June 9, 2009, - 10:24 am
You Stay Classy, Sarahmessiah Nuts: Draft Palin 2012 Leader Wishes I Get Cancer, Etc.
By Debbie Schlussel
It used to be that the most vile, disgusting, and violently threatening hate-mail I received came from Muslims.
But, sadly, now it comes from blind followers of Sarah Palin, who’ve given up all allegiance to traditional conservative views in blind loyalty to a woman who isn’t conservative, just as ambitious and empty as her followers are blindly faithful.
That’s bad enough. But apparently, if you’re a true conservative–as I am–and you point this out, you get death threats. Sorry, but the real “Palin Derangement Syndrome” we keep hearing about is embodied by her defenders and followers more than anyone else. For all of Michelle Malkin and other conservatives’ selective, faux-outrage against Playboy magazine for an article about conservative women they want to rape, where is their outrage at death and cancer wishes from Palin supporters? Strangely absent, as is their outrage over Muslim death, rape, and torture threats on my life and the lives of my family members.
Here’s just a sampling of what I regularly get from the Sarahmessiahniks, e-mails which usually include anti-Semitism, sexism, and death threats.
From Steve Maloney, proprietor of the Draft Palin 2012 website:
From: TalkTop65@aol.com
Date: Sun, Jun 7, 2009 at 12:35 PM
Subject: Re: PALIN BLASTS OBAMA — Campaign 2012 Begins
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
If you ever have a daughter as morally courageous as Bristol Palin, let me know okay? In the meantime, get breast cancer or ovarian cancer — do the world a favor, huh? All the best . . .
Steve Maloney
Ambridge, PA
Yes, it’s now “morally courageous” to be a slut and a baby mama. If this–and wishes of cancer and death–are Sarah Palin “conservatism” (and they are), good luck to you in the next several decades of liberal Democrat rule over America.
Oh, and by the way, Sarah Palin has similar views on cancer and other women. She famously appeared on an Alaska radio show, laughing in agreement with the hosts when they called her top Republican opponent in the Alaska legislature, Sen. Lyda Green–who had cancer–a “cancer” and a “bitch.”
Then, there’s the constant e-mails, like the one below, which I receive from mentally unstable loser Gregory A. Hanson, a 60-year-old from Brainerd, Minnesota, who apparently is a full-time Palin defender on the internet, and likely on the Palin payroll. He has stated on other sites that he gets Sarah Palin google alerts. And, as the google results littered with his various online screen names attest, he spends his life in a complete rage, responding nuttily to every single one. This guy needs a life–a life beyond openly fantasizing about me and a vibrator. He’s sent me several deranged, stalking e-mails like this.
From: gatshanson1@msn.com
Date: Fri, May 29, 2009 at 12:33 PM
Subject: Todd
To: writedebbie@gmail.com
Poor Debbie, failure as a politician, no husband, barren, no wonder you are such a twisted, hateful person. Maybe you should rev up your vibrator from time to time.
You’re truly disgusting.
Yes, I’m the disgusting one, not the lowlife who invokes vibrators to defend Sarah Palin’s shameless promotion of her daughter’s single motherhood. Hilarious.
For the record, at age 21, with all the odds against me and well-established, wealthy candidates running against me, I lost a race for the Michigan House of Representatives by just one vote (and actually, it turned out I’d won by three votes, but a sleazy judge, Edward Sosnick–who had a “relationship” with my opponent, Barbara Dobb, representing her when she was charged with stealing from her job at a carpet store–refused to recuse himself and decided to violate Michigan law and not count the votes). Hardly a failure. I could run for office again and win, but I have national and international influence here and have very successfully influenced many things in American and world politics. If I hadn’t, this nut, Hanson, wouldn’t be contacting me.
I’d say a guy who spends his life on-line fanaticizing over Sarah Palin and sending me e-mails like this is the very definition of failure. And the really barren vessel. Nothing grows there.
Don’t hold your breath for Sarah Palin–who laughs at a woman’s cancer in Alaska–to denounce this stuff.
One more time: Sarah Palin is a big reason why B. Hussein Obama is the President. Many suburban, middle class, moderately liberal democrats have told me that they were uneasy with Obama (too radical, hateful church membership, anti-Israel, etc.) and were planning to vote for McCain until he stupidly picked her as his running mate. There are several reasons why the pick of Palin turned them off: 1) They saw her as unqualified–even more so than Obama or Biden–to be president as anyone they had ever seen on a major party ticket; 2) They thought she lacked intelligence and understanding of serious national and international issues; and 3) They thought she was a fanatic right-winger that instinctively turned them off in a way that Mitt Romney, Mike Huckabee, Fred Thompson, Tom Ridge, Tim Pawlenty, or even the very conservative Eric Cantor, would not have.
I still voted for McCain because even if Palin became President, a dunce surrounded by Republican advisors is likely better than an pro-Muslim anti-Semite surrounded by radicals and self-hating Jews.
But I don’t get it when I hear smart conservative men and women talking about how much they like Sarah Palin. Really, what is there to like?
4infidels on June 9, 2009 at 11:49 am