August 1, 2012, - 6:05 pm

In Solidarity with Chick-fil-A (Why Not Boycott Anti-Gay Mosques?); Plus the Chick-fil-A Music VIDEO

By Debbie Schlussel

When I read that Target began carrying gay wedding cards, I didn’t boycott the stores or call on my readers to do so or even write about it on this site. When I learned that J.C. Penney recently featured a gay couple on the cover of a catalog, I didn’t tell readers, “Don’t shop at J.C. Penney.” Both of these companies heavily promoted their gay-marriage-friendliness to the Wall Street Journal and elsewhere, and no one called for them to go out of business or be restricted by government. And, yet, Gays–who push this kind of in-your-face marketing pushing their agenda, are the most intolerant group (other than Muslims) when it comes to those who take a different tack. Thus, the outrage over Chick-fil-A, the fast food chicken purveyor, the owner of which voiced his opposition to gay marriage. This is, after all, a very Christian organization. Like Hobby Lobby, it’s closed on Sundays. It would be nuts for gays to expect a different position on gay marriage.


As a proudly observant kosher Jew, my religion restricts me from eating there, but if I did not keep kosher, I would eat at Chick-fil-A (if they had any in the Detroit area) in solidarity with the restaurant, since it’s under withering unconstitutional attack by elected officials in various American municipalities. And because, in response, this is Chick-fil-A Appreciation Day.

I have to ask gays, yet again, as I’ve frequently done on this site, if you’re going to boycott Chick-Fil-A, why are you still so friendly with mosques? As I’ve, time and again, pointed out, mosques worked fervently to defeat gay marriage in California. And Islam punishes gays, legally married or not, with execution. And, yet, there is not Chick-Fil-A style boycott of mosques or Muslims. In fact, the gay community continues to tiptoe around this issue (while attacking Mormons and Mormon churches), gingerly continuing to ally with Muslim communities around America.

Chick-Fil-A is different only because it is a Christian company, with a devout Christian chief. And gays hate Christians with a passion, even though organized Christianity throughout America (other than some fringe groups that aren’t really Christian) does not call for the death penalty for gays, as Muslims exact on gays around the world every single day.

What’s going on here is hypocrisy. Gays want J.C. Penney and Target to push homosexuality in the most innocent of places where kids can and will be exposed. And yet when a restaurant chief practices the most American of activities–exercising his First Amendment rights and expressing his opinion against gay marriage, the attitude is “let’s put him out of business.”

It’s funny how Americans, including and especially gays, are noticeably lethargic and devoid of passion when, for example, a company exec praises and/or embraces Islam, the religion of gay mass execution and 9/11 slaughters of 3,000 Americans and Fort Hood massacres.

So, I recommend to my non-Jewish readers (who are not kosher) to eat at Chick-fil-A today to show support for the restaurant and the American way of life. The joke is already on the movement of gay militants, who’ve provided Chick-fil-A with long waits at restaurants across America today, and more money in their coffers.

Watch the video above, sent to me by reader Nancy. I normally don’t like parody songs, but as they go, this one, by Tim Hawkins, is not bad. (But it’s not as funny as the audience finds it–let’s be honest.)

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107 Responses

The few times the gay lobby has acknowledged the stoning of gays in the Muslim world, it was to engage in their typical moral equivalence between Islam and Christianity and justify their utter hatred of the latter.

ConcernedPatriot on August 1, 2012 at 6:25 pm

    Muslim hypocrisy about homosexuality is like with everything else about them.

    They make a big show of executing gays in public. But behind closed doors they can and do indulge in behavior supposedly enjoined by the Koran.

    Remember the story about the Saudi Prince in London who battered his boyfriend to death? Uh huh – they’re not at all restrained in their sexual tastes in private.

    A lot of that going around in the Muslim World.

    NormanF on August 1, 2012 at 6:34 pm

    This is how I see. Correct me if I am wrong

    CF came out in support of traditional marriage. This position necessarily t
    Precludes support gay marriage. This is a free country.

    In response, various gay groups came out against CF. Some government officials came out against CF. Some suggested serious action against the business wanting to close them down…

    This is the typical liberal agenda. Free to believe as long as your opinions are the same as mine.


    As goes... on August 6, 2012 at 10:15 pm

Count me in!

As Goes... on August 1, 2012 at 6:25 pm

    So, it would follow that if gays want to close down CF, why not extend the principle to mosques that so proudly throw gays off high rise buildings?



    As goes... on August 6, 2012 at 10:33 pm

Chick-Fil-A’s owner is entitled to his opinion. He and his employees are Christian after all.

When it comes to intolerance, besides Muslims – its gays on the list and I myself have been on the receiving end of their attacks for believing in traditional marriage.

The hypocrisy is more than just about free speech. Both Muslims and gays demand special treatment.

There is a good deal of truth to the Lavender Jihad. And despite Islam’s declared opposition to homosexuality, they embrace it too, when no one’s watching.

The Left and Islam are truly birds of a feather flocking together.

NormanF on August 1, 2012 at 6:29 pm

On that point on hypocrisy towards gays in the Muslim world, a two-word summing up would suffice: Yasser Arafat.

ConcernedPatriot on August 1, 2012 at 6:40 pm

    Good point!

    Muslims are not against it in private. Arafat slept with boys. They are only against gays for the sake of appearances more than anything else not because they’re really against the “Greek vice.”

    NormanF on August 1, 2012 at 6:47 pm

Gay means happy UNTIO leftists decided use of word HOMOSEXUAL was not doing their cause any good. In Toronto a group calling itself Queers against Israeli Apartheid marched NUDE in the Toronto gay pride day parade. Waving their genitals around in front of people and kids who happened to be on the sidewalks.

Jerry Sandusky is a “homosexual pedophile” all his victims were NOT girls but media refuses to call him or those priests and others EXACTLY what they are HOMOSEXUAL PEDOPHILES!

And people are sick of these leftist homosexuals shoving their sexual deviations down our throats.

bob on August 1, 2012 at 6:40 pm

Okay, here is what bothers me about the “formal” gay movement, versus individual gays.

So many gay organizations are quick to support so-called “Palestinians,” and condemn Israel. They call for the boycott of Israel. They viciously condemn Israel. Yet Israel is the only country that is not only tolerant of gays, but treats them as “normal.” Meanwhile gays in the Muslim countries are castrated, raped, taunted, beheaded etc.

