August 25, 2012, - 11:21 pm

Neil Armstrong RIP: Great American Hero Who Lived to See US Space Program Die

By Debbie Schlussel

Can’t let the day go by without noting the death of a truly great American, astronaut Neil Armstrong, the first man on the Moon, who patriotically planted the American flag there. Not only did he serve America as a Naval officer in the Korean War, but he was additionally a hero to countless millions. And not just because he walked first on the moon in July 1969 and so eloquently said, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind.” He was brave and courageous like his fellow astronaut pioneers of the day because the astronauts did not know what fate awaited them in landing on the Moon and setting foot on it. And yet they risked their lives to reach the Moon out of a sense of patriotism and duty to America.


Man on the Moon: Neil Armstrong on July 20, 1969

Cuff Bracelet/Debbie Schlussel Jewelry Design

Earlier during his career, he could have died due to a malfunction during his Gemini 8. During those early days of the Space program, we didn’t know what kind of illnesses or other disasters could befall our men in space. As the first human on the Moon, Armstrong was a hero not just to Americans, but also to the world. We beat the Soviets in getting him on the Moon, but we won the hearts of the world (if ever so briefly) by doing so. He also inspired many American kids to go into science, an area in which we are now behind. Then, we were number one in getting to space. Now, we are number one (or close to it) in not being able to add or divide. And we are number one in viewership of “Kardashian” and “Teen Mom” reality shows. Neil Armstrong lived to see that decline.

As I wrote in my 2009 column on the 40th anniversary of the Armstrong’s historic flight to the Moon, “America Failed to Advance in Space in 40 Years Since Apollo 11: Real Science & Imagination Replaced by Junk“:

Through our own fault, through the undying devotion to pop culture and lackluster education, we’ve become ignorant. And in this dumbing down, we’ve given up our fascination with the endless possibilities and freedom of real science–space exploration, for the a dangerous obsession and endless slavery to the neuroses of fake science–”global warming,” “climate change,” the “green movement,” etc.

Without a limitless vision and imagination on our own part and that of our government, there will come a day–and in many ways, we are at that day–in which Americans will no longer stand for funding a program whose modern achievements are nebulous. More and more of our support will, unfortunately, go to junk science.

And that’s why something new, something great, is needed in the U.S. Space Program. Something beyond eating packaged freeze dried ice cream for sale at the Smithsonian Air and Space Museum.

After his career with NASA was over, the Apollo 11 Commander was largely a hermit. I noted this in my review of “In the Shadow of the Moon,” a must-see (FOUR REAGANS), terrific documentary about America’s race to–and achievement–in putting a man on the Moon (buy your copy of “In the Shadow of the Moon” here to support this site). The planning and technology America built in preparation for his historic trip put us about 50 years ahead of where we would have been now, in terms of technology, according to Buzz Aldrin, Armstrong’s crew mate and the second man on the Moon. The computers, the internet, and most other “smart” inventions we have today in technology have some root in what we produced in order to reach the Moon, he said in the movie. And even though Armstrong did not give interviews and stopped signing autographs (he did not want them to be sold for a lot of money), I think Aldrin spoke for Armstrong when he gave some insight into their historic lunar landing. He felt guilty for not going to Vietnam because of his involvement in NASA.

Those [who served in Vietnam] were my guys. That was my war. I should have been there. I always felt bad about that.

Of his behavior after landing on the moon:

From that day on, I was always extra careful about what I did, because I always knew people would be watching.

Sadly, Neil Armstrong lived to see the end of the U.S. space program for all intents and purposes, and, while he was otherwise silent in his post-NASA life, he spoke out vocally in opposition to that sad development. We are no longer going to the Moon. There is no innovation. And for the last couple of decades we’ve been sending up meaningless space shuttle missions that don’t go anywhere important. We’ve gone from Armstrong saying, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” to Ronald Reagan giving a spot on the Space Shuttle to an unqualified Saudi Prince (at George H. W. Bush’s and Romney adviser James Baker’s insistence) to Barack Obama severely curtailing the space program and having his NASA chief, Charles Bolden, Jr., tell Al-Jazeera that the new goal of his agency is Islamic outreach. Huh?

