August 20, 2012, - 10:19 am
FBI Investigates GOP Congressman’s Penis in Israel, AIPAC Gives the Palestinian “Side”
A number of media outlets are buzzing about a Politico report that the FBI investigated a year-old, privately-funded Republican Congressional trip to Israel, during which a number of Congressmen and their staffers went swimming in the Sea of Galilee and also consumed alcohol. One of the Congressmen, Rep. Kevin Yoder (R-Kansas), went skinny-dipping in the lake. Drinking and swimming during a Congressional junket–wow, that nevah evah happens. Yes, this idiot, Yoder, showed poor judgment to take off all of his clothes and possibly expose his unit and rear to the families of others on the beach nearby. He’s a moron, no doubt. But does this really need to literally become a “federal case”? If only the FBI were as eager to investigate leads on Islamic terrorism as they are this temporary boys-will-be-boys indiscretion, then we might be safer than we were before 9/11 (we aren’t).

If a Democrat went skinny-dipping on a trip to, say, Lebanon, I wouldn’t want the FBI involved (but I would wanna know why they and Republicans like Darrell Issa keep visiting Hezbollah–something the FBI never investigates). The men and women of Famous But Incompetent should have better things to do. Sadly, they apparently think they don’t because, after all, Nidal Malik Hasan shooting up 13 lives at Fort Hood is a “workplace violence” incident unworthy of their time, whereas a guy from Kansas skinny dipping in Israel must go through an FBI proctology exam. Apparently, FBI agents were looking at photos, and you almost wonder if they were asking for, um, “measurements” (and Yoder should hope there aren’t photos of him naked, less because of public embarrassment and more because of this ridiculous FBI “investigation”). J. Edgar Hoover’s ghost is laughing. So are Al-Qaeda and other terrorist and organized crime outfits. They know the FBI has its “priorities.”
The FBI looked into whether any inappropriate behavior occurred, but the interviews do not appear to have resulted in any formal allegations of wrongdoing. . . .
Some of those present took photographs of the group right after the late-night swim, sources said.
After the lawmakers and staff returned to the United States, FBI agents questioned congressional staff about the trip, specifically about what happened in Tiberias.
If there’s anything that’s disturbing here, it isn’t the brief skinny dipping, it’s this–typical of what you find from AIPAC–the American Israel Public Affairs Committe, which bills itself as “the pro-Israel lobby” (but is really the lobby of liberal American Jews that pushes crap down Israel’s throat), which funded the trip and always seems to think it must be the pro-Muslim lobby, too. As in every trip in which they take public officials, reporters, and others, AIPAC always makes sure to have its traveling party meet with and hear the “side” of the Palestinians. Salam Fayyad is an open Jew-hater and supporter of Islamic terrorism and–no surprise–he made AIPAC’s cut as a favored speaker on the trip. As I’ve noted in the past, AIPAC constantly takes the position of Palestinians as being morally equivalent with Israel and not too long ago, financed a lobbyist for Yasser Arafat. None of this is new, as AIPAC has long pimped Israel into disasters like the Oslo Accord, the Wye Accord, the Gaza pull-out, etc., and it worked against various state legislators who wanted tough bills to boycott and sanction Iran. But it continues to be disgusting.
Patrick Dorton, a spokesman for AIEF, defended the group’s trip to Israel, saying it was substantive and rigorous.
“As part of the trip, and after of day of meetings including with the Prime Minister of the Palestinian Authority . . . .” Dorton said in an emailed statement.
On the day of the swimming incident, they met with Salam Fayyad, the Palestinian Authority prime minister, according to the itinerary filed with the House.
Um, that ain’t “rigorous.” It’s just stupid and counter-productive. Doing HAMAS/Fatah’s work for it.
Ya think that Arab and Muslim groups take their guests to the Jews they kicked out of their countries or are currently imprisoning to give “the other side”? No, because they aren’t liberal dummies with warped Jewish guilt.
When you give to and/or otherwise support AIPAC, this is what you are supporting. Shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone in the know. Sadly, few are in the know.
Tags: AIPAC, American Israel Pubic Affairs Committee, FBI, Israel, Jews, Kansas, Kevin Yoder, Kevin Yoder naked, Kevin Yoder skinny dipping, Palestinians, Republican, Salam Fayyad, Sea of Galilee, skinny dipping
The Israeli government mindlessly continues to send Eid Al-Fitr holiday greetings to the PLO terrorist leaders – as if they would ever show Jews similar goodwill!
With Israelis and AIPAC doing the Arabs’ work for them, the other side has no reason to ever want to reach out to Israel.
About as meaningful as the FBI wanting to know why a Congressman skinny-dipped in Yam Kinneret.
Common sense is missing in both Jerusalem and Washington and these are not the only things in which no seem to have a sense of priorities.
NormanF on August 20, 2012 at 10:31 am