I say “Formal” gays, because I know individual gays (we had two gay couples at our wedding) who are not bigoted against Israel or Jews. This leads me to believe that some of these gay organizations, or their officers, are paid $$$ by the Arabs.

Jonathan E. Grant on August 1, 2012 at 6:46 pm

    Jon, in Muslim countries, as long as gays stay in “the closet” its ok.

    They just don’t want the public humiliation of being compared with the infidel West. Gays are not executed for being gay as such but really for challenging Muslim hypocrisy and the challenge to that hypocrisy is not tolerated.

    Its ok for a Muslim to be a hypocrite but just not to do something the Koran says for them not to do openly. If you think vices don’t exist in the Muslim World like Ahmedinejad insists, well I have the Kabaa to sell you.

    After all, deceit is part and parcel of Islamic life and conduct.

    NormanF on August 1, 2012 at 6:55 pm

Sorry Norm, but if two gays are caught together, they are executed. In fact, sometimes, as in Indonesia, opposition leaders are accused of being deviates, and charged as such under Islamic law.

Of course, no one in the gay community calls out the Islamic countries for this nonsense. Instead, Israel is treated as the enemy.

Jonathan E. Grant on August 1, 2012 at 7:03 pm


    I don’t think you meant to say those deviates spend a lot of time policing at their own debauched sex practices at home and yes – drinking alcohol.

    All punishable offenses. But they can and do get away with it – more often than you think.

    And you’re right gays are hypocritical, too. You have reinforced what I have observed about them and Islam.

    NormanF on August 1, 2012 at 10:25 pm

As someone who has always (intrinsically) been very open and never bigoted against gays, I have to say they are losing almost all of my support because of their disgusting shenanigans. I am so tired of them and I am getting to be disgusted by them because they are so fricken’ selfish and intolerant.

If I had a Chick-Fil-A near me I would have spent at least half my day there in solidarity.

The truth is that they want others to let them know their behavior is ok. Religious people (most without ANY malice…just following God’s words…) will NEVER tell them that and why can’t gays understand THAT?

I know what the bible says and I believe in the word of God but I may be going against HIS words by not judging them as good religious people do. They have a right to feel the way they do whether the gays like it or not. Why can’t they see that? If they can be gay religious people can be religious (minus the fraud Islam!)

I like most gays (but now as a bona fide ADULT I see them more clearly and soberly than I did in the past) but I don’t believe in gay marriage. Those nazis would paint me as a homophobe to which I always tell those know-nothing brats they better hope homophobia looked like my opinion…there wouldn’t be any homophobia!

They just want us to tell them 24/7 they are NORMAL and even though I love ’em they are NOT “normal”! I am not gonna give them what they want!

Skunky on August 1, 2012 at 7:08 pm

Hi Debbie,
We just returned from dinner at Chick-fil-A – the line was out the door and the drive-thru was spilling into the street. It was quite refreshing to wait in such a long line for such a principled idea…and for good chicken.

Bill V. on August 1, 2012 at 7:18 pm

I see it’s the usual crowd here tonight. Nothing new.

Just a question. What do you guys do besidees posting on Debbie’s site? I am asking because I just spent my day on the computer looking for a new job and didn’t make one post. Do any of you have lives outside of this machine? Just wondering.

As far as Chick – A – Fil, they seem just to be as intolarant of people different than you. Unfortunetly, many of you are not thinking that Hitler started with one group and then it snowballed to another, etc. How would you like it if your nationality was discriminated.

PS: I beling to one of those groups that get discrimnated quite a lot. The Physically Disabled. So I know how it feels.

A Reader on August 1, 2012 at 7:36 pm

    Dear A Reader:

    First, I have full-time employment, and as I am self employed, I can work any and all hours I want. I am one of those people Obama belittles for starting my own business without anyone’s help.

    Second, how are you going to find work if you can’t spell?

    Third, your grammar is bad.

    Fourth, you have no reasoning skills.

    Fifth, your reading comprehension is terrible.

    Sixth, I better quit posting on Debbie’s website so much because my taxes are going to have to be increased to support unemployable people like yourself.

    Jonathan E. Grant on August 1, 2012 at 9:22 pm


      1. Glad that you can have your own business without anyone’s help. Many don’t have that option. But, I do see many of the same faces day in and day out on this site.

      2. What’s wrong with my spelling? Ummm….maybe only one or two words or mispelled on my original post and this site does not have a spellchecker.

      3. What’s wrong with my grammar?

      4. What’s wrong with my reasoning skills?

      5. Whats wrong with my reading comprehension?

      6. Just so you know I held a job as the director of a major department at a college for 9 years until 5 years ago when the college had a very big admninistrative change. If the change never occured I would most likely still be working as my annual evaluations were just fine. Since then I have been working on and off due to the economy we have.

      PS: Just a reminder, having any type of disability makes it harder for you to get a job.

      A Reader on August 1, 2012 at 9:39 pm

        I have had a physical disability, and it did not stop me from starting my own business. ANYONE can start their own business if they are willing to work hard enough. Most people would rather sponge off someone else. In your case, you “worked” for a college, which means one way or another, you sponged off the taxpayers. You have not been in the real world, and thus know little of which you speak.

        Jonathan E. Grant on August 2, 2012 at 10:32 am


          Just very quickly, “you had a physical disability” that must mean that your’s was not permanent. Mine is.

          I haved been looking to see what I can do on my own as well. When you say anybody can do it, that’s not true at all. You need some money to do it.

          A Reader on August 2, 2012 at 11:05 am

      A Retard you are very disgusting….and stupid to boot. You forgot to mention your mental disability to go with your physical one…cute hand you played there. No one needs to know that but you played it because you want to be handled with kid gloves. You’ll get no quarter from me because your thinking is very textbook Liberal (which I used to be so I understand 100%, but unlike you, once I saw I was being zoomed I had the balls to acknowledge it (also to admit I let myself be zoomed)and go against the lies I stupidly believed) and not critical or deductive AT ALL.

      It’s so easy for you to believe in your Liberal lies yet not see the TRUTH that you’d see DAILY if you let your mind work proper. You’re more comfortable believing the Liberal meme that all Republicans and Conservatives are evil and full of hate. The Chick-Fil-A Day proves the opposite. You will see only what your retarded brain wants to see.

