March 13, 2007, - 10:20 pm
Don’t Bring Home the Bacon: Shariah Cashiers @ TARGET
I’ve already written about . Hint: It’s the religion that claims to embody “peace.” Now Target is even more complaint with strict Islamic law (Shariah) to your detriment.
So, you’re hungry on the way home from work or have just picked up your hungry kids from school. You decide during your stop at Target to buy a frozen pepperoni pizza for yourself and your kids for dinner. You wait in a long check-out line at the busy Target (it’s right after school and work and prime shopping time). But when you finally get to the cashier, she won’t ring you up. Why? Well, hey, pepperoni has ham in it. And that’s forbidden under Islamic law. And the cashier, a Muslim, refuses to even touch the completely sealed, packaged frozen pizza.
That’s what’s happening now at Target. And Target is sanctioning this absurd behavior for Muslim cashiers and employees. I suggest you boycott Target, or it will get worse. Today, they’ll refuse you because of a food item that contains pig ingredients. Tomorrow, you’ll be refused for dressing immodestly, if you are a woman (because your hair is uncovered).
Sound farfetched? Well, it’s coming real soon. Yesterday, you might have thought it farfetched that you’d be refused a ring-up due to products which include pig ingredients.
I hope Target isn’t planning on having any of those Isaac Mizrahi or Mossimo shoes and boots made from the cheaper pig-suede. Or that, too, will be a problem for the Target cashiers. In fact, some Mizrahi winter clothes are made of pigskin. Perhaps Target can have shariah-designated lanes with a crescent above them. After all, we need to cater to the “Religion of Peace” at the cost of doing business with the rest of America’s customers.
For the record, keeping kosher, I do not eat products from a pig. And the dietary laws of religious Jews are far stricter than halal diets for Muslims. But if I had this absurd restriction of not being allowed to touch a package that contained tiny elements of pork inside it (and I don’t have that problem), I wouldn’t take the job as a cashier at Target.
Target should not be bend for shariah. Shariah should bend for America. And since Target doesn’t get that, it’s time to send Target a message it will get: DON’T SHOP THERE.
Gee, what’s next? Will Target get rid of its dog mascot? After all, the same Muslims in Minneapolis that won’t touch the sealed pizza package, despise dogs as “unIslamic” and “unclean.”
Thanks to reader Bill for the tip.
Tags: America, cashier, cashier at Target, Debbie Schlussel, food item, Isaac Mizrahi, Minneapolis
Earth to employers in America: STOP HIRING THEM!
Prickzilla on March 13, 2007 at 11:53 pm