March 15, 2007, - 4:46 pm

Religion of Fraud: Muslims Defraud Medicare of Millions

If you follow Medicare and Medicaid fraud cases, as I do, you’d note that most of the big criminal indictments and charges in these cases in Michigan are against Muslims.
Yes, the “Religion of Peace” has found that tax-funded medical coverage is a good source for bilking. Muslim doctors, nurses, “entrepreneurs” and other members of RoP have been indicted over the past several years.
Unfortunately, the FBI healthcare fraud agents and Department of Health and Human Services Office of the Inspector General (HHS-OIG) agents working in this area are incompetent. I know–I’ve worked with some of them on investigations.
The latest case is that of Shafiulla Hanif Abdul, who defrauded Medicare of billions. Criminal charges brought against him were announced yesterday. He is a Muslim and so are his friends and relatives who are part of a web of 40 Metro Detroitistan companies that are part of a multi-million dollar set of scams. More details:

Federal agents on Wednesday brought the first criminal charge in what they say is a series of complex, multimillion-dollar schemes across Metro Detroit to bilk Medicare through fraudulent billing. . . .
Officials said about 40 Metro Detroit companies, many connected by “webs” of friends and relatives, are under FBI investigation.
Shafiulla Hanif Abdul, 36, of Brownstown Township, who has done business under the names Hands-On Rehab Services Inc. and M&M Management Inc., was charged Wednesday with one count of executing a scheme to defraud a health care benefit program.
According to an FBI affidavit, Abdul paid Medicare recipients hundreds of dollars to provide their Medicare ID numbers and repeatedly put their signatures on blank sheets of paper. Abdul sold the fraudulent documents to companies that billed Medicare for hundreds of thousands of dollars, and possibly millions, in physical therapy services that were never performed, the complaint alleges. . . .
Fraudulent billings related to six Abdul recruits amounted to $166,000 between 2004 and 2007, the affidavit attached to the complaint says. Suspicious billings related to the Abdul investigation could exceed $10 million, based on similarities in doctors’ names appearing on the referrals and the physical therapy centers used, the affidavit attached to the complaint says. . . .
Recruiters visit soup kitchens and senior apartment buildings to get Medicare health card numbers they can use, sometimes paying recruits a few hundred dollars to surrender their numbers or repeatedly sign their names.
“These patient files are then sold, typically via check, to a Medicare-certified provider who bills for the services as if (they) actually conducted the services themselves,” the FBI affidavit said.
The affidavit details well over $1 million moving into bank accounts controlled by Abdul from area physical therapy centers that were billing Medicare.

As I said, I’ve worked the FBI and HHS-OIG agents in charge of investigating this stuff, including the incompetent, roly-poly Thomas Spokaeski, who oversaw this investigation. Since I know the laziness and sloth of him and his agents, bet on this:
If they say it’s a multi-million dollar scam with 40 companies involved, it’s more like a multi-billion dollar scam with 400 companies and associates involved, or more–many of whom will get away with it and continue to defraud taxpayers.
And where is the money going? Well, some of the many may have found its way back to Lebanon, Syria, and elsewhere in the Mid-East, sources tell me. And the FBI and HHS agents are too lazy to do the work to put an end to it all.
Maybe they should change the name from Medicare to “Muslim”Care. After all, Muslims are helping themselves to U.S. taxpayer funds, while poor and old people for whom it is meant suffer without proper medication and healthcare.

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13 Responses

Again, and again, we must repeat “Never trust a Scuzlim….” These are the laziest people on earth….always a scam somewhere….dishonest to the core….They never work, and therefore, have all their time to devote to “jihad” and the pornography called islam and contained in the “Queer-ann”

DDB on March 15, 2007 at 5:07 pm

If anyone at Medicare really cares about fraud they should check every Muslim owned business. I bet most are frauds and also supporting terrorists.

Anonymous1 on March 15, 2007 at 9:53 pm

Har, they have to have special rules in order to bank so now banks have to adjust how they do loans and such….but of course it’s ok to lie to kafirs to get into welfare and medicaid. Yes, we are stupid to allow this playing of our system.

Highrise on March 16, 2007 at 2:32 am

As I posted on an earleir thread; Mohammad, when he invented this sick, twisted cult, forbade muzlums to charge or receive interest on loans. However, it was, and is, perfectly OK to rob, cheat, steal, pilfer, and pillage (all that mohammad, himself, did).
What a cult!

Thee_Bruno on March 16, 2007 at 9:16 am

I know that you will not post this due to your racist views. Your hate speech is really pissing me off. You have nothing better to do than talk about Muslims. Honey there are so many Muslims in this world that your comments only account to 1% of them. You need to get all your facts straightened out. I dont see you talking about all the African American families that are driving escalades and are decked out in gold that receive medicare and welfare or the hispanics. You are preaching hate and I think that no matter what you say only the ignorant like you will agree. You should get busy with something more useful. Why not talk about something interesting and not filled with hate. Hate speech is very harmful and a lady of your background should know that. You know I feel sorry for you because I think you actually belong to the KKK. seriously find something better to do cause your work really suxsssssss. And for those who are so ignorant to believe this wacko i feel bad for you guys as well. (by the way im not arab) i am 100% american. talk about the illegal occupation in Palestine. that is more true and interesting otherwise keep your trap shut.

laya on March 16, 2007 at 4:38 pm

Hmm, another good reason for the government to get out of the healthcare profession.

sonofsheldon on March 16, 2007 at 4:41 pm

Why dont we talk about the Cana massacre or the hundreds of children trapped in the israeli dungeons.

laya on March 16, 2007 at 6:46 pm

why dont you talk about other minorities that use medicare unlawfully. Debbie im just trying to shed some light on your ignorance.

laya on March 16, 2007 at 6:48 pm

I agree thet the government should stay out of healthcare. this is exactly what happens. Everyone is so concerned with the privatization of Medicare. If anyone takes the time to do proper research they will see that private companies are far more efficient and offer better benefits for less money because they would not allow scams like that to escalate to the level in which they do under government run Medicare.

mrking5150 on January 14, 2008 at 5:08 pm

I agree thet the government should stay out of healthcare. this is exactly what happens. Everyone is so concerned with the privatization of Medicare. If anyone takes the time to do proper research they will see that private companies are far more efficient and offer better benefits for less money because they would not allow scams like that to escalate to the level in which they do under government run Medicare.

mrking5150 on January 14, 2008 at 5:09 pm

please not down this sir
shafiulla abdul hanif had escaped from usa and he is roaming free in India (TAMILNADU)

chinnu on June 9, 2011 at 7:52 am

is this still true today ?

S' on July 10, 2012 at 3:12 pm

Attack his credibility, his performance, his results……….that is all acceptable. But be more professional than stooping to comments regarding his size and appearance. Mr. Spokaeski’s children read too. By making such untoward comments, you reveal your further lack of intelligence, not to mention that “‘ya jus couldn’t think a anythin else to fill the page.” Do your due diligence and research on the topic, not on the man’s personal appearance. At least try to be smarter than that…..if possible.

jjc on July 12, 2013 at 1:05 pm

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