      I take the time to dismantle your dumb, Liberal talking points but it doesn’t do a THING you change your stupid, pedestrian, facile mind. Your comfort zone is Liberal lies. I wouldn’t care but you have the nerve to come here, not want to digest the truth and look down on all of us. You’re the useless idiot and yet you never see it. You’re a sick, sad joke.

      I USED to be so tolerant of gays that I would give them special treatment and not want to judge them on their faults…until some of the behaviour became so unsavory I could not ignore it anymore.

      Gays need to stop trying to make others tell them their behaviour is a-ok. And lately they seem to fight back against the righteous backlash against them by being so OVERTLY sexual and inappropriate they are making former supporters like me go against them. (Like the gay “kiss-in” they are gonna have a “Chick-Fil-A”s tomorrow.)

      But you are foolish as I once was and are gonna treat them as special and precious…and they take that (stupid) leeway and disrespect it and act as disgusting and “in your face” as they wanna be. But you’re not supposed to judge ’em when they are FORCING people to accept them while they display behaviour that is hard to respect….whether gay or straight.

      You’re the masochist sickie…if you don’t like the truth here why don’t you frequent a blog that will regurgitate the crap you love to eat back into your dumb mouth? You don’t see me wasting time on Liberal blogs because I don’t need to know how the mental-cased Left thinks…and I don’t need to make them see the truth they so don’t want to see.

      Skunky on August 1, 2012 at 9:47 pm


        Only one response to you.

        You seem like a really educated, classy person.

        A Reader on August 2, 2012 at 1:26 am

    A. you seem to have plenty of time to burn on this site. If you hate it leave, or is it a fetish for you?

    Worry01 on August 1, 2012 at 10:28 pm

    I overlooked a stupid and uniformed statement left by A Retard that needs to be pointed out because clearly he does not know the FACTS…he’s just sticking to the uninformed Leftist talking points.

    “As far as Chick – A – Fil, they seem just to be as intolarant (SIC) of people different than you”

    WRONG! The whole homosexual agro response was due to Dan Cathy, being asked if he supported “same sex” marriage, and as a serious Christian he said NO. He did NOT say he hated gays, that he would NOT serve them and that they are NOT hired at his company. Just that he didn’t support “same sex” marriage. I am not as religious as he is and I don’t EITHER. I am friends with gays and transexuals and have been most my life.

    So, A Retard, perhaps you should KNOW the issue before you jump on a bandwagon and say something about “Chick-Fil-A” being “intolerant” when you have no idea of the truth or the issue at hand. Spewing talking points is cheap and stupid (just like you are).

    Skunky on August 1, 2012 at 10:59 pm

    I suggest we ignore A Reader henceforth. Let him get a friend or a hobby other than attempting to engage us.

    skzion on August 2, 2012 at 7:51 pm

Okay, so now that the boycott was an epic fail, even in Peabody, MA, how long until the tinfoil hat wearers claim that this was Chik-Fil-A’s plan all along, knowing the gay community would react this way and then be ready to profit from it?
And the gays are like all liberals when it comes to Islam…feeding others to the alligator hoping to be the last one eaten!

Sean M on August 1, 2012 at 7:45 pm


    Appeasers are eaten last BUT they are still eaten…

    As goes... on August 6, 2012 at 9:14 pm

I have been asking this EXACT question the last few days! Thank you so much for stating it so clearly. I hate no one…NO ONE! I may not agree with some groups or organizations, but I refuse to let hatred stir in my heart. I do not hate Muslims, but just as Debbie pointed out, they are much more intolerant and severe in response than any modern day Christians have been. The truth is the “Enemy” (satan) is very much alive and well, and he has been very busy trying to destroy a great company with even greater food and service. Don’t allow yourselves to be sucked in by him. He roams the earth to steal, kill and destroy!!

susan on August 1, 2012 at 7:51 pm

I’ll admit it. I hate gays. Well, I don’t really hate them as people as much as I hate the power they wield in media, popular culture and academia. I didn’t use to. I know other people live lives different than mine and I don’t care all that much. But I’ll be damned if the sexually backward, mentally unsound 2-3% of this population is going to tell me what is moral, what is normal or where I can eat.

F-ck off, LGBTQ-whatever-the-hell-letter-you-add-this-week!

Matt on August 1, 2012 at 9:02 pm

    Yeah, Matt, gays have such power than one sees them holding hands on the streets every day, making out on benches, and behaving in their daily lives as if the world were their oyster.

    Oh wait, that would describe the typical straight person. (Or the typical gay person in a gay ghetto, which is the big point of a gay ghetto.)

    I agree with you somewhat, however. Though I don’t have cable, when I watch at a friend’s house, which isn’t often, I get impatient and annoyed at the flaming gay silliness and campiness. But then I am also annoyed at pop culture generally. While I could be wrong about your own tastes, what I suspect is that your objection is not to stupid pop culture per se but to stupid gay-inflected pop culture.

    skzion on August 2, 2012 at 8:03 pm

According to a report in the Daily Rash, the mayor of Boston says his heroic fight against Chick-fil-A prevented a homosexual holocaust.

Laura on August 1, 2012 at 9:05 pm

    Was that statement made before or after he smoked his crack pipe?

    Worry01 on August 1, 2012 at 10:30 pm

What fast-food chains are there in Moslem countries? How about “Chick-Kill-A”? Instead of “Bob’s Big Boy” there’s probably a “Bacha Bazi Boy” chain (a moslem pedophile provides the “secret sauce” for the “Big Bacha Bazi Boy” burger).

CornCoLeo on August 1, 2012 at 9:10 pm

An old article in Rolling Stone about the gay I mean homosexual lifestle

bob on August 1, 2012 at 9:20 pm

The truth is that if the so-called representatives of the gay community and progs in general really were interested in compromise they would settle for civil unions. But no-o-o-o!
They, as the Muslims, actually want to shove their agendas down your throat, statists that they, all their ilk and useful idiots are. I personally don’t see that it is any business of the state.

Nighthawk on August 1, 2012 at 9:53 pm

“What fast-food chains are there in Moslem countries?”

Well, the last time I was in Londonistan (fast becoming a Muslim country) I encountered the HFC chain – Halal Fried Chicken. (No, I’m not making that up.)

Raymond in DC on August 1, 2012 at 9:56 pm

If you’re really THAT disgusted by their shenanigans, you should try holding your nose and voting for them.

THAT’d teach ’em.

