June 5, 2009, - 7:17 pm
Obama’s Apologist Speech to Muslims: The Statistics Are Telling
By Debbie Schlussel
Yesterday, reader NormanF’s comment on the “Big Arab Love” Obama apologism speech to the Islamic world was perfectly succinct in capturing the hour-long drivel:
It can be summarized as: Blame America, Screw The Jews And Apologize For Islam speech.
But this word frequency analysis, from today’s Wall Street Journal, is just as good at capturing the epitome of the speech. The figures are revealing. Compare the number of times President Barack Hussein Obama said “Muslim” or “Islam” and how many time the words “terror” or “terrorism” were used. Anyone who pretends to address the former set of words vis-a-vis the West without saying any of the latter words is just full of it.
This guy is a first rate fruad in every single way. Not only does h NOT repersent america, but I hope I am speaking for all black americans when I say he does not repersent us ether.
He hasn’t advanced our people, he just used his race to get into the white house.
Not to go off-topic, but I had to bring it up.
Anyway, be prepared for all the Obamamaniacs to come barging in and telling you how your a racist blah blah blah (while calling me a ‘traitor’).
Squirrel3D on June 5, 2009 at 10:40 pm