August 24, 2012, - 5:38 pm
Saying Goodbye to the “The Count” a/k/a Jerry Nelson
When I was a very little kid, my late father wasn’t exactly a fan of “Sesame Street,” which he thought was loud and obnoxious and for kids without intelligence, parents, and/or intelligent parents. And I agree on that to this day. But my mother had me watch, and I hated it. I thought it was stupid and for idiots (and that’s pretty much the type of kids at which it’s aimed). As I’ve noted on this site previously, there were only two cool characters on that show that I liked, “The Count” a/k/a “Count von Count,” and “Bad Bart” (who barely made an appearance and was quickly dropped). The Count was voiced by Jerry Nelson, who died Thursday.

Nelson voiced many other muppet characters and was responsible for the marionette scene in the movie, “The Sound of Music.” I don’t know his politics (and that’s the way it should be) or care. But I know he was the only guy who made a really silly, highly overrated show for kids slightly bearable for me as a kid.
Jerry Nelson (and his alter ego, Count von Count), Rest In Peace.
Tags: Black football player, Count von Count, Jerry Nelson, muppets, Sesame Street, The Count, The Muppets, The Sound of Music
The advent of “Sesame Street” ushered in the end of America as we knew it and culminated in the unrecognizable mess that we have today that is crippled by totalitarian-like political-correctness, a quasi-fascist police state and morally corrupt and decrepit education system that ensures our continuation toward the abyss.
Captain Kangaroo was much better.
DS_ROCKS! on August 25, 2012 at 1:19 am