And get a clue. If everyone in society deemed their behavior “normal,” they would quickly lose interest. And find something even worse to do. Why don’t you try looking up the actual definition of the word “pervert?”

Statusmonkey on August 1, 2012 at 10:18 pm

    Oh, brother ! You, again?

    We know your syntax. New screen names is pointless

    Go back to your strip club

    As goes... on August 6, 2012 at 9:21 pm

I don’t have an opinion on the matter, one way or the other. I truthfully don’t care. My wife’s hairdresser is a prancing flamer, and he calls us ‘breeders’. His husband is a nice Jewish guy. They adopted children as a ‘married’ couple and the kids are polite and very good students. But why don’t I care? A man’s hairy ass and a swinging set of balls doesn’t do a damned thing for me. I will try to keep my side of the street clean..

#1 Vato on August 1, 2012 at 10:20 pm

Nicely written article Debbie, and you couldn’t have said it any better, when JC Penny and Target for some strange reason supported same-sex marriage (my guess is that radical LGBT groups pressured & bribed those companies with tons of money) I didn’t remember you writing an article for us to boycott those companies. I said the samething to a few of my friends on facebook who support Chick-Fil-A (just as I do) that boycotting anybody, anything or any business get’s you nowhere in life, and it’ll do you no better overall. Now at the sametime, a week ago, Amazon supports same-sex marriage, and guess what, I’m still going to continue to do my business with Amazon by buying CDs, books, etc. from that online-company, regardless what their overall views are, so these LGBT fundamentalists ought to chill out and settle down.

Jonathan, I think your onto something dude, I to think that radical LGBT groups who are anti-Israel are getting their money from Arab governments worldwide (I understand when you, Norman, DS mention the “arabs” you guys are mentioning their governments, NOT regular arabic individuals, there not the problem and their not our enemies)? Maybe they do know that LGBT folks in Israel are treated VERY fairly and equally to rest of the Israeli folks across tiny Isreal, whereas in MANY muslim countries in the middle east and southeast asia, LGBT folks are either killed or imprisoned via persecution.

As for you A Reader, is it any of your business what we all do in our private lives? Dude or maam, I didn’t post many messages here all day today, this is my first message on this blog since early afternoon and it’s now almost late night where I am, that means that I have a life away from A) my computer and B) away from Ms. Schlussel’s blogsite!

“A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

Sean R. on August 1, 2012 at 10:33 pm

Wasn’t going to comment on this but Jonathan E. Grant is absolutely correct about ‘A Reader’s’ poor reasoning, spelling, syntax, etc. skills. I would not want to attend or send anyone to the college this person was associated with. Also, the emotional hostility this person expresses was unprovoked, and inappropriate, so questions about emotional stability are certainly raised as well. Remember this person’s inability to find the link to the article about Gilady a few days ago. If he hadn’t already said those things, I would have.

I think the most chilling thing about the Chick-fil-A situation is the widespread expressed belief among Big City politicians that this company does not have the right to do business in their localities because of the expressed beliefs about gay marriage — even though it seems apparent that there is no discrimination against gay employees or customers within the company. A complete abnegation of free speech.

The broader issue is the illustration about how liberalism can, under certain circumstances lead to totalitarianism, and helps us see why liberals consistently over the last 100 or so years supported monstrous countries like Russia, China, Cuba, Iran, etc. etc. Free speech is meaningless to those people in and of itself. It depends who is speaking. Same for liberty.

If any major Democratic politician has contradicted these local squelchers of free speech, I am not aware of it. As Jeane Kirkpatrick so ably said in her essay “Reflections on Totalitarianism” contained in her book: “Dictatorships and Double Standards”, one of the key features of totalitarianism is “an assumption that the moral failures of human beings (however these are defined) are a result of bad social organization and can be ‘cured’: change the society, create ‘new’ men'”. [p. 104, 1982] Ms. Kirkpatrick explains in the same essay how liberalism and this strand of totalitarianism emanate from the same strands of thought in the Enlightenment.

This behavior of the Democratic politicians does not make them totalitarians, but it exhibits a consistency with totalitarian methodology, and shows the, at least, partial confluence of these two political approaches.

And maybe it is harder for people with disabilities to get jobs, but it sure isn’t harder for them to mooch more and more money from the rest of us taxpayers.

Little Al on August 1, 2012 at 10:55 pm

    Little Al, Boston’s very own Mayor “Mumbles” Menino was the Gubmint freak (along with Chicago’s “Creepy Ballerina”) who said “Chick-Fil-A” is not welcome in Boston.

    I invite all readers to research all the help “Mumbles” Menino gave to a Boston Mosque building.

    No “separation of state” (even though that is a Liberal battle cry) when it comes to Gubmint and Mosques in Boston! Look up the articles!

    Skunky on August 1, 2012 at 11:07 pm

    Little Al, your latest contribution is even finer than usual, and your usual is extremely fine.

    Debbie’s point about the deference of gay politicos to Islam is well taken. I, of course, gay though I am, have no such deference. I also don’t defer to Christian or Jewish bigotry. If Chick-fil-A were NOT being unconstitutionally attacked by leftist governments, I would seriously consider not buying its product. If it discriminated in hiring, I would certainly boycott and urge others to do so.

    But given what Boston and Chicago are up to, I would eat there for a week if there were any stores where I live. At a work conference in Atlanta I had a sandwich, and really, it was much better than the fast-food standard.

    skzion on August 1, 2012 at 11:47 pm

    Little Al,

    You sound like a very smart person as well. Apparently, you don’t know half of what it is for a person with a disability to get a job. Also, what is it about us “mooching” money? Many of us work, however, it is much harder to find work because of people like you who most likely believe we can’t work, and if we can’t work, how are we supposed to make a living? Sweeping floors? I am an educated person, I am not going to do menial work when I can do much more.

    Anyway, going to bed, I didn’t plan on getting back on this late, but came down to get a glass of milk while I wasn’t sleeping well.

    A Reader on August 2, 2012 at 1:32 am

      Reader, nobody gives a damn about your disability, which I doubt is serious. Your behavior is what annoys people here, and your latest bit of whining only makes you more contemptible.

      skzion on August 2, 2012 at 2:42 am


        Apparently, you do not know what I am talking about. I don’t see myself as whining. Just trying to give another point of view which the board does not want to see.

        Anyway, back to my job seaching for the day.