Sadly, for some people, including Whoopi Goldberg, there is still the bizarre conspiracy theory “thinking” of Moon Landing Truthers, who don’t think Neil Armstrong’s landing on the Moon ever happened. But like those in “In the Shadow of the Moon” said, “We’ve been to the moon nine times. I mean, if we faked it, why did we fake it 9 times?”

Exactly. Even though I was born just before Neil Armstrong’s historic feat, I’ve always been excited and inspired by his lunar landing. In my rare spare time over the years, I make crafts (especially jewelry) out of junk I find at resale shops and flea markets and I made these bangle bracelets, posted above and below, depicting Neil Armstrong’s heroic achievement.

Cuff Bracelet/Debbie Schlussel Jewelry Design

Hopefully some day, we’ll have a President who is inspired far beyond that, inspired enough that he reinvigorates NASA and once again sends astronauts back to the Moon and beyond.

Neil Armstrong, a Great American, Rest In Peace.

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48 Responses

I keep thinking that because the government runs the space program, we’re not going anywhere. My own view is that if we send humans to Mars, we send them one way and they go there for the same people went to the New World.

Its in our human nature to thrive by exploring new horizons. And our sun, now a middle-aged star, won’t last in its current form on the main sequence forever, so to preserve human life from extinction, its inevitable we’ll have to find new worlds to settle on, both in our own solar system and beyond.

Neil Armstrong would have liked to see it. Sadly, he is no longer with us and we can only hope his descendants will be worth of his legacy. A modest, unassuming man who showed us what mankind can accomplish when it has the determination to achieve the seemingly impossible.

We no longer send men to the moon but in the future we must send out colonists! May he RIP.

NormanF on August 26, 2012 at 1:47 am

    The Moon is the stepping stone to the rest of space, whether we are talking about Mars or the for now fantastic idea of interstellar exploration. President Obama has killed off what little remained of our manned space program. If there were actually a replacement for the Space Shuttle seriously planned, we would have mothballed our fleet until a replacement was up and running. That was not done. In addition, Mr. Obama annihilated a Bush era program that would have come up with a return to the Moon. When Mr. Obama talks about sending manned flights out to asteroids, even he knows that he is lying.

    Worry01 on August 26, 2012 at 4:25 am

    And MSNBC reported that Neil YOUNG not NEIL ARMSTRONG passed…

    R. I. P.

    As goes... on August 26, 2012 at 11:01 pm

      Now from the left-wing amateurs at MSNBC …

           “Astronaut Neil Young, first man to walk on moon, dies at age 82 .”

           Neil YOUNG? Ever hear of Neil ARMSTRONG, dopes?

      As goes... on August 27, 2012 at 1:03 am

Debbie, you are a pretty good designer, looking @ what you put up there. This achievement of America was a major watershed in a space race that at the time looked like it was a Soviet dominated enterprise.

The only major achievement in Space that I can think of is landing the Rover on Mars. Nothing else. Both the Challenger & the Columbia disasters set it back, and nothing has enabled it to recover. Rover was a good breakthrough, but it would have been worth establishing the feasability of colonizing Mars, initially for scientific and engineering goals, and at some point, ultimately, manned colonization. Since overpopulation is stated to be a major problem, setting things up so that people could move there would have been a good beginning.

Since neither the US nor Russia seems to have the stomach to do that any more, guess it’ll be up to the Chinese.

Infidel on August 26, 2012 at 2:41 am

Debbie if we ever land on Mars we’ll probably find an excellent
Chabad preschool there that all the Martians rave about. But I’m not too sad that NASA is failing. That just reflects a federal bureaucracy where being a wise Latina or gay is a qualification. I’d like to take a government job just for the big discrimination lawsuit I would no doubt file, with the aid of my super cute lawyer DS, fighting for my rights on a contingency basis.

A1 on August 26, 2012 at 2:43 am

    Looks like “Fatal Attraction” A1 is getting pervy again, with his reference to pre-school.

