March 14, 2007, - 4:37 pm

Will James Bond’s Car Abide by Arab Boycott of Israel?

As I detailed yesterday, a group of , the famous luxury sports car traditionally driven by James Bond in the movies.
But after I wrote the post, I wondered whether Aston Martin will now abide by the Arab boycott of Israel. As part of the boycott, it is Kuwaiti law that no Kuwaiti or Kuwaiti company may do business with Israel or any companies doing business with Israel. Since that’s the case, it follows that both Investment Dar Co. and Adeem Investment KSC–the companies which now control Aston Martin–abide by the Arab boycott of Israel.

That’s significant because we have federal anti-boycott laws here in the States specifically outlawing compliance with the Arab boycott of Israel: the 1977 amendments to the Export Administration Act and the Ribicoff Amendment to the 1976 Tax Reform Act. (The federal statute citation is 15 CFR 760 et seq.) And there is a special office to enforce them, the Office of Antiboycott Compliance of the Bureau of Industry and Security in the U.S. Department of Commerce.
Aston Martin does sell some cars in the U.S. And Ford Motor Company will maintain a stake (beside that which it sold to the Kuwaitis) in Aston Martin. We hope that the Antiboycott Compliance people will be looking very closely at the future dealings of Aston Martin. For instance, will it buy glass windshields from Guardian Industries, which has plants in Israel?
It’s a sure bet that with Kuwaiti companies taking over at Aston Martin, compliance with the Arab Boycott will ensue. Again, hopefully, someone is watching.
It would be a shame if those that now produce James Bond’s car are boycotting Israel in yet another manifestation of rampant anti-Semitism. But that’s, unfortunately, very likely.

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9 Responses

The Arabs violate their boycott when they darn well feel like it. They do it all the time.
Heck! Anytime the Israeli Air Force buys a component from a U.S supplier, the Gulf nations beat down the doors of the supplier to buy the component as well. And that’s just for starters.
You don’t think that the Arabs buy PC operating systems from someone other than Microsoft. Do you?
I’m not dismissing the possibility that the sale of A/M will not hold some negative problems and I certainly agree that the U.S. compliance office should monitor the company. I’m just saying that the Arab boycott of Israel has more holes in it than swiss cheese and there’s a good reason for that. They’re hypocrites!
You wouldn’t believe the stories I could tell about Arab non-compliance with the boycott of Israel. And the folks in Kuwait, UAE and Qatar are the worst (or should I say best?) offenders.
Heck! There’s an Israeli trade office in Qatar!

There is NO Santa Claus on March 14, 2007 at 5:04 pm

Attention Purple Cow:
So much for Kuwait being an ally to the West. Could this prove otherwise? And to think you trust what the CIA says after the Valerie Plane scandal? Can your brilliant liberal mind distinct between a friend or a foe of the U.S. or is it all one of the same to you?

Jew Chick on March 14, 2007 at 9:45 pm

Debbie Schlussel dear, your ability to talk complete bollocks about subjects you clearly know nothing about remains breath-taking.
Aston Martin has not become a Kuwaiti company, it has been sold to a consortium led by Dave Richards the British racing mogul, the former owner of the BAR Formula 1 racing team. Aston Martin will still be head-quartered at Gaydon in Warwickshire ñ as it has been for many years. Ulrich Bez (not exactly an Islamic name, youíll notice Debbie) will remain as C.E.O.
The two Kuwaiti businessmen you refer to are simple two of the many investors in the consortium, and the company will be no more beholden to Kuwaiti law than it will be to Texan law, where the other key investor, Texan Billionaire John Sinders hails from.
Ford will also retain 15%, theyíve been desperate to off-load Aston since they lost $13 Billion last year. They looked under the bed, down the back of the sofa, but the $13 billion was just gone Debbie, so they had to sell Aston Martin to pay the rent.
Google is your friend Debbie, use it next time and you might not make quite so much of an idiot of yourself.