        My original post was not to annoy people, but rather ask them what else they do with their day. It seems as though many of you hasve nothing else in life. Enough said.

        PS: This is what I have always hated about these boards, no real names so everybody can just hide behind the computer and say anything you want.

        A Reader on August 2, 2012 at 11:11 am

          WHY ARE YOU HERE??? And who are YOU to comment on false names… is your name really …A Reader?? OH please get real!

          Alabama Pride on August 2, 2012 at 6:48 pm

        Skzion said,”Reader, nobody gives a damn about your disability, which I doubt is serious. Your behavior is what annoys people here, and your latest bit of whining only makes you more contemptible.”

        Well said. I recently read that dumb people don’t know they are dumb. Too stupid to see it, but this guy is driving an agenda fueled by his claimed disability. He is poorly educated. His behavior suggests when he cries “disabled”, he is accustomed is getting a pass.

        Ha! No free lunches nor free passes here!

        As goes... on August 6, 2012 at 9:35 pm

Skunky, I’m afraid I wouldn’t be able to get to sleep tonight if I looked them up. But, yeah, they support anti-gay mosques, but not a restaurant that gives jobs to gay people.

Little Al on August 1, 2012 at 11:18 pm

I don’t care that the CEO of Chick-Fil-A is against gay rights. Alot of Chick-Fil-As are in southern states.Alot of people there have negative views about gays. So be it. I wouldn’t eat there. I also wouldnt have rallies to boycott the place. That’s ridiculous.A fast food chain needs to appeal to the bible thumpers since many of them are boycotting McDonalds for endorsing the exact opposite position.

Matthew on August 2, 2012 at 12:11 am

    Matthew, the CEO of Chick-Fil-A is NOT against “gay rights”. Moooooooslims and Iran and other ME and Mooooooslim countries are.

    Doesn’t anyone know the FACTS anymore??? Opinions are indeed like a-holes. Too bad more people didn’t understand the facts before spewing theirs!

    Skunky on August 2, 2012 at 12:37 am

      “Doesn’t anyone know the FACTS anymore??? Opinions are indeed like a-holes. Too bad more people didn’t understand the facts before spewing theirs!”

      Oh, you mean the exact OPPOSITE of what you do? If you’re THAT fed up with all the in-your-face gay antics, maybe you should try to find some way to vote for that, too. THAT’d make it go away. Just like your ingenious strategy to fix the GOP.

      Statusmonkey on August 2, 2012 at 1:31 am

Tel Aviv is perhaps the most gay friendliest city on this planet & so long as some gay supporting organizations find time to criticise & boycott us, I have no sympathy for their cause. Chick-Fil-A should start to collect donations to help fund “Birthright” type program for christian youngsters to visit Israel.

Fred on August 2, 2012 at 2:25 am

Actually, kosher Jews can go to Chick-fil-a and get an Iced tea and salad. You don’t have to “eat more Chikun” to show solidarity. This is an acceptable way to keep kosher when there’s no kosher place around.

Italkit on August 2, 2012 at 2:41 am

Correct, Debbie didn’t start leading a call to boycott JCPenney’s and Target and Starbucks. But others shrilly did, particularly One Million Moms when they hired Ellen Degeneres as a spokeswoman.

And while the “front and center outrage” over Dan Cathy’s remarks is way overblown, there is a genuine reason to boycott Chick-Fil-A over their donations.

For at least 7 years now Chick-Fil-A via their charitable arm WinShape (not Dan Cathy, but the company itself) has made donations to Exodus International, which exists only to torment gay men and women into pouring their money and energy into changing something that tends to be fairly fixed.

Amongst the groups that have received money from CFA’s are those vociferously opposed US condemnation of Uganda’s so called “Kill the Gays” bill. Specifically, Family Research Council spent 25K to lobby against condemning the execution of Ugandans found to be guilty of homosexuality.

There is plenty repugnant about what CFA’s profits are supporting in the form of charitable donations. It’s just getting buried under overblown outrage over a conservative Christian’s opinion on marriage equality.

Robert on August 2, 2012 at 3:19 am

    Robert, this is useful information. It doesn’t alter the constitutional violations by the mayors, but it would sure justify a boycott by customers.

    If the constitution weren’t being trashed.

    But no sympathy for Chick-fil-A from me.

    skzion on August 2, 2012 at 10:28 am

      CFA does NOT need or want your sympathy and they do just fine without YOU. So who cares what YOU think or do… My family has supported CFA since 1967 when they opened the first CFA at GREENBRIAR MALL in Atlanta and we will NEVER stop. Having a 25 person birthday party at CFA for the Grandchild tomorrow … and we can hardly wait!

      BY all means PLEASE stay away from CFA…you are NOT needed!

      Alabama Pride on August 2, 2012 at 6:44 pm

        Alabama Pride, what a ridiculous tantrum. What kind of grownup has such an emotional attachment to a fast food joint? And really, what kind of a grandfather could have so little concern for his grandchild to have a birthday party at a chicken stand? THIS is how you engage in political activism?

        BTW, I do not care if you care about my opinion. You will hear it if you visit here. Oh well. Learn tolerance. God knows I have.

        skzion on August 2, 2012 at 7:22 pm

Ha ha ha. I just can’t stop laughing. Debbie, once again you have managed to amuse me. Kudos to you sista.

Your arrogance just inspired me to hate arrogant people like you. If most of you stupid assholes out there knew what they where talking about, they would most likely shut up and get back to their pathetic lives.

1: Islam does not hate gays. It just looks down on them

2: Clearly there are gay Muslims. They’re just afraid of being open about it in public

3: I DON’ support same sex marriage. Yet I have friends that are “quire”.

4: Islam is not the ONLY religion that looks down on gay people.

5: I Christianity, many gays were also killed. True piety Christiansc are not tolerating gays.

6: Not all muslims have the same perspective on gays. If you say that, it’s practically saying that all JEWS are messed up like DEBBIE.

7: Clearly you guys need to grow up(if you get any older, then the retirement homes will be full). Judging a religion based on insignificant facts and a couple of peoples action is WRONG!!!!!!! GROW UP! Saying all Muslims are the same is like saying ALL JEWS ARE AS FUCKED UP AS DEBBIE WHAT’S HER FACE.

8: Gay people are making it harder for people to tolerate them anymore. I am starting to loose my tolerance towards them. The majority of the people out there except them for who they are, but they(gays) should do their part in not to try to push the envelope. Walking around nude publicly in front of kids is just nasty and immature.

