August 1, 2012, - 12:43 pm
Gore Vidal, Jew-Hater, RIH: William Buckley Smackdown VIDEO Contrasts w/ Wimps Running Natl Review Today
I was still in junior high, when my late father educated me on who Gore Vidal was and told me about his famous dressing-down by the late, great William F. Buckley. Vidal, who is now officially dead (though it could be accurately argued that he was always brain-dead), was an anti-American, anti-Semitic, anti-Israel, far left piece of crap and vastly overrated writer, worshipped at the altar of American Marxism. His writing and plays are boring and a waste of time. But he was typical of the pseudo-intellegentsia of the far left, an emperor with no clothing if there ever was one. He spoke out against American boys–many of whom did not come home or came home missing limbs–while they were fighting and winning against the Viet Cong in Vietnam, and he was one of the media elite who lost the war for them here on U.S. soil in the media. Oh, and he was related to Al Gore (no surprise there). Everything you need to know about this dearly departed swine, Vidal, is contained in this well-known exchange between Vidal and Buckley (who might have very accurately said some of the same words to the failed, moderate, current editor of his National Review, Rich Lowry) on Buckley’s PBS show, “Firing Line.” For the politically incorrect, Buckley thankfully made no apologies for telling Vidal, “Now, listen, you queer . . . .” Buckley smacked that schmuck down good. And that’s how they’ll both be remembered.

Now, listen, you queer, stop calling me a crypto-Nazi, or I’ll sock you in your G-d-damned face, and you’ll stay plastered.
(Hey, I’m surprised Michelle “I Am A Woman Of Color” Malkin didn’t circulate a political correctness petition excommunicating Buckley from the right, as she tried to do to Ann Coulter at CPAC for using the f-word, which rhymes with what Fraudkin is–“maggot.”)
Contrast the way Buckley put him in his place with the cowardly girlie-men now at the helm of Buckley’s National Review today. Rich Lowry praised the New Black Panther Party and Al Sharpton, defending Trayvon Martin and attacking George Zimmerman for defending himself. He is tight with and his magazine honored jihadist anti-Semite Grover Norquist on a National Review cruise. Lowry agreed to erase NRO articles and ban their authors at the request of his Al-Qaeda friend, Suhail Khan, whose father brought Ayman Al-Zawahiri into America and to American mosques to raise money for Al-Qaeda. Jonah Goldberg, Senior NR editor, is close friends with uber-Marxist Peter “Let’s Boycott Apartheid Israel” Beinart. Where Buckley had the stones to expose and verbally attack Jew-hating vermin, the current National Review “leadership” snuggles up with the anti-Semites and far lefties. They simply don’t have the testicles–or any cojones at all, for that matter–to behave like real men and call evil out, as Buckley did Vidal.
Yup, Vidal’s worldview was that if you were an American patriot, you were a crypto-Nazi. And that’s funny because Vidal, himself, isn’t what you’d call a “crypto-Nazi,” but just a Nazi. He regularly questioned the patriotism of American Jews and attacked Israel, calling Jewish Americans a “fifth column” for supporting Israel, for which the also late, also great William Safire called him out. And, according to The Daily Beast,
He wrote an introduction to a crackpot book of anti-Semitic propaganda, in which Vidal accused Jews of buying Harry Truman’s support for the founding of Israel for $2 million in campaign cash.
Given all this, it’s beyond hilarious to see morons, like the hags of ABC’s “The View,” including faux-conservative/genuine airhead Elisabeth Hasselbeck, gush over this dead schmuck and lament his passing.
And, now, finally, this worm in life is warmed over worm food in death.
Gore Vidal, America-hating, anti-Semitic far-leftist phony, Rot In Hell.
Tags: Anti-Israel, anti-Jewish, Buckley Vidal Firing Line video, Buckley Vidal video, crypto-Nazi, Firing Line, Gore Vidal, Gore Vidal William Buckley video, Gore Vidal William F. Buckley video, Harry Truman, Israel, Jew hater, Jews, Jonah Goldberg, National Review, Peter Beinart, queer, Rich Lowry, Vidal Buckley Firing Line video, Vidal Buckley video, video, Vietnam, William Buckley, William Buckley Gore Vidal video, William F. Buckley, William F. Buckley Gore Vidal Video
Great piece. I didn’t know about the Buckley smackdown.
DS_ROCKS! on August 1, 2012 at 12:56 pm