    We are told that being kind to the cruel leads to being cruel to the kind.

    skzion on August 26, 2012 at 11:15 am

Forgot to add – may he RIP

Infidel on August 26, 2012 at 2:43 am

Neil Armstrong was indeed a great man. He truly a potentially horrible death each time he got into the capsule. The technology was new and unproven on Gemini 8 and Apollo 11, so the risks were phenomenal, unlike the milk run the Space Shuttle became(with two exceptions). Mr. Armstrong, as Debbie noted, lived long enough to see the demise of manned space flight in the United States. His life encompassed the sunrise and sunset of American greatness. The likes of Mr. Armstrong will not be seen again in our country. I am certain that he quietly contained his grief in recent years, and his death spares him the agony of seeing his beloved country disintegrate all around him.

Worry01 on August 26, 2012 at 4:00 am

The Mars One initiative plans to establish a Martian colony by 2023. Cost is $6 billion.

If this commercial endeavor does get off the ground, it will set various national governments to shame.

We need to take measured risks to achieve a worthy goal. Its all matter of putting the technology and people in place to make it happen.

It may be the Gold Rush of the 21st Century. We’ll see if this ambitious project becomes a reality.

NormanF on August 26, 2012 at 4:56 am

Ok, I’m not going to say the US didn’t land people on the Moon but look carefully at the picture and tell me what’s wrong with it. I’m not going to dispute the issue of wind either except to say that if there was such a stiff wind, and the Moon with low gravity is basically dust, why is the dust not being blown around? Especially if the photo was taken at high speed, which is unlikely given the light conditions, with the flag stop actioned, puffs of dust also should have been. I’ll give you a hint, it has to do with the flag. We didn’t have Photoshop back then but very sophisticated photography techs could make composite photos that the average person could not detect were manipulated. (I’m a photographer).
I think people who say the photos were faked are on to something. Perhaps the ones Armstrong and company brought back just weren’t good enough so they took staged publicity shots. It certainly raises questions.

Italkit on August 26, 2012 at 6:19 am

    Oh, rubbish. The flag was made of a stiff material specifically shaped to appear to wave. A flag made of soft fabric would simply droop, making for a poor visual. Everyone knows there’s no wind on the moon. Use your head.

    Raymond in DC on August 26, 2012 at 9:28 am

      That’s right, Raymond, there’s no wind on the Moon. Do you really think they took up space in a tiny Apollo capsule with a large flag made of cardboard? But that’s not the problem with the picture I was referring to. Look closely. Everything else, even the rock in the foreground has a long shadow. The flag pole has none and particularly if your hypothesis of a stiff material flag is true, that should be casting a shadow too.
      I have a question for you. Do you think there’s enough light from the Sun on the Moon to get such good color resolution in a photograph? I’m asking because I really don’t know.

      Italkit on August 26, 2012 at 5:26 pm

        All of your points have been completely answered since 20 years ago. The “2 lights” problem, the “no stars in the photo” – all of them. They’re simply bogus.

        “Do you think there’s enough light from the Sun on the Moon to get such good color resolution in a photograph? I’m asking because I really don’t know.”

        The Sun is exceptionally bright on the Moon. That’s why the astronauts wore helmets with almost-black face plates. The Moon is just as close to the Sun as we are, and there’s no atmosphere to diffuse the light – and heat.

        ZZMike on August 27, 2012 at 12:15 am

    Could we be spared the Lunar conspiracy theories just this once? You are literally spitting on Neil Armstrong’s corpse and calling him and all the others who landed on the Moon liars. Give it a rest. There are other sites you can play on if you want to peddle that stuff.

    Worry01 on August 26, 2012 at 12:57 pm

Nine manned Apollo flights to the moon from 1968 to 1972. Seven of those flights were supposed to land on the moon, one was aborted because of an explosion. Six successful landings, including one that brought their own “car,” the lunar rover. Search YouTube for some neat video of our astornaunts driving on the moon! Each crew of the six moon landings left an American flag. Debbie writes about the decline of the space program. But I have a question that ties into our decline and unity as a nation: If we sent an all American crew to the moon today do you think they would be allowed to plant the American flag?