In conclusion: most of people out their either need to get a hobby or get a LIFE!!!!!!!!!!! Stop waisting your time by reading and commenting on this dip shit’s (Debbie’s ) website.

She is nothing but an arrogant manipulative CUNT.

Like I said, shmow.

Muslims aren’t terrorists. The only terror that I see are bitches like you.

Gays need to get a life and stop trying to get in the big picture

PS: Debbie,
here’s a coin(penny)

Shmow on August 2, 2012 at 6:10 am

    You again? T R O L L

    As goes... on August 6, 2012 at 9:46 pm

Ha ha ha. I just can’t stop laughing. Debbie, once again you have managed to amuse me. Kudos to you sista.

Your arrogance just inspired me to hate arrogant people like you. If most of you stupid assholes out there knew what they where talking about, they would most likely shut up and get back to their pathetic lives.

1: Islam does not hate gays. It just looks down on them

2: Clearly there are gay Muslims. They’re just afraid of being open about it in public

3: I DON’ support same sex marriage. Yet I have friends that are “quire”.

4: Islam is not the ONLY religion that looks down on gay people.

5: I Christianity, many gays were also killed. True piety Christiansc are not tolerating gays.

6: Not all muslims have the same perspective on gays. If you say that, it’s practically saying that all JEWS are messed up like DEBBIE.

7: Clearly you guys need to grow up(if you get any older, then the retirement homes will be full). Judging a religion based on insignificant facts and a couple of peoples action is WRONG!!!!!!! GROW UP! Saying all Muslims are the same is like saying ALL JEWS ARE AS FUCKED UP AS DEBBIE WHAT’S HER FACE.

8: Gay people are making it harder for people to tolerate them anymore. I am starting to loose my tolerance towards them. The majority of the people out there except them for who they are, but they(gays) should do their part in not to try to push the envelope. Walking around nude publicly in front of kids is just nasty and immature.

In conclusion: most of people out their either need to get a hobby or get a LIFE!!!!!!!!!!! Stop waisting your time by reading and commenting on this dip shit’s (Debbie’s ) website.

She is nothing but an arrogant manipulative CUNT.

Like I said, shmow.

Muslims aren’t terrorists. The only terror that I see are bitches like you.

Gays need to get a life and stop trying to get in the big picture

PS: Debbie,
here’s a coin (penny), keep the change. You FILTHY animal

Shmow on August 2, 2012 at 6:11 am

    Imagine a world without Islam!

    skzion on August 2, 2012 at 10:23 am

    Typical reactionists muslim-troll I see in you Shlomow, first off your message was just absolute RUBBISH and BULLSHIITE! To me you’re nothing but a propagandist troll who’s only giving stats out of his/her/its ass.

    Islam is VERY intolerant towards LGBT people, as a matter of fact dumbass, MANY muslims in ALL muslim countries in the middle east and southeast asia murder LGBT people whether it’s executions, hangings, etc. and they also persecute them by imprisoning them because of their sexual-orientation. So yes islam is very hostile towards LGBT folks.

    As for christians and jews, sure they disapprove of their regular daily lifestyles, but guess what you phucktard troll, jews and christians alike have NEVER called for the deaths of LGBT people, NEVER murdered LGBT people whether it’s hangings or executions, if something like that occurs, get back at myself and all of us here.

    Third, if this blog is a “dips__t” blog, then why the hell are you here and why did you comment here you moron?

    And finally, you need to own Ms. Schlussel and apology for calling her a terrorists, slander and libeling people will get your sorry-ass into alot of trouble, and if you keep this BS up with the lady, she will sue you’re sorry ass for defamation and she’ll win her libel suit against you you stupid troll. And you have ZERO respect for women in general, to call DS that vile four-letter misogynistic word just proves how much of a malcontent who’s ethically corrupted and bankrupted. I hope Debbie bans and blocks your ass for commenting here ever again for not only trolling here, but also slandering the woman by calling her a terrorists!

    Phucking assclown!

    “A nation is defined by its borders, language & culture!”

    Sean R. on August 2, 2012 at 12:05 pm

    Another Mooooooslim PIG all agro at DS because she has had the Moooooooslims number for decades and is exposing them fearlessly.

    We are on to PIGS like you “Shmow”. You’re just sore ‘cuz you’ve been sussed.

    Skunky on August 2, 2012 at 12:32 pm

Robert, but they didn’t say that Target, Starbucks, etc. did not have the right to open stores. A crucial difference.

Little Al on August 2, 2012 at 7:55 am

Big Gay, as one radio commentor calls the group, is also getting support from Office Depot and Home Depot. I no longer shop at these stores or J.C.Penny or Target. There are alternative places to shop.

Sears now handles porn videos so I do not shop there either.

Gracie on August 2, 2012 at 8:10 am

The above stores need to remain neutral in the culture wars. I do not consider them to be kid friendly when they support the LGBT lifestyle.

Gracie on August 2, 2012 at 8:17 am

The Gay jihadists are similar to their Muslim counterparts: They act like bullies and try to force their agenda upon the “infidels” by lying, cheating, and stealing.

Then if there is FINALLY a backlash, they girlishly whine and act like they are the victims.

Now that the gay jihadists got burned with record sales at Chick Fil A yesterday after trying to bully Christian companies, the Gay Mafia is crying that Waaaahhh! Chick Fil A supports killing them by Uganda donations, they support groups in which gays who want to get out of the lifestyle can get support, etc.

John M. on August 2, 2012 at 8:59 am

    They don’t boycot Muslims because they are no so passive. They pretend to be heros only when they know it is safe. They are the first ones to cower when there is resistance. It’s the same reason you don’t see any womens groups doing their “bring back the night” routine in any Moslim enclaves.

    JerryD on August 2, 2012 at 9:14 am

    Good grief, John, gay political groups are no more like the Muzz than black (non-Muslim) groups are. That’s not to say that gay groups or black groups are in general praiseworthy but only to bring you back to earth.

    Gay activists did not fly planes into NY buildings some years back.

    skzion on August 2, 2012 at 10:19 am

We had so many patrons at the three Chik-Fil’A restaurants in the Bryan/College Station locations that police had to direct the traffic around them. I am going to go Friday, because my wife and I couldn’t get in Wednesday. I want to see just how many of the gay-kissers will turn out in College Station, Home of the Texas Aggies.

