June 10, 2009, - 6:00 pm
So What if Holocaust Museum Shooter is White Christian: We Know Who Crescented, er . . . Created This Atmosphere; 9/11 Truther
By Debbie Schlussel
Much is being made by Muslims and their many defenders on the left–and the ignoramus “conservatives” at Hot Air (who lecture us that hate has no ideological bounds, which I already learned not from those clueless ones, but from Sarah Palin e-mails wishing me cancer)–that the shooter of several people (one now dead) at the U.S. Holocaust Museum is not a Muslim but a White guy, James W. Von Brunn, who is a neo-Nazi.
But that is a distinction without a difference. In fact, it is because of Muslims–who are the biggest contributor to the worldwide rise in anti-Semitism to Holocaust-eve levels–that neo-Nazis feel comfortable–far more comfortable!–manifesting their views about Jews. Until 9/11 and our resulting new tolerance for Islam, the neo-Nazi types were marginalized and howling at the wind. We know who has been targeting Jewish museums and centers affiliated with Jews in recent years. And it hasn’t been, in general, 89-year-old White guys.

Mr. Von Brunn has been on this planet for 89 years, and he didn’t feel comfortable shooting up a Holocaust museum until now–this new era of “tolerance,” in which we must tolerate the most extremist Muslim behaviors and sentiments. It’s, in general, not 89-year-old White guys telling people at churches worldwide and in religious schools that the Jews are the devil incarnate, a filthy tribe, the sons of pigs and monkeys, subhuman, etc.
No, it’s guys with names like Mohammed and Ahmed on our own American streets who make Mr. Von Brunn far more at ease in 2009 than he was even in 1999 to attack places associated with the Jews. They created the comfort zone for James W. Brunn to engage in today’s shooting.
The rash of anti-Semitic attacks in America, with a frequency unheard of in previous contemporary U.S. history–on synagogues all over the country, a Jewish community center in Seattle, and now this Holocaust museum–have all happened since 9/11 and our new tolerance for Islam and all of its intolerant extremism. This is no coincidence. It is a correlation.
And trust me, they’re cheering him on, on the streets of Lahore and Riyadh and Damascus, but bummed out that he only got some poor working class guard, instead of . . . . the JOOOOOS.
Make no mistake. Muslims created this atmosphere where hatred of the Jews is okay and must be “tolerated” as a legitimate point of view. The shooting today is just yet another manifestation emanating from that viewpoint–another manifestation of the welcome mat that Muslims rolled out for fellow anti-Semites of all stripes to no longer be afraid to come out of the closet.
Moreover, not only do White supremacists and neo-Nazis work with Muslims in many, many documented cases and investigations. But they are basically one and the same. The only difference is that one guy is named James and the other guy is named Ahmed. And the former only has a few thousand discredited, marginalized compatriots.
Whereas the latter has over a billion followers and a U.S. President kissing their collective ass.
Von Brunn was also a 9/11 Truther, so he has even more in common with his Muslim brothers in arms and their left-wing buddies than any White Christian American.
We know where the 9/11 Truther movement got started. A few e-mails started going around the Muslim Mid-East telling the complete lie that Jews knew about the attacks ahead of 9/11 and didn’t show up for work. As we know, in fact, the Jews didn’t get the memo.
But James Von Brunn got the Muslim memo. And even though he, himself, doesn’t worship Mohammed (and there’s still time for that, yet, in prison), he did the bidding of those who do by listening to their propaganda.
Not to divert the topic, but this anti-semitic guy hated Christians too.
James Von Brunn did not get the Muslim memo, I think the Muslims got the James Von Brunn memo. Muslims are never original even in their destruction, they tend to copy from others and make it a pattern (suicide bombing from LTTE, kamikaze from the Japanese, etc).
Anyway I hope he meets allah before the trial.
My condolences to the family of the dead security guard.
anonymous twit on June 10, 2009 at 6:30 pm