Mike on August 26, 2012 at 10:52 am

    RIP Neil Armstrong…a hero in my mind. Just watched the movie “In the shadow of the moon” and I still remember exactly what I was doing when he stepped onto the moon. A great achievement and still unmatched today. Everyone expects China to be the next but, in my opinion, they do not have the necessary technology to get there. What I would like to see is America return to the moon and establish a base there…but Obama and Bolden both have to go, NASA restored with enough funding, as it requires vision and brains to do it.

    chuck on August 26, 2012 at 11:59 am

    I never said they didn’t land there. I just happened to notice certain discrepancies in this photo that I mentioned because there will probably be some real conspiracy theorists jumping on here.
    I do however, have no respect for NASA or the entire space program. It accomplished NOTHING of value to Americans who are still paying off the deficits it created. Don’t you understand what a money pit it was?
    And Worry, I am not spitting on Neil Armstrong’s grave. A lot of good people get caught up in hair brained schemes of all sorts. He was a military man who did his job. That’s commendable, to a point.

    BTW: NASA means “destruction” in Hindi.

    Italkit on August 26, 2012 at 5:35 pm

      Being a rank liar would not be doing a job for a military man. Give it up.

      Worry01 on August 27, 2012 at 4:28 pm

    “… today do you think they would be allowed to plant the American flag?”

    Probably not. Obama would be afraid it would “offend someone”.

    ZZMike on August 27, 2012 at 12:16 am

“…like his fellow astronaut pioneers of the day because the astronauts did not know what fate awaited them in landing on the Moon and setting foot on it.”

I’ve always heard that one of those dangers was that the Moon’s surface would have a thick (perhaps two to three feet) layer of dust, collected from the billions of years of that dust drawn by the Moon’s gravity and settling on its surface. Turned out the dust wasn’t near as thick (couple of inches) as everyone supposed.

Young Earth and Universe evidence? Not necessarily.

God provides light, evening during night hours by creating Moon millions, even billions of years after creation of Earth.

Gen 1 4&5 – 4: And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness.
5: And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day.

Gravity of newly created Moon causes tides that regulate ocean levels (not “man made” “global warming”.

Gen 1 – 9: And God said, Let the waters under the heaven be gathered together unto one place, and let the dry land appear: and it was so.

CornCoLeo on August 26, 2012 at 10:57 am

    in the 1960s serious scientist were arguing that the moon dust could be 100 feet thick.
    There is a lot of dust in outer space and it collides with the earth and the moon constantly. See get see a few of them at night as meteorites.
    So following simple math and logic if the moon is however many billions of years old they say it is, the dates change ever few years and I don’t know what this weeks age of the moon is, there would have to be many feet of dust.
    The Soviets publicly derided us as fools for wanting to go to the moon and predicted the shuttle would disappear into the dust killing the astronauts.
    They even discussed the moon dust problem on an episode “My Favorite Martian” a few years before the moon launch.
    Bottom line, the astronauts that made that trip were bizarrely brave. They didn’t know for sure what to expect.

    Steve on August 26, 2012 at 10:04 pm

From Armstrong to Bolden — a snapshot view of our descent.

Is Whoopi as skeptical of global warming as she is of the moon landing?

Little Al on August 26, 2012 at 11:24 am

Great, poignant, eulogy of a true American hero, Debbie.

Also, your moon landing bracelets are very cool.

DS_ROCKS! on August 26, 2012 at 11:39 am

It is a sad day. Such a great hero and more mention is given to conventions instead of what this man has done. I have been the biggest supporter of the space program ever since I was a little boy.

My cousin who worked at Grumman on Long Island helped build the Lunar Module. Those guys had the right stuff. They went from nothing to the moon in less than ten years. All the while using antique equipment by todays standards. My cousin used to send me all the photos of the work he was doing, autographs and official patches of the astronauts.

We have better tech today and yet the space program is practically cancelled. So many hi tech workers in Florida are out of work. Obama could have set aside 70 Billion and finished the Ares one and Ares 5 so we return to the Moon to stay. Armstrong the first and Cernan the last man on the moon were outspoken about the path we have taken.