Joel-Confederate Son on August 2, 2012 at 11:32 am

First off I would like to ask someone from the Homolobby to tell me why you people are such an intolerant bunch. The last time I checked this was America. Dan Cathy has a right to his opinion just like you people do. I guess to you people I’m a anti-homosexual bigot because I share Mr Cathy’s view on marriage. Next to Muslims homos are on my list as the most easily offended bunch in this country right before black liberals. Yesterday I happily went to the local Chick-fil-A drive thru and got dinner for my family. It was packed and both drive thrus were spilling out into the street. It seems that Mike Huckabalony’s CFA Appreciation Day went quite well. You see homos this isn’t just about a chicken sandwich(even though they’re quite delicious) It is about good people that are sick and damn tired of political correctness, double standards, and the bitch and moan crowd who gets offended when they don’t get their way. So you guys and gals can go and have your “kiss ins” all you want. It will do nothing but further prove to me and others how much of a foolish intolerant bunch that you people have become. I have to go now to pick up my lunch at the nearest Chick-fil-A. You guys have a nice day.

Ken b on August 2, 2012 at 12:17 pm

    Ken b, so far I don’t see anyone from the Homolobby here. If you want to reach them, I’d suggest another web site. But yes, there are a few homos here. Some negros too, I understand.

    When Muslims come here, without exception they behave viciously and dishonestly. One can say the same about the Poles-from-Poland, although there are maybe one or two exceptions (not more). They are not regular readers, of course. If your complaint compares the few homos who are commenting here now–at least two of whom have posted here in the past–all I can say is that you’re the one who is waaaay too easily offended. That, Ken b, is not my problem.

    skzion on August 2, 2012 at 7:07 pm


      WTF? It seems to me friend that you’ve taken it upon yourself to think that I’m some troll. Well let me help you out a bit because it also seems like that my post went way over your head. As a regular poster on this site I often use humor and facts to get my point across. If you didn’t get it the first time do a reread and if you still don’t get it that Skzion, is not my problem.

      Ken b on August 3, 2012 at 9:39 am

        Ken b, I don’t think you’re a troll.

        My comment below was unclear:

        “If your complaint compares the few homos who are commenting here now–at least two of whom have posted here in the past–”

        This should have read:

        “If your complaint compares the few homos who are commenting here now–at least two of whom have posted here in the past–to Muslims or Poles…”

        In other words, I took your comment to be directed to Robert, Janne, and me. That is because references to “the Homosexual Lobby” generally imply some kind of collusion among all or almost all gay people who speak up in any way, just as “the Jewish Lobby” does regarding Jews. If this was not your intent, you should have written more precisely.

        The use of “homo” is about as funny as the use of “negro” or “polak.” If one is using insulting labels, one should have insult in mind, not lighthearted comedy, as the comedy is surely not going to be appreciated by those targeted.

        skzion on August 3, 2012 at 3:00 pm


        As goes... on August 6, 2012 at 9:49 pm

I guess I’m an aberration. Gay, Mormon, conservative, don’t have a problem with traditional marriage or its supporters, have a BIG problem with the LGBT community constantly shoving their agenda down everybody’s throat and their lack of intolerance for anyone who doesn’t support their “ALL GAY – ALL DAY” approach to everything. My “orientation” is a part of who I am but it is NOT the be all and end all to my existence. And frankly, it’s nobody’s business but mine. Hate gay pride parades (guys parading around in g-string bikinis and stiletos and then cry about “stereotyping” by the media when that’s what they show on the news). I hate bigotry – that goes both ways. It disgusts me to hear people use the word f*ggot and “I hate homos” and I am equally disgusted by the LBGT fanatics who hate all things straight and/or Christian.

And…I love Chick-Fil-A.

There aren’t too many like minded people on my team. No wonder I’m single. 🙂

Janne on August 2, 2012 at 12:48 pm

Given the “It’s not a big deal” attitude of most here over the whole thing, I assume that if the tables were changed so that Chick-Fil-A was donating to organizations that supported the criminalization of Judaism, supported the killing of practicing Jews abroad, and supported the removal of Jews from American soil, it wouldn’t be a big deal?

Robert on August 2, 2012 at 4:31 pm

    Robert, you are looking for intellectual honesty and consistency as well as emotional maturity on “the gay issue.” This is impossible for most of the participants here.

    You know that if the founder of Chick-fil-A died tomorrow and had the history that you described, Debbie would immediately blast him, detailing his myriad ugly anti-Semitic/Nazi-esque acts and statements, and tell him to Rot In Hell. It would be an admirable piece: well researched and sharply articulated.

    I don’t know why so many people here cannot understand the difference between those who happen to fit into a group they have never tried to join (e.g., a racial group or a sexual orientation) and those whose group requires active adherence, e.g., adherence to a slavery-supporting, primitive, racist, totalitarian ideology such as Islam. Is this distinction really so subtle?

    I conclude with a quote from Adam Smith (I have read this book, but rely on a snippet from the web):

    “Though our brother is upon the rack, as long as we ourselves are at ease, our senses will never inform us of what he suffers. They never did and never can carry us beyond our own persons, and it is by the imagination only that we form any conception of what are his sensations…His agonies, when they are thus brought home to ourselves, when we have this adopted and made them our own, begin at last to affect us, and we then tremble and shudder at the thought of what he feels.”

    ? Adam Smith, The Theory of Moral Sentiments

    skzion on August 2, 2012 at 7:49 pm


    I tried the same argument yesterday using different words. What many of these people don’t understand that once discrimnation is allowed against one group it starts with another group.

    BTW, for those of you who ask me why I am here. Talking about freedom, isn’t it freedom to have an opposing view?

    A Reader on August 2, 2012 at 7:58 pm

      A Reader, your problem is not that you have a different opinion, but that you are boring, whiny, pugnacious, passive -aggressive, and uneducated. ALL of these attributes together do not make for popularity.

      Not all the regulars agree on all things (except in general about Islam), but every one of them has something interesting to share. You do not.

      Go away.

      Ps, that was the last word I will write to you.

      skzion on August 2, 2012 at 9:56 pm

        BAHAHAHA. He is a Timex… Takes a licking but keeps on ticking.

