July 12, 2009, - 7:06 pm

VIDEO: Ladybugs Take Over Colorado City – Hajj for Red Insects to Colorado Mecca

By Debbie Schlussel
It’s like a gazillion Muslims going on the hajj to Mecca. Except it’s ladybugs instead of Muslims and Mecca is a Colorado city that got an overage of rain and remaining moisture.

6 Responses

We have similar swarms here in Lancaster County in the northern part of the county. Be careful, though, these critters BITE!!!

Jewel Atkins on July 12, 2009 at 11:05 pm

Earlier today Lester Holt on the Today show called them “beetles with a good paint job.” I think he might be right.

californiascreaming on July 13, 2009 at 1:23 am

We had that too in MI in 2001. It was like some kind of sci-fi movie scene. And yes, they bite. I stopped finding them charming after that.

nichtdhimmi on July 13, 2009 at 2:00 am

When they were big here in Michigan, perhaps that was in 2001, seems not that long ago, it was annoying. They seemed to be everywhere, though I never saw them as thick as in this video. I don’t recall ever having gotten bitten by one,though.
I was told that ladybugs survive by eating aphids and so not to worry, their population would self regulate–they would die off after they ate the aphids up. I never saw one eat an aphid, but whatever the reason, the heavy infestation seemed to go away the next year. Thank G-d.
Yes this video does look like the muslim hajj at mecca around the black box stone. Yet the muslim infestation does not go away.

BB on July 13, 2009 at 6:12 am

There are 2 main types of ladybugs. The nice cute ladybugs with which we are most familiar, and the pesky Asian ladybugs seen in the photos which are more of a pest than cute because of the swarms they travel with. Unfortunately, they can get inside the walls of one’s home, they are hard to get rid of, and you wouldn’t want to kill them anyway inside your home because they contain a liquid substance that gives off a very unpleasant odor.

jayeeegee on July 13, 2009 at 9:52 pm

There are 2 main types of ladybugs. The nice cute ladybugs with which we are most familiar, and the pesky Asian ladybugs seen in the photos which are more of a pest than cute because of the swarms they travel with. Unfortunately, they can get inside the walls of one’s home, they are hard to get rid of, and you wouldn’t want to kill them anyway inside your home because they contain a liquid substance that gives off a very unpleasant odor.

jayeeegee on July 13, 2009 at 9:53 pm

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