Again they went from nothing to the moon in ten years and with a miniscule part of the US budget. What people fail to realize and NASA does a poor job is explaining the benefits and spinoffs. I get a published book every year and just got the one for 2011 called spinoffs. In it are details of all the inventions spun off to private industry creating jobs. It is one of the only areas where we get more money back then is put into the program.

Space X and other companies are doing a good job. However, to much is in private hands and they need to make that immediate profit. Unfortunately we have a risk averse country and one obsessed with garbage in its culture. I am afraid the chinese will be the first to return to the moon. That will be a sad day in deed,

Glen Benjamin on August 26, 2012 at 12:43 pm

    Glen, it is not so much being risk averse, but simply cheap. Also, space exploration does not have a heavy duty lobbying groups, unlike those associated with building infrastructure.

    Worry01 on August 26, 2012 at 1:01 pm

Its risk averse because we have become a risk averse nation.

We’re so terrified of dying that we’re forgetting how to live.

And this affects everything we do. A nation without vision is a nation that won’t be long for in this world.

Then again we care more about the Kardashians’ sex lives than whether we’re going to the Final Frontier.

History won’t judge our generation kindly.

NormanF on August 26, 2012 at 3:47 pm

When Neil Armstrong visited Israel for the first time in 2007, four years after Ramon and his colleagues aboard the space shuttle Columbia died during reentry, he paid a condolence call to Rona Ramon, Ilan’s widow.

“He requested to meet me and console me,” Ramon told Yediot Aharonot, adding that she found him to be a warm and sensitive man who “advanced the cause of humanity.”

The above two paragraphs are a verbatim quote from

fred s on August 26, 2012 at 3:50 pm

Wouldn’t it be great if the US government took all the money they give people to do studies on how frogs copulate and homosexual dick size and other stupid things and put it into the space program?

RT on August 26, 2012 at 4:22 pm

Neil Armstrong was right that we need the space program.
Perhaps the biggest need we have at the moment is adult literacy followed by the abilty to drive a motor vehicle and then the ability to safely handle a firearm.

The ability to read and comprehend the English language has been lost on our culture and Neil Armstrong would agree with that statement 110%.

Whether the sign is a railroad crossing, speed limit, Pensacola, FL 150 miles or an advertisement such as NISSAN, TOYOTA, WALMART, KROGER, or whoever. Somebody is bound to not read the sing even if it smacks them in the face.

We have gotten to be such a NANNY STATE where everyone wants to be fed at the Federal Trough. I can hear Andrew Jackson rolling over in his grave.

Confederate South on August 26, 2012 at 6:42 pm

First, do not EVER engage in a conversation with anyone who argues that we faked any of our trips to the moon. If possible, ignore them. If not possible, say, “I’d never thought about that. Thank you so much.” They’ll think they’ve won a convert. Humor them, the poor dears.

Second, I like the fact that Neil Armstrong was an engineer through and through. There is this small debate about whether he said “. . . small step for A man . . .” No one can hear the “a,” not even Neil, but he was sure he said it, because that’s what he was supposed to say, and he prepared and executed everything exactly as he was supposed to do . . . oblivious to the fact that “small step for man” is artistically more pleasing.

RIP, Neil

gmartinz on August 26, 2012 at 6:55 pm

    Somebody tried that with Buzz Aldrin. Here’s the result:

    Aldrin Biffs Bozo”

    ZZMike on August 27, 2012 at 12:19 am

Let’s put all the hero worship aside. I saw him walk on the moon. That does not make him a hero as he knew. At age 62, he began a relationship with a woman not his wife and 2 years later his wife of 38 years divorced him. In the end Neil was an adulterer. What’s more important the piloting of a capsule or the life?