        Gads, he is killing me

        As goes... on August 6, 2012 at 9:52 pm

Should the anus be used as a sex organ? Google First Scandal. When you get there, go to the top of the page and click on “Can you explain…” Please note: this website you reach will be deleted on November 1, 2012.

Robert Hagedorn on August 2, 2012 at 5:37 pm

    I dunno, Hagadorn. Why don’t you ask your mother.

    skzion on August 2, 2012 at 9:59 pm

Joel, my “troll” comment was in relation to a comment by ““Proud Aryan Christian Patriot” that has now been deleted.

skzion on August 2, 2012 at 6:39 pm

Thank God for Chick-Fil-A, for standing up strongly and proudly for traditional marriage, and for Freedom of Speech, PERIOD!! Keep up the great work, Debbie!!

Dave on August 3, 2012 at 8:06 am

About the Muslim homosexual: NOT to stand for these Al-Lah sanctioned murderer, rapists but you should understand that Islamic Teachers, and the Hadith & Traveler, opine that the man penetrating is not the homosexual: the man penetrated is, so it’s ok to murder him if necessary… or even if its NOT “necessary”.

As in the honor killings: fathers/brothers rape their soon-to-be murdered daughters, nieces, sisters (with the female family members ululating them on), so that JUST in-case they WEREN’T fornicating, so were probably innocent,, they can’t enter Paradise… EVEN though “innocent”.

What a bunch…

May the G-D of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob grant these poor girls peace.

Ron Edge on August 3, 2012 at 2:23 pm

Debbie, there is a Chick Fil-A on the OU campus in Rochester. It’s been there for years but nobody knows about it.

George on August 4, 2012 at 6:33 pm

It is because of people like you that multiple people are dead tonight in Wisconsin. You have blood on your hands Debbie.

I hope some of you people reading these articles stop to think about how your spread of hatred is TAKING LIVES. Nothing is sacred anymore. Imagine if one of your own children happened to be walking by.

You, Debbie Schlussel should be named as a defendant in the murder of innocents in Wisconsin. Your incitement of violence is abhorrent.

“Land of the free” … Please

America is practically in a civil war. Forget about the Middle East. AMERICANS are killing AMERICANS.

What a disgrace. God Bless America.

GodBlessYourHeart1 on August 5, 2012 at 10:40 pm


    As goes... on August 6, 2012 at 9:55 pm


GodBlessYourHeart1 on August 5, 2012 at 10:48 pm

    I would say you’re losing it BUT THAT PRE SUPPOSES THA YOU ONCE HAD IT…


    As goes... on August 6, 2012 at 9:57 pm


GodBlessYourHeart on August 5, 2012 at 10:48 pm

It is because of people like you that multiple people are dead tonight in Wisconsin. You have blood on your hands Debbie.

I hope some of you people reading these articles stop to think about how your spread of hatred is TAKING LIVES. Nothing is sacred anymore.

GodBlessYourHeart on August 5, 2012 at 10:50 pm

    GBYH, you are pure filth.

    skzion on August 6, 2012 at 12:45 am

    Your hatred has turned you P s y c h o . . . .

    As goes... on August 6, 2012 at 9:59 pm

There is a Chick-Fil-A in the food court of the student union on the campus of Oakland University in Rochester, MI. Hours are even more limited than at their regular stores, due to it being a university foodcourt, but it is the only Chick-Fil-A in the state… I ate their frequently as an undergrad. Good food.

Oh, and on a pure whim, I just Googled “Chick-Fil-A Kosher” and stumbled across a listing of chains and products that carry OU certification. I’m not sure which exactly standard of kosher you keep, but the Orthodox Union says the ice cream is okay!

Ish on August 6, 2012 at 2:07 pm

@ Sean.R’s earlier comment towards me.

First of all….. I NEVER inclosed the fact if I am or am not Muslim. So you can take your fat ass to McDonald’s and give yourself a cardiac arrest.

Second of all…… You fucking can’t say the I don’t have respect towards women. I am a female gender and I am not sexist. I respec almost all women except for arrogant bitches, like Debbie and all of those bastards out there who can’t wipe their own shit yet alone talk it.

Third of all….. the only apology that I owe her saying. “Sorry that you were born fucked up and that nobody likes you, you dumb whore”. The only apology that is needed is towards me. Reality needs to apologize to me for letting retards like you be accepted in it.

Of course Debbie would try to Sue me, well Sue anyone. After all, she issue Jew. She could use all the pennies she could get. Bumms like her can never find a good job that doesn’t involve her using her coconut like head to scar people in horror movies. She doesn’t need special effects. We want to scare the viewers, not kill them with her ugliness. Of course you would know a thing or 2 about that. Huh Sean?

PS: all of you Satan lovers can suck my imaginary dick. Bitched

Shmow on August 12, 2012 at 1:49 am

Skizon is a dumbass motherfucking bitch that needs to shove a fucking dildo up his ass and then go jump off a bridge. If you still survive, let me tie you down to railroad tracks. I’m sure that would almost solve EVERYONE’S problems. Debbie, your next.
I hate fucking bigots like you. Religiouns come with morals. I see why Debbie is writing this BS article, she just wants to let people know that she is coming out of the closet. So all of you gay bastards out there (all the posters except for moi ) can join Debbie in HELL. Never mind, people in hell don’t need to be punished that much. Anyways, hell is too good for you guys.

PS: nigga plz, I’m fucking loaded with money. I’m sure that I can spare a few pennies for Dicky. Here, catch. You fucktards have nothing better to do than suck dick and eat shit.

Bitch I’m pootie tanked.

Look it up you uncivilized bafoons.

This Nigga is out. Peace (h)

Shmow on October 7, 2012 at 7:32 am


If gay marriage is ok, why not make polygamy, incest, or pedophilia, OK?

And all of aforementioned in the name of ‘LOVE’ will justify them all? Do the “ends” justify the “means” at any cost? Are gays really being honest with themselves and others in “coming out of the closet”? Why the need for gay “pride” in the first place decades ago? Perhaps someone can explain why they want to shame others for their hate or homophobia when they themselves needed to advertise and promote their own “pride” well before anyone knew about gay pride?

Doesn’t the medical community recommend that you, “Wash your hands after you go to the bathroom.”?

Yet, now there are some in the medical community that now say it’s OK to “Sleep with the waste that gets flushed down in the toilet?” and that it’s possible to live a perfectly normal life.

– – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – – –
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AhContraire on April 13, 2013 at 9:51 am

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