March 15, 2007, - 11:18 am

OUTRAGE: Rosie O’Donnell Feels Bad for 9/11 Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

**** UPDATE #2: . The crack-up continues. ****
This is the last straw. If Barbara Walters doesn’t fire Rosie O’Donnell from “The View” over comments O’Donnell made on today’s episode, then she never will.
Today, O’Donnell said she feels bad for Khalid Sheikh Mohammed (KSM). She doesn’t believe he’s responsible for anything in 9/11 or any of the 31-plus plots which he volunteered to American authorities. Among the worst of her comments, O’Donnell derided airhead pseudo-conservative Elisabeth Hasselbeck (who is ZERO match for O’Donnell on the intellectual scale) for calling KSM a “terrorist,” saying, “So, calling him a terrorist robs him of all of his humanity?”
WHAT?!!!!! This man planned the 9/11 attacks that murdered 3,000 Americans. And Rosie O’Donnell is worried we will “rob him of all humanity” because we call him a “terrorist.” Hello . . . ?!

SICKENING: Rosie O’Donnell Hearts Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

O’Donnell’s comments were not only outrageous, they showed her utter stupidity about the entire Khalid Sheikh Mohammed history and situation. O’Donnell showed the well-known photo of a haggard KSG in a white undershirt. She remarked that he doesn’t look very healthy after three years in captivity under U.S. authorities.
But, as anyone with a clue knows, that picture has been around for three years for a reason. It was taken when he was found hiding in Pakistan and taken by U.S. authorities back 2003. That’s why he looks haggard. But the millions of stupid women who watch “The View” and drink her Kool-Aid will never know that. And they will think that U.S. authorities—-have made KSM look that way.
Then, there are O’Donnell’s comments about KSM admitting to planning the 9/11 attacks. She yelled, “So we finally got the guy. He just so happened to admit to all of these things. And it’s not Bin Laden? It’s this guy?” She then said that she doesn’t believe he’s responsible for any of it, and that we Americans tortured him and got him to admit to it. She shreiked on and on that we Americans torture these poor people.
Get a clue, Rosie. Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is the uncle of Ramzi Yousef, the mastermind of the 1993 World Trade Center attacks committed by Al-Qaeda. I’m sure that’s just an accident of birth to her, even though we know that Yousef and his uncle, KSM, met to plan and discuss the 1993 attacks.
Then, there’s the fact that KSM worked for Bin Laden. He described himself as Bin Laden’s chief operative in conducting global terrorist attacks. Just because KSM organized the 9/11 attacks, doesn’t mean Bin Laden didn’t have a thing to do with it. Bin Laden approved KSM’s plan and work (and in fact overruled KSM’s plan to hijack 12 planes on that day, as unworkable). Does O’Donnell think that Al-Qaeda is just one person, and that Bin Laden does all the work? Hello . . . ?
Time for Rosie O’Donnell, airhead and terrorist-apologist extraordinaire, to get fired. Or time for us to fire ABC from our viewing choices.
And time for “The View” to get a real conservative who actually has a clue to respond to this outrageous commentary.
Attention, Donald Trump: I’m looking forward to your response to Rosie on this one.
Video posted at Hot Air.
**** UPDATE: My long-time friend, Brian, a career American soldier, writes:

Rosie is a total buffoon. I cannot believe they let that idiot come to San Antonio and be part of the dedication for the Center for the Intrepid, the new center at Brook Army Medical Center for badly wounded soldiers. She’s a disgrace, and you could look long and hard to find a servicemember that respects her, especially those guys that are the ones getting wounded.

Gee, why am I not surprised? Whose idea was it to invite her to dedicate the Intrepid? That’s absurd.

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57 Responses

Y’see teagirl, that’s where you lose connection with the human race.
99.9999999999999999999999999999 of Americans know that those people you mention would be anything but “filled with joy” if a bus bomb exploded in America.
You are so blinded by your hatred for your fellow man (and in particular your fellow non-white man) that you are losing all contact with reality.
It’s a shame there’s no such thing as hell, thee boy, because your soul deserves to rot there for all eternity.
You are a vile piece of sub-human filth thee boy, not fit to be scraped off the shoe of any decent human being.
Other than to wish you a long, sad, lonely, and above all PAINFULL death, I have nothing else to say to you, you vile piece of shit.
Oh, and one last thing, it’s not my fault that you have a microscopicaly small penis, and women cross the street to avoid you when they see you coming.

The Purple Cow on March 17, 2007 at 6:09 pm

The Purple Sow pulled the following out of his ass and posted;
“It’s a shame there’s no such thing as hell, thee boy, because your soul deserves to rot there for all eternity.”
As an atheist, you don’t believe in Hell, as you said. However, at the same time, atheists don’t believe that people have souls, either.
Are you sure that you read-up on atheism? Karl Marx would give you a failing grade if he would take time from his NAMBLA meetings.
What an idiot!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You also vomited;
“You are a vile piece of sub-human filth thee boy, not fit to be scraped off the shoe of any decent human being.
“Other than to wish you a long, sad, lonely, and above all PAINFULL death, I have nothing else to say to you, you vile piece of shit.
“Oh, and one last thing, it’s not my fault that you have a microscopicaly small penis, and women cross the street to avoid you when they see you coming.”
Don’t tell me what you do for a living…let me guess…you write all those lovely sayings on all those cards published by Hallmark.
What’s the matter, Purple Sow….am I saying things that hit a nerve because they’re true?
Listen to me…you should seek help. Don’t keep all that anger pent up inside you. Talk to your imam and ask him how you can vent all that anger. Ask him if you can start a gun club at your mosque. Ask him if you can give sermons on how to kill the unbeliever. Ask him if you can start a workshop in the mosque basement and give instructions on how to build bombs to plant on school buses. Ask him if you can give symposiums at the mosque on how to launder money for jihad across America. Ask him if……oh, wait a minute…..he’s already doing all those things. Well, then, you’re only other choice to put all that pent-up energy to good use is to go to your local school yard and ambush a bunch of kids – Beslan style.
What a fucktard!
What a typical Rosie O’Donut, Bill Maher, Ward Churchill, and Maggie Gyllenhaal fan.

Thee_Bruno on March 18, 2007 at 12:03 am

Also, Purple Sow, Atheists don’t believe in “eternity”, either.
Are you sure you’ve been paying your dues to the United Atheist Church of Present Day Martyrs? Do they know what a heretic you are?

Thee_Bruno on March 18, 2007 at 12:06 am

I see Thee_Bruno likes making himself look like a stupid ass. TB, give the stupidity a rest!

jaillibby on March 18, 2007 at 3:06 pm

Jellibelly should know stupidity when she sees it.
Click the link to see Jellibelly in the Jellibelly family portrait with her father and brother.

Thee_Bruno on March 19, 2007 at 8:24 am

Really Debbie, must you hate a Rosie only because she did not want to date you in the 1980’s so you try to bash her and her heroic ideals to out the true criminals that did 9-11. Much like you idiots that have no brain that listen to FOX news and cannot think for yourselves, its a shame and when the s#it hits the fan you will be the first one crying, Why us…. Why me?

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