dammad on August 26, 2012 at 8:36 pm


    We know the final eternal destiny of adulterers… Sad, very sad…

    As goes... on August 26, 2012 at 11:12 pm

    That is something he will have to face after death. It in no way detracts from his accomplishment. If you used that standard with a Roosevelt or Lincoln, they would be zeroes as well. Roosevelt had a mistress and Lincoln frequented prostitutes at least up to the point where he married Mary Todd. If you think that being sexually pure is all that is important, Adolf Hitler would have been a stellar figure. His affair with Ava Braun, which was kept quite secret, was probably never consummated. Herr Hitler had a bit of a physical problem that way. The only other possible female in his life was a half-niece, but that was probably more rumor than fact for the same reasons as stated above. The point is that you can respect someone’s accomplishment without respecting their various sins and shortcomings. Who would seriously consider Adolf Hitler’s relative chastity as a counterweight to his otherwise atrocious character? Frankly, if you wanted a good beer buddy or someone to take fishing, it would be hard to be Joseph Stalin. He would seem to be your dearest and most considerate friend until you crossed him. Many of his former associates could not even comprehend that they had fallen from grace, due to Joseph Stalin’s amazing capacity to deceive. Lenin and then Trotsky discovered the truth about the man far too late. Would anyone even think of taking King David down a notch and denying his significance to Jews and Christians for his rather grave sins. His worst sin not was not simply engaging in adultery with Bathsheba, but arranging her innocent husband’s death in battle. Uriah the Hittite by all accounts was a loyal soldier, and betrayed as a man and soldier by his sovereign. King David did pay the price for these acts and others. By the logic stated earlier, he would have been a zero as well.

    The point could be made with other examples, but the ones I have given should be sufficient. A sin corrupts the sinner, and can only be expunged through the contrite repentance of the sinner before G-d. However, such a sin does not eliminate the importance of what a person has done with their life. A mature person can emulate the good that one finds in a master or role model, while setting aside that which is bad. Someone who lacks discernment in such matters will never find the good in anyone.

    Worry01 on August 27, 2012 at 4:00 am

    A great achievement is not diminished by failings, real or imagined, in one’s private life. Neil Armstrong’s marriage ultimately was his own business. A landmark event in American, and mankind’s history, can be shared by all. In the event, Armstrong will be remembered as an astronaut. As it should be.

    Seek on August 27, 2012 at 1:40 pm

I had a couple questions I wanted to ask him about UFOs and space aliens. RIP Neil Armstrong, and thanks for fighting for freedom and the USA in the Korean War.

Truth on August 26, 2012 at 10:10 pm

Obama worked the numbers and figured he could buy more votes by spending the money in other places.
Debbie lamented the decline in engineering in her article.
We have maybe the greatest collection of brilliant engineers the world has ever known currently at NASA and many have and will lose their jobs due to the idiot we have in the White House.
And you ask why kids don’t go into engineering?
Look the thanks and respect they get.
Buying welfare mother’s votes are more important than furthering the technologies that will save lives and make the world a better place for generations to come.
I’m an engineer and engineers tend to vote Republican, so it figures that when a Democrat has the opportunity to fire engineers he’ll do it.

Steve on August 26, 2012 at 11:26 pm

I watched the Apollo 11 Mission on a small black and white TV in July 1969. It was a thrill beyond belief & seemed as if the whole world was watching. A Delta Captain I talked to today called Armstrong the finest pilot ever & noted his skill in taking manual control of Eagle during the last minute of flight & guiding the Lunar Module to a safe landing.
To Commander Neil Armstrong: “Fly west, my friend to that final check we all must take” G-dspeed.

PaulaMalka on August 26, 2012 at 11:58 pm

I am reminded of the great comic hoax perpetrated by Jewish Comedian Buddy Hackett:

>>>Good Luck, Mr. Gorsky

On July 20, 1969, as commander of the Apollo 11 Lunar Module, Neil Armstrong was the first person to set foot on the moon. His first words after stepping on the moon, “That’s one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind,” were televised to Earth and heard by millions.

Later, just before he re-entered the lunar lander, he made the enigmatic remark, “Good luck, Mr. Gorsky.”

Many people at NASA thought it was a casual remark concerning some rival Soviet Cosmonaut. However, upon checking, there was no Gorsky in either the Russian or American space programs. Over the years many people questioned Armstrong as to what the “Good luck, Mr. Gorsky,” statement meant, but Armstrong always just smiled.

