corporate profits and control!

joseph on November 16, 2013 at 2:34 pm

Puis-je vous prendre deux ou trois phrases sur un blog personnel ?

fille légère sex on June 19, 2014 at 12:25 pm

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