The Purple Cow on March 15, 2007 at 4:40 am

QUOTE: Jew Chick
ìAttention Purple Cow:
So much for Kuwait being an ally to the West. Could this prove otherwise? And to think you trust what the CIA says after the Valerie Plane scandal? Can your brilliant liberal mind distinct between a friend or a foe of the U.S. or is it all one of the same to you?î
Jew Chick, you need to get out more.
Read this from Wkipedia
ìWith the outbreak of the War on Iraq, Kuwait has taken a strongly pro-U.S. stance, having been the nation from which the war was actually launched. It supported the Coalition Provisional Authority, with particular stress upon strict border controls and adequate U.S. troop presence.î
And if you are not prepared to believe the CIA, how about this from your very own U.S. defense secretary Robert L. CohenÖ
“The United States is committed to protecting its friends while working with our partners for a peaceful, prosperous and stable region,” said Cohen at a Nov. 19 press conference at Kuwait City International Airport. Security relations between Kuwait and the United States “have never been stronger,” he added.î
So there you go Jew Chick, the Kuwaitis allowed the US army to build bases on Kuwaiti soil, and they allowed the allies to actually launch the war against Iraq from Kuwait. The American government thinks Kuwait is an ally of the USA, the Kuwaiti government thinks Kuwait is an ally of the USA, The CIA thinks Kuwait is an ally of the USA, the American Defense Department thinks Kuwait is an ally of the USA. EVERBODY in the entire world thinks Kuwait is an ally of the USA – except you and Debby.
Who do you think is right?

The Purple Cow on March 15, 2007 at 8:52 am

Debbie is the next Ann coulter,But she’s missing the adams apple lol…and her punch!!

jesus love on March 15, 2007 at 10:22 am

Purple Cow:
In other words, an enemy of America is a friend to the American self-hating liberals. It seems to me that you folks seem to have more of a common denominator with your islamist friends than you do with the vast majority of Americans who rightfully disagree with your left-wing views. Where do you come up with this illusion that Kuwait is our friend? Is Iraq an ally of us as well even though we helped them fight against Iran once upon a time ago? With our troops being ambushed and blown up by road side bombs, I don’t seem to think so.

Jew Chick on March 15, 2007 at 11:45 am

Jew Chick you are one weird human being. You continue to debate your point while completely ignoring all the masses of evidence that I’m pilling up against you, it’s just laughable.
How you can say that a nation that allowed your troops to invade Iraq fom its soil is NOT an ally of America, just defies all belief and all logic.
How old are you by the way? 13? 14?

The Purple Cow on March 15, 2007 at 12:47 pm

And you continue to facts as you liberals do best just to mask your denial of reality. I don’t believe you. No one who is sane does exspet for gullible freaks like you. Heck, you probably buy that global warming rubbish that Al Gore is trying to peddle around. There is no logic that I see in there. Why don’t you actually back your point up with real facts, not the ones you fabricate and maybe you be 1/4 intelligent as you try to make yourself be. Get off the dope you are on thats driven you to this insanity. Maybe if you try rehab which you desperately need, you wouldn’t sound as cracked as you are.
Get a life!

Jew Chick on March 15, 2007 at 2:10 pm

Goog grief, Jew Chick’s completely lost it hasn’t she?
Poor girl.
Ok, I’m going to offer a Ä5 prize for anyone who can translate these two phrases or sentences from Jew Chick’s last post into English.
(That’s 5 euros per sentence.)
Ok prize-winners, here’s the first sentence..
“And you continue to facts as you liberals do best just to mask your denial of reality.”
Oooh that’s a tough one isn’t it? I’ve read it about twenty times now and I’ve still no clue.
and – you – continue – to – facts – as – you – liberals – do – ???
Dunno, maybe Ä500 would be a better prize?
Ok quiz fans, eyes down for a full house, here comes the second phrase or sentence…
” I don’t believe you. No one who is sane does exspet for gullible freaks like you.”
Sheeesh, Good luck quizmates – answers on the back of a Ä100 note please, to the usual address.

The Purple Cow on March 15, 2007 at 5:48 pm

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