On July 5, 1995, in Tampa Bay, Florida, while answering questions following a speech, a reporter brought up the 26-year-old question to Armstrong. This time he finally responded. Mr. Gorsky had died so Neil Armstrong felt he could answer the question.

In 1938, when he was a kid in a small mid-west town, he was playing baseball with a friend in the backyard. His friend hit a fly ball, which landed in his neighbor’s yard by the bedroom windows. His neighbors were Mr. and Mrs. Gorsky. As he leaned down to pick up the ball, young Armstrong heard Mrs. Gorsky shouting at Mr. Gorsky, “Sex! You want sex? You’ll get sex when the kid next door walks on the moon!”<<<<

For many years this story was accepted as a factoid. In fact, it was a comedy skit by Comedian Buddy Hackett that took on a life of its own.

There is NO Santa Claus on August 27, 2012 at 12:21 am

The Shuttle program became a giant amusement park ride with
tickets being sold for political infuence. The space shuttle also became unsafe as the very brightest and best engineers were replaced with affirmative action employees.Th It was a program that had served its time and more.
Unfortunately there was no future vision after the shuttle was cancelled so we are left with engineers who know nothing teaching space technology to Al Jezeera. A fitting analogy for the miasma that has infected an otherwise stellar country.

Tim on August 27, 2012 at 9:58 am

RIP Neil Armstrong. I love this song by “Black Grape” which mentions him…

They used to be the “Happy Mondays”. I loved that band but hated how druggy they were and that spaz “Bez” who did nothing but be a f***wit and bang a stupid girly tambourine!

Skunky on August 27, 2012 at 11:33 am

Sorry, that was only 37 seconds of the song (??????)

Skunky on August 27, 2012 at 11:38 am

I was a junior at the University of Illinois, studying architecture.

There was a recession in 1969.

My dad was out of work.

My dad, my sister and I watched on our new, first color TV the moon landing and listened hard to the now famous Armstrong statement.

My dad, a high school grad and life long salesman always had a story or something to say and a cheery disposition to boot.

Seeing the moon landing unfold before us, he was stunned and could only mutter quietly like. “wow. It is a miracle” or something. The three of us just sat there in our small “TV room” in silence, witnesses to the unfolding of this miracle.

Two years later I was in the Army. I would work in a office next to the huge building in which the moon surface was simulated to spot an acceptable landing area for the Eagle.

The moon landing made a lasting impression on me to the point of wanting to be involved in the space station program, which I was for a short period of time later in my life, with a connection to the folks at Langley. It was a experience I will never forget.

Rest in peace Neil Armstrong.

Panhandle on August 27, 2012 at 1:17 pm

True, Armstrong lived to see US Space program ended by Hussein Obama. The sad part is that Armstrong didn’t live at least a couple of months more to see tyhe program reinstated by Romney.

bob on August 27, 2012 at 2:23 pm

I watched with my parents on our little TV. I’ll never forget it. The feeling was indescribable. Today Rush Limbaugh read the message that president Nixon was to read to the nation should the propulsion rockets fail to get the astronauts off of the moon. Pretty chilling thought. You were a brave man Mr. Armstrong. Rest in Peace.

People that say it accomplished nothing are ignoring all the technological advancements we made since and as a result of the space program.
Still no flying cars though 🙁

BTW, the moonlanding hoax/conspiracy thing has been MythBusted! Check YouTube for videos.
& Stuff that in your pipe Whoopi!

theShadow on August 27, 2012 at 7:24 pm

Neil Armstrong was a great American hero who risked his life everytime he went up into space. Unfortunatey because of our know nothing pResident Obungler he lived long enough to see our space program shut down. May he rest in peace along with all of the other space warriors who went before him. Oh and for the moonbats who don’t believe that the 69 landing happened the Shadow is right. Check Youtube for the videos. So Whoppi Goldberg and all of the other numbskulls can take off your foil hats.

Ken b on August 27, 2012 at 9:27 pm

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